Inter Party Conflict สาธารณะ
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Hello, everyone! The end has come, but we're not going down without a fight. Join us as we look back at five years of podcasting, the guests who have helped us get where we are, and put our experiences to the test. It's been a wild ride, and we couldn't have done it without all of you. So grab a drink, take a deep breath, and come with us as we go …
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Well, it's here: episode 250, the end of five years of tabletop gaming advice. We're celebrating this occasion with our good friend and fellow podcast, Justin from Crit Academy! With his help, we're knocking out all the rest of our unused discussion questions in a grab bag of gaming advice and memories. I hope you enjoy it, and be sure to join us n…
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After 249 episodes, we're tackling the problem that spawned this entire podcast: Problem players, and how to deal with them. This is a jam-packed episode, so come along with us and let's figure this out together!Question(s) discussed:1. What are some types of problem players you may encounter in a game, and how should you deal with them?Dragon's Ho…
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As our episodes are winding down, we're using this one to talk about one of our favorite subjects: Magic! Specifically, how ability scores relate to magic for different classes. Also, we run down some of our favorite non-combat spells! Enjoy!Question(s) discussed:1. Why do Sorcerers use Charisma as their spellcasting stat?2. What is your favorite u…
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This week we have another special guest- game editor, Jacob Cassens! The three of us use this opportunity to discuss adapting RPGs for children, removing racism from the rulebooks, and much, much more!Question(s) discussed:1. What kind of things have people done to adapt 5E for kids?2. What do you think of role playing a world or game sessions with…
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We're joined by Damian the DM, host of a great Actual Play podcast, to talk about the nitty gritty of running, recording, and producing an Actual Play podcast!Question(s) discussed:1. When recording an Actual Play podcast, what are the best recording software options?2. What are tips and hacks for short-cutting or expediting the post recording edit…
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This week, we talk about starting points, outdated options, and what to do when you've really biffed an adventure scenario. Come along for the ride, as there's not much ride left!Question(s) discussed:1. If you wanted to run a campaign based on an earlier edition, but the character options (races, classes, etc.) hadn't been updated to the current e…
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Fortune and glory. Those are the things all adventurers want, yes? Well, this week we talk about a couple... unusual ways that they might be found. So come along with us, and let us know what you think!Question(s) discussed:1. What should I do when my players would rather be store owners than adventurers?2. Imagine an NPC pays the party to make the…
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Oh my gods! How does a person become a god? How does a person... *kill* a god...? We discuss these topics and more on this week's episode!Question(s) discussed:1. How does a person become a god?2. I'm going to be fighting a god soon, what's some advice you can give?Dragon's Hoard Item: The Poking Stick of Magic DetectionContact us: InterPartyConfli…
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We're back again this week, this time with a grab bag of quick questions. We talk about surviving in a bag, starting a new character when the old one dies, weird mounts, and young characters. Come along with us!Question(s) discussed:1. What methods would you recommend to let someone survive in a Bag of Holding for as long as possible?2. When a PC d…
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Happy Halloween! Last year we put up one of our Patreon bonus episodes as a Halloween treat, and this year we're doing it again. This time it's an Actual Play (loosely based on the movie The Thing) that we made while playing S.C.R.E.A.M. The Horror, a rules-lite RPG from Ursidice. I think it was a lot of fun, so I hope you do too!Have a happy and s…
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Happy Halloweek, everyone! We've got a spooOOooOOky episode hot off the presses- we run through the five-room dungeon to create an impromptu horror adventure just for you. Enjoy!Question(s) discussed:1. How do you make a spooky horror adventure?Dragon's Hoard Item: Trick and TreatContact us: InterPartyConflict@Gmail.comVisit our blog: www.interpart…
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We're back this week with a super-sized episode, and a very special guest- Freeman from Encounter This! We're talking about villains, game mechanics, and what makes them good or bad. This episode is a lot of fun, so come check it out!Question(s) discussed:1. What monsters make the best Big Bad Evil Guy?2. What is your favorite villain trope and how…
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We took this week off so I could go on vacation, but in the meantime, we've got a special treat: four short discussions prompted by our patrons over the past year. Enjoy, and see you next week!Contact us: InterPartyConflict@Gmail.comVisit our blog: Find us on Twitter: Or on Facebook: www.fa…
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This week, we're talking about the amount of money we have (or haven't) spent on miniatures, as well as rules exploits we've seen firsthand. Enjoy!Question(s) discussed:1. How much do you think you've spent on minis and battlemat decor?2. What is the best/worst exploit you've seen used/attempted in a game?Dragon's Hoard Item: Vision in the NightCon…
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Hello again everyone! This week we're soldiering on with a strong theme: What makes D&D, D&D? Can you play D&D without combat? What about without dungeons? For that matter, why do people insist on playing D&D, rather than something else? Hear our thoughts and feel free to share yours!Question(s) discussed:1. Do you think it would be possible to run…
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Just when you thought the bad news was over, this week we've got some more! But then we move on to talk about what to do when you invite too many players, which book to be stranded with on a desert island, and why we think players choose to make new characters instead of reviving a dead one. We're making the best of the next few months, so come alo…
