Grace Church Abu Dhabi สาธารณะ
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Psalm 1 presents a striking contrast between the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked. This sermon explores what it means to delight in God's Word, remain firmly rooted in Him, and avoid influences that lead us away from His truth. As we reflect on this psalm, we are challenged to evaluate our walk with God and commit to a life that flour…
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To effectively battle temptation, we must understand the root cause of temptation, and focus on that root cause. In this message we learn from Scripture that the root cause of temptation is unbelief, since unbelief blinds us to the superior joy we have in Christ. We also discover that the way to overcome unbelief is by strategically using God's wor…
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The fact that God has attached promises to every command in the Bible shows that God wants all of our obedience to be helped and motivated and empowered by his promises. In this sermon we see this truth taught in 2 Peter 1:4, and illustrated in the life of Moses (Heb 11:24-26).
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Isaiah 9:6-7. This sermon explores the Old Testament prophecies foretelling the birth of Jesus, highlighting the anticipation and fulfillment of God's promises through the arrival of the Savior. It emphasizes the significance of Jesus' birth as the ultimate realization of divine prophecy and the hope it brings to the world…
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In this sermon we learn from Acts 2:14-21 that God is still giving the more supernatural spiritual gifts like prophecy, and that in the New Testament prophecy is an encouraging gift from God, but it is not equal to Scripture. It must be judged by Scripture.
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The Word of God, both the preaching and hearing of it, must be central in our worship if we want to truly enjoy God's presence. In the example of Josiah in 2 Chronicles 34 we see what it looks like for the Word of God to be central in our worship as the church.
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Because each church family is to be God's temple, God's dwelling place, our purpose in gathering is to meet God together. This sermon shows where that's taught in Scripture, and gives practical ways we can pursue this amazing purpose.
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In 2 Corinthians 3:12 - 4:6 Paul describes how the New Covenant is superior to the Old Covenant, and answers three crucial questions: (1) if the New Covenant is superior, why do some not believe? (2) If Satan blinds people, why do some end up seeing? (3) What does this mean for how we do ministry?
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This message summarizes Colossians' main point, which is that Christ's infinite worth motivates us not to drift from him, but instead to walk in him. It also unpacks the last 12 verses of Colossians to show some ways that Christ's infinite worth transforms us.
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In these two verses the Apostle Paul calls on children and parents to fulfill their familial roles as those who have been renewed in the image of their Creator through faith in Christ. Through the power of Christ and his Spirit both parents and children can please the Lord and bring glory to him by obedience, discipline, and love!…
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In this passage Paul gives his readers challenging commands regarding sins like sexual purity, covetousness, and anger. But he also gives us reasons that God will use to help us obey these commands -- reasons which all connect to the fact that Christ is our only source of true life.
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This sermon examines Colossians 2:16-23, challenging believers to focus on Christ as the substance of their faith, rather than getting sidetracked by religious rituals, worldly pressures, or human-made rules that cannot stop the indulgence of the flesh.
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In this passage Paul gives four reasons from his own life for why we should not let anything draw us away from Christ -- because his joy in suffering shows the reality of Christ, because Christ dwells in believing Jews and Gentiles with the hope of glory, because in Christ we will receive encouragement, a community of loving believers, full assuran…
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Baptism is a powerful picture of how, when we trust Christ, we are united to Christ in his death and resurrection. In this sermon we explore what it means to die and rise with Christ, why this is so important, and how baptism pictures this wonderful transformation.gful.
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Paul calls on believers to walk in love by not causing their brothers and sisters to stumble. Eating and drinking against one's conscience is sin and may lead to spiritual ruin before God. So, believers are called to walk carefully in love so as not to offend one another and tempt one to go against their conscience.…
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As Christians we are obligated to love those around us. This kind of love does not fly int the face of God’s commands but instead upholds them, flowing from a love for God and His love for us. Likewise, knowing the time that we are in awaiting the return of Christ spurs us on to cast off darkness and live the Christian life.…
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There is no greater gift Jesus can give us than a greater revelation of his glory. And in response to Lazarus' sickness, that's what he does for Martha, Mary, his disciples -- and Lazarus. And we get to read about it, and experience it, today.
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Paul knows that Israel's ongoing unbelief could make us think God has or will completely reject them, but Paul explains why that's not the case, and what God's amazing final plan is for Israel -- while also giving us a sobering message about the reality of God's hardening.
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In Romans 10 Paul helps us see that the goal of the Old Testament Law was to bring people to the faith that would give them the Messiah's gift of perfect righteousness, and what kind of faith brings us that gift today.
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