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Palavras Cruzadas

Antena2 - RTP

Porque falamos como falamos? É possível discordar de uma coisa, mas concordar com essa mesma coisa se nos for dita de outro modo? O que nasce primeiro - o pensamento ou a palavra?As palavras que usamos no dia-a-dia dizem mais sobre nós do que a nossa própria aparência. Mais do que imaginamos.De segunda a sexta, Dalila Carvalho convida médicos, políticos, jornalistas, artistas, historiadores, economistas, escritores? a dizer porque usam umas palavras e não outras, jogando as Palavras Cruzadas.
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The Just Cruzing Podcast

Isaiah Cruz

A place were you can sit and listen to topics about life, sports, and other topics given to me, from you guys! Cover art photo provided by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash:
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Podcast Cruzamento

André Correia e Daniel Guedelha

🇵🇹 O Podcast onde os temas da Tecnologia e Saúde se cruzam para criar um espaço de debate aberto e inovador, através de entrevistas descontraídas, mas com conteúdos importantes e atuais. Ambicionamos que este podcast sirva como fonte de inovação e de criatividade para os nossos ouvintes. 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 The Cruzamento Podcast is where Technology and Health intersect to create an open and innovative debate, through relevant, current and informal interviews with recognised thought leaders. Our ambition ...
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Julio César Cruz Las Calles Tienen Historias

Julio César Cruz

Trio en la Mesa.. Amamos Nicaragua, creemos en este proceso de paz , de valentía y defensa de nuestra Soberanía Estamos Comprometidos con la enseñanza , estamos comprometidos con el arte y las maravillas del mundo artístico. Las Calles tienen Historias Visítanos también en Fb. Cholenco Nica . htt ...
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Vanessa Gracia Cruz

Vanessa Gracia Cruz

Welcome to The Maven House Podcast, where faith meets real life. Hosted by Pastor Vanessa Gracia Cruz, this podcast dives into the conversations we all need but rarely have—simplifying your devotional time, navigating divorce, making friends as an adult, and so much more. With insightful guests and unfiltered discussions, this is a space for wisdom, growth, and encouragement for every season of life. Pull up a seat, and let’s talk about faith in action!
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Púlpito Reformado Semanal con el Pastor Carlos Cruz Moya

© Calvary Evangelistic Mission, Inc. Copying and sharing is encouraged.

El programa en vivo de los sábados con el pastor Carlos Cruz Moya en la Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada de San Juan. Para mas información, llama la iglesia a los (787)-649-8253 / (787) 410-7899 o visíte Carlos Cruz Moya también es anfitrión del programa "Púlpito Reformado" en vivo los sábados a las 8 p.m. en La Roca.
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Verdict with Ted Cruz

Premiere Networks

Join Senator Ted Cruz and co-host Ben Ferguson as they break down the most important news stories of the day and reveal what they mean for you. On "Verdict with Ted Cruz,” you will go behind the scenes of the political debates that define our country. "Verdict with Ted Cruz" is being brought to you by Jobs, Freedom, and Security PAC, a political action committee dedicated to supporting conservative causes, organizations, and candidates across the country. In 2022, Jobs, Freedom, and Security ...
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Pretty Basic with Alisha Marie and Remi Cruz

Dear Media

Welcome to Pretty Basic, a weekly podcast hosted by multi-hyphenate creators and best friends, Alisha Marie and Remi Cruz. From TMI conversations about dating to big sister chats on how to feel more confident to the dark reality of influencing; each week you'll be left wanting more "content, baby, content." New episodes every Wednesday!
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Cruzando Líneas

Conecta Arizona, Maritza L. Félix

Historias humanas que se convierten en puentes cuando otros construyen muros. Un podcast con acento y con talento de Conecta Arizona con voces e historias de periodistas independientes de los dos lados de la frontera de Estados Unidos y México. Producido y conducido por la galardonada periodista Maritza L. Félix.
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The Cruz Show Podcast

REAL 92.3 (KRRL)

The Cruz Show Podcast takes you behind the scenes of the #1 Afternoon Show in Los Angeles. J Cruz, Jackie Ramirez, Jeff “The Sports Dude” Garcia, Nico Blitz & DJ Lezlee clown each other about their lives, talk Hip Hop & The Culture & get into what happens behind the scenes during the show & interviews. The Cruz Show is LIVE on Real 923 in Los Angeles afternoons from 2-7pm. You can listen live on the iHeart Radio App
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Podcast semanal sobre o Cruzeiro, com Christiano Candian (@candian), Iron Luiz (@Iron_fall) e Ana Luíza (@RealityDiwa). Foco em análise do jogo dentro das quatro linhas, sem firulas e polêmicas vazias. Siga-nos no Twitter: @cruzeirologia
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Digest This! Tips for Better Digestion from Dr. Liz Cruz & Tina Nunziato