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Hot off the heels of last week's bummer announcement, we've got a super-fun episode for you today! We're talking about making a D&D fighting game, Wishing your character out of the timeline, traps- all kinds of fun stuff. Come along and enjoy the ride!Question(s) discussed:1. Imagine a D&D fighting game. What sort of characters should be on the ros…
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We begin this week with a very important announcement. After that, we talk about two harbingers of the apocalypse: guns in D&D, and tolerance of rules lawyers. Bang!Question(s) discussed:1. Guns in fantasy. Yay or nay?2. Why should a DM bother to entertain a rules lawyer?Dragon's Hoard Item: The Sadist's ScourgeContact us: InterPartyConflict@Gmail.…
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This week, we're joined by Collins Blakely, host of Where Streams Come True! We discuss official D&D modules, wrangling in chaotic players, and some tips on adjudicating Charisma (and more!). Come join us!Question(s) discussed:1. Of all of the official 5e modules, which stick out to you as best for adventurers of each level bracket (1-5, 6-11, 12+)…
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On this week's episode, we talk about time travel, meeting gods, and plot armor for PCs. It's a fun one, so come along with us!Question(s) discussed:1. Have you ever encountered a deity in a game? As a presumably mortal GM, how do you go about depicting divine wisdom?2. Plot armor for your players. Yay or nay?Dragon's Hoard Item: Kyphos' Vessel of …
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This week, we talk about magic item attunement, domination magic, traps, and more. Also, the details for our new big giveaway!Question(s) discussed:1. Would allowing more magic item attunements be broken?2. When a spell or effect compels a player to do something, should the DM tell them what they do (separate from the player's agency) or should the…
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This week, we're talking about optional things, and what to do when you've got options but nobody is choosing one. Don't make us kick in the door- listen to this episode!Question(s) discussed:1. Have you ever bought or considered buying a "special edition" of any source book, or do you feel that they generally aren't worth the additional cost?2. Ch…
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This week we're joined by my good friend Dave (aka Stiltzkinkupo84) to talk about an awesome project he's working on- creating a tabletop RPG world that utilizes real-world languages in the setting! So come along and join in!Question(s) discussed:1. Have you ever taken part in a game where real-world foreign languages were a part of the setting?2. …
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This week, we're covering two fun topics: Breaking the fourth wall, and hiring a professional player to play in your game! How much would YOU pay?Question(s) discussed:1. Breaking the fourth wall in an RPG. Whaaat? Is it possible? Would it work? How would you do it????2. How much would you pay to have a Professional Gamer at your table?Dragon's Hoa…
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Imagine this: You arrive at the session to play your favorite RPG, but something is... missing. A person, a role, an attitude- what do you do? Come along with us this week and find out!Question(s) discussed:1. What changes would you make to best adapt a prewritten adventure for a party of three PCs?2. What are some creative ways you have dealt with…
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This week we're talking about spells: Specifically, the ones nobody uses. Or at least, the ones we've never used. It shouldn't be a surprise that in a game with hundreds of spells, there's bound to be a few stinkers (and spoilers: Stinking Cloud is on the list)!Question(s) discussed:1. What are the spells that never really get used either by player…
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Welcome back! This week we're talking about player disobedience- for better and for worse- and what the DM should do to keep things moving in the right direction. Come check it out!Question(s) discussed:1. What do you think about players sidelining the story entirely and going off on something completely unrelated? As a DM, should I try to engage t…
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Hello everyone! No guests this week (but stay tuned...) but instead we are discussing a couple specific rules-based questions, involving the wording of a few spells in 5th Edition D&D. That may sound dry but we're still going to have a lot of fun picking apart these scenarios!Question(s) discussed:1. The firebolt spell says it can target creatures …
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For the third week in a row, we've got another guest- this time, it's our long-time friend and internet personality, Jamie (aka Rantasmo, host of Needs More Gay on Youtube)! The three of us reminisce about the characters we've played, and figure out exactly how much they mirror ourselves. Come along with us, and maybe think about how much your own …
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This week we're joined by two good friends of mine- Alan and Delilah, two members of the foam swordfighting community that I used to be a part of! We'll be talking all about the sport, LARPing, camaraderie, and everything else that you can expect.Question(s) discussed:1. How did you get into tabletop gaming?2. What are your thoughts on foam swordfi…
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Today, we're joined by Fionn (aka PotatoPlunderer) to hang out and talk about some of our tips on creating homebrew content! This one is a ton of fun, so come along with us!Question(s) discussed:1. You're creating a homebrew campaign. Where do you start the process and what follows after?2. How do you best balance homebrew mechanics? For that matte…
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This week, we discuss playing the same character across multiple campaigns, as well as withholding information from players in favor of a big twist. There's a lot of fun in this episode, so come along with us!Question(s) discussed:1. How would you feel if someone played the same character in multiple campaigns?2. Would it be a bad idea to lie to my…
