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Jesus has made reconciliation with God possible for believers. Baptism, a symbol of our union with Christ, is for those drawn by God to faith and repentance, calling on Jesus' name. The Lord's Supper commemorates and proclaims Jesus' death.
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We hear seven glorious promises from the LORD directing us where to go in times when things go from bad to worse. They soothe our souls and speak to what our hearts crave. Jesus tells us to bring our burdens to Him and He will deliver and bless us in our trials.
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Psalm 51 shows us how to process our emotions and bring our burden of guilt to God. By acknowledging and confessing our wrongdoing, we are brought to repentance and restoration. Only God can transform our sinful hearts and make us righteous through the cross of Jesus.
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God does great things for His people, and over the last ten years, specifically for this church, we celebrate the blessings we have received through God’s grace. We are unified by Him to glorify Him and His endless love and perfection in the cross of Jesus.
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Like Moses, we cling to a God unlike any we can image, made possible through a covenant of His grace. God's priority for you is does not conform to our idea of ease, rather it is for your knowledge of God's sovereignty over all and His fathomless concern for you.
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God reveals Himself to Moses in the form of a burning bush and gives him a mission and the promise needed to accomplish it. Through this encounter we learn about God’s perfect timing, supreme holiness, mercy, and presence—always with us. We also learn how the same promise that enabled Moses’ mission, also enables ours today.…
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What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it about behavior, political stances or moral status? Paul’s letter to the Philippians makes it clear that being a Christian means you have had an authentic encounter with the risen Christ, that your heart has been changed by the resurrected Jesus. A Christian Counts every Good Work As Loss, Counts Knowing Ch…
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God shows His love through His plan to save us at the right time by the substitutionary death of Jesus. The more the gift cost the giver and the less the recipient deserves it, the greater the love is seen to be. God poured out His wrath on His only Son so that you and I could be saved.
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Is our relationship with God transactional? Is God's blessing dependent on our obedience? Yes, God has always required perfect obedience for blessing. Jesus Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us by hanging on the tree. The blessings of God come to all His people through the perfect obedience of Jesus.…
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Pharaoh ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill all newborn Israelite boys. But they feared God more than Pharaoh and spared the babies lives. Their fear honored God because He is the most powerful and most worthy; He is most able to protect and satisfy our souls.
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God's salvation is marked with justice, forgiveness, mercy, generosity, love, and freedom! The Church is sent by God to share His message with the world. Jesus models for us how to spread the good news by sharing a meal, spending time with, and having concern for others.
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Live for Jesus so that His NAME will be glorified in you. In scripture we see the uses of God's name presented under three main categories: (1) God empowers His people (authority given by the Lord of creation) (2) God is infinite (praiseworthy in everything) (3) God shall be glorified (the awe of his reputation and attributes)…
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When the Holy Spirit comes to Christmas, He brings: prophecy, excited joy to show Jesus to people, the impossible, God with us, and praise to God. Today, may the Holy Spirit's presence bring you joy and refreshment through the Christmas story.
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Putting the Christmas Story in the context of redemptive history, we look back over the Old Testament to see how God has given little glimpse of Himself--justice, mercy, sacrifice, and silence while working behind the scenes. Jesus coming to the Earth was the moment all were waiting for---breaking the silence, the fulfillment of all redemptive hist…
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Paul's letter ends with instructions for the nurturing of relationships within the church. We are to pray for one another and the community of believers; to greet other believers with a kiss of affection to show our deepening love; to spend time reading, reviewing, and sharing the Word together; and to foster an atmosphere of grace in all our inter…
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God destined his people for salvation. Jesus died for us and called each of us from death into life! Therefore, rest in His plan for your transformation and give God all glory. Pray for, strive for, and expect sanctification while living in community and waiting for Jesus’s return.
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Prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit which allows the sharing of a message from God. God makes this gift a priority above all other spiritual gifts and warns against quenching or ignoring the Spirit’s leadings. Paul urges believers to "eagerly desire" the gift of prophecy. We are encouraged to ask God to help us hear from Him both to advance His m…
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Paul addresses the Thessalonian church, giving guidance for relating to church leaders and to each other. Today, believers are still encouraged to actively walk together by respecting our leaders, encouraging the faint hearted, admonishing the idle, helping the weak, and praying for patience with all, as we prepare for Jesus’s return.…
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Paul teaches the Day of the Lord is sure and will bring inescapable judgement on sinners. For those of us who have accepted salvation through Jesus, we are not subject to God's wrath but will have eternal life. As we wait, believers should stay spiritually sober and encourage one other, growing in faith, hope, and love.…
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Paul assures the Thessalonians that when Jesus returns both those “asleep” in Christ and living believers will be with Him. Our grief and unanswered questions about death pale in the light of our hope. Jesus conquered death, it is no longer final! There is nothing in life or death that can break our union with Him forever.…
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In the account of Jesus cleansing the temple, we see that God cares about how and where we worship. Today, the house of God is no longer a building-- Jesus is God's temple. The ultimate demonstration of Jesus' zeal was the willing sacrifice of His own life to cleanse His people with mercy and grace.
