Vicki Sokolik refuses to be an Ostrich. Her son brought to her attention the crisis of unhoused youth — youth unhoused, not living with a parent/guardian, and not in foster care — in America, and she has been fighting to support this vulnerable population every since. Most active in Tampa Bay, Florida, Vicki is the founder and CEO of the nonprofit Starting Right, Now, which removes barriers for unaccompanied homeless youth to cultivate long-term well-being and self-sufficiency. She is also the author of the new book, “If You See Them: Young, Unhoused, and Alone in America.” Vicki Sokolik joined host Jay Ruderman to discuss the many ways unhoused youth fall through the cracks in our society, how her organization helps them, and also how to build trust with people who could use your help. Episode Chapters (00:00) Intro (01:10) Vicki’s origin story (02:40) What is “unhoused youth?” (06:40) What should a person do if they worry they see an unhoused youth? (08:19) How have conversations around unhoused youth changed in Vicki’s 20 years working with them? (11:02) How do people get the word out and help unhoused youth? (14:55) Vicki’s new book (16:48) How Vicki builds trust (20:10) What do students receive at Starting Right, Now? (22:58) How does Vicki balance advocacy and direct support? (27:53) Starting Right, Now alumni (29:10) Goodbye For video episodes, watch on Stay in touch: X: @JayRuderman | @RudermanFdn LinkedIn: Jay Ruderman | Ruderman Family Foundation Instagram: All About Change Podcast | Ruderman Family Foundation To learn more about the podcast, visit…
Rick Warren es un pastor innovador, autor reconocido e influyente global.
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Walking in Prayer Devotional with Pastor Rick
Walking in Prayer Devotional with Pastor Rick
Pastor Rick
Come and join Pastor Rick on a daily devotional as he leads you the whole year on a discovery in prayer and study of Genesis through Revelation.
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Pastor Rick Knight of Living Waters Family Worship Center
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Rick Warren is an innovative pastor, renowned author, and global influencer.
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Sharpen your leadership skills with Pastor Ricky Temple and improve the quality of your life at home, work, or in ministry. For more info visit
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La Biblia dice en 1 Juan 4:18: "En el amor no hay temor, sino que el perfecto amor echa fuera el temor". En este mensaje, el pastor Rick comparte el primer paso para aprender a vivir en el amor de Dios entonces puedes vivir sin miedo.
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Today’s devotional is on Genesis 18:22-25 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.โดย Pastor Rick
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The first step to reaching your goals is knowing where you currently stand. Ask yourself, Where am I now? and What would I like to change?
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Dios no quiere el conocimiento de tu cabeza; Él quiere una relación emocional contigo. En este mensaje, el pastor Rick continúa hablando sobre cómo lidiar con tus emociones a medida que aprendes lo que la Biblia dice sobre tus sentimientos.
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When Jesus invites you to take on his yoke, he's not giving you his problems—he doesn’t have any! Instead, he’s offering to share your burdens, taking on your stress and bearing it with you.
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Si quieres tener éxito en la vida, debes aprender a dominar tu estado de ánimo. Cuando tienes una emoción que no te lleva a donde quieres ir, tienes dos opciones. El pastor Rick usa este mensaje para ayudarte a determinar si debes cambiar tu estado de ánimo o canalizarlo.
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The main source of stress is worry about whether your needs will be met. When you rely on people or things instead of God to fulfill those needs, you're bound to face frustration and disappointment, because only God can truly provide.
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Una vez que eres un seguidor de Cristo, tu vida debe ser controlada por la voluntad de Dios, no por tus emociones. En este programa, el Pastor Rick te hace tres preguntas sobre tus emociones con las cuales puedes descubrir cómo lidiar con lo que sientes.
