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Brick City Podcasts

Elgin Carelock

Brick City Podcasts is motivational, inspirational, and intellectual collection of presenters providing "Serious Brain Food". From the challenges of being a single parent to analysis of today's toughest issues, we hope you enjoy our podcasts and refer friends.
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We are to life God up and He will draw people to Him. Our journey from the moment we are saved until the Father calls us home is the convergence. As we grow in our trust that God is the answer and understand the power we were given with the Holy Spirit and Jesus, then the life live becomes aligned with God’s will and the level of effectiveness we h…
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Brothers and sister presenting yourself to the Lord is a privilege accomplished by the death, burial, and resurrection of Savior. Before there were specific times that sacrifices we made by the priest on your behalf. When we received the Holy Spirit, we now have the ability to hear from the Father through the Holy Spirit and access His blessing thr…
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This story powerfully illustrates that obedience to God’s calling, readiness to serve, and willingness to engage with seekers of the truth can lead to transformative impacts far beyond initial interactions. For Philip, a simple act of obedience and a willingness to share the gospel contributed significantly to the foundation of Christianity in a di…
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The Book of Nahum presents a powerful message of God’s judgment against an oppressive empire, highlighting His sovereignty, justice, and the assurance that evil will not prevail. For the contemporary reader, Nahum offers a profound reflection on the character of God as both a just judge and a protector of His people, ensuring that evil is eventuall…
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God expects believers to actively seek justice, speak out for the oppressed, hold leaders accountable for their actions, and maintain personal and communal integrity. These expectations are foundational to creating and sustaining a community that reflects God’s righteousness and love.โดย Elgin Carelock
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Whatever that thing is that you can't stop sinning, it is not worth what you lose for not being in right relationship with God. It may be painful, and you may require professional help to accomplish it, but the benefits far outweigh the endurance it takes to truly repent.โดย Elgin Carelock
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John 15:4-5 uses the analogy of the vine and branches to emphasize the importance of remaining in Christ for spiritual growth: "Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." This relationship is essential for spiritual vitality and producti…
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Forgiveness is a vital part of the Christian faith and, while challenging, it can lead to profound personal and spiritual growth. It is an expression of the mercy and grace that God has shown us, intended to free not just the person who is forgiven but also the forgiver from the corrosive effects of holding onto anger and resentment.…
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To seek God first means to make Him the highest priority in all areas of life. It involves consistently choosing to align our decisions, plans, and actions with God’s will and commandments, rather than following personal desires or worldly standards. This prioritization affects how we spends time, money, and resources, ensuring that choices honor G…
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The peace of God is presented in the Bible as essential for spiritual wellbeing and effective living. It is not merely the absence of conflict but a profound sense of wholeness and contentment that comes from a right relationship with God. This peace is available to all who trust in God and is meant to permeate every aspect of a believer's life, in…
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By praying the Word of God, you not only ensure that your prayers are immersed in truth, but you also enable God’s Word to actively work in your life, transforming you and aligning you more closely with God’s desires. This method strengthens your faith and enhances your relationship with God, making your prayer life a powerful conduit for His work …
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For believers, these verses serve as a powerful reminder of the potential for transformation that can occur when God’s people align with His will. It is often cited in calls for national prayer and repentance, suggesting that divine intervention in societal issues is contingent upon the spiritual obedience of God's people.…
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Jesus’ assurance to the woman that her faith has made her whole is a declaration of complete restoration, highlighting the transformative power of faith in Him. It is a testament to how faith can bridge the gap between human desperation and divine provision, offering not just physical healing but a comprehensive restoration that touches all aspects…
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The wisdom and boldness imparted by the Holy Spirit empower them to speak truth to power and influence societal structures positively. By embodying the love and power of the Holy Spirit, believers can create an environment where God's kingdom values of love, peace, and justice are evident and transformative.…
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Micah 6:8 reads, He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? God is faithful and will do His part, are you willing to do yours?โดย Elgin Carelock
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The Bible provides comprehensive guidance for Christians in the marketplace, stressing the importance of integrity, ethical behavior, fair treatment of others, and the opportunity to witness through one's conduct. These principles help believers navigate the complexities of the business world while upholding their faith and impacting the workplace …
