Success in life is the culmination of little wins on a daily basis. With Focus and the right habits, anyone can achieve anything. LYLOP. These daily, mini podcasts keep people on track. A reminder that they want to live healthier, wealthier and happier lives. #livingyourlifeonpurpose #lylop #personaldevelopment
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Get your daily dose of Educating, entertaining and empowering mini podcasts. All designed to give you that little nudge on a daily basis to Live Your Life On Purpose and create a healthier, wealthier and happier life.
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Are your associations serving the habits you want to break or make Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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On autopilot we have sequences during our day(chains)identify a habit that breaks/improve and break the chain Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their L…
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Wake up - some habits are working against you. Identify them and replace them for a better life Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Do be fooled! Many in our world assume that money rises your position in society. This is a myth. Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Kong throws down barrels, you jump them and climb the levels to rescue the damsel in distress :) Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Have you rocked it or rolled aimlessly? Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Livesโดย Gary Robertson
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Learn how to reduce distractions and keep focused on your journey Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Start your day with a attitude of gratitude - it reminds of your fabulous life. Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Either be in pursuit of purposeful happiness or accidental sadness - your call! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Operating on windows xp in your mind? You are going to crash! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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It is in moments of decision that are destinies are shaped :) Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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We did it - 100 consecutive Purposeful Podcasts! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Livesโดย Gary Robertson
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FREE E-BOOK - Living your life on purpose:// Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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When you become disciplined you attain success quicker. This means that later in life you become less disciplined with the boring things :) Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness …
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Remember those books? Windows for dummies? Why are they so successful? Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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The most successful people leave clues - the big one is they don’t waste time. Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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First, you start the change within yourself - then you share how! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Work hard to be conscious in the moment. Habits have a tendency to trick you by going back to subconscious mode :) Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in th…
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Each day just put yourself a little harder - the growth you experience will be staggering :) Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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FACT: people have enough of their own sh.t going on to worry too much about yours Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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You don’t need to run a marathon on day one - nor raise an extra 50,000 on day one. But you could do all of this overtime Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balanc…
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The oldest person in the world died this week in the aged 119 :( Imagine the changes they have witnesses in those years! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance…
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Wow I couldn’t sleep last night - too excited! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Livesโดย Gary Robertson
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And yet it could be stormy tomorrow - yes that is the view from my garden Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Curious question - are you better off or worse off in your life right now? Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Look around you - successful people leave clues. Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Livesโดย Gary Robertson
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Imagine each of the legs of a table are belief legs Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Livesโดย Gary Robertson
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Nobody really cares if you are successful - so you need to care Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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In a world where people tell you what you want to hear. LYLOP we tell you what you need to hear! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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If you are poor, overweight or unhappy - it really is mostly your fault Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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We manifested rejection in our minds as a negative - change it to a positive :) Simples Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Haha - we all want to be happier right - so hack your mind! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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But the reality is you don’t! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Livesโดย Gary Robertson
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Every day we are met with decisions. Some take the easy route - others focus on things that need to be done. Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Li…
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Look at the picture of this podcast - a picture paints a thousands words Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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The basic principle of success NEVER change Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Livesโดย Gary Robertson
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If it isn't working - change it - you have full control of your attitude. Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Constant and never ending Improvement - this is the correct mindset for you! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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You there is something to do but why don’t we do it? Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Livesโดย Gary Robertson
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Can you imagine baking a chocolate chip muffin without the choc chips? Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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You need to capture your thoughts, or they will capture you! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Learn the skill of popping into the circle of influence if something concens you :) Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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There is no merit in being unfriendly. Be nice. Give don’t take! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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In a world where there's more obesity, debt and unhappiness isn't it a good plan to invest in the mind? Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Wow, that sounded sombre b - sorry a bit of fun here. Get a piece of paper and something to write with. Take this 15 seconds test - it is fun and highly informative Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy …
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Forget the ping ping ping microwave mindset in your life. Set your sail and work. Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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This day of all days is special - enjoy it! Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Livesโดย Gary Robertson
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For a moment ponder on how you are treating people. Not out of badness, but are spending enough time or saying the right things with the ones you love? Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealth…
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It isn't about doing Ironman triathlons, but it is about doing something :)โดย Gary Robertson
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You are what you consume - just have a moment to think about what you eat. Why not visit for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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