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The destruction of local roads, bridges, and even a major interstate kept Asheville and surrounding towns mostly cut off from the rest of the world for days after Hurricane Helene. The reopening of I-40 between Asheville and Tennessee is a milestone in the rebuilding effort. How to build a road made to last, from WUNC's podcast The Broadside. And, …
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Interviene Pierfrancesco Severini - Responsabile della Direzione garanzie finanziarie e solidarietà di Consap. Nella prima parte della puntata ci chiediamo, come ogni lunedì, che settimana sarà per i mercati finanziari nel consueto spazio di MeteoBorsa. Interviene Gian Marco Salcioli socio e strategist per Assiom Forex.…
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Episode 64 welcomes special guest, Julio Ramos to the show to take a technical deep dive into common saws used in the fire service. Julio is an 18-year student of the trade currently serving as a Lieutenant on a squad company in a major metropolitan department in central Florida. He is owner/operator of Fireground and Special Operations, LLC and ha…
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La Strategia #1 per una Coppia Felice (nella Vita e nel Lavoro) Vuoi costruire una relazione più forte con il tuo partner? Questo episodio fa per te! Ti sveliamo la strategia che ci permette di essere allineati, motivati e in sintonia, sia nella vita privata che nel lavoro. Una semplice ma potente abitudine settimanale che evita incomprensioni, mig…
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Welcome back to another season of With All Due Respect, where your hosts, Megan Powell du Toit and Michael Jensen, tackle tricky topics with respect and grace. To kick things off, celebrated author Marilynne Robinson joins the show to discuss her new book Reading Genesis, which looks at God's covenant with humanity - despite how dark things get. Ou…
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"Martin's Legacy: A Conversation on African American Progress in 2025" features an everyday voice examining whether Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s sacrifice has yielded meaningful progress for Black Americans. Balance Due analyzes current data on economic disparities, political representation, homeownership, education, employment, and criminal justic…
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(4:31) - We're still teaching cursive?! (9:51) - How many photos are on your phone right now? (18:01) - The joy of the undershirt (27:25) - YOUR comments & voice memos! Calves for a Cause is back at the Canadian Dairy XPO in Stratford April 2nd - an annual charity sale raising funds for the Children's Health Foundation. **PARTNER WITH US!** Subscri…
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Giada ed Emilio si lanciano in un'analisi dettagliata dei primi capitoli del Manuale del Dungeon Master #dungeonsanddragons #podcast #dnd Viaggiate con noi a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://travelsanddragons.it/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ o sosteneteci su patreon ⁠⁠https://patreon.com/DueDraghiPlus⁠⁠ #dnd #dungeons&dragons #actualplay #podcast I nostri link 👇 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://linktr…
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Die Dreier-Regierung ist noch nicht einmal fix, doch bei SPÖ und Neos tobte schon heftiges Gerangel um Ämter und Posten. Während auf die Österreicher ein heftiges Sparpaket zukommt, gönnt sich das Zuckerl neben 14 Ministern gleich sieben Staatssekretäre. Damit herrscht auch noch akute Platznot auf der Regierungsbank, die lediglich 18 Plätze fasst- …
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This week we're giving your our interview with Lyn O'Donnel from CACV, a housing cooperative in Verdun. He stories from real people are highly affecting, and show us all what it's like to be someone trying to rent affordably in 2025! Cette semaine, nous vous proposons une entrevue avec Lyn O'Donnel de CACV, une coopérative d'habitation de Verdun. S…
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Cette semaine on fait un spin-off d'un de nos épisodes préférés (épisode 39), avec un duel de jeux dérivés. Vince nous présente un jeu qui arrive un peu plus tard cette année: Great Western Trail: El Paso une version épurée du classique jeu de Cowboys si populaire. Sam réplique avec Pirates de Maracaibo, qui ressemble un peu moins à son grand frère…
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Description Returning guest John Darowski joins Joe to discuss one of the most iconic films ever made, Citizen Kane. We discuss Orson Welles’ career, the quality of the film itself, and the impact its had on the movie industry. Support Patreon Show Notes Citizen Kane – Wikipedia Orson Welles – Wikipedia…
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The TARDIS crew find themselves on a refinery base in 1970s England where a parasitic form of seaweed has begun taking control of the workers, turning them into zombies under its control. As the seaweed spreads across the refinery, the Doctor will need to cut through needless bureaucracy to save the workers from themselves. Meanwhile, Victoria deci…