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God's expectation for a pure heart and right motives in doing for others is foundational to living a life that is truly reflective of His character and teachings. He desires His followers to act out of genuine love, humility, and a desire to serve, rather than from self-interest or the desire for recognition. Such purity in action cultivates deeper…
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"Let the redeemed of the Lord say so" is a biblical directive that encourages those who have experienced God’s redemption to speak openly and gratefully about it. This practice not only honors God and gives Him the glory but also serves to edify, encourage, and evangelize within and beyond the community of faith.…
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When God commanded the Israelites to "Go in and take possession of the land," it was a multifaceted directive that involved physical conquest, spiritual testing, fulfillment of divine promises, and the establishment of a holy community under God’s sovereignty. This command was central to the identity and history of Israel as God’s chosen people.…
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God's expectation of humility from believers is deeply woven into the fabric of Christian faith and practice. It is seen as essential for proper relationship with God, fostering community, personal growth, and receiving God's favor and guidance. Humility aligns believers with the example of Christ, who, though being in very nature God, humbled Hims…
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The imagery of a nursing mother is inherently one of self-sacrifice. A mother gives of herself physically and emotionally to nurture her child. Similarly, Paul's use of this metaphor suggests a ministry characterized by self-giving love and sacrifice. He implies that their work among the Thessalonians was not burdensome or self-serving but was done…
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Living a life of holiness requires intentional actions to avoid circumstances that lead to sin and to engage in behaviors that promote spiritual growth. This practical aspect of sanctification involves both avoiding sin and doing good.โดย Elgin Carelock
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When Matthew records Jesus using the phrase "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear," it serves multiple functions: to call for careful, discerning listening, to highlight the importance of the teachings, to differentiate between those who truly understand from those who do not, and to prompt listeners to action based on the truths they have heard…
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To be your brother's keeper is to embody the values of care, responsibility, and community. It calls on individuals to extend beyond self-concern to the active care and protection of others, reflecting a deep understanding of and commitment to the interconnectedness of human relationships, thereby fulfilling the will of God.…
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When Jesus spoke of believers doing "greater works" than He did, He was emphasizing the expansive scope and profound impact of the Christian mission after His departure. This promise highlights the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit and underscores the significant role of believers in God's redemptive plan for the world. It is both a promise and…
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By having a Savior who put on humanity and walked among us, we have an advocate in Heaven. An advocate that understands what it is like to have thoughts invade your mind based on where you are and many times who you are with. We see the children of Israel get into trouble many times for conforming to the world around them.…
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When Jesus declares that if He sets someone free, they are free indeed, He is speaking of a profound spiritual reality. It is an invitation to all who hear His words to come to Him for the true freedom that only He can provide—a freedom that liberates us from the deepest forms of bondage in our lives and leads to ultimate fulfillment and eternal li…
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Remembering to thank God is not just a polite or optional part of faith—it's essential for maintaining a vibrant, healthy relationship with Him and with others. It keeps us humble, joyful, and aware of God's constant presence and provision in our lives.โดย Elgin Carelock
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch wraps up Season 3 with a Finale to remember. Join Robin, Sean, and Andrew on Episode 61 as the Brick City Blockade Podcast crew reflects on the incredible series. Where does the story go from here?Subscribe to the Podcast on YouTube and over on Spotify & Apple Podcasts: May the Force be with you, always! #StarWars #MayThe4t…
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"possess the land" encapsulated a multifaceted directive from God to the Israelites that combined elements of divine promise, command, provision, and testing. It was about much more than physical territory; it was about establishing a covenant community that lived under God's rule and reflected His character to the world.…
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These scriptures collectively teach that trusting God when we cannot see what's next is an essential aspect of faith. It requires relinquishing control and leaning on God’s eternal wisdom and love, believing that He is working all things for our good (Romans 8:28). Trusting God in uncertain times not only provides peace but also deepens our relatio…
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It's time to celebrate 60 Episodes of the Podcast! Join your hosts of the Brick City Blockade Podcast, New England's favorite Star Wars podcast, as they reflect on 8 years of the show and discuss everything #MayThe4th. The crew shares your favorite Star Wars moments and prepares for The Phantom Menace Meet-Up happening this weekend.Reviews from The…