Liz Cruz M.D. & Tina Nunziato, CHNC

Dr. Cruz is a Board Certified Gastroenterologist who practices in Phoenix, AZ. Along with her wife Tina Nunziato, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, they have helped tens of thousands of individuals get well from a more holistic standpoint. They focus on issues such as constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, heartburn, gas, bloating, food sensitivities, IBS, Crohn's disease, and diverticulitis in addition to a person's general overall health. They do this by teaching about real food, water, dig ...
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Wake the Bear Radio is part of a great awakening movement that is happening across this country and throughout the world where people are waking up to the fact that freedoms have been slowly and sometimes quietly removed from the public under the guise of policies of personal rights, equality and saving the planet. We dive into ”back room” deals, conflicts of interests, payed off science and other associations that the MSM conveniently leave out when giving you news for informed decisions. T ...
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Linhas Cruzadas

Linhas Cruzadas

A jornalista Andresa Boni estreia ao lado de Luiz Felipe Pondé no Linhas Cruzadas, da TV Cultura, no dia 14 de março. O programa irá ao ar todas as quintas-feiras, às 22h. “O meu papel no Linhas Cruzadas é o de todo jornalista: fazer perguntas que ajudem o público a entender o que está sendo tratado. Eu vou levar a minha experiência de 20 anos entrevistando pessoas sobre os mais variados temas para explorar os conceitos trazidos pelo Pondé”, explica, Andresa. A nova apresentadora conta que n ...
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Cruzamentos literários

Cruzamentos Literarios

Fruto de uma parceria entre o Instituto Camões em Brasília e a Associação Oceanos, o podcast “Cruzamentos literários” mostra como importantes escritores pensam o mundo, a literatura e o universo da língua portuguesa. Episódios sempre às quintas-feiras, uma vez por mês. Produção de áudio: Compasso Coolab
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Justin Cruz

Cruzin Podcast where we bring on different guests, talk entertainment from film reviews, games, sports, listener recommendations and suggestions, or just have meaningful fun conversations to share their voice. Join the conversation and lets discuss.
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Santa Cruz Radio


”ちゃんと生きてはる”みなさんとお届けする番組。 Podcast,Spotifyなどで配信中。 日々の生活のなかで出会う、ヒト・モノ・ジカン。 時に真面目に、時にユーモラスに。 大切に過ごしている人たちがいます。 そんな方々とさまざまな話題を深掘りしていきます。 番組内容はnoteにまとめています。
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Bola de Neve Mogi das Cruzes

Bola de Neve Mogi

Seja Bem-vindo ao Podcast da Igreja Bola de Neve Mogi das Cruzes! Cultos às Quintas-feiras 20h Domingos às 10h e 18h Siga nossas redes sociais @boladenevemogidascruzes | Conheça nossos pastores @rodrigoluizlourenco e @marceladelourenco
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Fuego Cruzado


