Leader Lab With Andy Bruce สาธารณะ
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Leader Lab with Andy Bruce

Leader Lab with Andy Bruce

You know you've been called by God to love and influence others. And you're willing to do whatever it takes. But the problem is figuring out what that is and how to do it. Welcome, friend, you're in the right place. Join Andy every Wednesday to discover how to deepen your influence on others, how to love and lead others, and to receive practical tips for purposeful living. If you know God has something more for you that you haven’t yet experienced, if you want to know Him more, and if you ha ...
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show series
Hey Leader Friends! Today, Dave Kountz is on the podcast! Dave is our good friend and mentor who teaches leaders, companies, nonprofits, etc. the power of identifying and utilizing their unique leadership voice. This is REALLY good stuff! Dave walks us through each of the 5 Voices including what they are, how to use it, and my personal favorite: th…
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Every summer I get a pretty good case of mom guilt because my expectations are way too high for all I want my kids and I to do and learn. This summer, I am taking a whole different approach. In this episode, I am sharing why I’m chilling out and five things I’m doing to take the pressure off of summer time fun. Obviously my ideas to enjoy summer pr…
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I think it’s safe to say that if you are in Christ Jesus, you hear from God. Right? I also think it’s safe to say that women struggle to hear from God. And when they do, they frequently doubt they’ve heard God. So, what’s the deal? How do we know if it’s God? What are women getting tangled up in that makes them feel inadequate to hear from God? And…
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For anyone who has ever led you know that change just goes with the territory. But HOW you do the change and WHY you make a change, well, that’s a different story. On this episode of the Leader Lab podcast, Melissa Dunn and I talk about the (stupid) changes we’ve made, where we went wrong, and a thing or two we’ve learned along the way. Take a list…
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This week’s podcast was super fun to make! I asked Melissa Dunn to join me for a conversation about being creative. Before you skip this episode thinking, “Well, I’m not a creative so….” hold on! Melissa and I talk about how we have BECOME creative - slowly, over time as we’ve stepped out in gifting. Then we talk about the struggle to communicate o…
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Let's talk about sleepwalking. Because I think when we can wrap our heads around the actual, physical behavior of sleepwalking, it might shed some light on the spiritual behavior - spiritual sleepwalking. In this episode, Melissa and I have a conversation about something that can sound a little woo-woo: being spiritually asleep. So here's the quest…
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Have you ever interacted with someone who was sleepwalking? I have, and it's really interesting. Sleepwalkers do typical activities, yet they aren't awake; they look engaged and present, yet they are ASLEEP. I think many, many women in the Church today are doing the same thing.... just sleepwalking through life and in their relationships with God. …
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Ohhhhh, today’s podcast is going to get interesting! I found this recent data set comparing what men and women think about women in leadership. Let me just say, the results are surprising. In a nutshell, men are generally okay with women leaders. But here’s the kicker… women have some pretty tough (and inaccurate!) views about what others think of …
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I don't know about you, but I've always been taught that if I really loved God, I would read the Word of God. Cool, I'm on board with that. But there was another message I received about said Bible time: it should be done alone. So that's what I did for decades; I read the Word of God by myself, in my room, alone. And I regularly wondered why I was…
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We know that faith develops gradually, over time. But what happens when people get “stuck” in their faith and they stop growing? What’s up with that? That’s exactly what we’re talking about today! And as leaders, understand where WE are and where those we love and lead are, well, it really matters. Because we don’t want to damage or hinder someone’…
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We've all seen it. The woman we've invested in stalls out in her spiritual growth. Or disappears altogether. Or panics when, after a long season of intense and enjoyable spiritual growth, suddenly comes to an end. Why faith doesn’t seem to stick for some people? In today's episode, we're talking about spiritual growth. This stuff is so important be…
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I know you’ve been there. You are leading with men - you’re in meetings, you are a supervisor, you implement the vision of the guy at the top, you collaborate with guys - whatever it looks like, it’s pretty inevitable that you do or will lead with men. So, as women who love Jesus, what’s the deal? How do we do this?…
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For the last month I’ve been chewing on some stuff and I’m thrilled to share it with you because there are so many implications for us as women leaders. So here’s our plan. Let’s spend a few minutes talking about what we know about Phoebe from the Bible. Even though there are only 2 verses, we can learn or at least infer a lot. Then, I want to look…
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You know the group you lead or are a part of that doesn't seem to catch traction? Or that relationship that isn't cutting it? Let's talk about 3 SIMPLE ways to open your mouth and invite others into the process. These 3 SIPMLE things are my go-to when it comes to leadership. And over the years as I've taught them to friends and leaders, their stori…