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As you walk with outsiders, aspire to live quietly in the busyness of life, mind your own affairs, and work hard with your mind fully present while carrying out your tasks. Give your energy to what God has called you to do, remembering that Jesus is coming back.
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Although God teaches us to love in many ways, it is through the love of Jesus and the Gospel that we most clearly see God’s love for us. As we know God more, we will be transformed by the Holy Spirit, our faith will increase, and we will grow in our love for others.
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God created us with the gift of sexual identity and appetite, but our sinful desires often lead us away from God’s will for our sexuality. But because He is good, right, and true, God will strengthen our faith and help us make decisions to live as He wants us to live.
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Paul urges us to walk as we ought, living our lives with the singular goal to please God more and more. Because everything Jesus did pleased the Father, only by participating in union with Him, through His power, can we pursue holiness, living free, clothed in His righteousness.
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As we consider the instability of life, we must set our minds on the truth that God is our dwelling place--our source of protection, provision, and rest. He will show us the futility of relying on our own strength for our security and joy so that we will be satisfied only in Him, our all loving and powerful God.…
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Our faith is the most important thing about our walk with Jesus. Paul reminds the church that our faith is regularly in flux and must be strengthened and encouraged. It is constantly under attack by Satan’s lies. But God’s design to protect our faith is through community with other believers, who can support us, pray with us, and speak Jesus to us …
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God tells us to expect suffering for our faith in Him, yet we need not be moved by this affliction. Though there will be loss and temptation in our lives, God has provided support through church community and hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ.
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An encouragement to read the Bible and ask God to help to you recieve it, just as the Thessalonians did, as God's very heart to you. Reading the Bible will activate you to accomplish God's purposes, peirce your heart, see Jesus in fresh ways, experience His spiritual fruit, and keep you from being moved (lost) when suffering.…
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God urges believers to meet together to stir one another up to love and to use our gifts to serve others. This both promotes godly living and protects us from wandering from the faith. In turn, parents can stir up their young children through their love and encouragement, and by charging them to find their worth and identity in Jesus. Older childre…
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Continuing in 1 Thessalonians 2, Matt resumed discussing the theme that all relationships should image (be like) God. The applications for our own God centered relationships include (1) being intentionally transparent, (2) willingly sacrificing time and resources, (3) actively striving to be blameless in our dealings with one another, and (4) encou…
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May God be part of our every interaction. Paul expands on this appeal explaining that to do so the church must (1) have a bold gospel, (2) make pleasing God the goal, and (3) possess an affectionate love for people. The aim of the church is to lead others to Jesus Christ rather than to merely give practical wisdom.…
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While we are wait for Jesus to return, we often turn to other things to help us feel better about ourselves. Idols are the things we turn to to cope; things become idols when we look to them to deliver us. But they leave you more hopeless. God graciously warns us to turn from idols to serve Him.
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The basis of Paul's encouragement to the Thessalonians is rooted in the foundational truth found in God the Father and in Jesus Christ. God has chosen you, and reordered your life through the explosive power of the Holy Spirit. He puts you to work for His purpose, even In afflictions. And you recognize and have hope in Jesus as your deliverer. Ther…
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In this letter we are shown what it means to receive a new identity in God and the Lord Jesus. Once hopelessly dead in our sins, our lives are turned upside down, completely changed, and sealed to the Father by the Holy Spirit. And because He who calls us is faithful, as we seek to live God centered and saturated lives, we are kept holy and blamele…
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The glory of God is the manifestation of His holiness. The more the church understands the great power of God’s love, the redemptive power of Jesus’s resurrection, and the explosive power of the Holy Spirit within us, the more we will be fueled to grow and go. Then the world will see the glory of God.…
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As we conclude the end of our two-year journey through Genesis, three themes are highlighted: (1) God at the center of creation, (2) God revealing Himself and His plan, (3) God working through man's sin. Ultimately the good news contained within the chapters of Genesis is to point us forward to the source of our redemptive salvation, Jesus.…
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Following the death of Jacob, his sons and all in Egypt mourned. Through this account we see God’s plan to bring about His redemptive purposes. His invitation to us to grieve the loss and pain of death, His promises fulfilled that death will be swallowed up in victory, and a vision of an eternal future in which we are forgiven and reconciled to Him…
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