Ignacio Rivera junto a sus distinguidos acompañantes. Versión oficial del Podcast de Fuego Cruzado. Programa líder del análisis político. Transmitido por Radio Paz 810AM de 5-7pm de lunes a viernes.
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show series
More 'restructuring' for Hudson's Bay / Only 10 Days Till Spring! and Daylight Savings / Your most annoying TV Character / The "Crue Rule" / Would you buy a $20 Strawberry? / Peeing in the shower...because you like to multitask?โดย 96.3 Cruz FM
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Anti-Semitism at Columbia University: The podcast highlights the rise of anti-Semitic protests at Columbia University, particularly following Hamas's October 7th attack on Israel. Columbia University faced criticism for not protecting Jewish students, leading to the resignation of its president, Menu Shaffique. The Trump administration has cut off …
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En este poderoso e inspirador podcast, Lilibeth Vilella y Paola Fiallos abordan el proceso de sanación después del divorcio. Exploran los desafíos emocionales, espirituales y personales que surgen con esta transición de vida, ofreciendo orientación, aliento y herramientas prácticas para ayudar a las mujeres a reconstruir sus vidas. A través de hist…
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Somos Trio en la Mesa, hemos realizado un programa Especial Desde Managua , vamos caminando con la JS 19 de Julio, a rendir homenaje desde nuestro mas profundo sentimiento, es una ofrenda para el comandante Hugo Chávez, el hombre ganador de mil batallas.... Latinoamérica Unida , es la tierra prometida.....…
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Ne-Yo and J Cruz also have great conversations and this sit down is no different. Ne-Yo talks about R&B Thugs, the state of R&B, The motivation his Mom gave him, new music, how he was the plug at McDonald's + he tells a great Jay-Z & Beyonce story. Ne-Yo opens up at polyamory, his family life and how he talks to his kids about his lifestyle.…
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Join Liz Cruz M.D. and Tina Nunziato, Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, as they give the update on where Dr. Cruz is heading once the practice closes down on April 30, 2025. Learn about all the details surrounding the move not only for her patients but for all the wellness clients as well. All of the details shared on this podcast and any up…
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In this juicy episode of Pretty Basic, we spill all the tea from Heath and Mariah’s unforgettable wedding weekend. From a wild mall rollercoaster ride to Remi discovering her new favorite food, we share every hilarious and chaotic moment—including the drama with our lost (and possibly stolen) cameras. Plus, Alisha dishes on her unexpected wedding h…
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We cover President Trump's peace talks with Zelensky, the preparations to the SOTU address and the temporary nothing burger of phase 1 of the Epstein list.โดย WTBR
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En Radio LU12 AM680 hablamos con Oscar Sánchez, padre de Alejandro Sánchez, expresó su sentir tras la condena a Facundo Actis Grosso, el conductor que atropelló y mató a su hijo al cruzar un semáforo en rojo en enero de 2023. A pesar de que Actis Grosso fue sentenciado a cuatro años de prisión efectiva, permaneció en libertad hasta hace poco, lo qu…
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Fuego Cruzado, El Podcast: Ignacio Rivera y sus panelistas invitados, con el mejor análisis político en Puerto Rico. Fuego Cruzado es transmitido por Radio Paz 810am Puerto Rico, 5-7pm L-V. Traído por PRPodcastingGroup “Conservando lo sucedido hoy, para nuestras futuras generaciones” Te gusta el programa? Subscríbase usando su plataforma favorita: …
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Zelensky's Visit to the White House: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to the White House was deemed unsuccessful as he left without securing additional support. Zelensky's subsequent meetings with European leaders were highlighted, emphasizing Europe's role in supporting Ukraine. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer's proposal for a Uk…
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Fuego Cruzado, El Podcast: Ignacio Rivera y sus panelistas invitados, con el mejor análisis político en Puerto Rico. Fuego Cruzado es transmitido por Radio Paz 810am Puerto Rico, 5-7pm L-V. Traído por PRPodcastingGroup “Conservando lo sucedido hoy, para nuestras futuras generaciones” Te gusta el programa? Subscríbase usando su plataforma favorita: …
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Terror-Linked Migrants: The episode starts with a discussion about the release of nearly 100 terror-linked migrants into the United States in 2024 by the Biden administration. Tulsi Gabbard, now the Director of National Intelligence, revealed that these individuals were known to be linked to terrorist organizations but were released after being arr…
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Fuego Cruzado, El Podcast: Ignacio Rivera y sus panelistas invitados, con el mejor análisis político en Puerto Rico. Fuego Cruzado es transmitido por Radio Paz 810am Puerto Rico, 5-7pm L-V. Traído por PRPodcastingGroup “Conservando lo sucedido hoy, para nuestras futuras generaciones” Te gusta el programa? Subscríbase usando su plataforma favorita: …
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Meet our friends, Clay Travis and Buck Sexton! If you love Verdict with Ted Cruz, then The Clay and Buck Show might also be in your audio wheelhouse. Politics, news, and some pop culture thrown in too – like deep thoughts on musicals – the guys have fun while keeping up with the crazy news cycle. Today’s podcast highlights: 1. The Democrats have an…