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As a leader, I need to be able to lead myself, not just other people. And we all know leading ourselves requires discipline, planning, follow through, integrity, etc. But catch this. If we struggle to lead ourselves - i.e. we don’t follow through on personal goals, we’re struggling to read Scripture, there’s a gap in how we behave at home and at ch…
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If you want to see change, you do what the rest of us do. Chew on a plan for quite some time, and then pop out a planner or your laptop or set up a meeting. Why? Because we are programmed to think that in order to see change, you have to have a plan. By the way, in general, I agree with this. But today, we are talking about momentum, which in my op…
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Today we’re talking about what you can do when you experience a tension that creates anxiety. For me, when I experience anxiety, my default is to disappear from people. Today on the podcast I’m sharing 5 experiments, a metaphor, and some ideas on how to overcome disappearing/taking steps back. Let’s do this!…
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It’s a new year, which means most people have a new goal they are working toward. Bad news: stats say less than 10% of those who start a new thing won’t finish it. But not me. I’ve learned through lots and lots of failures, and a good handful of successes how to finish personal goals. On today’s episode I’m sharing a few principles on starting some…
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Okay my friend, confession time. Every year I do this weird and annoying thing right after Thanksgiving. I put a lot of pressure on myself to REALLY experience Jesus during Christmas time. The problem is, it never quite works out, leaving me feeling guilty and bummed. BUT…. this year, I’m having a BLAST engaging with the nativity story, doing new s…
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Hey gang. So it’s Christmas time right now which means my family and I are doing all our favorite traditions, and just to warn you - we have a lot of them. And I bet you do too. This episode is filled with practicals to incorporate when your family/team/friends/etc. do your fun and meaningful traditions. So let's talk about what makes traditions wo…
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You know how at Christmastime your schedule and life gets crammed, cluttered, and crazy? Well, I want to help you by sharing my go-to, all time favorite recipe that can triple as a family goodie, party food, and gift. Yup, this little baby does it all. And it’s just 3 ingredients, it won’t break the bank, and you can get neighbor/teacher/coworker g…
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When there’s momentum, you don’t have to work so hard to create energy/engagement/depth/fun, which leads to an environment you and those around you can't get enough of. Everyone knows when there’s energy, and everyone knows when there’s NOT energy. Amongst groups, momentum is THE “It” factor. When there’s momentum, you hear people say things like, …
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This week on the podcast, I’m really excited to share an interview that Melissa and I did together. She riddled me with questions about how I found my voice, what is a “voice,” the mistakes I’ve made in using it, and how God has graciously, SLOWLY honed my voice. This was a fun, deep, weird conversation. For Melissa and I, it’s given us a lot to ch…
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No matter who we gather with at our Thanksgiving table, we want it to be significant, meaningful, and reflective of Jesus. The questions is how to make this happen. In this episode, Andy gives you way more than you want to know about the last few weeks, and the one thing that she can't wait to do around the Thanksgiving table. Take a listen!…
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Is there something that comes up in your life and you find yourself regularly avoiding it? Something that you work hard to dodge, disappear, hide, and avoid? And the thing is, you don’t want to avoid it, hide or ignore it because you probably genuinely feel like God has put it here for now. For me, this is the story of my life. When it comes to lea…
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I bet you're a “people investor.” Because you love God so much, you really love people in your own way, whatever it looks like for you. I’m a people investor, too. I love putting my resources into someone - like my time, my thoughts, my prayers, my God-given giftings - in hopes that it increases who God is and how God uses that person. And even tho…
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It finally happened! Melissa Dunn is on the podcast today and she didn't hold back. I peppered Melissa with questions about how to find your voice - the thing that God puts in each of us to express the things of God to others. Finding your voice matters! Take a listen to the surprising journey Melissa experienced in LOSING her voice, then DISCOVERI…
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Considering what a boring life I've had, I've experienced my fair share of spiritual warfare. In fact, I vividly remember asking God to teach me how to deal with the attacks of the enemy - so that I could teach other women. So here we are. Today I'm sharing some hard lessons I've learned about spiritual warfare and a few of my go-to's for standing …
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l remember seasons of spiritual warfare that just about cut my legs out from under me. I had no idea what was really happening or what to do about it. On today’s podcast, I’m sharing 4 stories and 4 lessons learned about what to DO and how to THINK when spiritual warfare comes knocking on your door.
