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News Connect(ニュースコネクト) ~あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間~ 1日1つ、5分間で、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただけるとうれしいです。 ▼出演: 野村高文(音声プロデューサー/Podcast Studio Chronicle代表) 東京大学文学部卒。PHP研究所、ボストン・コンサルティング・グループを経て、2015年にNewsPicksに入社。NewsPicksアカデミア マネージャー、編集部デスク、音声事業プロデューサーなどを歴任。2022年に独立し、Podcastレーベル「Choronicle(クロニクル)」を設立。これまで手掛けたPodcastに「NewsPicksニュースレター」「a scope 〜リベラルアーツで世界を視る目が変わる〜」など。現在、Audibleで「The Reading List」「みんなのメンタールーム」を配信中。TBSラジオ「テンカイズ」にレギュラー出演中。旅と柴犬とプロ野 ...
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世界とつながる|IU-Connectの公式 Podcast

Arthur Zetes (アーサー・ゼテス)

英語を学ぶだけではなく、外国人と実際に話せるようになりたいと思っていませんか? アメリカのボストン出身のアーサー先生と一緒に、あなたがすぐに使える英語のコミュニケーションを身につけましょう!このポッドキャストではアメリカ人が実際に使う英語に限らず、すぐに実践できるコミュニケーションのコツや外国人と話す方法をたくさん学びます。ですので、初心者から上級者までレベルに関わらず、すぐに外国人と話せるようになります。アーサー先生と一緒に英コミ(英語コミュニケーション)を学びましょう
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Carnegie Connects

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Carnegie Connects is our premier virtual event series hosted by Aaron David Miller. Every other week, he tackles the most pressing foreign policy issues of the day in conversations with journalists, policymakers, historians, and experts.
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Connecticut Show

Connecticut Show

A new look at New England, as hosts Travis Poppleton and Terrance Abney discuss what it’s like to experience moving to the Northeast. Whether you’re planning to visit or relocate to this bucolic part of the world, the Connecticut Show will help you navigate the in’s and out’s.
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Welcome to Connected! This podcast will highlight a community of people that help break the stigma of mental health through stories.
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Catholic Connection


Teresa Tomeo, host of Catholic Connection, discusses social issues, media awareness, and interviews community leaders and newsmakers live. Teresa reports on news throughout the Catholic community and how we can make a difference.
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Un monde connecté

France Culture

Chaque jour, le producteur de l’émission "Le Meilleur des Mondes", décortique une actualité du secteur du numérique et des nouvelles technologies dans le cadre des "Matins". Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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The Connector

Institute for Emerging Issues

The Connector podcast from The Institute for Emerging Issues at NC State University, explores connections being made across sectors, regions and perspectives resulting in a more vibrant and prosperous North Carolina.IEI is a nonpartisan public policy organization focused on the state’s vibrancy and economic competitiveness working with leaders in business, education and public policy to discuss issues with profound implications for North Carolina’s future prosperity.
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Life Connection

Paulo Ricardo Silva

Bem-vindos ao Life Connection, obrigado por sua audiência. Sou advogado e pastor pós-graduado em história do cristianismo antigo pela Universidade de Brasília. Me dedico a trazer mensagens diárias, bíblicas, curtas, não dogmáticas, sem preconceitos religiosos, sobre o amor e a graça de Jesus Cristo. Acredito que sua fé será fortalecida para vencer quaisquer desafios que se apresentarem em sua vida!
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The Connector.

Koen Vanderhoydonk (The Connector)

Welcome to the connector podcast, an ongoing conversation connecting FinTechs, banks and regulators worldwide. Join CEO and founder Koen Vanderhoydonk as you learn more about the latest available trends and solutions in the markets.
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French connections

FRANCE 24 English

A quirky, insider's guide to understanding France and the French, from the sublime to the ridiculous. Thursday at 1:45pm. And join us for French Connections Plus on the last Thursday of the month at 4:15pm.
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Connections Podcast


Evan Dawson talks about what matters to you on Connections. Do you have a story that needs to be shared? Pitch your story to Connections. For transcripts, please email our Move to Include team with a link to the episode.
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Deep Connection

