Podcast by Treign Athletics LTD
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Carbs- Not All Are Evil. Get To Know Them.
10:46Everyone hears the word carbs and goes in to a panic. Well there is no need to fear our misunderstood friend and macronutrient the carbohydrate. New episodes every Monday for your viewing pleasure. Questions or comment? Leave us something here or send us an email at teamtreign@treignathletics.com and we will get back to you. If you have an idea or …
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Diet 101- Creating Better Eating Habits
12:00This week on the Treign Athletics podcast we talk about diet (or as I prefer, eating habits). 101 referring to the top recommendations we make for people looking to get a handle on their food, diet, and eating habits. Simple things help the most when looking to get fit. Don't forget to head over to the website to sign up for the newsletter with exc…
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Abs vs Core!! A big conversation piece for people but really a simple solution...be well rounded.โดย Treign Athletics LTD
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We wanted to have a conversation to initially talk about some popular nutrition fads and styles with what our take was quickly on them. A long road trip allows for lots of time to chat on some things. Enjoy.โดย Treign Athletics LTD
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One conversation we had was on a big missing piece from gym goers...etiquette. Simple rules guys. Just be a good person.โดย Treign Athletics LTD
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ANNOUNCEMENT TIME! We will be launching a new series that covers a review of popular magazine articles as well as scholarly journal articles as they relate to health and fitness.โดย Treign Athletics LTD
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People see distance runners as athletes who only need to have a great amount of endurance. Well, there is more than just countless miles that make up a solid runner. Take a listen and see if you might need to improve your training program.โดย Treign Athletics LTD
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It is a question I have heard a lot about, should I train while I am sick? Today we cover that question for a special lady- Miss Shannon.โดย Treign Athletics LTD
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We want to take some time today to discuss the ever important step of goal setting. It is what sets you apart from success and failure. Knowing where you want to be helps you determine the best way to get there.โดย Treign Athletics LTD
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Hey guys. We want to introduce ourselves- Team Treign of Treign Athletics LTD. We are a brother run company- our names are Josh and Paul Murphy.โดย Treign Athletics LTD
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This talk covers a little more in depth to the Shoulder Girdle Engagement article we wrote.โดย Treign Athletics LTD
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