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Living according to the Spirit implies that one’s desires begin to align with God’s desires. The things that the Spirit values—holiness, justice, mercy, humility, and love—become increasingly important to the believer. This transformation of desires is a work of the Spirit that gradually occurs as individuals continually choose to set their minds o…
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Join your hosts of the Brick City Blockade Podcast, New England's favorite Star Wars podcast, as they break down Bad Batch S3: Episode 13 "Flash Strike" where we see the arrival on Tantiss and the iconic scream of Edmon Rampart. Forever live the yelp!Plus, exciting updates around our #MayThe4th The Phantom Menace screening happening next week in Ma…
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God does not call us to a passive life of endless contemplation; rather, He invites us to a dynamic, active participation in His kingdom. By taking action, we affirm our role as co-laborers with Christ, actively participating in the redemptive work of God in the world.โดย Elgin Carelock
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"Amen" serves as a spiritual anchor, solidifying the believer's trust in God and reinforcing their steadfast commitment to Him, despite any visible evidence to the contrary. In this way, saying "Amen" is both a testament to the believer’s faith and a spiritual declaration that God's will is paramount and ultimately good.…
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Knowing that God has prepared such incredible things for those who love Him serves as a strong motivation for believers to continue living faithfully and loving God wholeheartedly. It reassures us that our faith and love toward God are not in vain but are moving us toward a glorious future that far outweighs any present hardships or sacrifices (Rom…
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Join your hosts of the Brick City Blockade Podcast, New England's favorite Star Wars podcast, as they break down Bad Batch S3: Ep, 12, where we see Omega back on Tantiss, plotting next moves and The Bad Batch make bold choices toward finding Tantiss. Will next week mean the freedom of captured Clones? Plus, exciting news around our #MayThe4th Meet-…
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Join your host, Robin Vogt of the Brick City Blockade Podcast, New England's favorite Star Wars talk on Make The Jump Podcast. We welcome the Author of Star Wars: Dad Jokes, the awesome Kelly Knox, on the podcast to chat about everything The Bad Batch and her new book! Follow Kelly on Twitter/X: up her new book her…
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Unbelief is a complex issue that may not disappear overnight. However, through persistent effort in strengthening one's spiritual disciplines, any believer can foster a deeper faith that overcomes doubts and solidifies trust in God. Overcoming unbelief requires a combination of personal commitment to growth and the supportive environment of the fai…
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When Jesus says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you," He is bestowing a profound spiritual gift that is essential for His followers' well-being and effectiveness in their mission. This peace is a hallmark of Christian experience, distinguishing it from all worldly comforts and reassuring believers of God's constant presence and unchang…
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In our anchor scripture, the Apostle Paul instructs Timothy, and by extension all who teach and study God’s Word, to be diligent and to present themselves approved to God as one who does not need to be ashamed, correctly handling the word of truth.โดย Elgin Carelock
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Investing in a relationship with God through genuine, faith-driven sowing is not only reasonable but ultimately enriches our lives, making us conduits of His grace and love in a world that deeply needs it.โดย Elgin Carelock
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Listening for God’s response in prayer is vital for fostering a deep, vibrant, and effective prayer life. It ensures that prayer remains a genuine dialogue with God, characterized by mutual communication that enriches our spiritual journey, guides our decisions, and conforms us more into the likeness of Christ.…
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The book of James champions the practice of confessing sins to one another as an essential aspect of Christian life. It is viewed not as an end in itself but as a means to foster humility, strengthen community, facilitate healing, promote accountability, and live out the gospel of grace. This practice is integral to the communal and relational dyna…
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Praying in the name of Jesus is central to effective prayer. It encompasses recognizing Jesus’ authority and our access to God through Him, aligning our requests with God’s will, affirming our personal relationship and dependency on Christ, and praying with confidence that stems from His promises. Ultimately, it is a practice that deepens our commu…
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Faith is indispensable for effective prayer. It transforms prayer from a mere ritual into a dynamic interaction with God, characterized by trust, submission to His will, and a steadfast belief in His power to intervene in our lives. Faith enriches the prayer experience, making it a profound exercise of the human spirit's connection to the Divine.…
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Join your hosts of the Brick City Blockade Podcast, New England's favorite Star Wars podcast, as they break down Bad Batch S3: Episodes 10 + 11, where we see Omega and The Batch make bold choices towards finding Tantiss. Will next week mean freedom of captured Clones? Plus, exciting news around our #MayThe4th Meet-Up Event happening next month in M…
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Thankfulness is essential for effective prayer. It enriches our spiritual lives by helping us focus on God's attributes, reduces anxiety through a focus on His past provisions, and deepens our relationship with Him by aligning our hearts with His will. A prayer life infused with gratitude is not only more fulfilling but also more powerful in mainta…
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