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Cambridge University European Society Lectures Podcast

Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge

The Cambridge University European Society is a group for all with an interest in issues surrounding the European Union and the continent of Europe as a whole. We discuss and debate the constantly changing news in a constantly changing Europe and are happy to hear a wide range of opinions whether you fancy yourself on the Europhile or Eurosceptic side of the fence. The society arranges a wide variety of talks on all aspects of European society such as EU Foreign policy, the makeup of the Euro ...
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Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge

Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge

The Faculty of Law has a thriving calendar of lectures and seminars spanning the entire gamut of legal, political and philosophical topics. Regular programmes are run by many of the Faculty's Research Centres, and a number of high-profile speakers who are leaders in their fields often speak at the Faculty on other occasions as well. Audio recordings from such events are published in our various podcast collections. Video recordings are available via YouTube.
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University of Cambridge festival of ideas

The Guardian

The Cambridge Festival of Ideas takes place every autumn, open to and aimed at the general public. The Guardian is the festival's national media partner. A series of talks takes place every evening, which are recorded and made available for download on the Culture section of the Guardian website
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show series
Panel: '(Non-)Defining 'Gender' in the Crimes Against Humanity Draft: Possibilities, Alliances, and Strategies' Feminist activists, country representatives, and other civil society actors have debated how to define “gender” in international criminal law (ICL) for at least three decades. In the Rome Conference that established the International Crim…
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In this episode of So Now What, host Catherine Galloway talks to Gates Cambridge scholars Kevin Beckford, Emma Soneson, and Blanca Piera Pi Sunyer to discuss the pressing issues facing today's youth. The conversation explores the importance of empowering young people, the role of community and culture in their development, and the need for systemic…
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Sovereign debt crises have surged since the end of the Bretton Woods system and currently threaten a lost decade for many countries across the world. Indermit Gill, in the World Bank Group’s 2024 International Debt Report, describes the situation in many of the poorest countries as a ‘metastasising solvency crisis that continues to be misdiagnosed …
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Oh Thursday 6th February 2025 Professor Campbell McLachlan KC delivered his 1973 Professor Inaugural Lecture: 'On the Interface between Public and Private International Law'. The lecture begins at 05:18 Abstract: Our understanding of the operation of law beyond the nation State has been deeply shaped by two great disciplines: public and private int…
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Speaker: Professor Orla Lynskey, University College London Abstract: The EU ‘digital empire’ seeks to align technological development to its rights and values by adopting and promoting a rights-driven model of technological regulation. Bradford’s influential characterisation of EU digital strategy is credible when one maps the array of legal ‘Acts’…
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Speaker: Professor Paul Deemer (Vanderbilt Law School) This lecture focuses on the development and project financing of large international infrastructure projects, and covers – What is “project finance” and what is not? How does a “project financing” differ from other types of financing? Why is project finance used on large infrastructure projects…
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Speaker: Arman Sarvarian, University of Surrey Date: Friday Lunchtime Lecture: Friday 31 January 2025 Dr Arman Sarvarian will speak about his forthcoming monograph The Law of State Succession: Principles and Practice to be published by Oxford University Press in April. The product of seven years’ labour of approximately 170,000 words, the work incl…
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Speaker: Professor Eva Micheler (LSE) Abstract: Reliance on agency-theoretic reasoning has led to substantial theoretical and empirical advances in company law scholarship, but the narrow focus on board-level actors and phenomena has disconnected the analysis of the company from the reality of the economic organisation it is meant to enable and sup…
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Speaker: Gregory Fox, Wayne State University Date: Friday Lunchtime Lecture - Friday 24 January 2025 Summary: Does international law place any constraints on a possible Ukraine-Russia peace agreement? While we can only speculate about its contents, two aspects appear certain: Ukraine will be asked to relinquish (at a minimum) territory now occupied…
