112. If you disagree with the corporate message ...
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Are you stuck in the middle as a leader or or a manager? ...
...In the middle of the board, the executive decisions, and then everything that your team and the people that report to you are telling you, and you are stuck in the middle.
So a bit of a piggy in the middle situation is what you may well be in.
And when you such a situation when there's change happening in an organization,
especially, you as the manager or the leader have to relay the messaging from the top.
Now, you might not believe in it. You might think it's a bucket of crap.
However, you still have to tow the corporate line, and that's where a lot of internal conflict happens for such people.
So I've got some tips for you in that respect. If you do have in or conflict, and you do disagree with whatever changes, you know, the powers that beer making, but you have to relay it to the rest of your team...
Remain factual. Listen, allow your team to ask questions and respond to those
questions without being emotive.
Truth is you are there to be the messenger of whatever news it is, allowing your motions to get into the mix and, disagreeing with whatever changes have been made, may be career suicide for you.
If you are able to disagree and you have valid reasons and solutions for anti the change,
then absolutely go forth and share. But often, it is the case that the powers that be
in their wonderful ivory towers who often have no idea of what's happening on the ground level, make wonderful decisions. Sometimes they are brain farts (!) sometimes they are really good decisions, that you have to relay back to the rest of the team,
and it puts you in a tough situation.
So relay the information back without being emotive.
Listen, allow your team to ask you questions.
I wish you well in being the piggy in the middle.
It's a tough one, but it can be done!
If you are seeking professional advice or would like to change your company culture through training, consulting, speaking and coaching, get in touch with Prina Shah today. Email Prina.
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