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We all need a place to belong and work through the issues of life. We need to be loved and give our love. It is God's plan for you to be in quality relationships with Him and then with others within the confines of a loving community. Listen to Ps Lathur Badoy as he shares WHY YOUR LIFE GROUP NEEDS YOU!…
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The importance of fathers is evident, yet often overlooked. Everyone has a father—whether good or bad, present or not. The actions or inactions of our fathers have a profound effect. Understand the high and holy calling of fatherhood as you learn WHAT GODLY FATHERS DO, shared by Ps Lathur Badoy.
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The Word of God is clear. His grace is offered only through continual human repentance. Therefore, without continuing repentance, there is no continuing grace. When human repentance ceases, God's grace becomes unavailable. Understand the message about HYPER-GRACE: EXPOSING THE DANGERS OF THE MODERN GRACE MESSAGE shared by Ps Lathur Badoy.…
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What are you captivated with? Are you committed to Jesus, obedient to Him, seeking His guidance, acting on His commandments, engaged in His ministry, and doing His bidding with all your being? Be spiritually awakened as Ps Dan Carlo Torre shares, “CASUAL OR CAPTIVATED? Confronting the Dangers of Casual Christianity!”…
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When we actively love those around us, putting their needs before our own, we are taking the same amazing love that Jesus showed to us and becoming a living, breathing, beautiful display for humanity. Be changed and challenged by God’s word as Ps Romel Ray Ortiz shares about LOVING PEOPLE.
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There is no sickness, obstacle, poverty, broken relationship, a cycle of sin that God cannot overcome. Your faith in Jesus Christ will move mountains. Faith will help you turn challenges into great opportunities. Believe God for miraculous things as Ps Lathur Badoy shares a stirring message about FAITH THAT MOVES MOUNTAINS!…
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The secret to success and joy is simply the presence and favor of God. He will carry you beyond what you thought was possible because He delights in you. The Lord invites us to seek His favor as Ps Lathur Badoy shares a life-changing message about THE FAVOR OF GOD: The Differentiating Dynamic in Great Men & Women!…
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Fearing God is the starting point for wisdom that leads to a life of wise choices, right priorities, and habits for successful living. See your life improve as Ps Lathur Badoy shares about THE FEAR OF GOD: THE FORGOTTEN PATHWAY TO PROMOTION!
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It’s time to get A NEW HEART. A NEW LIFE. as you allow God to speak to you through this empowering message by Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy. Watch until the end and witness a parade of testimonies of changed hearts. Receive a new heart while enjoying a new and blessed life in Christ!
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Do you know that a war is waging inside you? Have you experienced the pull in both directions - to follow God or fleshly desires? God's Spirit empowers us because the challenge of obeying Him is impossible in our own strength. Listen to Ps Lathur Badoy as he talks about “THE FLESH KILLS. THE SPIRIT GIVES LIFE. LIVE BY THE SPIRIT."…
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No matter how wise or rich or successful one may be, one cannot find meaning in life apart from God. In Ecclesiastes, the fact that “all is vanity” should drive all to fear God, whose work endures forever. Find answers to life’s pressing questions as Ps Lathur Badoy shares “THERE MUST BE SOMETHING MORE: Finding Life in God and Not in Success!”…
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We all stand at a spiritual crossroads, and there are two paths in front of us. The wide path leads to hell. The second, narrow path leads to eternal life in heaven. Allow God to speak as Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy shares a significant message about “ON THE ROAD TO ETERNITY: CHOOSE YOUR PATH.”
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The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important event in the history of the world. It is what gives hope to millions of Christ-followers around the world. Because of His resurrection, we have a living hope. Open your heart as Ps Lathur Badoy shares a message about “BECAUSE JESUS DIED AND ROSE FROM THE GRAVE.”…
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Faith is the spark that ignites the impossible and causes it to become possible. Never underestimate the power of faith. What you believe determines what you receive. Listen to Ps Hiram Pangilinan as he talks a practical message about DEMONSTRATING FAITH!
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Satan has nets and snares, like the snares of the fowler, all prepared to entrap souls. We do well to live cautiously, avoiding behaviors and attitudes that are unhelpful to our eternal cause. Get a heart-check as Ps Dan Carlo Torre talks an empowering message about “BEWARE OF THE SNARE!”
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A church of Kingdom-minded people wholly committed to the Lord Jesus is a powerful instrument in God’s hand. Embrace God’s heart for the spiritually lost and be stirred up as Ken Pounders shares a message entitled “DEVELOPING WORLD VISION.”
