Bob Stobener , a seasoned leader celebrated for his adept communication skills, has a unique perspective on improving communication as a means to foster understanding and collaboration. Drawing from his creative background in cartooning and strategic advertising at a successful comedy club, Stobener believes that effective communication is essential not only for resolving conflicts but also for enhancing personal and professional growth. He emphasizes the importance of listening and forming genuine connections, demonstrating how these practices can lead to positive outcomes, as seen in his ability to guide team members toward fulfilling career paths. By advocating for open and honest dialogue, Stobener illustrates how strong communication skills can support individual success and organizational excellence across various industries. (00:01:52) Communication Skills: Comedy Club to Corporate Success (00:14:21) Transparent Interactions: The Foundation of Leadership Success (00:14:21) Transformative Impact of Transparent Leadership Communication (00:19:41) Mastering Communication Skills for Multifaceted Success Hosted by Larry Wilson Produced by: Verbal Ninja Productions Producer: R. Scott Edwards Sponsored by: The Wilson Method **Check out NEW upgraded website with FREE offer !! Visit: Link:…
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We continue our series in Mark with a message from Mark 12โดย One Hope Community Church
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Continuing our series in the Gospel of Mark with a message form Mark 12.โดย One Hope Community Church
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We continue our series from Mark chapters 11 - 13... with a message from Mark 11:27 - 12:12, as well as Isaiah 5:1-7โดย One Hope Community Church
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We continue our serios in Mark chapters 11-13 with a message from Mark 11:12-25 and we consider the King's Wrathโดย One Hope Community Church
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A message of hope and comfort from Romans 8:18-39โดย One Hope Community Church
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A message of hope from Psalm 9 and also looking at Jeremiah 17: 5-8โดย One Hope Community Church
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A message in a series considering The King's Authority from the Gospel according to Mark chapters 11 - 13โดย One Hope Community Church
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A message from Psalm 8โดย One Hope Community Church
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Seeing Jesus Again - A journey back to Awe and Wonder - Michael Kuen by One Hope Community Churchโดย One Hope Community Church
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A message from John 17 an how we can be one with Jesus and know His love - TODAYโดย One Hope Community Church
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A message from Exodus 14:1-31 titled Crossing Over From Death to Life - We can only cross over from death to life, because the greater Moses—Jesus Christ is the one who fights for us.โดย One Hope Community Church
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Who did Jesus come for and how did he enter into this world - his mission was alreayd evident in his birth.โดย One Hope Community Church
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The final message in our series looks at the back story of the King and the genealogy of Jesus and its significance... Matthew 1:1 - 17โดย One Hope Community Church
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We continue our advent series on Long for Jesus - The Joy of Every Longing Heart is a message based on the passages from Isaiah 40: 1-5, Luke 22: 21-40โดย One Hope Community Church
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Longing for Jesus: Preparing for Jesus - Andy Buchan by One Hope Community Churchโดย One Hope Community Church
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The world is groaning and we need Jesus - this advent series consider the promise of a Saviour and we should be Longing for Jesus.โดย One Hope Community Church
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We explore the idea that Jesus is the branch of Jesse, as we approach the advent season using the text from Isaiah 11:1-9โดย One Hope Community Church
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Our message today focusses on two texts from Matthew 9:35-38 & Acts 18:24-19:10โดย One Hope Community Church
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Today's message consider the Gospel Invitation that is issued to all - our texts are Psalm 66 and Romans 1:16-17โดย One Hope Community Church
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Our final message in our series - The Fruit of the Spirit and we look at passages from Galations 5:16-24 and Matthew 4:1-11โดย One Hope Community Church
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We look at Matthew 6:19-21 and see what God has to say about Treasure on Earth and Treasure in Heavenโดย One Hope Community Church
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Bible Transforming Lives and the Bible League - Chris Waghorn by One Hope Community Churchโดย One Hope Community Church
