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Anchorpoint Radio

Anchorpoint Radio Ministries

Anchorpoint Radio promotes Gospel awareness on 74 radio frequencies weekly across Canada as well as on satellite TV. Our mission is to provoke deeper thought upon life's key issues and to offer the only sure answer to man's deepest need - the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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show series
How do you imagine heaven? A place of never-ending rest – a kind of celestial retirement home? Or maybe a place where you can do whatever you want? A place of beautiful architecture, scenery, and music?Well, what does the Bible say? After all, it IS God’s heaven. Has He not told us something of what that place is really like? Well, yes, He has. But…
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In our broadcast today, speaker Stephen Harper looks at three questions that arose in the account of the blind man who was healed at the Pool of Siloam. The first one was “Who sinned?” – a question we should all take to heart regarding our own personal sin. Next, “How were your eyes opened? Basically, the man was asked to give his testimony – his a…
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At Anchorpoint, we are seeking to clarify the Gospel message. The Bible says that you can know for sure that you are saved and ready to meet God. In our message today, speaker Phil Coulson explains how that God’s salvation is so simple, even a child can be saved. He tells us the story describing how, as a child, he came to know Christ as his Saviou…
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Apart from the cross itself, there can be no more poignant a symbol of the horrendous sufferings of Christ than the awful crown of thorns that He wore. The hymn writer wrote, "See from His head, His hands, His feet; sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet; Or thorns compose so rich a crown?" It was an instrument of pai…
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Over 2000 years ago, the apostle Paul was walking through the city of Athens looking at all the idols set up there when he came across one with a strange inscription, “The Unknown God”. Paul took the opportunity to preach to the people about the God that he knew and appreciated personally but was yet unknown to the people around him. Who exactly IS…
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One of the most stirring questions in the entire Bible was once asked by the Lord Jesus Christ when He said, "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" It is difficult to think of a question that contains such stakes - such weighty issues. The answer should be obvious, shouldn't it? But, sadly, many people …
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Sometimes people struggle with the Biblical term 'saved'. Often, this is simply because they don't quite get the concept of being lost. If I am saved, then it certainly implies that there was something I needed to be saved from. And there is. We all need to be saved from a purposeless life, from the unhappy consequences of sin here on earth, and mo…
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The Bible speaks openly about sin and various kinds of separation that it causes. One inevitable separation is called death - something that we all have to face. But there is also the eternal separation of the unsaved in a place of judgment - hell. Wonderfully, the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ comes between our sin and God. He has bridg…
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God wants us to know Him and He has given us the intelligence to learn about the world that He has made. Belief in God does not hinder science - it actually motivates us to discover more about how the world works. In this week’s episode, Mr. Michael Penfold further discusses some of the current issues in the scientific field relating to the origin …
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Scientists have studied the origin of life for years and are still trying to find answers. Atheistic scientists are determined to show that life somehow arose spontaneously from non-life. But there is only one problem with this anti-theistic approach. The scientific evidence does not support it! Listen to this week’s message on this controversial t…
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There are so many simple, easily understood statements in the Bible that contain all the Gospel truth you could ever need. Verses like - “Christ died for our sins”. These five words contain within them all the gospel truth – the problem of our sin, the Person of Christ, the work for us upon the cross, and the personal aspect of applying it to ourse…
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This week's message is the scene of a very wonderful miracle by the Lord Jesus and the story contains many important lessons for us all. Apart from showing the compassion and power of Christ in dealing with people's sickness and hardships, it also gives us a good illustration of what the salvation of God is all about.…
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The Bible is filled with the promises of God - faithful promises - words that we can count on. One faithful saying is given in 1 Timothy 1:15 - that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. How wonderful is this! The mission of the Son of God in becoming a man was that sinners like ourselves could be saved. This week's broadcast is concern…
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In today’s broadcast, speaker Marvin Derksen takes a closer look at the scene at Calvary. There was the cross – the awful cross upon which Jesus suffered and died. There was the crowd looking on, showing by their actions the real attitudes of their hearts. And there was the cry – the cry of a repentant sinner on the verge of his own death and the b…
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In remembering Christ by breaking bread and drinking wine, Christians are reminded every week of His tremendous offering for sin at the place called Calvary. Believers live in the conscious enjoyment of a finished work! How wonderful is that? If you are a Christian, we know that this devotional message will stir your heart to worship. And if not a …
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Weary, held captive by destructive habits, confused, fearful, hurt. We've all been there, haven't we? It was for such people that the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world. Listen to this message to understand how God loves the world and has done everything needed to solve the ultimate problem underlying all of our sad issues - estrangement from Hi…