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As Christians, we are called to be faithful stewards of our possessions. One sure way we acknowledge God’s ownership is by giving. Experience THE POWER OF BIBLICAL GIVING TO GOD as you listen to this message shared by Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy. Allow God’s blessings to flow in and through your life!…
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Through Jesus Christ, one can reverse the curses in his life and change it into a blessing. Enforce God’s blessings and reject the curses over your life as you listen to this video and discover life-changing truths. Receive God’s word through Ps Lathur Badoy about “THE KEYS TO BLESSINGS AND CAUSES OF CURSES.”…
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Joy is not only something felt within, but it must also be cultivated and practiced. Learn Biblical habits and truths about "BECOMING JOYFUL AND STAYING JOYFUL IN THE LORD" by Ps Lathur Badoy. Joy looks good on you. Stay joyful!
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If you are a child of God, you have a dual heavenly citizenship. You are a citizen of a country here on earth and a citizen of heaven. We have an inheritance in heaven that is awaiting us. Be encouraged as Ps Lathur Badoy shares a message about “FOREIGNERS AND STRANGERS HERE: Living on Earth as Citizens of Heaven.”…
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The one true God—revealed in creation and the Scriptures—is a God of missions. Our mandate is to fulfil the mission of God. The only hope of the world is the saving grace of Jesus Christ! Be empowered as Ps Lalano Badoy, Jr. talks about “OUR MISSIONS MANDATE: Multiply Disciples Where You Live, Work or Study!”…
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God is more concerned about transforming us to become more like Him, for His Kingdom is about righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Let God’s word revolutionize your prayer life as Ps Lathur Badoy talks about “PRAYER THAT PRODUCES SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION.”
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Let God expand your vision and widen your horizon as Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy shares a message about “HOLY AMBITIONS” THE DREAMS THAT MATTER. Holy ambition affects every part of life for all of life. Dream big for the glory of God!
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This 2024, decide to stop just going through the motions, refuse to play it safe, and do whatever it takes to keep the fire in your heart burning for God. Receive empowerment today as Ps Lathur Badoy shares a message about GIVING GOD OUR BEST S.T.A.R.T.!
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When we willingly set aside ‘appetites’ of the flesh to seek God, we are clearing the space for Him to come and speak with us, and we are calling out to Him to quench our thirsty hearts with His presence. Be empowered as Ps Lathur Badoy shares “THE UNTAPPED POWER OF PRAYER AND FASTING.”
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It’s time to turn your eyes (and calendars) to a new year. Don’t let another year come and go without reflecting on all that God has done. Closing out 2023 strong and starting 2024 with greater faith as we listen to God’s message from Ps Lathur Badoy entitled ENDING 2023 WELL AND STARTING 2024 STRONGLY!…
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How do we seek Jesus this Christmas? May we have hearts that burn to know Him more and that continually seek and experience His presence as we listen to Ps Lathur Badoy’s message about “WISE MEN AND WOMEN SEEK AND WORSHIP JESUS.” Have a blessed Christmas!
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When we stop to reflect on all God has done in our lives, we cannot help but rejoice. Take some precious time today to listen to this video about THANKING AND PRAISING GOD FOR HIS GREAT GOODNESS by Ps Lathur Badoy. God has been good to us. His goodness is long lasting and far reaching!
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The Bible is full of admonitions not to worry, to rejoice in the LORD, and to accept Christ’s peace. Worry is neither your friend nor your duty. Approach life with contentment, trust, and hope as you listen to Ps Lathur Badoy talk about DON’T WORRY. BE HAPPY!
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There is always more to experience with God. He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present, but He is also personal and intentional. Cultivate a growing relationship with God as Ps Lathur Badoy shares a powerful message about “GROWING DEEP IN GOD.”
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Stop leaning on the excuse of someday. Conquer the someday syndrome, receive encouragement to take action, and achieve great things for God as you listen to Ps Dan Carlo Torre’s message about DEFEATING THE SOMEDAY “PUHON” SYNDROME.
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Our struggles, worries, and sorrow will not have the final say. God alone will turn our pain into a story of light and hope. Be encouraged today as Ps Lathur Badoy shares God’s message entitled “FROM SADNESS TO JOY.”
