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Re:Engage TNG


Four friends return to a sci-fi series we all have a strong connection to - Star Trek: The Next Generation. It debuted in 1987 when we were all young, and now in 2020, we re-engage with the series, one episode at a time, and re-consider Star Trek from a new perspective as grown-up fans.
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show series
Season's ending, crew, time to bring in the big guns. We got Lore, the Borg, a lot of Hugh mentions, a Federation Admiral, and a slew of dead red shirts. Or Yellow. You get the idea. They might as well have had a saucer separation. Why didn't they? Blew all the budget on Einstein's facial prosthesis? Data is feeling himself. He fights the borg and …
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TimEscape. Tim's Cape. It's all about getting high on time. Picard draws a smiley face on an exploding reactor blast, proving that graffiti is the same in the 24th century. Troi, Laforge, Picard and Data attend the most boring /slash/ misogynistic science conference on the fanciest shuttlecraft in the fleet. But everybody keeps kitting the pause /s…
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Two Rikers! Holy continuity breakdown! This one is directed by Levar Burton, and doesn't focus so much on the science fiction of meeting your double. Instead, we get a much greater understanding of Troi and Riker's romance before the show even started. It's bold. We get tai-chi over leotard-stretching ladies and cute-sey scavenger hunt ploys from a…
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Kahless the great returns after Worf burns a fat one on the Enterprise and gets dressed down /slash/ given a vacation from Picard. Then we talk about religion and governance without really getting at the moral quandary of cloning and free will. Worf confronts the Klingon pharisees, then convinces Gowron to bends the knee. No, it doesn't make sense …
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Sometimes an inner monologue is all you need to discover who the real killer has been all along. Guinan talks to Dr. Crusher about tennis elbow, but Beverly isn't the doctor on this ship anymore. Then through a series of flashbacks and flash-forwards, she uncovers the killer of a Ferengi scientist for which she was busy getting recognition among a …
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It's a meta-existential threat episode! Riker is an actor in a play written by Beverly Crusher, or is that Jonathan Frakes? Or is it the host of Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction? This episode is written in such a delicious way, blending exposition and strange character behavior in a perception-annihilating frame of mind. I am shattered, like the fabr…
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I love doing musical intros! After his old archeology teacher shows up to guilt trip him on a goose chase, Picard fondles some figurines before his teacher is killed. He leaves behind a trail, and Picard ignores protocol to make the DNA tell him and Crusher where to go next. Cardassians show up, then Klingons and Romulans, yet the Captain finds a w…
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The Fish and the Rocks! A quiet episode, until it's not. Picard meets a pianist, and she opens up his musician side as well as his heart. Too bad she is under his direct command. She plays the keys and he plays the flute in the sexiest part of the starship, the Jeffries Tubes! There are dolphins, there are non-stop HR violations, there is exquisite…
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"The Enterprise is mine!" says Picard when he goes back for his saddle(!) No one grows in this one, including our panel, but that's just perfect for a mélange of 80s action movie moments. Due for a scan for waste particles associated with the warp engines, the Enterprise bridge crew must go to a reception held by Hutch, er, Commander Calvin Hutchin…
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Worf shines in this episode by teaching the town to dance, to hunt, and to sing. Michael Dorn is a true triple threat! The younger generation of prisoners don't even know they are in prison. The much younger lady he saw washing in the previous episode shows Worf the artifacts of an ancient time. The Romulan leader Tokath is generally nice - he even…
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B. Dave Walters returns! We jump into a banger of a two-parter as Deep Space 9 takes center stage. Kind of. On the Promenade, Worf meets Mr. James Cameron, er, Cromwell, dressed up like a naked mole rat named Shrek (no, really) who says Worf's father is still alive. Mogh would be proud of his son breaking a glass table before donning a black caper …
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We've come to see the tapestries! Q returns in an episode that doesn't have Q in the title, and we are pissed about that. Good thing, Erik has got us covered in that department. We start in the media-est of res-es, with Picard injured and rushed into sick bay. He goes into the light and a washed out Q tells him what's up. He's dead, because of the …
