The Nintendo Super Couple Super Show
1 Episode 05 Nintendo Switch (Zelda Breath of the Wild-Bomberman R-Snipperclips-1 2 Switch-Nindies) 38:08
In this episode we break format a little and instead of talking about a retro/modern Nintendo franchise, we talk about the Nintendo Switch and some of its launch games! If you're wondering what to pick up some check out our impressions. 0:00 Intro (What we've been up to/Chit chat) 4:45 Switch Talk 10:25 Koopa Kids (How our kids like the Switch) 13:17 On the Couch- Switch Launch Game (Bomberman R, 1 2 Switch, Shovel Knight, Snipperclips, Blaster Master Zero, Fast RMX, the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild…