Acne สาธารณะ
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Se débarrasser de son acné naturellement ? c'est possible ! J'en suis la preuve vivante. Après des années d'errance médicale, j'ai décidé de me tourner vers les médecines dites "alternatives". Grâce à elles, j'ai appris notamment comment fonctionne mon corps. Mais j'ai surtout trouvé les causes de mon acné hormonale persistante. A partir de là, j'ai su comment m'en débarrasser sur le long terme et j'ai pu enfin retrouver une vie normale. Au fil de mon parcours de guérison de mon acné, je me ...
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Acne Diet

Acne Diet

Hai, selamat datang di Podcast Acne Diet. Disini kita akan banyak ngobrol dan sharing tentang kulit, jerawat ataupun Skincare. Jangan lupa follow IG ya 😊
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Acne Treatment and Medications

Acne Treatment and Medications

Acne is one of the most usual skin problem in the United States, and there are plenty of acne therapies offered-- but not all these treatments are produced just as. It is essential to discover a clear skin regimen and therapy strategy that integrates natural acne-fighting ingredients-- cue BioClarity. Our acne treatment service is medically supported and also naturally-derived. You are entitled to clear skin, as well as we're right here in order to help you get it. BioClarity offers plant-ba ...
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Balance hormones naturally, restore energy, and fix your periods even as a busy mama! Have you found yourself searching online for natural hormone balance tips but come away feeling more confused and overwhelmed? Are you ready to have great energy again so you can stop reaching for caffeine just to make it through the day? Do you know deep down that something is off but keep getting told that “everything looks normal” on your lab results? Do pain free, PMS free periods sound like ...
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show series
Send us a text Welcome back to our birth control series! Today I'm talking about WHY you need to replenish your minerals and crucial vitamins post birth control and how replenishing minerals and supporting the liver can actually help overall with hormone balance whether you're trying to conceive or just wanting to have happier hormones all around. …
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Hello, Septembre et octobre sont de mauvais mois pour la peau. Les boutons font malheureusement leur grand retour après l'été. C'est pourquoi j'ai décidé de rediffuser cet épisode cette semaine parce que la période est propice à évoquer ce sujet... On en a parlé dans cet épisode récemment :…
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Send us a text Welcome back to our birth control September series, we're finally moving into the conversation of how to replenish your body after birth control and recover from the effects it has had on your hormones and gut. Today, gut health is the main focus and I'm sharing some of the ways birth control affects the gut that are often overlooked…
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Hello les filles ! 😀 Tu te demandes quel est l'impact du sucre sur ta peau ? Est-ce que le sucre donne des boutons ? Cela n'est plus un secret aujourd'hui, on connaît l'impact négatif du sucre sur le peau. Déjà en 2016, j'avais publié un article complet sur le sujet que je te partage ici :…
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Send us a text Today we're talking Natural Family Planning, Fertility Awareness Method, and all of the variations of tracking your cycle for fertility and there's a lot to cover! If you've been told that natural birth control just doesn't work, then this conversation will help you decide if that's a belief that still serves you. We're going through…
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Hello les filles ! 😀 Cette semaine, c'est une conversation à 3. Je suis en compagnie de Clémence et Marie qui travaillent chez Novoma ! On a parlé de comment prendre soin de sa peau après l'été (et prolonger le bronzage pour celles qui le souhaitent). ☀️ On a abordé les thèmes suivants : Pourquoi on bronze : le mécanisme du bronzage et les effets d…
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Send us a text Did you hear that I only have a few spots left for 1:1 coaching for the rest of the YEAR? (Yes, we're already winding down 2024 what is life?) If you want coaching from me on your hormones this month is your best bet to sign up for 1:1 or group coaching at this link We're back for round 2 of the birth control and informed consent ser…
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Hello ! 😊 Cette semaine, on va "remettre l'église au centre du village". Certaines d'entre vous m'ont partagé avoir peur de certains aliments parce que cela leur donnerait des boutons. Faut-il incriminer les aliments ? Si oui, lesquels ? Tu souhaites intégrer mon programme Hack ta Peau ? Tu peux m'écrire directement en message privé sur Instagram o…
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Send us a text We're starting a new mini-series this month, all month long I'm going to be talking about birth control, both hormonal and non-hormonal and walking through many of the nuances of how birth control affects us in our bodies, minds, and social lives. Today I'm kicking off the series and talking about some of the lesser-known effects of …
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Hello les filles, Abordons un sujet délicat cette semaine... Lorsque je souffrais d'acné kystique sur le visage, un des leviers pour ma guérison a été de reconnaître que l'état de ma peau était en partie une barrière pour empêcher l'autre de s'introduire dans mon monde intérieur parce que j’ai été blessée. Parce que j’ai souffert d’abandon, d’humil…
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Send us a text Today I'm sitting down with my friend Faith Hanan and this conversation gets really real because we're talking about all of the different roles we juggle as women who like do do all the things! When we are holding a lot as women and mothers, no matter what the things are we have to choose priorities every day and honestly every minut…
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Hello ! Cette semaine, on va parler d'un sujet très important dans le cadre de la santé de la peau. Le lait donne-t-il des boutons ? Des aliments peuvent-ils vraiment donner des boutons ? Et oui, certains aliments contribuent à donner de l'acné, mais sais-tu vraiment pourquoi ? C'est ce qu'on aborde dans l'épisode du jour ! Je te souhaite une très …
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Send us a text It's DAY 4 of the Refresh Your Hormones Mini-Course! Last day of the challenge - if you made it this far, good for you! Is the pace you are setting for yourself really stressing you out? Let's be honest with ourselves. Today I share the MAIN two things that hormone balance comes down to and how to integrate them into your life. I eve…
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Send us a text It's DAY 3 of Refresh Your Hormones! Let's zoom out and take a look at the whole picture. Too often we look at one lab test, or take one supplement to fix one symptom we are having... or worse we jump on the birth control train and that is not serving our whole self. When we take a holistic view at hormone balance, we look at all of …
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Send us a text Welcome back to DAY 2 of Refresh Your Hormones! Quick! Grab a friend to join with you... it's so much better to do these things with your girlfriends. We're back together today and I wanted to meet you where you are at. If you're here, you've likely started "doing" things that you *thought* would help you, but they seemingly aren't d…
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Send us a text Welcome to DAY 1 of Refresh Your Hormones! I'm SO glad you're here and am soooo excited to get started. I want you to walk away from the next few days feeling encouraged, lighter and more clear on exactly what your hormones need and how you can do that in your full life. If you want to get the MOST out of this week you need to be in …
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Hello les filles ! Vous en avez marre qu'on vous dise : "l'acné ce n'est QUE quelques boutons", "ce n'est QUE de l'acné" ? Il y a en effet énormément de méconnaissance et de croyances sur le sujet de l'acné. Et lorsqu'elle persiste, il ne faut pas la minimiser. Parce que c'est un symptôme. Si l'acné n'est pas prise au sérieux par la majorité des ge…
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Send us a text Let's get back to the basics today and talk about what it really looks like to eat for your hormones! These 4 things are where I start every single time someone comes to me with hormone imbalances, and can improve energy, mood, and periods - especially when combined with the other steps of my Nourish Your Hormones method. Resources f…
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Hello les filles ! Cette semaine, on parle d'un sujet brûlant : le trauma d'enfance et son impact sur notre vie d'adulte. C'est bien connu, on somatise et le corps parle. L'acné est un symptôme visible de ces maux invisibles. J'ai donc décidé de vous partager mon avis sur le trauma familial. Cet épisode est un peu un carnet de bord en mode "Healing…
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Send us a text If you're feeling burnt out and overwhelmed in your hormone journey or you just want to know where to start I am so excited to be hosting a 4-day Mini-Course here on the podcast August 19-22nd. Use this link to sign up and get access to the 4 days of audio trainings AND our pop up coaching/challenge group so you can get personalized …
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Send us a text What if you're doing everything right, eating well, exercising, following the protocols, removing toxins, and things are still not where you want them to be with your health? Health is physical obviously, but there is also a spiritual component to everything going on in the physical, and we're going to dive into that with today's gue…
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Hello hello ! Cette semaine, on lance les vlogs d'août d'Alex ! Désolée, cela n'aura probablement pas la même valeur que ceux de Léna Situations, mais j'avais envie de partager à mes auditrices fidèles ce qui m'anime (m'anime pas) et les remises en question que j'ai régulièrement en tant que professionnelle et accompagnante spécialiste de l'acné ad…
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Send us a text Today we have part 2 of the discussion on the differences in men's and women's hormone balance and I'm taking questions directly from my Nourish Your Hormones community. If you missed part 1 on Monday go back and listen to that first! I brought my husband into the conversation today so he could give a male perspective on health, horm…
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Send us a text We know men & women are different in so many ways, but how well do we understand each other's hormones? Today I'm walking you through the differences in each of our hormone cycles so we can understand and support each other better. We're covering: What a man's typical hormone cycle looks like When men are built to be the most product…
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Hello hello ! Pendant l'été il y a deux cas de figure : La femme qui ne va pas avoir de problèmes d'acné parce que sa peau s'épaissit (mais elle aura des boutons lorsque l'ensoleillement sera moindre après l'été). La femme qui a encore plus de boutons pendant l'été. Dans les deux cas de figure, il est impératif de prendre soin de sa peau !!!! Dans …
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Send us a text Today we're talking about preconception and prenatal health for both mom and baby and Sarah Thompson joins me to really dig in and talk about specific foods and nutrients that we can use to increase egg quality, support hormone levels in early pregnancy, and ultimately help mom and baby stay happy and healthy during the pregnancy jou…
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Hello hello ! Cette semaine, on continue encore sur un sujet qu'on a tendance à taire. C'est plutôt le genre de sujet qu'on aborde dans le cabinet d'un thérapeute ou d'un coach. Je l'ai beaucoup entendu et on a beaucoup travaillé dessus. Je vous l'avais dit la semaine dernière, l'acné fait souffrir de nombreuses femmes dans l'intimité, mais il y a …
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Send us a text Want an easy + feel-good way to support your hormones this summer? I've got a good one for you today! Safe sun exposure is one of the best ways to support healthy stress responses and doesn't it just make sense that it can also help your body make more progesterone when you're getting more sunlight? Today I'm talking about the factor…
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Coucou ! Cette semaine, on aborde un sujet qu'on a tendance à garder plutôt "sous le tapis". De nombreuses femmes souffrent de leur acné dans leur intimité : difficulté à séduire parce qu'elles se sentent "moches" et pas désirables, peur qu'on voit leur peau au naturel le matin au réveil (et à d'autres moments d'ailleurs)... Alors comment gagner en…
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Send us a text Welcome back to the Happily Hormonal Podcast. Today I am joined by emotional and anger management coach Elizabeth Andreyevskiy. Elizabeth is a mom of 4 kids living in North Florida. She struggled with reactive parenting styles until she discovered emotional wellness tools through counseling. This led her to focus on supporting other …
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Coucou ! Cette semaine, on aborde un sujet pas très en vogue. Parce que oui, généralement, sur internet, on te vend du rêve avec des belles assiettes "Healthy Food". Mais la réalité c'est quoi réellement ? J'aborde un thème dont on parle davantage aux Etats-Unis qu'en France : "l'hyperpalabilité" ça te dit quelque chose ? Probablement pas ! Alors é…
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Send us a text It's time for another Q&A Thursday and I have some good ones! Today I'm answering these questions: How does a hormonal IUD like Mirena affect your hormones and cycles and how can you support hormones while on it? Is BBT tracking helpful in perimenopause? What castor oil pack/castor oil do I recommend? How do you track BBTs when you'r…
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Send us a text Today I have an episode for you that's all about what you can do for FREE to support happier hormones, and it's really amazing how far these tips will go for you if you implement them! We get into all of the "fancy" things we can do - red light therapy, a million hormone supplements, cold plunges, etc but what if we just got back to …
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Coucou ! Cette semaine, on aborde un sujet pas très glam mais hyper important : l'acné digestive. Perméabilité intestinale Mégadolichocôlon qui engendrent des dysbioses de fermentation et de putréfaction Intestin irritable MICI (maladie inflammatoire chronique de l'intestin : la maladie de Crohn et la rectocolite hémorragique) Candidose SIBO / IMO …
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Send us a text If you have had period pain - this episode is for YOU! I was so excited to hear Valentina share her story and research about women's health on another podcast that I knew I had to have her on as a guest here. Today we're talking about painful periods, and although I believe that when there is period pain there's always an underlying …
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Coucou ! Tu es anxieuses, tu souffres d'acné hormonale persistante ? Tu veux comprendre ce qu'est la méthode The Good Balance avec mes programmes Hack ta Peau et A Fleur de Peau ? Cet épisode va t'éclairer parce que je te raconte tout en détail ! 😃 Voici le lien pour t'inscrire à ma semaine "Stop à l'acné hormonale persistante !" : clique ICI. 😍 No…