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Gina Neff, Jeni Tennison and Jean-François Bonnefon discuss how algorithms and data influence our work, lives, and interactions, and the governance frameworks required for accountability and public good.Richard Westcott (Cambridge University Health Partners and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus) talks to Gina Neff (Minderoo Centre for Technology & De…
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Our experts discuss the definition of democracy and why statistics say it's in worldwide decline.In this episode, Richard Westcott (Cambridge University Health Partners and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus) talks to David Runciman (University of Cambridge), Kristin Michelitch (IAST) and Ahmed Mohamed (IAST) about the decline in democracy indexes wor…
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Lecture summary: Many political economists, economic historians, and historical sociologists understand the transition from the 1970s to the 1980s as involving a shift from debates about inflation, oil shocks, floating currencies, and the New International Economic Order to neoliberalism's political and ideological breakthrough, first in the indust…
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On 26 November 2024 Professor Paul Mitchell (University College London) delivered the CELH annual lecture on the topic 'Legal History and Literature: Towards Creative Reciprocity'. The Centre for English Legal History (CELH) was formally established in 2016 to provide a hub for researchers working in legal history across the University of Cambridge…
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Speakers: Professors Daniel Monk (Birkbeck University of London) & Rebecca Probert (University of Exeter) The enactment of the Divorce Reform Act 1969 was a landmark moment in family law. Coming into force in 1971, it had a significant impact on legal practice and was followed by a dramatic increase in divorce rates, reflecting changes in social at…
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Speaker: Dr Andriani Kalintiri, King’s College London Abstract: Is EU antitrust law resilient in the face of change? This question has acquired prominence amidst the many crises and disruptions of recent times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and digitalisation. Attempts to answer it though have been rather narrow in scope and tend to…
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Lecture summary: In this talk Sharifah Sekalala examines this critical moment in the making of Global Health Law, with two treaty making processes: the newly finalised revisions of the International Health Regulations and ongoing negotiations by the Intergovernmental Negotiation Body for a possible pandemic Accord or Instrument, as we well as soft-…
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Speaker: Professor Christopher Nicholls (University of Western Ontario) In 1933, in the depths of the Great Depression, the Yale Law School and Harvard Business School launched an innovative joint program: the “Law-Business Course”. The program’s principal architect was Yale law professor William O. Douglas, best remembered today as the longest ser…
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Speaker: Professor Barend van Leeuwen, Durham University Abstract: What do we mean when we talk about the "horizontal direct effect" of the free movement provisions? You would think that, after decades of case law on the free movement provisions, the meaning of this concept should be relatively clear and crystallised. However, there is still a sign…
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Speaker: Dr Henry Pearce, Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Portsmouth and Deputy Editor for Computer Law & Security Review Abstract: This presentation examines the impact of Brexit on UK data protection law and, using the introduction of the now-defunct Data Protection and Digital Information Bill as a case study, critiques the ongoing r…
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Lecture summary: The United Nations Charter order (UNCO) and the co-evolved liberal international order (LIO) are contested with a heretofore unknown force. The steep rise in contestations in the realm of public politics rather than the courtroom demonstrates a shift from normal contestation as a source of legitimacy and ordering towards deep conte…
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In this episode, Richard Westcott talks to Gordon Harold, Anna Moore, and Olympia Campbell about the growing rates of mental health issues among young people. They discuss the key determinants and the most effective ways to support young people's mental health.Our experts examine whether mental health among young people is truly worsening or if we’…
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Lecture summary: Grand corruption – the abuse of public office for private gain by a nation's leaders (kleptocrats) - has devastating consequences. As then UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said, the amount lost to corruption each year is enough to feed the world's hungry 80 times over. Grand corruption contributes to climate change…