Brittany Alcala

Welcome to the Deep Connection Podcast I am your host, Brittany Alcala. I cover a wide range of topics from self-help, spirituality, mental health, metaphysical, LOA, and more.
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Dietitian Connection Podcast

Dietitian Connection

The official Dietitian Connection Podcast gives you access to the most influential and successful experts in the Dietetic profession and beyond. This podcast will inspire you; it will challenge you; and it will empower you to become a nutrition leader and realise your dreams. Visit to subscribe to the FREE weekly newsletter. Dietitian Connection is a one stop shop for busy nutrition professionals for nutrition, leadership and business resources, exciting job opportuni ...
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The Disc Connected

Ryan Verrill

The Disc Connected is a podcast dedicated to all things Boutique Physical Media. There are weekly live shows discussing announcements from that week, occasional interviews with industry professionals, and bonus content when possible. Become a supporter of this podcast:
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【PR】NordVPN 下記のリンクからお申し込みいただくと、サブスクリプション費用が大幅割引!さらに今なら4か月分が延長されます。30日間の全額返金保証もあるので、この機会にぜひお試しください。 ▼詳細はこちらから ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ▼クーポンコード newsconnect *クーポンコードはチェックアウト時にご入力ください *上記URL経由では自動でクーポンが反映されます ***** News Connect(ニュースコネクト)あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間 1日1つ、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただける…
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If you listen to the Probably Wrxng Podcast, it's no surprise that Mike has been getting back into the WWE in a big way. So, he reached out to his old friend Ryan from the North South Connection podcast for help catching up with what he's missed and to get some back story to what's happening with some of the most recent events. Mike brings Tony fro…
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Host Paul Pacelli heard from a lot of callers on Friday's "Connecticut Today" regarding an all-out argument that broke out earlier in the day at the White House involving President Trump, Vice-President J.D. Vance, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (00:53). Former Derby Fire Chief Chuck Stankye dropped by again to talk about this weekend'…
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Three years into Russia’s war against Ukraine, two undeniable realities appear to mark its future. Russian President Vladimir Putin believes time is on his side, and ongoing political changes in Washington are stirring worries that Ukraine can no longer count on sustained levels of military, economic and political assistance. The Kremlin is not dev…
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今回のテーマは「ラジオとPodcastの制作論」ゲストには、ニッポン放送「オールナイトニッポン」統括プロデューサー、冨山雄一さんをお迎えします。多くの人気番組で制作を務めてきた冨山さん、1月に『今、ラジオ全盛期。静かな熱狂を生むコンテンツ戦略』を出版されました。ラジオの何が「全盛期」なのか、オールナイトニッポンがV字回復できた理由とは。「静かな熱狂」というキーワードを軸に、ラジオとPodcastの比較もしながら、音声コンテンツの可能性について深掘りします。 ▼出演: 野村高文(音声プロデューサー/Podcast Studio Chronicle代表) ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 冨山雄一(オールナイトニッポン統括プロデューサー) https:/…
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In the first hour of "Environmental Connections" on 2/28/25, host Jasmin Singer explores how deforestation in Rochester is raising concerns about flood risks, biodiversity loss, and rising urban heat.โดย Jasmin Singer
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February was a rough month for the airline industry, filled with high-profile crashes and other incidents involving aircraft. We had a deadly mid-air collision in DC, a deadly medical jet crash in Philadelphia, a plane that flipped and crashed in Toronto, and just this week, a near miss in Chicago between a plane and private jet. While many are une…
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Kidney cancer is one of the deadliest cancers, and a therapeutic vaccine shows promising results, offering new hope for those suffering with the disease. Dr. David Braun, a medical oncologist and researcher at Yale Cancer Center is here – he was the principal investigator on the kidney cancer vaccine study that published in the medical journal, Nat…
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Starting this weekend, you may see more police cruisers popping up in rural towns. That’s because a new DOT rural roads safety campaign is rolling out, aimed at cracking down on speeding and reducing crashes on rural roads across the state. Connecticut State Police Trooper Remonda Zhuta explained the need for this initiative which will run from Mar…