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Send us a text Today is our first hormone highlight episode - a bite sized episode to encourage + inspire you in just a few minutes so you can keep moving forward on your hormone journey! In this episode, I’m talking about what I have seen hold women back from balancing their hormones many times, including me: PERFECTIONISM. In this episode: What H…
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Send us a text Basal body temperatures are one of my favorite tools to understand your hormones and cycles better, so I'm going even deeper today into some of the things your chart is telling you that you are probably missing. If you haven't started BBT tracking yet or want the 101 - go back to Episodes 59 and 61 to learn how to start and what to l…
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Send us a text Send us a Text Message. Let’s talk about anxiety! There are so many factors and triggers, and YES, your hormones do play a part in your mood but there’s so much more to the story outside of your monthly hormone changes. I dive into the many causes of anxiety, from underlying perfectionism, poor sleep, lack of nourishment, and the cra…
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Send us a text Welcome back to the Happily Hormonal podcast! Today I'm excited to share an inspiring story of healing through homesteading. My guest, Jocelyn Jennings, is a stay-at-home mom of two who teaches others about homesteading through her podcast, The Farm Family Table. After struggling for years with PCOS, she decided to take her health in…
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Coucou ! Cette semaine, je t'explique les raisons pour lesquelles même quand tu manges bien et que tu penses tout bien faire, ton acné persiste : 👉 Carences avérées liée à l'alimentation pas optimisée à tes besoins. 👉 Microbiote intestinal déséquilibré (pathologie et/ ou simplement une hygiène de vie inadaptée à tes besoins). 👉 Alimentation qui n'e…
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Send us a text Hey, gals! I'm back with a new episode with my co-host Dr. Heather Rhodes. We're starting this week off talking about one of the most requested topics: Mood Swings & Depression. In this episode we dive into what factors affect our neurotransmitters, affect our hormones and also about medications for depression and how those can affec…
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Coucou ! Cette semaine, on va se poser quelques questions d'introspection. Au programme de l'épisode : Qu'est ce que j'entends par être sa meilleure amie ? C'est quoi vivre en pilote automatique ? Pourquoi apprendre à s'écouter ? Dans cet épisode, nous parlons donc d'amour de soi. Bonne écoute ! Alexandra 💜 👉 Télécharge ICI mon guide gratuit : les …
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Send us a text Welcome back to the Happily Hormonal Podcast. In this throwback Thursday episode, Dr. Heather Rhodes is my co-host, and we’re talking about irregular cycles. We’ll start on how you can track your menstrual cycle, then discuss what a regular cycle should look like, and finally go deeper into irregular cycles - why they happen and how …
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Send us a text Today we're talking all things ADHD - What is ADHD, how is it different in boys and girls, and why more women in their 20s and 30s are being diagnosed with ADHD then EVER before. When we look at the menstrual cycle and estrogen and progesterone changes, it's easy to see the patterns that can impact ADHD symptoms, and when we know wha…
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Coucou ! Voici le nouvel épisode de la semaine ! 😊 Cette semaine, je te partage pourquoi les 4 grandes fluctuations hormonales de la vie d'une femme entraînent de l'acné : 1) La puberté. 2) La prise d'une pilule contraceptive (pour une majorité même si cela n'est pas le cas de toutes les femmes). 3) La préménopause. 4) La ménopause. Voici l'article…
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Send us a text Hey friend this one is going to get really real. We're talking about the gut today and I can't tell you how many women come to me with gut issues and have no idea that they're affecting their hormones! We're connecting the dots between gut issues and hormone imbalances, WHY improving constipation and bloating is such a key step on th…
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Send us a text Have you heard that ovulation is supposed to be a great part of your cycle and it's just not happening for you? You're expecting to feel good, have a high libido, and flowing beautiful hair and instead you're grumpy, moody and bloated? Ovulation symptoms can happen but they aren't normal and aren't something you have to be stuck with…
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Send us a text Hi friends! Today I am diving into one of the topics that has been a long time coming... Libido! There is somewhat of an epidemic (my words) of low libido in women and this should be more concerning than it is. Low libido is not "normal" and it actually is comes out of running low in other areas of your life. The environment around u…
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Send us a text Welcome back to the Happily Hormonal Podcast. In this episode, I talk with chef Whitney Aronoff about the impact of food on hormone balance. Whitney shares how she attended culinary school to heal her own gut issues and learn life skills. She discusses the benefits of eating seasonal whole foods and traditional cooking methods for op…
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