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How we handle our money and possessions is the barometer of how we trust God and treasure Christ. Where you treasure is, there will your heart be also. Be stirred by this message entitled SELFISH, LAVISH CHRISTIANS IN AN AGE OF HUNGER & GREAT NEEDS: Learning to Help Others While Enjoying Life by Ps Lathur Badoy.…
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Genuine spiritual success and real living are found in obeying the Word of God. Live a life free from stress and strain of empty pursuits as you listen to THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD: KEYS TO A RIGHTEOUS & SUCCESSFUL LIFE by Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy.
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A follower is willing to become more like Jesus in every area of life, while a fan of Jesus simply admires or respects his message. Are you a follower or a fan? Listen to Ps Lathur Badoy as he shares a riveting message entitled FAN OR FOLLOWER? Living out the Most Important Choice in Life.
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Letting go means trusting God, giving up control and surrendering to His ways. It’s allowing God to take over our lives and letting God be God. Be transformed as you listen to this message shared by Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy entitled “LETTING GO AND LETTING GOD!”
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In a world where hurtful actions and betrayals often leave scars on our hearts, forgiveness stands as a powerful beacon of healing and transformation. Here’s SET YOUR HEART FREE: Embracing Forgiveness, an empowering message by Ps Romel Ray Ortiz.
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The call to repentance is the call to return home. It’s the call to be cleansed from all our guilty stains. Repent from your sins and return to God as Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy shares a riveting word entitled COME HOME! A CALL TO REPENTANCE. Be blessed!
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Is there anything in your life now that would keep you out of heaven? Your eternity will be determined by how you’ve lived, either wisely or foolishly. Decide what you want your destination to be. Learn the WISE AND FOOLISH WAYS TO FIND HEAVEN, a stirring message by Ps Lathur Badoy.
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God will not give you temptation above your ability to resist, and He will always make a way of escape. Here’s WINNING OVER THREE MAJOR TEMPTATIONS IN LIFE shared by Ps Lathur Badoy. Using the right weapon, we can defeat the enemy of our soul!
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Following Jesus is a call to “walk as Jesus walked,” to live a life of radical faith and love. It entails both obeying His teachings and imitating His example. Know the IMPORTANT SHIFTS AS YOU FOLLOW JESUS, an empowering message from Ps Lathur Badoy.
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If you want to be used by God, you must care about what God cares about most: the salvation of the spiritually lost. Nothing will make a difference for eternity than to reach ONE MORE FOR JESUS, a stirring message by Ps Leah Hope Saavedra-Badoy!
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The key to reasonable and intentional living is living with the end in mind. Whatever you do, keep your eyes on the end goal - Heaven and Jesus. Pursue the life God has called you to live as you listen to Ps Lathur share about LIVING A REASONED AND INTENTIONAL LIFE.
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We serve the Covenant-keeping God. He always keeps His own part of the bargain. He never forgets, never fails, and never disappoints. Receive a word of hope as Ps Jerome Ocampo talks about GOD’S COVENANT BLESSINGS. Be empowered!
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Have you lost your fire? If so, does it bother you that you’ve settled into this lifestyle? Get back to being burning hot for Jesus all the days of your life as you listen to Ps Lathur Badoy share about MAN ON FIRE: Living a Life of Passion for the Lord.
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Are you facing something difficult? Don’t give up. One of the best characteristics of serving Jesus is the ability to persevere through every struggle we go through. Be empowered as Sis Lilibeth Cenojas shares about PERSEVERING IN CHRIST.
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When it comes to your salvation and your spiritual survival, you must fight. You must learn how to take your faith and resist every emotion, every devil, every thought that sets itself up against God. Here’s an empowering message from Ps Romel Ray Ortiz entitled FIGHTING FOR YOUR FAITH!
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Wherever you may find yourself, with whomever God placed in your life to serve, with whatever role He’s placed in your hand, is the perfect place to be trained for what God has prepared in advance for you to do (Ephesians 2:10). Receive powerful insights on SERVING GOD FAITHFULLY by Ps Lathur D. Badoy. Be blessed!…
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When we make God’s Word our priority, we find a refuge of peace. For the Word of God is life-changing and life-sustaining and life-giving. Will you open your life up to the convicting and transforming work of God's Word? Listen to Ps Dan Carlo Torre as he discusses about ESSENTIAL: LOVING THE WORD OF GOD.…
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How many times do we find ourselves getting tempted when we are weak? Sometimes we feel like temptation is just too much and it’s going to consume us, but let’s look at how Jesus responds. Learn HOW TO RESPOND TO TEMPTATION as you listen to this empowering message shared by Ps Lathur Badoy.
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