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We continue our series on the Fruit of the Spirit and we look at Gentleness with passages from Matthew 11:28-30 and James 3: 13-18.โดย One Hope Community Church
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A message of hope from 2 Kings 4:8-37โดย One Hope Community Church
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A message from Psalm 73โดย One Hope Community Church
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A message from Psalm 15โดย One Hope Community Church
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Continuing our series on the Fruit of the Spirit - today's message uses passages from Deuteronomy 32:1-4 and 1 Peter 1:3-9 to consider the fruit of Faithfulnessโดย One Hope Community Church
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As we continue exploring the Fruit of the Spirit we consider GOODNESS with passages from Psalm 34:1-10 and 1 Peter 3:8-17โดย One Hope Community Church
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we continue our series in the Fruit of the Spirit and this week we look at Kindness using Titus 3:3 -7 and Ephesians 2:4-10โดย One Hope Community Church
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The Things We Don't Talk About: Prayer - Andy Buchan by One Hope Community Churchโดย One Hope Community Church
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The Things We Don't Talk About: Hearing From God - Michael De Kretser by One Hope Community Churchโดย One Hope Community Church
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Luke 5:1-11, Mark 2:13-14,John 1:43-51, Matthew 4:21-22โดย One Hope Community Church
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We continue our series on the Fruit of the Holy Spirit and we consider Patience - 2 Peter 3:8-13 and James 5:7-11โดย One Hope Community Church
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We continue our series looking at the Fruit of the Spirit and cultivating a Christlike character, and this message considers two passages from John 14: 25 - 27 & Colossians 1: 19 - 23โดย One Hope Community Church
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We continue our series in the Fruit of the Spirit and look at JOY using passages from John 15:8-11 and John 16:20-24โดย One Hope Community Church
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We look at worship in all circumstances and God's protection and grace - through Psalm 23โดย One Hope Community Church
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We commence our new series on the Fruit of the Spirit - Cultivating a Christlike Character. This message on Love looks at Galatians 5:13-25 & 1 John 4:7-21โดย One Hope Community Church
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We consider Romans 8:5-17 and what Paul says about a Life in the Spirit as part of the DNA of a Christianโดย One Hope Community Church
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We look at the marks of a healthy church and what the Gospel says about giving in with three main points from the following passages Deuteronomy 26:1-11 & 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 & 9:6-11โดย One Hope Community Church
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We explore God's word to us from Ecclesiastes 11:1-6โดย One Hope Community Church
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The final message in the series BE THOU MY VISION with a message from Mark 10: 46-52 titled Blind Sightโดย One Hope Community Church
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Continuing our series in Mark we focus on Mark 10:32-45 and look at Jesus The Supreme Servant....โดย One Hope Community Church
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We continue this series on Be Thou My Vision with a message from Mark 10: 13-31โดย One Hope Community Church
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we continue our series in Mark and look at Mark 10:1-12 as well as John 4:7-14... we learn what Jesus says about marriage.โดย One Hope Community Church
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In this message we look at the passages from Joshua 9:1-15, Luke 11:1-23, and we especially look at Proverbs 3:5-6... we need to consult God more and speak to him in prayer in all circumstancesโดย One Hope Community Church
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We continue our series in Mark with a message from Mark 9:42-50 titled GETTING SERIOUS ABOUT SINโดย One Hope Community Church
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We continue our series with in Mark with a message from Mark 9:30-41, “True Greatness” – looking at the Saviour’s pattern, that the way up is down, & the precious value of humble service in his name.โดย One Hope Community Church
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Continuing our series in Mark with a message from Mark 9: 14-29โดย One Hope Community Church
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We continue our series in Mark - Be Thou My Vision and we look at Exodus 24:9-18 & Mark 9:2-13 with a message titled - The Glory of Jesusโดย One Hope Community Church
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Continuing our series in Mark but starting a new theme of Be Thou My Vision.. this message looks at Mark 8:31 - 9:1โดย One Hope Community Church
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