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Classical witches, communicating via transmitted sound, and dreams. If you're going to do something, do it well and listen to this episode!Question(s) discussed:1. What class/subclass is best for making a classic witch?2. Can the Message Cantrip communicate with a deaf person?Dragon's Hoard Item: Orb of NeposContact us:…
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This week we're joined by our good friend Dustun! The three of us discuss incorporating PCs with disabilities (both mental and physical) and much, much more! Come along with us and see what we have to say!Question(s) discussed:1. How would you integrate a PC with a disability into your game without just eliminating that disability? (And not just bl…
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This week's episode is about... changing things up. Specifically, changelings, who can change up their appearance! What are they about? Are they too powerful? Come find out!Question(s) discussed:1. One of my players wants to play a changeling. They seem way too powerful! Am I missing something?2. How do you feel about changing weapon stats and mech…
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Forget about the heroes; this week, we're talking about SIDEKICKS! Tasha's Cauldron of Everything has some fun mechanics, so come along and explore them with us!Question(s) discussed:1. What do you think of the new Sidekick rules in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything?Dragon's Hoard Item: Bloodstone Amulet of Oman'atahContact us: InterPartyConflict@Gmai…
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Trolls. This week, we're talking trolls. (The D&D kind, not the internet kind. I guess maybe the internet kind too.) What makes them tick? Is it magic? We'll find out in this episode! (Small spoiler: Yes it's magic, and I'll explain why.)Question(s) discussed:1. Are trolls "magical creatures"? Why or why not?Dragon's Hoard Item: Troll Blood ElixirC…
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We're joined by Nathan Heard (AKA Seawood Scribe) to talk about low-magic campaigns, gritty games, and mobile combats. Come along with us for the ride!Question(s) discussed:1. Why do you think so many people play campaigns where magic is illegal or in some way limited?2. How would you make a game of D&D more gritty and realistic while still having …
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This week we're joined by Justin and Ian, two of the great hosts of Crit Academy! Together, the four of us talk about creating subclasses, and we've each brought examples of our own!Question(s) discussed:1. How would you go about creating a subclass?Dragon's Hoard Item: Corrupted Heavy Crossbow of TriumphContact us: InterPartyConflict@Gmail.comChec…
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Welcome back! This week we talk rolling damage for magic spells, and the theoretical mechanics for the Polymorph spell. (Warning: This one gets a little gross!)Question(s) discussed:1. When you roll damage for a spell, do you roll multiple dice or do you roll one and multiply it?2. If I polymorph someone into a cow, milk the cow, then they turn bac…
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This week, we talk about virtual tabletops, campaign settings, and online compendiums- and much, much more. Our third topic will shock you!Be sure to check out the other podcasts on the Critnation fellowship- go to HTTP:// for more details!Question(s) discussed:1. What tips/tricks/suggestions y'all have for making the …
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Psionics. What even are psionics? How is it different from magic? How is it the same? How have psionics changed over the years? This week we're doing a deep dive into the magic alternative (and more), so come along and you just might learn something!Question(s) discussed:1. What is the difference between magic and psionics?Dragon's Hoard Item: The …
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This week's episode is about the longevity of magic: What to do when a magic potion goes past its expiration date, and what sort of a spell we would be if we were a spell. There's some solid goofs in here, so have fun!Question(s) discussed:1. Do potions have a "shelf life"? If a potion has "gone off" after hundreds of years, what are some changes t…
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Welcome back! This week we talk about getting the most out of your adventure modules, even if the players and the dice gods decide otherwise. Enjoy!Question(s) discussed:1. As a DM, are you disappointed if the players don’t attempt or complete the side quests or find all the treasure possible?2. What changes would you make to best adapt a prewritte…
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Hello again! This week we talk about a few different topics- succubi, reading, truth, evil- all the bases, really. Come along and let us know what you think!Question(s) discussed:1. Would an asexual character be affected by a succubus?2. When reading a module for the first time, do you read all the way through or skip around?3. How do you drop hint…
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We're back again, listeners, with another episode! This time we talk about picking up the pieces and moving on- literally and figuratively. Enjoy!Question(s) discussed:1. Do you think you can make a castle using the Mending spell to put the bricks of stone together instead of mortar?2. Total Party Kills. What do you do when one occurs during an adv…
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Strap in, folks- this week's episode is another one of Gabe's Patented D&D Rants (Trademark Pending). This time, it's about backstories (and whether a 1st-level character is allowed to have an epic one). Is this rant way too long? Is it unnecessary? Yes and yes, but here it is anyway!Question(s) discussed:1. What do you do when a player writes an e…
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Hello, everyone! Today we're joined by one of our friends, Taylor (aka Alistar the Minotaur) to discuss other RPGs we've played, as well as the responsibility of the DM regarding metagaming. This episode is packed with fun, so come along with us for the ride!Question(s) discussed:1. Apart from D&D, what other games/genres/systems do you guys have e…
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Welcome back! This week we're joined by two very special guests- Austin and Jac from the People's Trivia Company! The four of us ease our way into 2021 by reminiscing about some of our favorite (and least favorite) moments from past D&D campaigns, and more!Question(s) discussed:1. What is your favorite story moment from D&D as a DM and as a player?…
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