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Speaker: Dr Akshaya Kamalnath (Australian National University) Governance of companies has always involved some uncertainty and technology related challenges similarly add to the risks and challenges involved. Yet, corporate governance – both the legal and non-legal aspects – finds ways to address risks and so it will be with tech-related issues. T…
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Speaker: Dr Kalpana Tyagi, Assistant Professor, Maastricht University Abstract: Data protection, privacy and copyright may be closely aligned, yet distinctly respond to the common element, that is data – comprising of personal as well as non-personal elements. While data may not be copyright-protected, works (at least in their current form) are cop…
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On Friday 18 October 2024, The Honourable Susan Mary Kiefel AC KC delivered the 2024 Sir David Williams Lecture entitled "Judicial review of discretionary decision-making: differences of approach". The lecture begins at: 05:40 The Sir David Williams Lecture is an annual address delivered by a guest lecturer in honour of Sir David Williams, Emeritus…
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Speaker: Professor Ruth Okediji, Jeremiah Smith Jr., Professor of Law, Harvard Law School and Co-Director of the Berkman Klein Center Abstract: The conclusion of the Agreement on Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) in 1994 sparked a quiet revolution in the global IP system by directing unprecedented scrutiny to the maldistribution of…
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Lecture summary:Part 1 of the Lecture focuses on the development of the right to self-determination as a rule of customary international law and its application to the Chagos Archipelago, Africa and the Commonwealth Caribbean. The adoption of Resolution 1514 by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 14, 1960 was a decisive element i…
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To kickstart Season Four of Crossing Channels, Richard Westcott talks to Alison Liebling, Nicola Padfield and Arnaud Philippe about the growing prison population, the prison experience, and the most effective ways to rehabilitate ex-offenders.Our experts discuss why the prison population is growing and the similarities and differences across Europe…
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Lecture summary: At a time where questions abound about the state and future of international cooperation and compliance across the international legal system, this lecture will consider the new partnership of countries established in 2019 to promote and protect media freedom globally – the Media Freedom Coalition of States. The Coalition offers a …
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The conversation explores the role of culture in peacebuilding and the need to challenge narratives of conflict and division. The guests discuss their experiences in conflict-affected regions and the importance of empathy, healing, and resilience in creating cultures of peace. They highlight the need for education systems to promote peace and inclu…
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The podcast episode explores the concept of tolerance and how to create a more tolerant world. The guests discuss the importance of face-to-face interactions, trust, and cooperation in building tolerance. They also examine the role of technology and social media in promoting or hindering tolerance. The guests share their perspectives on using music…
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In this episode of Crossing Channels, Rory Cellan-Jones discusses with Diane Coyle, Ruth Mace, and Paul Seabright the impact of age on leadership, the consequences of having older leaders for society, and the case for implementing a compulsory retirement age.Leading experts discuss the trade-off between experience, expertise, skill and judgment as …
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Professor Daniel Bodansky’s seminal and widely acclaimed book The Art and Craft of International Environmental Law was first published in 2010. In contrast to other general works on international environmental law, the book focused on the processes of developing, implementing, and enforcing international environmental law rather than on legal doctr…
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The Faculty of Law holds an annual Open Day for undergraduate students, at which members of the Faculty discuss the Faculty, the Cambridge admissions system, and the benefits studying Law at Cambridge, The Open Day gives potential students, and their parents and teachers, a chance to look around the Faculty and the Squire Law Library, meet members …
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The Faculty of Law holds an annual Open Day for undergraduate students, at which members of the Faculty discuss the Faculty, the Cambridge admissions system, and the benefits studying Law at Cambridge, The Open Day gives potential students, and their parents and teachers, a chance to look around the Faculty and the Squire Law Library, meet members …
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The Faculty of Law holds an annual Open Day for undergraduate students, at which members of the Faculty discuss the Faculty, the Cambridge admissions system, and the benefits studying Law at Cambridge, The Open Day gives potential students, and their parents and teachers, a chance to look around the Faculty and the Squire Law Library, meet members …