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Another Kick Ass Cruz Concert on the way! / Guitar Hero Disappointment / A new Overpass for 8th Street in the works / Washed my car and it was SATISFYING AF / When kids hurt themselves / Planning Kid's Birthday Parties / Do you have a work gym? Do you actually use it?โดย 96.3 Cruz FM
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El 2024 fue un año crucial en la política de Estados Unidos y, en esa arena tan disputada, los ‘canvassers’ fueron el corazón de las campañas comunitarias. Estas personas que trabajan por incitar a otros a ejercer su derecho al voto tienen una misión: no permitir que la indiferencia relegue a las comunidades rurales de Arizona. Tocando cientos de p…
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1. Public Approval: A CBS poll indicated that 76% of viewers approved of Trump's address. 91% of viewers felt Trump addressed issues they cared about. 74% found the address presidential, informative, and entertaining. 71% found the speech inspiring. Content of the Speech: Trump highlighted his accomplishments since his inauguration and emphasized t…
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Fuego Cruzado, El Podcast: Ignacio Rivera y sus panelistas invitados, con el mejor análisis político en Puerto Rico. Fuego Cruzado es transmitido por Radio Paz 810am Puerto Rico, 5-7pm L-V. Traído por PRPodcastingGroup “Conservando lo sucedido hoy, para nuestras futuras generaciones” Te gusta el programa? Subscríbase usando su plataforma favorita: …
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Grim and James are joined by Jerry Cthulhu, ThatGuy, RSHarmful, Anubis, Pirateshipping, Endless, and Suzanne! Enjoy the chat!! Email me for the Guilded chatroom link! Check out our anime review show Shonen Dump James Cruz Twitch: Grimsteak Twitch: Grimsteak Youtu…
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This episode discusses President Trump's State of the Union address and the reactions from both Republicans and Democrats. 1. Positive Reception of Trump's Speech: - Senator Cruz and Ben Ferguson praise President Trump's address, calling it triumphant, positive, and forward-looking. - They highlight Trump's emphasis on promises made and kept, and t…
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Fuego Cruzado, El Podcast: Ignacio Rivera y sus panelistas invitados, con el mejor análisis político en Puerto Rico. Fuego Cruzado es transmitido por Radio Paz 810am Puerto Rico, 5-7pm L-V. Traído por PRPodcastingGroup “Conservando lo sucedido hoy, para nuestras futuras generaciones” Te gusta el programa? Subscríbase usando su plataforma favorita: …
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Legendary Hip Hop Artist Xzibit came by the Cruz Show to talk about his new album Kingmaker. He also explained why he waited 12 years to make a new album & how he got Dr Dre to rap on a song. Xzibit also broke down the current state of hip hop & ageism in the genre. X also told a crazy Shrooms story & so much more. It's a great interview. Tap in.…
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Meet our friends, Clay Travis and Buck Sexton! If you love The Verdict with Ted Cruz, The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show might also be in your audio wheelhouse. Politics, news analysis, and some pop culture thrown in too – like the secret White Lotus Trump supporter – the guys like have fun while keeping up with the crazy news cycle. Here’s a sam…
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Compartimos esta serie documental cuyo eje es la vida y la gestión de los máximos protagonistas de la política latinoamericana. Cada capítulo busca documentar el especial momento que vive la región, brindándole al espectador un perfil diferente, más profundo y cercano de cada uno de los Presidentes . Con la conducción de Daniel Filmus. En este capí…
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It's Shrove Tuesday / Tariffs and Dolly Parton were trending today / Spring Break Debt is a thing / Can you get re-inspired by music? / Measles Parties are a bad idea / Best Personalized plates you've seen / Elon Musk trying to single-handedly re-populate the globeโดย 96.3 Cruz FM
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1. Trump's Address to Congress: - Donald Trump is set to address a joint session of Congress and the American people. This is his first Congressional address of his second presidency. - He plans to discuss various topics, including his administration's achievements and future plans. - Key themes include the extension of his 2016 tax cuts, securing …
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Neste episódio do Podcast CRUZAMENTO, André Correia e Daniel Guedelha celebram quatro anos de aprendizagem e evolução. Olham para o futuro, onde o formato será mais reflexivo e menos frequente, mas sempre a explorar tendências na tecnologia e saúde, incluindo a revolução no modelo de negócio da indústria farmacêutica, o papel da IA na saúde e a nec…
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Fuego Cruzado, El Podcast: Ignacio Rivera y sus panelistas invitados, con el mejor análisis político en Puerto Rico. Fuego Cruzado es transmitido por Radio Paz 810am Puerto Rico, 5-7pm L-V. Traído por PRPodcastingGroup “Conservando lo sucedido hoy, para nuestras futuras generaciones” Te gusta el programa? Subscríbase usando su plataforma favorita: …
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So many puddles, but also very slippery conditions, great combo / The Oscars were last night, no major scandals / What items that you buy HAVE to be name brand? / Closet Purging with your Bestie / My first estate sale was a learning experienceโดย 96.3 Cruz FM
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1. Ukraine-Russia Conflict: - The discussion includes analysis of the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. - The hosts criticize Zelensky's handling of the situation and his interactions with international leaders. 2. European Leaders' Response: - The podcast covers the response of European leaders to the Ukraine crisis, including a proposed pea…
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