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Renew your mind daily with God’s Word because true transformation begins in your thoughts, not your actions. To fulfill God’s purpose for you, invite him to expand your imagination and inspire a vision for your future. Without a guiding vision, life can feel chaotic, but with God’s direction, you can move forward with confidence and purpose.…
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Aprender a lidiar con tus emociones es la clave para la tranquilidad. Acompaña al Pastor Rick mientras comparte contigo cuatro razones importantes de la Palabra de Dios por las cuales necesitas aprender a lidiar con tus emociones.
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Don’t believe everything you think—because not all thoughts are true. What you allow into your mind affects your stress, success, and stability. So guard your mind carefully.
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La razón por la cual la mayoría de las personas son ineficaces en la vida es por que nunca aprendieron a pelear la batalla de la mente. El pastor Rick usa este mensaje para compartir los tres enemigos que te impiden cumplir todas tus buenas intenciones de dirigir tu mente y cambiar tu vida.
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Bartimaeus shows us that we receive our vision through faith. Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you” (Luke 18:42 NIV). As Pastor Rick explains, to receive and maintain your vision, you must stay on the path with Jesus, like Bartimaeus did.
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Todos sabemos la importancia de la nutrición: una buena comida y buenas calorías te hacen más fuerte y saludable y te dan más energía. Lo mismo sucede con los pensamientos en tu vida. En este mensaje, el pastor Rick enseña cómo alimentar tu mente no con basura ni veneno sino con la verdad.
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To regain your vision, take time to listen for God’s call as you slow down and focus on him. Bartimaeus, a blind man, teaches us the importance of being clear with God about our desires. He simply said, “Lord, I want to see” (Luke 18:41 NIV). Jesus responded immediately, showing that sometimes, all it takes is a straightforward request and unwaveri…
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Queremos que Dios nos quite todos los problemas, el dolor y el sufrimiento. Pero Dios está mucho más interesado en cambiar tu mente que en cambiar tus circunstancias. El pastor Rick comparte en este programa tres razones por las que necesitas aprender a dirigir tu mente.
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The first step to reclaiming your vision is believing that Jesus can transform your situation—because without hope, change is impossible. Learn to ignore the negative voices around you that try to hold you back and stop you from dreaming big for your future.
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En este programa, el pastor Rick continúa con los mensajes de esta serie en los cuales habla cómo enfrentar tus miedos y descansar mientras aprendes cómo pasar de estar estresado a ser bendecido para que puedas vivir la vida plena que Dios planeó para ti.
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James warns against presuming about tomorrow, planning without God, and putting off what’s right. Those mistakes only lead to poor decisions and procrastination—and procrastination often leads to regret. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why you should live each day as if it were your last.
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No importa lo que te esté agobiando o la carga que lleves, Jesús es la respuesta. En este mensaje, el pastor Rick explica lo que significa tomar el yugo de Dios sobre ti y dejar a Dios que te ayude con la carga que llevas.
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In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how your destiny is shaped by your choices, and how those choices affect your life and also influence future generations. As you listen, you’ll learn how to make the best choices.
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Nuestra civilización está perdiendo su civilidad. ¡El mundo se está volviendo más rudo! Entonces, ¿cómo debes manejar a las personas groseras? En este programa, el pastor Rick usa el ejemplo del Rey David para enseñar cómo dejar que Dios sea tu defensor y manejar a las personas groseras en tu vida.
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To possess your destiny, you must courageously step out in faith. As you do, you can trust that God is with you, he keeps his promises, and he has commanded you to move forward. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why, even though you may not know what challenges are ahead, you can trust that God will be with you every step of the way.…
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La principal causa de estrés en tu vida es la preocupación: preocuparte de que tendrás lo que necesitas cuando lo necesites. Pero cada vez que esperes que otras personas satisfagan tus necesidades en lugar de Dios, te sentirás decepcionado. Acompaña al pastor Rick durante este programa mientras explica la cura para tu estrés.…
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The Bible teaches that God’s plan for your life is good and includes a future filled with hope. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches that the first step toward your destiny is to prepare a plan, building your life firmly on the foundation of God's Word.