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The Faculty of Law holds an annual Open Day for undergraduate students, at which members of the Faculty discuss the Faculty, the Cambridge admissions system, and the benefits studying Law at Cambridge, The Open Day gives potential students, and their parents and teachers, a chance to look around the Faculty and the Squire Law Library, meet members …
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The Faculty of Law holds an annual Open Day for undergraduate students, at which members of the Faculty discuss the Faculty, the Cambridge admissions system, and the benefits studying Law at Cambridge, The Open Day gives potential students, and their parents and teachers, a chance to look around the Faculty and the Squire Law Library, meet members …
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The episode explores the topic of political legitimacy in a polarized world. The guests discuss the psychological and cognitive components of political beliefs, the impact of polarization on journalism, and the importance of understanding the perspectives of people on the ground. They emphasize the need for flexible thinking, reevaluating our own d…
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Cambridge Pro Bono Project hosted Eileen Dong at the Faculty of Law on Wednesday, 15 May 2024. Eileen Dong, a renowned UN Ambassador, distinguished member of the US Committee for Refugees & Immigrants Advisory Board, and expert in combating human trafficking, will explore the critical intersections between UN’s 2030 Global Goals and the ongoing eff…
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In this episode of Crossing Channels, Rory Cellan-Jones talks to experts, Dr Stephanie Diepeveen and Prof Jordanna Matlon about the enduring legacies of colonialism on global economic inequalities, the climate crisis, and the digital space.Dr Stephanie Diepeveen and Prof Jordanna Matlon share tangible examples and critical insights into a nuanced u…
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The conversation delves into the urgency of addressing concerns about artificial intelligence, the impact of AI on society, and the need for ethical considerations. We explore the challenges of bias, misinformation, and the environmental impact of AI. The guests discuss the role of academia, big tech, and the public in shaping the future of AI. The…
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This is the third interview with Mrs Charity (Cherry) Hopkins, Life Fellow of Girton College, University of Cambridge. Mrs Hopkins was interviewed for the third time on 14 February 2024 in the Squire Law Library.For more information, see the Squire Law Library website at:…
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This is the second interview with Mrs Charity (Cherry) Hopkins, Life Fellow of Girton College, University of Cambridge. Mrs Hopkins was interviewed for the second time on 16 October 2023 in the Squire Law Library.For more information, see the Squire Law Library website at:…
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Lecture summary: A growing body of interdisciplinary scholarship explores overlaps and interactions among different normative and institutional branches of international law. This lecture contributes to this scholarship through a case study of relations among international organizations in the mid-1960s, when several emerging political fault lines …
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Professor Glanville Williams, Peter Glazebrooke, David Williams, and Dr Richard Sparks with Mr A F Wilcocks, previously Chief Constable of Hertfordshire, and author of 'Enforcing the Law with Discretion'.โดย Cambridge University
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This is the third interview with Mrs Charity (Cherry) Hopkins, Life Fellow of Girton College, University of Cambridge. Mrs Hopkins was interviewed for the third time on 14 February 2024 in the Squire Law Library. For more information, see the Squire Law Library website at:…
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Speaker: Professor Mark Roe (Harvard Law School) Chair: Felix Steffek (University of Cambridge) Abstract: The notion of stock-market-driven short-termism relentlessly whittling away at the American economy’s foundations is widely accepted and highly salient. Presidential candidates state as much. Senators introduce bills assuming as much. Corporate…
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Speaker: Dr Oliver Butler, University of Nottingham Abstract: When automated decision-making technologies (ADM) are procured and used by public authorities, important design and implementation decisions are often delegated to the professional developers they sub-contract to co-produce such technology. This can undermine accountability, democratic o…
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Speakers: Professor Eleanor Sharpston KC, Advocate General, CJEU (2006-2020) and Goodhart Professor, University of Cambridge (2023/2024) and Dr Markus W. Gehring, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Member of CELS. Abstract: On 18 September 2023 the Group of 12 Experts from both France and Germany released their proposal ‘Sailing on High Seas: …
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