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WERBUNG: Dicker Junge und kleiner Mikkel empfehlen Better Cat. Spare 20% mit dem Code DDD20: https://thebettercat.com/mikkelmachts Nächster Stream: 05.03. 18.00 Uhr – Reacts Pen & Paper in Leipzig: https://www.eventim-light.com/de/a/65a53fec3d078078bff97af5/e/67a474674b8ab253d582527b Nach dem Beenden dieser Folge habe ich das Gefühl, mal wieder ein…
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Le Fight commence ! Deux équipes s'affrontent pour la gloire de devenir les meilleurs Duellistes ! D'un côté Osef (Podcast Derrière le Rôle - https://www.vodio.fr/rssmedias-234.xml) et Medhi (Infinicia RPG - https://chatgpt.com/g/g-6759f339b9ec8191be2a52f4fc62584d-infiniciarpg-venture-into-any-chosen-world) et de l'autre Mity (Fictions sonores http…
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Jeff Tiberii chats talks to a roundtable of reporters about the week's news, including possible cuts to Medicaid and a legislative bill to limit cell phone use in public schools. Guests: Bryan Anderson, reporter, Anderson Alerts newsletter; Gary Robertson, North Carolina politics reporter, Associated Press; Lynn Bonner, investigative reporter, NC N…
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Con un'indagine tra i suoi associati, la più grande associazione italiana di amministratori di condominio fotografa il fenomeno della morosità condominiale, destinato a crescere almeno del 20% nei prossimi mesi. Ne parliamo con Giuseppe Bica - presidente ANAMMI, Associazione Nazional-Europea Amministratori di Immobili e con Annarita D'Ambrosio de I…
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SMALL TALK & BIG KITCHENS, our mini-series on the romcoms of Nora Ephron and Nancy Meyers, continues with the story of two women ready to be the protagonists of their own Christmas romance. The reaction to Something’s Gotta Give was largely positive, but Nancy felt every compliment came with an asterisk: if this chick flick hadn’t been about people…
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The grief of infertility is often silent—it’s not seen, it’s not acknowledged, but it is deeply felt. It’s not just about the inability to conceive, but also about mourning dreams, expectations, and the image of what motherhood or fatherhood could have been. In this episode, we’ll openly discuss this process, validate its emotions, and explore path…
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El duelo por la infertilidad es muchas veces silencioso, no se ve, no se nombra, pero se siente profundamente. No es solo la pérdida de la posibilidad de concebir, sino también de los sueños, de las expectativas y de la imagen que teníamos sobre la maternidad o paternidad. En este episodio, quiero que hablemos con honestidad sobre este proceso, val…
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What Apple’s investment in the U.S. means for NC Apple’s plans for a campus in Research Triangle Park are on hold. But the company just announced projects in other major U.S. cities. Lauren Ohnesorge, Senior reporter and editor at the Triangle Business Journal Southern News, Southern Politics: How a Newspaper Defined a State for a Century The Ralei…
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Torna la rubrica settimanale dedicata a risparmio e investimenti a partire dai temi di attualità. Interviene Matteo Pomoni, head of investments & wealth in Italia di ING Italia. Nella prima parte della trasmissione ci colleghiamo con Riccardo Dugini - vicedirettore generale di Banca Etica. Nel 2024 i crediti di Banca Etica sono tornati a crescere i…
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“Now gather round while I elucidate on what happens outside when it gets late…” On this episode of The Hallo-Rewind, hosts Jacob and Ryan are joined by special guest Devon Devereaux — a talented tiki horror artist and Halloween costume designer — for a nostalgic dive into Disney’s Halloween Treat. They’ll reminisce about the charming animated speci…
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The 'Legacies of Lynching' inaugural gathering will convene this weekend in Chapel Hill. Historian Blair LM Kelley and Bettie Murchison, co-chair of the Wake County Community Remembrance Coalition, join Leoneda Inge to dig deep into that legacy — for descendants, for communities, and for our collective understanding of our state's history. Poet and…
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La salvaguardia del giusto equilibrio tra la vita personale e quella professionale è un tema più che mai attuale. In particolare, emerge con chiarezza dalle istanze delle nuove generazioni che si affacciano sul mercato del lavoro, per le quali questo elemento è sempre meno negoziabile. Il fenomeno delle "grandi dimissioni" ne è un sintomo e chi ope…
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Please don't tell me...layoffs, budget cuts, low oil prices, more out of state workers, gridlock on improving education and no political leadership. Same song, different verse.
