“We don't want Idaho to have a bad reputation. This is our home state. We love our home state. It's beautiful. We pride ourselves on our nature. We pride ourselves on our wildlife. And instead, we are continuing to do things that are… that are sickening.” - Ella Driever In 1995, wolves were reintroduced to central Idaho, and in 2003 a Boise High school called Timberline officially adopted a local wolf pack. Throughout the 2000, students went on wolf tracking trips and in their wolf packs range. But in 2021, Idaho's legislature passed Senate Bill 1211, 1211 allows Idaho hunters to obtain an unlimited number of wolf tags, and it also allows Idaho's Department of Fish and Game to use taxpayer dollars to pay private contractors to kill wolves. That means bounties on wolves, including on public lands. And in 2021, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission expanded the wolf hunting season and hunting and trapping methods. So it's not too surprising to learn that also in 2021, the Timberline pack disappeared. The students, the ones that cared about wolves, at least, were devastated. Last summer I went to D.C. with some of the Species Unite team for a wolf rally on Capitol Hill. While I was there, two young women gave a talk about what happened at Timberline in 2021. Their names are Ella Driver and Sneha Sharma. They both graduated from Timberline High School and were there when their wolf pack disappeared. Please, listen and share.…
Assembler 組合語言使用稱為組譯器的程序,該程序會自動將這些組合代碼(指令) 轉換為必要的機器懂的二進制語言。 Compiler 將高級語言轉換為設計用於特定操作系統的可執行檔。 Interpreter 原始的程式碼只要經過直譯器 (Interpreter) 即可轉換成可執行碼。 每種方法都有安全性的優點和缺點。 編譯後的代碼通常不容易被第三方操縱,但容易藏後門不易發現。在直譯的軟體中,用戶可以檢視程式指令,所以不太容易被原始程式設計人員插入惡意代碼;但可能容易被修改,嵌入惡意代碼。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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讓駭客變成網域管理員!微軟驚爆「Zerologon」重大權限提升漏洞 這個漏洞已在微軟 2020 年 8 月的 Patch Tuesday 每月例行修補日所發布更新修補程式中進行部分的修補,它是由 Netlogon 協定之加密實作(特別是在 AES-CFB8 加密的使用上)的某個瑕疵所引起的。成功發動漏洞攻擊會造成非常重大的負面影響:該漏洞可以透過劫持 Windows Servers(做為網域控制器而運行)來全面接管 Active Directory 網域,進而讓在企業內部網路上擁有立足點的攻擊者,可以透過單一擊鍵而實際變成網域管理員。從攻擊者的角度來看,所需要做的就是連接到網域控制器。這個 RPC 連接可以直接建立,也可以經由 Namedpipes 通訊通過 SMB 協定來建立。 凡尚未套…
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所有軟體均以某種程式語言編寫。 程式語言隨著時間的推移經歷了幾代人的發展,每一代人都是在下一代的基礎上構建的,它們提供了更豐富的功能,並隨著程序員的發展為他們提供了更強大的工具。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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軟體開發是一個複雜而充滿挑戰的。 具有許多不同技能水平的開發人員,具備不同的安全意識,加以創建和修改應用程序。 這些開發人員經常使用敏感數據並與普通大眾息息相關。 資訊安全專業人員必須了解這些風險,使其與業務需求保持平衡,並且實施適當的風險控制機制。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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CISSP的考試知識劃分為8大領域。 為幫助對於全盤了解(ISC)2 CISSP資訊安全通識體系(CBK)八大領域有興趣者,全智網的KK老師將會逐漸把各領域內容為大家分享喔~~ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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