Adelaides Talkback Gardening สาธารณะ
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Gardening isn't all about trees, plants and flowers. You can attract wildlife back to your neighbourhood if you know what you're doing. Chair of Butterfly Conservation SA, Bryan Haywood has the tips to attract colourful butterflies.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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There's nothing more delightful than a fertile, green environment. It's cooling, visually spectacular, and good for the soul. Now you can access funding for a project in your neighbourhood to make things even greener.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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With a long, dry summer and a heatwave kickstarting March, wildlife are heading to home gardens across South Australia in search of hydration and food sources. Zoologist, James Smith explains how you can handle it.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Perennial plants with tuberous roots, Dahlias are on the comeback trail in South Australia. Known only to the Aztecs until the Spanish conquest, they're now becoming very well known in Adelaide and throughout the regions.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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On ABC Talkback Gardening, Sophie Thomson and Deb Tribe were joined by Chris Day, a Regenerative Farmer & Edible Landscaper who discussed summer fruit tree pruning in South Australia and took your calls.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Sharing fruit in South Australia is getting complicated and it may not be clear what your responsibilities are as a home gardener. On ABC Talkback Gardening, Fruit Share Adelaide and more share valuable advice.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Citrus expert, Ian Tolley has a lifetime of experience growing lemons, oranges, limes, and more. The seasoned green thumb who loved gardening as a child joined Deb Tribe & Sophie Thomson on ABC Talkback Gardening.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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A low-level heatwave in South Australia is keeping the state's home gardens hot and dry for sustained periods. So, how do you protect your precious garden and keep plants healthy for the remainder of summer?โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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On ABC Talkback Gardening, Troy Sincock flung open the garden gates to your calls. Horticultural lecturer, Dan Austin provides his expert advice on everything from gall wasps to pears and asparagus.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Despite record low rainfalls recorded in South Australia throughout 2024, Independent Climatologist, Darren Ray says there is reason for farmers to feel more optimistic about the year ahead.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Sunburn is not just a human experience. Direct sunlight can affect your plants too. As summer starts to heat up, horticultural lecturer, Dan Austin talks about being sun-smart in the garden.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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There's a lot of home entertaining throughout the festive period, so you want your home garden looking inviting for your guests. Horticulturist and Garden Centre Manager, Brett Draper shares his tips.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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South Australian nurseries are bathed in a sea of red each Christmas as festive poinsettias line the shelves ready to take pride of place in homes across the state.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Independent Climatologist, Darren Ray is forecasting average December temperatures in SA with the occasional heat spike. As for Christmas, his prediction is that December 24 could see some rain.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Gardening expert, Jon Lamb has worked with the ABC for 57 years, 44 of those on Saturday mornings with ABC Radio Adelaide's Talkback Gardening. On November 29, Lamb said his final farewell to ABC listeners at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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"The greatest biodiversity of any ecosystem on the Earth is the soil", said organic gardening authority, Tim Marshall. "For a long time, agronomy concentrated on the plants, and now we know the soil is important".โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Most roses grown in Australia have been developed by International rose breeders. SA-based, Kim Syrus is responsible for introducing the best of these, & completed a review of rose breeding trends in the US & Europe.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Herbs are delicious, and add flavour to any meal. Growing them at home yourself can also save you money during the cost of living crisis. Penny Woodward explains how to go about it on ABC Talkback Gardening.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Stangate House at Aldgate in the Adelaide Hills is known for its spectacular collection of rhododendrons. They're relatively easy to grow and the President of the Rhododendron Society of SA, Rob Hatcher tells you how.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Former ABC Talkback Gardening host and native plant expert, Linda Neimann is making peace with nature in the Adelaide Hills at her home base in Mylor. "I really love the possums, the kangaroos, the echidnas..."โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Garden Centre Manager and Royal Adelaide Show horticultural display coordinator, Brett Draper is passionate about cliveas. They're useful and almost indestructible, but what do you do when they don't flower?โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Entomologist Greg Baker says citrus gall wasp are expected to emerge slightly earlier this year, consistent with 2023 behaviour. "We predict their emergence will likely commence around about October the 19th".โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Passionate citrus gardener and an internationally recognised authority on citrus, Ian Tolley joined Deb Tribe & Jon Lamb on ABC Talkback Gardening to share his expertise to ensure you grow fruit in abundance at home.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Aphids are the enemy of rose bushes and can spread viral diseases between plants in your garden. In warm and moist weather Aphid populations build rapidly, but don't go spraying insecticide.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Temperatures across Adelaide during August were 3° above average and during the first week of September, there was a mini burst of temperatures in the low 20s. Could tomatoes benefit from these warmer conditions?โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Deb Tribe and Jon Lamb presented ABC Talkback Gardening live from the Jubilee Pavilion at the Royal Adelaide Show taking your calls on-site and on the phone.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Adelaide weather during June and July was relatively unremarkable. In August rainfall was down almost 1/3 but, temperatures were well above average. Independent Climatologist, Darren Ray forecasts spring 2024.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Why pay top price for your weekly punnet of supermarket strawberries when you can harvest a regular supply of super sweet strawberries fresh from your own garden? And, with the Royal Show on the way, what can keen gardeners expect?โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Right now, garden soils are far too cold to germinate vegetable seeds but heating aids help to create ideal conditions for vegetable seeds to germinate.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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It’s mating season! Don’t be surprised if you observe a significant increase in bird activity. Some of these birds are our friends and play a valuable role in pollinating plants, but which are the bullies we need to look out for?โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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No matter your age, there's always something more to learn about gardening and how to make your SA home garden flourish. Horticultural Educator at Urrbrae TAFE SA, Simone Wurkus shares her knowledge & expertise on ABC Talkback Gardening.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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In the Adelaide city & suburbs gardens are becoming smaller and space for gardening is at a premium. How do you find a tree that is the right fit for your property? Arborist Michael Palamountain explains on ABC Talkback Gardening.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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In most South Australian gardens roses are still covered in leaves. On ABC Talkback Gardening, Rosarian, Merv Trimper joined Spence Denny and Jon Lamb to explain why you need to start pruning, and just how easy it is.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Wintery weather enables weeds to thrive and can pose some challenges for flowers, with frost and the like. ABC Talkback Gardening's Jon Lamb brings in the experts to rid your garden of soursobs & have your camellias flourish.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Adelaide has finally recorded average monthly rainfall. With the consistent cold weather comes damaging frost too, particularly in the Adelaide Hills. Adelaide Botanic Gardens' Mark Osborn gives his tips.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Karen Sutherland is best described as a garden educator with a particular love for encouraging gardeners to grow edible ornamentals. A regular contributor to ABC Organic Gardening, Sutherland shares her expertise.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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After one of the driest autumns on record, the rain has arrived. This is great news for home gardeners, but it also opens the floodgates for garden slugs and snails.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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If you missed planting a deciduous ornamental in your home garden in summer, never fear, you have another chance to take action, in winter.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Sam Luke from Balhannah Fruit Tree Nurseries has just completed the herculean task of digging thousands of deciduous fruit trees to be sold to home gardeners just like you.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Is it possible to grow and harvest fruit fresh from your own garden all year round in the 'fruit salad state', South Australia? Mid North cereal farmer, Andy Barr shares his expert advice.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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It's easy to have the best of intentions for your home garden, but if you get distracted by all the pretty flowers, you may be overlooking what works best on your property.โดย Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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