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Counselor Troi wakes up as a Romulan and must immediately become badass or die. You see, she's been benevolently kidnapped by a Romulan friend of Spock's ... kind of. Meanwhile on the Enterprise, a traitor of the Federation who had defected to Romulus, comes back to deliver a message. They've got to go to some coordinates for a very important deliv…
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The collective sigh of rut roh when Geordi sees Acquiel for the first time ... in that WIG! It's a murder mystery unlike you've ever seen before with a shape-shifting body-snatching thing eating dogs and taking names. The Klingons are here and Gowron's name gets thrown around, which is a nice touch. Levar Burton has to wrestle with a tough script a…
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We go where no one has gone before --- into a cube! Bonnie Gordon joins the gang to discuss the Star Trek episode that launched a thousand holodeck programs. Moriarty returns from the clutches of Dr. Pulaski to demand Barclay take him to the Captain. You see, the fictional foil to Sherlock was locked in limbo for nary four seasons. Flimflammery and…
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Hey, got a light? To be continued leads us right into Picard singing like a songbird, as Kate says. He's in the well-lit torture room with David Warner as Gul Madred. Then we move to Cardassians showing their ipads and threatening Picard's life to our crack negotiating team. Riker's pissed Jellyroll won't admit Picard was acting for the Federation,…
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It's a mid-season two-parter! Let's jump into an extremely important episode full of editing choices and amazing performances around the horn. Captain Jericho is a real sociopath, and he takes over the Enterprise as Picard, Worf, and Crusher train in secret for the secret mission involving Cardashians. Riker's beard is bristling, Geordi is flabberg…
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Those little robots are so dang cute! Geordi meets with Dr. Firalalalon... who has a new mining technique she's perfecting on a new planet. The good doctor also made these cool little floating tools with self-replicating circuitry. One of them saves itself from destruction in a mining accident and Data pauses on that bit for a moment. Then he figur…
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Wagon Train to the stars, INDEED! Worf gets cajoled into playing cowboy with Alexander in the holodeck program he wrote with Barclay (who's mentioned but doesn't appear.) Troi gets in on the fun as the mysterious stranger, but then it all goes wonky when Datas start breaking the computer systems all over the ship. Crusher's play gets corrupted by D…
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The kids are on the prowl and this ain't no Space Camp situation! An accident puts a unique combination of characters into crisis mode as Ensign Ro, Keiko O'Brien, Captain Picard and Guinan all turn twelve to seven years old. Guinan and Ro learn to love jumping on beds while Keiko can't console Miles or her daughter. Picard's young self doesn't get…
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The return of Lohn JeDancie as the inimitable Q! This time, he's here to test an intern, but not like that. Well, kinda like that actually in that one scene. Olivia D'Abo, the older sister from Wonder Years fame, does a bangup job as a Q spawn left orphaned on Earth after a freak tornado accident in 24th Century Topeka. It seems the Q Continuum did…
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Data reads poetry, and Riker is sleepy as fuck! Clicking aliens, this episode is heavy on the horror side of genre. The fishmonks are assholes and have been stealing crewmembers of the Enterprise away from this dimension. We follow Riker's perspective, but it's happening to Geordi, Worf, and that other lady, too. To figure it all out, Troi takes th…
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We need more development, Scotty! It's the return of Captain Montgomery Scott by way of James Doohan by way of a jury-rigged transporter buffer. The Enterprise encounters a Dyson sphere in the middle of space, and a Federation transport ship crashed on its massive surface. Geordi rescues Scotty from the transporter, but can't rescue him from feelin…
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I gotta say, Troi sure knows how to pick 'em! But I blame the writers here. A diplomat comes in hot from an exploding transport ship but it's his mom that steals the show being angry at Troi's existence. Ambassador Alkar forms a bond with her, noting her empathic abilities, before his mom is found dead. Troi and Alkar touch crystals. Then she goes …
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Lt. Barclay gets waylaid by a phobia of the transporter variety. He tries to shake it, the psychosis, but then he sees floating puppets eating his arm while he's in the matter stream. What if the phobias are true? His arm sure is blue! Geordi and Troi and O'Brien all bond with Barclay the clown before he goes from zero-to-hero miraculously fast. Ge…