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Las empresas están ignorando el endomarketing… hasta que vean que todos lo aplican y se den cuenta de que llegaron tarde. 🚨 El FOMO también existe en la estrategia interna: ¿vas a esperar a que tu competencia lo haga primero y se quede con los mejores talentos? En este episodio, hablamos de: ✅ Por qué las empresas aún no toman en serio el endomarke…
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Leoneda Inge chats with Kris Nordstrom, senior policy analyst for the North Carolina Justice Center's Education & Law Project. Celeste Headlee speaks with Hannah McClellan, senior reporter for Education NC. CIAA Commissioner Jacqie McWilliams-Parker chats with Leoneda Inge.โดย Jeff Tiberii, Leoneda Inge
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Il governo è al lavoro su un nuovo "decreto bollette" per ridurre l’impatto del caro energia su famiglie e imprese. I tecnici stanno definendo il pacchetto di misure che dovrebbe approdare proprio oggi sul tavolo del Consiglio dei ministri. Noi nel frattempo ci chiediamo di quale entità potranno essere gli aumenti, annunciati da più fronti, per le …
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Listen to the DynaMic Podcast Network at http://dynamicpodcasts.com Join our community at https://patreon.com/dynamicduel • 0:00:00 - Introduction • 0:04:13 - No-Prize Time • 0:09:01 - James Watkins to direct Clayface film • 0:11:21 - Question of the Week • 0:12:06 - Batman Ninja vs Yakuza League Official Trailer • 0:14:51 - Darkseid's Elite vs Bla…
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The Chronicle of Higher Education is tracking changes to DEI policies at universities in real time with its "DEI Impact Tracker" and a "DEI Legislation Tracker." We meet a woman who proudly performs her DEI work with a twist. And Reveal’s series "40 Acres and a Lie" uncovers the government program that gave formerly enslaved people land titles, onl…
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Si tu marca no conecta, no vende. Hoy, las redes están saturadas de contenido, pero solo las marcas con historias auténticas logran destacar y generar lealtad. En este episodio, un servidor junto con Mauricio Bustos (autor del libro: "Acceso a lo Imposible", te compartiremos cómo construir narrativas impactantes que generen confianza y engagement r…
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Nach wie vor ist das ganze Land geschockt vom brutalen Messeranschlag in Villach, bei dem ein syrischer Asylberechtigter einen Teenager tötete und fünf weitere schwer verletzte. Nun wurde bekannt, dass die Polizei einen weiteren islamistischen Anschlag auf den Wiener Westbahnhof vereitelte. Wie bedroht ist Österreich? Wie viele Gefährder sind im La…
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La Camera ratifica con il voto finale di conversione sul Milleproroghe la ciambella di salvataggio lanciata a circa mezzo milione di contribuenti che avevano aderito all’edizione quater della sanatoria per le vecchie cartelle ma che poi non hanno versato una o più rate. Ci sarà tempo fino al 30 aprile 2025 per fare domanda. Facciamo il punto con Ro…
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