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En este programa, el pastor Rick continúa su enseñanza sobre cómo acercarse a Dios a medida que te ayuda a comprender que "Me buscarán y me encontrarán cuando me busquen de todo corazón" Jeremías 29:13 (NVI).
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In this message, Pastor Rick teaches the importance of renewing your spirit daily to give you strength for that day. And he reminds you to stay focused on eternity, knowing that no matter what you’re facing, your struggles are temporary compared to an eternity in heaven with God.
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Today’s devotional is on Genesis 17: 18 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.โดย Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Genesis 16: 13 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.โดย Pastor Rick
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El padre en la historia del hijo pródigo es como tu padre celestial: no importa lo que hayas hecho, para una celebración, no para una condenación. En este mensaje, el Pastor Rick explica cómo unirte a la celebración de Dios mientras le ofreces tu alabanza.
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Do you want to finish well in the Christian life? Listen in as Pastor Rick explains why you need to commit to living with humility and refuse to compromise your integrity.
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Today’s devotional is on Genesis 15: 2, 3 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.โดย Pastor Rick
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Todos anhelamos estar cerca de Dios. ¿Cómo vuelves a Él? En este mensaje, el pastor Rick enseña el camino de regreso a la transformación espiritual: las cuatro cosas que debes hacer para volver a Dios.
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It’s hard to run a race when things are holding you back! Pastor Rick teaches how prayer, forgiveness, and confession will help you break free and pursue God’s purpose for your life.
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Today’s devotional is on Genesis 14: 18-20 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.โดย Pastor Rick
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En este programa, el Pastor Rick continúa la serie sobre el establecimiento de metas en fe, y también comparte por qué las metas son tan importantes y la forma en que Dios está trabajando en ti mientras estás trabajando en tus metas.
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Pastor Rick teaches how to let go of the worries, wounds, and wrongs that may be keeping you from running the race God has planned for you.
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Today’s devotional is on Revelation 22:20, 21 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.โดย Pastor Rick
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Puedes planificar la forma en que quieres vivir, pero solo Dios te da el poder y la energía para hacer una transformación. En este mensaje, el pastor Rick comparte las tres cosas que debes tener para alcanzar tu meta y cambiar tu vida.
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Being certain about the future is key to living with hope. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches about trusting in God’s promises.
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Today’s devotional is on Revelation 5:13 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.โดย Pastor Rick
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No todas las metas que te propongas son buenas ni serán bendecidas por Dios. Acompaña al pastor Rick en este mensaje mientras habla sobre tres preguntas que debes hacerte para que puedas establecer la clase de metas que Dios va a bendecir.
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You were created for much more than just existing. To truly live with hope, you need to anchor your life in God’s purpose for you. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why it’s important to know your life mission.
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Walking in Prayer Devotional with Pastor Rick
Today’s devotional is on Revelation 1:5, 6 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.โดย Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Revelation 1:3 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.โดย Pastor Rick
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Walking in Prayer Devotional with Pastor Rick
Today’s devotional is on Jude 1:24, 25 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.โดย Pastor Rick
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No estás a la altura de tus propios estándares, mucho menos de los de Dios. Todos nos equivocamos. Pero Dios envió la solución para nuestro pecado en Navidad. Escucha el mensaje del pastor Rick mientras continúa hablando de los beneficios de hacer lugar para Jesús en nuestras vidas.
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Did you know that God custom-designed you to be uniquely you? In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how hope comes from knowing the truth of who God made you to be.
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Today’s devotional is on Jude 2 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.โดย Pastor Rick
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A menudo hay una autosuficiencia en nosotros que dice: "Estoy bien por mi cuenta; no necesito a Dios". Pero Dios no nos creó para estar desconectados de Él. En este mensaje, el Pastor Rick comparte los beneficios de hacer lugar para Jesús en nuestras vidas.
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