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As we begin our series on the Psalms, Psalm 1 invites us to delight and meditate on God and His Word. In doing this, we discover a depth in life that is unshakeable as we cling to the deliverance won for us in Jesus Christ.โดย Pastor Gabe Kasper
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On the day of Pentecost the first followers of Jesus are filled with the Holy Spirit. As they proclaim the Word of God we see that all people are invited to call upon the Lord and be saved. May we be filled with the Holy Spirit as we trust and proclaim that same message.โดย Pastor Gabe Kasper
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Pastor Marcus continues our series All Things New with his message A New Commandment. Jesus came into the world for you. He came to fulfill the commands you could not fulfill, live the life you could not live, graciously lay down his life, and make you a friend of God. He has set you free, filled you with his Spirit, and sent you to go and be a wit…
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In Romans 12, St. Paul tells us to no longer be conformed to the broken patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This is no small thing. All too often we conform to the patterns of this world, but according to his mercy, God in Christ empowers us to live lives continually renewed by his Spirit.…
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Pastor Marcus continues the All Things New sermon series with this message, A New Heart. God has given you a new relationship with him, so you can live confident that you are his beloved child. The risen Jesus has breathed his Spirit into you and granted you a new heart.โดย Pastor Marcus Lane
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Pastor Marcus continutes the All Things New series with a message on A New Humanity. Paul says that those who were once divided & cut off are now brought in and made members of the same family & citizenship. What does this new humanity, built on the teaching of the apostles and lordship of Jesus do? Listen now.…
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In his resurrection, Jesus is the first fruits of the new creation. In him we to are new creatures as he takes on our sin and gives us his righteousness. In him we find purpose for our lives and hope for eternity as we are reconciled to God now and forever.โดย Pastor Gabe Kasper
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The prophet Jeremiah promises God’s people that one day God will make a new covenant. In this new covenant they will find security, freedom, intimacy, and grace. When we look the risen Christ’s finished work we see that is exactly what we receive in the new covenant by the power of the Spirit.โดย Pastor Gabe Kasper
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After the wall around Jerusalem is completed the people of Israel gather at the city gate and hear from God’s Word. At first the law convicts them of their failure before God, but as God’s Word continues to work on their hearts they go home rejoicing in the deliverance of their God. In the same way, we don’t always receive God’s Word as we ought to…
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The restoration that our world needs, that you and I need, is in this Jesus. He has come into the world for you. He went to the cross & died for you. He rose again for you. Jesus has come to restore you so that you might live with God’s help free from fear and reflect this Jesus to the world.
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As Nehemiah and his crew begin rebuilding the walls of the Jerusalem they encounter opposition. But, we see in Nehemiah’s leadership that they are prepared to continue to build as they find their refuge in the Lord. In the same way we are called to defend ourselves agains the lies of the enemy and find our refuge in Christ’s ultimate victory over a…
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Pastor Marcus continues our Lenten sermon series Redux with a message Retell. We all see and feel the deep cynicism of our world. The great gift of retelling the same story of God is that it invites into a different way of being shaped not by cynicism, but by joy and thanksgiving.
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Pastor Marcus concludes the Ancient/Future sermon series with this message, Yesterday/Day. You don’t have to live in your strength. You don’t have to muster up the effort to prove yourself. God is working in you and through you. There is nothing he will ask of you that he will not accomplish in you. The invitation is to surrender. Surrender your li…
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As the author of Hebrews invites us to find endurance to follow Jesus in the lives of the saints who have gone before us, we have the opportunity to hear from our sister in Christ, Yarimar Cherney, share about how she follows Jesus in her role as executive director of Family Life Services. As we dig into our text and hear from Yari, we are ultimate…
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Pastor Marcus continues our series on Ancient/Future with the message Drew Near/Draw Near. When God’s people meet together, something profound happens. He shows up in that place. He draws us into the truth that changes everything.
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Doesn’t matter who we are or what we believe we can’t help but recognize that we live in a moral universe. This means we can’t help but have to deal with our own moral failings and feelings of guilt. The author of Hebrews recognizes this and insists that the way to deal with it is not through self-justification, but through trust in the new covenan…
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In the first verses of the book of Hebrews, the author of Hebrews lays out his thesis. Jesus is far superior to anything or anyone else. His message is far superior to any other message. And the message he speaks to you today is one of grace.
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Our faith causes us to feel not-at-home in the world, because we are longing, not for a different place, but for this place to be healed and restored by the presence of God. Hear more from Pastor Marcus' message Searching for Home.
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In his final letter to the 7 churches in Asia Minor, Jesus calls the church of Laodicea to repent of being lukewarm and pursue him with zeal. He invites to not be distracted by the riches and accolades of the world but to zealously grab hold of the spiritual power found in relationship with him.
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As Jesus speaks to the church in Philadelphia he reminds them of his authority, sends them on his mission, and gives them a hope for the future. In this sermon, Pastor Gabe encourages us to live under Jesus’ authority as we pursue his mission and look to eternity with God.
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We continue our sermon series Dear Church // 7 Letters to 7 Churches in Revelation with a message from Pastor Marcus. Are we, as a church, asleep at the wheel? Listen to hear what we can learn from the letter to the church in Sardis.
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Pastor Marcus continues our Dear Church series with a message on Thyatria: The Worldly Church. If you long for peace, wholeness, and rest, it comes through the just judgement of the one who has our well-being in mind.
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In the letter to the church in Smyrna, Jesus acknowledges their suffering and their poverty, and in the midst of that he calls them to not be afraid but instead remain rooted in his love and be faithful unto death that the may receive the crown of life. We, too, are challenged to hold fast to Jesus’ love in the face of fear as we take hope in our r…
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When you think of the word church, what comes to mind for you? We begin our new sermon series "Dear Church" with a letter to Ephesus. This message focuses on returning to our first love that they might conquer by faith in Christ the conquerer.
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Not only does calling him the Christ mean worshiping him as the crucified one. It means taking up a cross and suffering with him. What is preventing you from taking up the call to carry your cross and following after Jesus? What are you trying to gain? Protect? Avoid? Who are you trying to impress or appease? Is it worth it?…
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As Jesus calls the tax collector Levi we get a glimpse of the radical and scandalous nature of grace. And yet, it is by this grace that we are saved from a narrative of performance into a life lived from a place of love and acceptance.
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Jesus brought about an ethical revolution that has shaped our world so throughly that in, some ways, we are blind to it. And yet, his command for us to love others remains a constant challenge, it is only in first resting in the love he has shown us that we can extend the goodness of his love to others.…
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As we start a new series, we begin to explore how Jesus is better than anything else the world has to offer. As we turn from an instrumental understanding of our relationship to him, we find that he is the sustaining source of life we need both now and into eternity.
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As the story of Joseph comes to a close, Joseph lets God be God, holds onto an eternal perspective, and reconciles with his brothers for good. All of this points us to the God who came into our world in the person of Jesus Christ that we might be reconciled to Him forever.
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As Joseph rises to power, he encounters the brothers who sold him into slavery. Instead of exacting vengeance on them, he extends grace. In the same way, our brother Jesus, doesn’t execute the justice we deserve but instead offers us God’s transformative grace again and again.
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As we continue our Dead Guy Summer sermon series, we look at the live of two brothers, Cyril and Methodius. In their lives we see how the mission of God is fulfilled as we proclaim the powerful and life-giving message of the gospel to all people.
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