John 20:1-31, Jesus’ Resurrection
Manage episode 461833299 series 3468245
Podcast Summary: John 20:1-31 - Jesus’ Resurrection
Title: The Risen Savior: The Discovery of the Empty Tomb
Episode Description:
In John 20:1-31, we celebrate the victorious moment of Jesus’ resurrection, the turning point of history. This passage recounts the discovery of the empty tomb by Mary Magdalene, the subsequent appearances of the risen Christ to His disciples, and the pivotal encounter with Thomas, who doubts until he sees Jesus for himself. Jesus’ resurrection marks the fulfillment of His promises, the confirmation of His divine identity, and the beginning of new life for all believers. Through His resurrection, Jesus offers peace, commissioning His followers to continue His work. The chapter concludes with a powerful reminder that belief in the resurrection is the key to eternal life.
Episode Notes
1. The Discovery of the Empty Tomb (Verses 1-10)
- Mary Magdalene’s Visit to the Tomb:
Early on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene comes to the tomb while it is still dark and notices that the stone has been rolled away from the entrance. In a state of distress, she runs to tell Peter and the other disciple (the one whom Jesus loved, traditionally understood to be John) that the body of Jesus has been taken. - Peter and John Investigate:
Peter and John run to the tomb. John, being faster, arrives first but hesitates to enter. Peter, following closely behind, enters the tomb and sees the linen strips lying there, but the body of Jesus is gone. John then enters and, seeing the same evidence, believes that Jesus has risen, though they still do not fully understand the Scriptures that foretold His resurrection. - Mary’s Grief and the Discovery of Angels (Verses 11-13):
While Peter and John return to their homes, Mary remains at the tomb, weeping. She peers into the tomb and sees two angels in white sitting where Jesus’ body had been. The angels ask her why she is weeping, and Mary responds that someone has taken Jesus’ body, and she does not know where they have laid Him.
2. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (Verses 14-18)
- Jesus Appears to Mary:
After speaking to the angels, Mary turns around and sees Jesus standing there, but she does not recognize Him immediately. Jesus asks her why she is weeping and whom she is seeking. Thinking He is the gardener, Mary asks where Jesus' body has been taken. Jesus simply says, "Mary," and she immediately recognizes Him. Filled with joy, Mary calls Him "Rabboni," which means Teacher. - Jesus’ Instruction to Mary:
Jesus tells Mary not to hold on to Him, for He has not yet ascended to the Father. Instead, He instructs her to go and tell His brothers that He is ascending to His Father and their Father, to His God and their God. This moment affirms the personal relationship between Jesus and His followers, as He invites them into a new reality with His resurrection.
3. Jesus Appears to the Disciples (Verses 19-23)
- The Disciples in Hiding:
Later that evening, the disciples are gathered together in a locked room, fearing the Jewish authorities. Suddenly, Jesus appears among them, greeting them with, "Peace be with you." This greeting, coupled with His appearance, assures the disciples that Jesus is truly alive and that He has conquered death. - Jesus’ Commission to His Disciples:
Jesus then shows them His hands and side, confirming His identity to the disciples. He repeats His greeting of peace and commissions them to continue His work, saying, "As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you." He breathes on them and says, "Receive the Holy Spirit." This moment marks the beginning of their empowerment for the mission ahead.
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