After years in pastoral and teaching ministries, I'm excited to use this venue to keep doing the job!! StraightForward Radio is here to encourage you to go Straight to Source and move Forward to your Destiny.
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Hey folks!Please subscribe to the new podcast over on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!See you there!!โดย Jesse Diaz
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Hold the ketchup.โดย Jesse Diaz
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I like cookie cutters. But not today.โดย Jesse Diaz
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Ready, set... again!โดย Jesse Diaz
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So that's what you don't do.โดย Jesse Diaz
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"Birds of a feather" don't have a lot to do with this one...โดย Jesse Diaz
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You might feel like you're not enough today... Also- you're wrong.โดย Jesse Diaz
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Where there's a will ... well, you know the rest. sort of.โดย Jesse Diaz
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Sometimes it seems like a waste of time.โดย Jesse Diaz
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It may seem kind of dark, sometimes... But the Morning Light is right around the corner!โดย Jesse Diaz
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So you're surrounded... but it's a good thing.โดย Jesse Diaz
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It looks like it's gonna rain...โดย Jesse Diaz
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Sometimes, you just can't walk around stuff...โดย Jesse Diaz
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Some stuff you just can't fix. Good.โดย Jesse Diaz
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When things get too shifty, it's time to get to solid ground.โดย Jesse Diaz
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You just got rick-rolled!!โดย Jesse Diaz
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Keep driving...โดย Jesse Diaz
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Don't get used to it.โดย Jesse Diaz
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