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Today’s broadcast looks at the actual beginning of sin going back to the book of Genesis. It looks at when sin first came into the world, wreaking havoc on all generations since that time. The generations of human beings since then have become infected and infested with sin with its awful results seen in our world today. Only Christ could restore t…
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Christians understand and acknowledge that, despite the world's skeptical and unthankful attitude at times, God is the ultimate source of all of our blessings. The greatest of all blessings that God wants you to receive from Him is His forgiveness through our Lord Jesus Christ. The first verse of Psalm 32 says "Blessed is he - or she - whose transg…
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While it is true that the word ‘gospel’ means ‘good news’, it is so necessary to get people to realize that there is a black background to the shining diamond of God’s salvation. People need to realize the solemn and desperate condition they are in as sinners before a holy and righteous God. This involves bringing up the unsavoury topic of sin. Thi…
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The Bible makes a very categorical statement in 1 John Chapter 5 and verse 12 - "He (or she) that hath the Son has life, and he (or she) that has not the Son of God, has not life." There are only two parts to that verse. You either have the Son - that is, truly know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Lord and Saviour - or you do not. So, ho…
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In Matthew 6:33, we have the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Yes, it was taught by Christ that the kingdom of God is something that we should all strive to enter into - that is, we should make it a priority in our lives. You see, none of us are …
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It’s a familiar story told by the Lord Jesus – the story of the lost sheep. As He tells this story, He paints for us a vivid picture of a poor, lost sheep – helpless and hopeless in itself. But He also describes Himself – the shepherd – the good shepherd who cares for His sheep enough to give His life. It really pictures ourselves, lost in our sins…
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Make no mistake about it, the Lord Jesus Christ knew exactly how to answer the objections of His critics. With divine wisdom and grace, He turned their questions around to what really counts - the salvation of their souls. Listen to Phil Coulson as He explains the Saviour's words "Except Ye Repent!" Think you should take Him seriously?…
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The Lord Jesus Christ once asked for a drink of water from a woman at a well in a town called Sychar. Not only was He tired and thirsty, He also wanted to teach this woman about ‘living water’ – something that will satisfy forever. Something only HE could give. Today, through this well-known Bible story, speaker Peter Ramsay explains about this ‘li…
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The wonderful message of the cross is the main theme of the Bible. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." How little this stupendous fact crosses the minds of sinful men and women! In fact, it was prophetically written in Lamentations 1:12 - "Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Behold and see if there be any sorrow …
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The story of the prodigal son is a well known story told by the Lord Jesus Christ about a young man who squandered his father’s inheritance and, after losing it all, returned to his father. Graciously, the father welcomed him back. But many do not know about this man’s older brother. The story never ended so well for him. Why? Listen to today’s mes…
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Well, this week's message is all about the kindness and love of God towards us - and it's a message that we hope will remove any of your hard thoughts about God. His countless blessings on every level are something we should thank Him for every day - not the least of which is the tremendous spiritual blessing of salvation.…
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We believe that the gospel is the best message you could ever hear. Not only does it save the soul and open the way for an eternity in heaven, it has tremendous affects on people's lives here and now. In fact, the Christian enjoys eternal life - a new life given by God - the moment he receives Christ. So, if there isn't a change in a person's life …
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This week’s broadcast looks at the atheistic worldview and its effect on present day ethical and moral decisions, specifically issues like abortion, designer babies and euthanasia. The four BIG questions of life are considered - origin, morality, meaning and destiny – and the ability of different world views to deal with them. Atheism fails to answ…
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This week’s broadcast looks at the atheistic worldview and its effect on present day ethical and moral decisions, specifically issues like abortion, designer babies and euthanasia. The four BIG questions of life are considered - origin, morality, meaning and destiny – and the ability of different world views to deal with them. Atheism fails to answ…
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We all have a philosophy - a worldview as it were - the perspective that we take on life. Here on Anchorpoint, we present the Biblical worldview - the way that God would have us to understand Him and ourselves. This week’s broadcast takes a look at the secular take on life with regard to the historical development of Darwin's evolutionary theory an…
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There is not a more glorious theme running throughout the Word of God than that of the precious blood of Christ. All of the Old Testament points toward the coming of the Messiah, the Lamb of God. The full and free forgiveness for sins was made available to ALL people through the sacrifice of Christ. Was His precious blood shed for you?…
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In this week's message we look at an interesting story from the New Testament in which ten lepers had a momentous encounter with the only One who could help them - the Lord Jesus Christ. They were helpless and hopeless. What would Christ do? Well, yes, He healed them. But for one of them, He did much more. Listen about how a short encounter with th…
