Vicki Sokolik refuses to be an Ostrich. Her son brought to her attention the crisis of unhoused youth — youth unhoused, not living with a parent/guardian, and not in foster care — in America, and she has been fighting to support this vulnerable population every since. Most active in Tampa Bay, Florida, Vicki is the founder and CEO of the nonprofit Starting Right, Now, which removes barriers for unaccompanied homeless youth to cultivate long-term well-being and self-sufficiency. She is also the author of the new book, “If You See Them: Young, Unhoused, and Alone in America.” Vicki Sokolik joined host Jay Ruderman to discuss the many ways unhoused youth fall through the cracks in our society, how her organization helps them, and also how to build trust with people who could use your help. Episode Chapters (00:00) Intro (01:10) Vicki’s origin story (02:40) What is “unhoused youth?” (06:40) What should a person do if they worry they see an unhoused youth? (08:19) How have conversations around unhoused youth changed in Vicki’s 20 years working with them? (11:02) How do people get the word out and help unhoused youth? (14:55) Vicki’s new book (16:48) How Vicki builds trust (20:10) What do students receive at Starting Right, Now? (22:58) How does Vicki balance advocacy and direct support? (27:53) Starting Right, Now alumni (29:10) Goodbye For video episodes, watch on Stay in touch: X: @JayRuderman | @RudermanFdn LinkedIn: Jay Ruderman | Ruderman Family Foundation Instagram: All About Change Podcast | Ruderman Family Foundation To learn more about the podcast, visit…
07年度主題:恆切禱告 儆醒感恩 (西四:2) 第三季主題:為教會守望
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Bridle Trail Baptist Church Sunday Services @ Markham, ON Canada
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2020.12.06 Sermon Christmas Longing : Come Thou Long Expected Jesus Rev Peter Toy Philippians 3:10-11
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2020年11月29日 宣教使命 - 宣教的历史:来与去 黄学成传道 徒2:1-14,13:1-5
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愛證浸信會 主日崇拜 11月29日2020 昂然無懼走出困境 于淑芳傳道 出14:5-15,21-25
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2020.11.29 Sermon How do we respond to the Truth? Pastor Wayne Huen Acts 21:17-36
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(EN) 2020.11.15 Sermon When God Calls Us to Go Where We Don’t Want to Go Rev.Peter Toy (Acts 21:1-16)
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(EN) 2020.11.08 Sermon Running the Race for the Prize that Lasts Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 20:13-38)
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(EN) 2020.10.25 Sermon A Passion to See Others Grow Pastor Peter Toy (Acts 20:1-12)
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爱证国语信息 2020.11.01 宣教的神学:跟耶稣学宣教 黄学成传道 约 20:19-23,13:12-15
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(EN) 2020.10.25 Sermon Real Faith Changes our World Pastor Peter Toy (Acts 19:21-41)
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(EN) 2020.10.18 Sermon Our Supernatural Faith Pastor Peter Toy (Acts 19:1-20)
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爱证国语信息 2020.10.18 教会使命:事奉的栽培 黄学成传道 提摩太后书 2:1-13
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(粵) 2020.10.18 主日信息 在疫情的生命季節中更新 黃李頻頻傳道 傳道書 3:1-14
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(EN) 2020.10.11 Sermon Re-visiting Discipleship Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 18:18-28)
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爱证国语信息 2020.10.11 以感恩为祭献给神 黄学成传道 诗篇100:1 - 5
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(EN) 2020.10.04 Sermon How to Make an Impact Rev. Peter Toy Acts 18:1-17
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(EN) 2020.09.27 Sermon How to Live a Life of Witnessing Rev. Peter Toy Acts Acts 17:16-34
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爱证国语信息 2020.09.27 教会使命:事奉的栽培 黄学成传道 提摩太后书 2:1-13
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(EN) 2020.09.20 Sermon The Importance of the Bible in Life and Ministry Rev. Peter Toy Acts 17:1-15
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(EN) 2020.09.13 Sermon Happily Every After Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 16:13-40)
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(EN) 2020.08.30 Sermon God turns Setbacks into Blessings Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 15:36-41)
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(粵) 2020.08.30 主日信息 同心同行 于淑芳傳道 創11:1-9
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(EN) 2020.08.23 Sermon Settling Theological Differences Rev. Peter Toy Acts 15:1-35
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爱证国语信息 2020.08.16 教会使命:公开浸礼 向罪死,向神活 黄学成传道
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(粵) 2020.08.16 主日信息 活在聖靈團契中的生命 黃李頻頻傳道 林前2:14-16
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(EN) 2020.08.16 Sermon Evangelism in Changing Times Rev. Peter Toy Acts 14:1-28
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(EN) 2020.08.09 Sermon God Prospering People over the Generations Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 13:13-51)
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(EN) 2020.08.02 Sermon The Spirit Will Build Christ's Church Rev. Peter Toy Acts 13:1-12
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爱证国语信息 2020.08.02 教会使命:教会见证 回归使徒传承的集体敬拜 黄学成传道 使徒行传 2:42-47
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(EN) 2020.07.26 Sermon Living Our Lives for an Audience of One Rev. Peter Toy Acts 12:19b-24
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(EN) 2020.07.19 Sermon Persecution, Prayer and the Power of God Rev. Peter Toy (Acts 12:1-19)
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(EN) 2020.07.12 Sermon The Tribe of Christians Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 11:19-30)
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爱证国语信息 2020.07.05 教会增长:合一的能力 黄学成传道 约翰福音17:20-26
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(EN) 2020.07.05 Navigating a Paradigm Shift Rev. Peter Toy (Acts 11:1-18)
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(粵) 2020.06.28 主日信息 逆轉困境 于淑芳傳道 列王紀下4:1-7
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爱证国语信息 2020.06.28 新生活:殷勤操练,活出新生活 黄学成传道 彼得后书1:3-11
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(EN) 2020.06.28 Let the Children Come Melissa Aukema (Mark 10:13-16)
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(EN) 2020.06.21 Sermon God Never Shows Favourtism Rev. Peter Toy (Acts 10:1-48)
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(EN) 2020.06.14 Sermon Expressing Faith in a New World Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 9:32-43)
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爱证国语信息 2020.06.07 教会大使命:重温大使命 黃學成傳道 马太福音28:16-20
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(EN) 2020.06.07 Sermon The Mission and the Man Rev. Peter Toy (Acts 9:19-31)
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(EN) 2020.05.31 Sermon To Tabernacle with the Lord Pastor Wayne Huen (Exodus 40:34-38)
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爱证国语信息 2020.5.24 有效的团队事奉 黃學成傳道 哥林多前書12:12-27
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(EN) 2020.05.24 Sermon Keeping the Sabbath Rev. Peter Toy (Exodus 35:1-3)
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(粵) 2020.5.10 主日信息 作個蒙福的母親 黃李頻頻傳道 出2:1-10
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(EN) 2020.05.10 Sermon What’s Your Safety Blanket? Pastor Wayne Huen (Exodus 33:17-21)
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爱证国语信息2020.5.10 作個蒙福的母親 黃李頻頻傳道 出2:1-10
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(EN) 2020.05.03Sermon Meeting With God Rev. Peter Toy (Exodus 33:7-11)
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爱证国语信息2020.4.26 恩賜的發掘與運用:《做恩賜的好管家》 讲员:黃學成傳道
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(EN) 2020.04.26 Sermon Underserved Mercy Pastor Wayne Huen (Exodus 32:7-14)
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(EN) 2020.04.12 Sermon Myth of the Gospel Pastor Wayne Huen (1 Corinthians 15: 1-8)
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