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Going to California. The whole gang is here in San Francisco, Guinan, Jack London, and Mark Twain included. There are aliens stealing human mind energies and Beverly Crusher has been crushing it as a nurse in a cholera ward. If there was a way to hide murderous aliens by going back in time, our dear doctor tells us THIS would be the perfect crime. …
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As both Huey Lewis and his famous News have taught us, we gotta go back in time! It's 1889 S.F. this time around the sun but it takes the Enterprise crew a little while to get there. They find Data's head in a cave, contemplate death in Ten Forward, Guinan drops some plot bomb, and then bang, Data's in San Francisco at the stop of act three. There'…
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Picard playing the flute will get me every damn time. So damn good. While investigating deep space, the Enterprise finds a random odd-shaped probe out there. Before they know it, Picard is knocked unconscious by a beam of energy and lays down on the Bridge thanks to Riker gentle hands. He wakes up in a rustic house, being cared for by a woman who s…
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There's to say about this phase of life. I mean, you get to watch people exercise, you get to push a nasty Romulan out of a ship, and ruin your own Dixieland funeral party. What's not to love? Ro Laren and Geordi Laforge get lost in the transporter beam while helping a Romulan science ship that's had a horrible accident in space. The Enterprise thi…
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Hugh've got to be kidding me! We get back to the Borg and realize they aren't just the big implacable baddies the Enterprise made them out to be. Following up on a distress signal, Riker, Worf, and Crusher find an injured Borg on a random planet. Beverly wants to bring him on board, and Geordi devises a Borg jail after the Captain reluctantly agree…
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IFs can be creepy AF. The Enterprise welcomes Ensign Sutter and his daughter Clara on board while we welcome back Shareef Jackson to talk about this kid-centric episode. Checking out a nebula, Clara's imaginary friend she's created to deal with moving around from ship to ship comes to real life. Isabella is played by a fantastic young actor who bri…
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Jean Grey is an animorph, I think. Nope, wait she's an empathic megamind. In the triumphant return of the Ferengi, they bumble into birthing Famke Jenson's Kamala. She's the key to uniting two warring peoples, but she can't help but be attractive to every male on the Enterprise. Riker says no as graciously as he can. But Picard has to work with her…
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Lwaxana Troi invented Tinder. You heard it here first, kids! Alexander teaches us all a life lesson on whether to be nude at your weddings. Before that, Lwaxana teaches young Alexander about mud baths and creepy circus performers and the importance of laughing hour. Before that, Troi teaches Worf about the power of signing contracts with your child…
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Wesley Crusher returns! He's even more of a man, and is involved in a terrible scandal with Tom Paris, er, Nick Locarno and the rest of Nova Squadron while at Starfleet Academy. Picard reconnects with the gardener Boothby, who is a crotchety old man with a heart of gold or something like that. Nova Squardron was trying to make a galactic goatse whe…
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Is this thing on? Are we recording? Let's go back to the beginning. And when we'll get to the end. Stop. Stunt casting Frasier Crane aside, this one is a fun temporal romp. Crusher plays poker with the gang, then start to see some patterns emerge. Are they caught in a loop? How does that work? Data figures it out at the last moment, thanks to Jonat…
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After a clunker of Ethics, the TNG writers, producers and performers step it up a huge ass notch. Melissa Nathan, AEA stage manager from NYC, joins to talk about a very special episode. Riker forms a relationship with Soren, a member of the J'Naii who eschews all that silly androgenous stuff. Soren wants to get it on with Riker, as they mount a res…
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It's impossible to tackle a tough issue like assisted suicide for handicapped people in just one episode, but add in evil research doctors with a cavalier approach to experimental procedures, and it's no sweat! Alexander returns, and guilt his father into not killing himself, assisted by Riker. Also Troi and Worf build a connection, somehow. Dr. Cr…
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A thousand points of light, and we get Buzz, Bruiser and Slash. The Enterprise thinks it's found an old Federation starship from 2 centuries ago and have to send a shuttle down to the surface. There the storm picks up and bodysnatches O'Brien, Troi and Data. Riker is saved by a broken arm. Then those three go berserk screaming something about the S…
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