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There’s a swearing-in ceremony today for Senator-elect Jason Perillo. Rep. Perillo won a special election Tuesday and will now represent the 21st District in the Senate – which covers Shelton, Monroe, Stratford and Seymour. IMAGE CREDIT: Eric Urbanowiczโดย WICC
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How do you feel about school lockdowns in our public schools? A bipartisan working group approved a list of 17 recommendations on school crisis response drills this week. We got more details on those recommendations from State Representative Jennifer Leeper, who helped start this working group. Image Credit: Getty Images…
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The Girl Scouts are fighting back after a report of toxins in their famous cookies put them in the hot seat nationwide. Is there any truth to the study exposed by Moms Across America? We spoke to Kari Kaplan, COO of the Girl Scouts of Connecticut. For more on the initial study: Image …
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In this podcast episode ... It’s a broken system in the state that’s just getting worse. We talk about the state’s tax system and how it’s impacting the towns and cities where you live, forcing them to make almost impossible decisions that impact you. Plus we take a look at other stories from around the region.…
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durée : 00:03:14 - Un monde connecté - par : François Saltiel - Ce spectacle en miroir inversé, interroge les liens entre les agents conversationnels qui se perfectionnent et les humains frappés par les maladies de l’oubli, ces solitudes peuvent-elles se consoler ?โดย France Culture
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Re-Connected is a weekly live show where we go over boutique blu ray announcements, physical media sales, and sometimes we go over unboxings/collection updates. We are a community of cult movie fans that enjoy getting together to discuss what is releasing. This week we are joined by John Matthews and Tony Michas from Imprint Cast!! We are going to …
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Here it is, folks! The interview I am most proud of so far- A conversation with George Willeman from The Library of Congress! How do we archive film at a national level? Where do major studios store their nitrate films? What do we do to protect those films? Find those answers and more in this insightful conversation with George Willeman, the Nitrat…
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An interview with Dunedin Pakistan Society Vice President Dr Abida Mehmood about the month of Ramadan and the events at the Golden Centre Mall. This show was broadcast on OAR 105.4FM Dunedin -
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Host Paul Pacelli opened Thursday's "Connecticut Today" with an update on some motor vehicle safety issues being re-visited by the Connecticut General Assembly, including the fact that Connecticut is one of only a handful of states that still allow open containers of alcohol in motor vehicles (00:43). New Canaan/Darien/Stamford GOP State Rep. Tom O…
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News Connect(ニュースコネクト)あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間 1日1つ、5分間で、国際政治や海外のビジネスシーンを中心に、世界のメガトレンドがわかる重要ニュースを解説。朝の支度や散歩、通勤、家事の時間などにお聴きいただけるとうれしいです。 ▼出演: 竹村由紀子(報道ディレクター/映像作家) ▼Podcast「世界のクリエイティブ思考」×「ニュースコネクト」コラボイベント https://op…
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In the second hour of "Connections with Evan Dawson" on Feb. 27, 2025, Professor Carlo Felice joins us to defend his theory that conscientious people may not be worthy of their success.โดย Evan Dawson, Megan Mack, Julie Williams
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In the first hour of "Connections with Evan Dawson" on Feb. 27, 2025, Senator Jeremy Cooney discusses the state of local air travel and his hopes for the future of the Rochester airport.โดย Evan Dawson, Megan Mack, Julie Williams
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March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, and we’re joined by one of Australia’s most trusted fertility dietitians, Stefanie Valakas. Stef brings both professional expertise and personal experience to this conversation, sharing evidence-based nutrition strategies for managing inflammation, gut health and fertility in clients with endometriosis. In th…
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Crystal Pickett of the Maryland Horse Council and Carey MacIntosh of the Lisbon Volunteer Fire Company join Rachann to discuss Maryland Senate Bill 968. The bill was introduced in Howard County to allow groups that use the Wildlands portion of the Patuxent Park to use mechanized or motorized equipment to maintain the trails so that emergency crews …