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In the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ answered all the questions that men put to Him. Some were genuine; others were nothing but trickery. But the most important questions were the ones He Himself asked. These were honest questions, questions that really matter. Like the day He asked the people, "What do you think of Me?" What a simple and yet search…
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In the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ answered all the questions that men put to Him. Some were genuine; others were nothing but trickery. But the most important questions were the ones He Himself asked. These were honest questions, questions that really matter. Like the day He asked the people, "What do you think of Me?" What a simple and yet search…
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Did you know that God describes Himself in the Bible? He says He is the ONLY God - there is no other. He says that He is just - perfectly right and fair in His assessment of things. And He says that He is a Saviour. That is, He desires to save those who don't and can't meet up to His holy standards. But how can He do this? Well, there was only one …
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Last week we were considering the great truth that the Lord Jesus Christ, the same One who lived here on earth over 2000 years ago, who died for our sins, rose again from the dead, and ascended into heaven, will one day come again. It’s a wonderful and exciting truth for Christians, encouraging our hearts in this sad and dreary scene, and inspiring…
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Well, one of the greatest hopes for Christians worldwide is the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ – the rapture. The apostle Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 4:18, “Comfort one another with these words”. What a joy to know that at any moment Christ could return to take all believers to be with Himself – forever removed from sin and sorrow. Of cours…
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Our broadcast today deals with our alienation from God - and its consequences. But, here's the good part - there was One who was willing to bear this alienation, this separation for us. It was none other than the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary - where He suffered the separation from God that we should have experienced. It is possible for…
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What a glorious message the gospel is! And what a glorious Saviour Jesus is! The one who was made perfect through His sufferings, who by Himself purged our sins on the cross of Calvary, and who passed into the heavens and abides there today awaiting the day when we shall be with Him. Do you have a message any greater than this? Do you have a religi…
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The Bible has a wonderful theme throughout it - JOY! This week's message takes a look at the familiar Christmas carol "Joy to the World" and explains how it is that people like you and me can enter into a secure, meaningful, and everlasting relationship with the God of heaven - through our Lord Jesus Christ - and come to know the joy that He wants …
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Isaiah wrote over 700 years ago in Chapter 9 and Verse 6 the following words: “For unto us a child is born; unto us a Son is given." We know that this child, this Son, was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who was born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. But He didn’t begin his life there. The Bible says that He was the Creator of all things, the eternal…
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Speaker Peter Ramsay considers the marvel of the friendship of Christ. He's a personal friend - a friend you need to know one-on-one - personally. He's the prodigal's friend. Have you ever acknowledged that YOU need Him? He's a continual friend - one who will never leave us or forsake us. And He's an eternal friend - His is a friendship that will n…
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Christ is indeed alive! The apostle Paul wrote from prison to a young man, Timothy, explaining how this wonderful resurrection is the answer to all our tears, our fears, and our doubts. The glorious truth of the risen Christ is what gives us the strength and confidence to continue on in our Christian lives. If you don't enjoy the wonders of this ri…
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Atheists have proposed some alternatives to God as creator, such as - the universe doesn't actually exist, or that the universe always existed, or that the universe came from nothing - created itself, so to speak. You be the judge of these supposed alternatives as evangelist and teacher Michael Penfold explains each one.…
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Scientific discoveries are made every day from the marvels of the huge and spectacular cosmos around us to the mind-boggling complexity of the miniscule cell. Is atheism a logical response to all of this? Can it come up with plausible arguments for why the world exists as it does?โดย Michael Penfold
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Calvary is the focal point of all history. It's the reason the Lord Jesus came. But there were two others that died that day. Two criminals - murderers and thieves. Both had lived a life of sin and rebellion. Both were the same literal distance from the Lord himself. Both had equal opportunity. But only one of them went to heaven. Listen to this ep…
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Have you ever wondered deep down about your life? Why you're here? Where you're going? Have you ever wondered if answers to such questions even exist? Has following a system of religious ideas and practices brought you the peace and purpose you're looking for? Well, the Bible gives the answer to our soul's longings. It's both profound and simple at…
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There's an interesting story in the Bible about the healing of a paralytic man by the Lord Jesus Christ. Amidst all the drama of breaking up the roof and lowering the man down into the crowd, the Lord Jesus remained unfazed. He didn't even seem that concerned about the man's physical condition. "Your sins are forgiven", He said. Why would He say th…
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The setting for this week's message is the small town of Cana in Galilee. It was in a bustle with preparations - invitations, food, flowers, decorations. It was a wedding day! The special guest was the Lord Jesus Christ himself - and what a difference He made! Have you allowed Him to make a difference in your life?…
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