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If you’ve ever wondered what the enemy’s lies really sound like and if he speaks them to you, then this podcast is for you! Today, we are talking about how to know the difference between the enemy speaking lies and accusations - or it’s just you? I want to give you 5 ways to identify the lies and accusations of the evil one. Because here’s the sad …
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If we don’t know who our enemy is and how God has already equipped us to withstand the enemy’s advances, then our leadership and our influence could very well be short lived, or at the very least, we could take too many hits from the evil one that aren’t necessary. In this episode, we’re talking about 2 names found in the BIble for Satan - really i…
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The Bible uses a lot of names for Satan, and for good reason. The names of Satan tell us about his character, his nature, and his tactics. Take a listen to a few names of Satan and what they tell us about who he is and how he operates. Then, let’s talk about 4 promises God makes when it comes to his role in spiritual warfare.…
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Some leaders believe that when it comes to Satan, if they avoid him, he will avoid them. Wrong! That’s not how spiritual warfare works. So instead of avoiding the enemy, today’s podcast describes the origins and motives of Satan. Because in order to handle spiritual warfare, you need to know your enemy.…
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As leaders, we face challenges. We do hard things. Making hard decisions, having hard conversations, working with hard people, leading with hard people, not having enough resources, hard things happening at home, getting our feelings hurt. But. There’s a whole other element to leadership and life that all too often catches us off guard: spiritual w…
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God uses vision to invite us into our callings. And to step into our calling, we have to be ready to say to God, whatever He asks. How do we do this? It starts with understanding how to respond to God when He gives you vision. In today’s episode Andy shares one of the most significant moments in her life - when God gave her vision… which has turned…
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We’re talking about how on earth to articulate the vision God gave you. My friends, this is not easy. How do you capture what God showed you? How do you put into words what He spoke to you? Because think about it. For most people, when God comes and gives them His vision, there usually aren’t words. There are thoughts. There’s an idea. There’s an u…
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It’s getting good on the podcast today! We’re talking about big stuff. “How do you know if something is from God or if you’re just making it up?” Because if you’ve ever received a vision from God, it feels like you’re losing your mind. Right? One second you’re like, “I KNOW this is from God,” and the next second you're like, “Why am I always making…
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I’m really excited about today’s podcast because we’re talking about big stuff: 3 common mistakes women make when it comes to vision. Yup! This is big stuff. The reason this is big stuff is because I know how deeply you want God to speak to you and use you to expand His Kingdom. Yet, I also know how common it is for women to receive vision from God…
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Last week we started talking about vision and leadership development, and research. And guess what I forgot to do? I forgot to fill you in on why this podcast is making a turn to focus more on character and calling development! Ugh, whoops! My mistake! Here’s the plan for today’s podcast. We’re going to pick up where we left off last week and keep …
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Those who listen to this podcast are part of a not-so-secret group of women. We want God to speak to us, inspire us, and equip us to passionately and joyfully live our God-given callings. There’s probably no argument there, right? BUT, what if you’re part of a secret group of women that’s so secretive that you don’t even know you’re in it? Take a l…
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Today we’re talking about what we do when the women we love and lead fail. When they seem to botch their calling. When there’s major sin. When they are deceived or they deceive others. When their secret life comes barreling out and their duplicity is exposed. How do you - the one who is loving and leading them handle it? Rather than emotionally and…
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Welcome back to the podcast! Season 2 kicks off as I share some pretty amazing things God did in me this summer, and it has everything to do with my wrong thinking about God. That I didn’t even know was there! So let’s dive in and talk about things we can do to find, heal, and change our wrong thinking. Get your Truth Groups journal here: https://a…
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You know those times you open the fridge door and get caught off guard by a rotten smell? And you think to yourself, "Somebody needs to take care of that!" but nobody does. So the more you open the fridge door, the worse the smell gets. What makes you finally do the nasty work of digging through the fridge???? The smell right? It gets so bad, and y…
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For years I worked so hard to TRY to love Scripture. I was in the Bible and thought the answer was to cram MORE into my Bible reading. Boy was I off base. Learning to love Scripture happened in the SLOW. Take a listen to the problem, a story, and a few things I’ve learned about the process of loving Scripture.…
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Most of us have been told that to the extent we know God, will be the extent that God uses us. And the opposite: the less you know God, the less He will use you. And while this is true, there’s more to the story. The more you know and accept God and the more you know and accept yourself will be the extent that you JOYFULLY live your God-given calli…
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There's no doubt about it, self-leadership is THE way to discipleship, and it all starts in your mind. To go to the places God is calling you and I to go, we have to lead ourselves, which means knowing the Truth, telling ourselves the Truth, so we can speak the Truth. Listen in for some practical ways to start. As always, to find your community of …
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I'm MORE than convinced that there is ONE thing that can make or break a woman's God-given calling. Ever wonder what the difference was between you, who seriously wants to live for Christ but it rarely seems to pan out and the woman next to you who is growing, maturing, and producing God-given fruit? If your answer is yes, then you NEED to listen t…
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Sometimes making decisions is as easy as pie. Other times it's just plain hard. The typical Christian answer for decision paralysis is, "just wait on God and He will show you what to do." Yes! That's true. But what do we do when we HAVE waited on God, but nothing comes? In this episode, Andy shares 3 questions that have helped in making decisions a…
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Welcome to a new podcast season! This week, Andy's talking to herself 20 years ago (don't worry - it will all make sense in the first few minutes of the podcast) about how to navigate seasons that *LOOK like a "spiritual ghost town." *FEEL like God's on silent. What can we make of these seasons and how do we navigate them? Andy shares the REAL prob…
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