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We all have something in common: we’re going to die one day. It’s a scary thing to think about, much less talk about. But Alua Arthur thinks about and talks about death a lot. She is an end-of-life doula, helping people find some semblance of peace as they go through the dying process. Years ago, when Arthur was deeply depressed, she met a woman on…
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It’s being called a game-changer for tracking water quality and better decision-making to protect Long Island Sound. Save the Sound unveiled a new tool called quickdrops. Peter Linderoth, director of healthy waters and lands at Save the Sound explained what quickdrops are and why they could be so effective for the Sound. For more information on Qui…
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In this French Connections Plus, Genie Godula and Florence Villeminot continue their tour of Paris with a stop in the 2nd arrondissement, a district that's always been somewhat sandwiched between the Louvre-focused 1st arrondissement and the Marais. Home to the city's garment district Sentier, show-stopping venues like the Grand Rex and the Opéra C…
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A UConn professor allegedly spent tens of thousands of university funding to cover 19 trips in a two-year span. From trips to Disneyworld to Ireland, this professor reportedly disguised the trips as research-based trips, and no one caught it until now. It reminds me of the findings of a CSCU investigation on inappropriate spending conducted by Comp…
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A Telemundo reporter was found dead in his hotel room just days before he was set to cover the Super Bowl. Turns out, 27-year-old Adan Manzano, had Xanax in his system at the time of his death and surveillance footage from the hotel shows he was lured into a room by an under the radar, but well-known criminal called the “Bourbon Street Hustler.” It…
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For the first time in a decade, the US has a measles death. A child in West Texas died from the contagious disease and officials confirmed the child was not vaccinated. We talked about measles outbreaks with Dr. Fred Browne. We also discussed a recent article on a listeria outbreak in 21 states, including Connecticut. Image Credit: Dr. Fred Browne…
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There are efforts for a bigger crackdown on retail crime here and across the country. Attorney General William Tong is co-leading a 38-state and territory bipartisan coalition urging Congress to take action against the increase of these crimes. Attorney General William Tong gave us the details of this action and an idea of how big the problem is. I…
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From the eagle’s nest, high above the ECW arena, this is the Extreme Three Way Dance! In this episode, JT, Jenny and Matt review the next three episodes of ECW television from December 1999! The troublesome trio talk about the ongoing war between Raven and Sandman, Steve Corino crashing a Limp Bizkit concert, the debut of Dusty Rhodes, the directio…
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【無料ガイド配布中】外国人といつでもどこでも気軽に話せるたった1つのカギ → 日常会話で「Let’s enjoy」というフレーズを使ってはいませんか? どっからどう見ても正しい英語...に見えるかもしれませんが、実はネイティブにとっては違和感のある表現なのです。 その理由は、日本語と英語の根本的な性質の違いにあります。 今回は「楽しもう!」のより自然な英語表現を身につけながら、 日本人が不自然な英語を使ったり、英語ネイティブが不自然な日本語を話したりする大きな要因についても学びましょう! /=========================/    IU-Connectについて /=========================/ …
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【無料ガイド配布中】外国人といつでもどこでも気軽に話せるたった1つのカギ → 日常会話で「Let’s enjoy」というフレーズを使ってはいませんか? どっからどう見ても正しい英語...に見えるかもしれませんが、実はネイティブにとっては違和感のある表現なのです。 その理由は、日本語と英語の根本的な性質の違いにあります。 今回は「楽しもう!」のより自然な英語表現を身につけながら、 日本人が不自然な英語を使ったり、英語ネイティブが不自然な日本語を話したりする大きな要因についても学びましょう! /=========================/    IU-Connectについて /=========================/ …
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durée : 00:03:40 - Un monde connecté - par : François Saltiel - Et si derrière le terme technique d'interopérabilité se trouvait l'espoir d'imaginer des réseaux sociaux plus saints en redonnant aux utilisateurs le contrôle de leurs données. De l'auteur canadien Cory Doctorow au conseil national du numérique, nombreux sont ceux qui réclament ce droi…
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Rachann talks with Jody Jaffe, author of several mystery novels, the latest of which is titled "Commander Speaks". The new book is about an imported German horse that communicates with a horse communicator about things that he sees going on in the barn, some very sinister! www.raisingconnections.comโดย Rachann Mayer
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