The War and Treaty’s Michael and Tanya Trotter grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and Washington, DC, respectively, but both have family roots in the South. They also grew up in the musical traditions of their churches – Tanya in the Black Baptist Church and Michael in the Seventh Day Adventist Church – where they learned the power of song to move people. After becoming a father at a very young age, Michael eventually joined the armed forces and served in Iraq and Germany, where he took up songwriting as a way of dealing with his experiences there. Meanwhile Tanya embarked on a singing and acting career after a breakthrough appearance in Sister Act 2 alongside Whoopi Goldberg and Lauryn Hill. Now, after a long and sometimes traumatic journey, Michael and Tanya are married, touring, winning all sorts of awards, and set to release their fifth album together, and their fourth as The War and Treaty. Sid talks to Michael and Tanya about the new record, Plus One , as well as their collaboration with Miranda Lambert, what it was like to record at FAME studios in Muscle Shoals, and how they’re blending country, soul, gospel, and R&B. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
Liderança, gestão, autodesenvolvimento, empreendedorismo, protagonismo e otras cositas más. Ideias e reflexões que provoquem sua melhoria contínua! Com Allan Pimenta
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Deep dive analytics in the world of music
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Podcast by Allan M
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(Kb.) minden második héten a Szex-Akció Hírcsoport műsorvezetői kérdezőkből véleményvezérré válnak, és megfejtik az élet nagy kérdéseit a hallgatók/csetelők segítségével. Bő egy óra lazulás 'round the world! (A műsorban időnként csapongunk a témák között, így leírás nem vagy ritkán tartozik az adásokhoz, de a pontos kezdést és véget így is igyekszünk mindig beállítani.)
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No Tippy Tappy Football with Sam Allardyce

No Tippy Tappy Football with Sam Allardyce
No Tippy Tappy Football with Sam Allardyce
This is No Tippy Tappy Football with Sam Allardyce, where one of the most famous names in Premier League management opens up his book of contacts each week to discuss all all the latest topics in the world of football. Each week, Sam is alongside presenter Natalie Pike, who gets to ask Sam and the guests all the questions a football fan wants to know, plus exclusive bits of insight and of course endless off-field and touchline stories!
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Stu Allan Foundation Podcast service incorporates Stu Allan Radio - OSN Radio - OSN Radio PLUS - Bounce Nation Radio or search your app store for STU ALLAN....
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Obsesion Del Mas Alla - Temas Oscuros

Obsesion Del Mas Alla - Temas Oscuros
Obsesion Del Mas Alla
Debatimos cualquier tema relacionado con el mundo paranormal y crimen.
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- Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Agent Provocateur with Allan Walsh and Adam Wylde

Allan Walsh and Adam Wylde sit down each week with the biggest names in hockey to deliver you never heard before stories from within the game.
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La storia raccontata – in ordine cronologico – da Ermanno Ferretti, in arte "scrip", autore di "Anche Socrate qualche dubbio ce l'aveva" e youtuber. Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:
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Nytolkningar av William Shakespeares klassiker Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Doreen Kanter
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With a straight down the middle approach, Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive on Newstalk ZB delivers the very latest news and views to New Zealanders as they wrap up their day.
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The Fraser of Allander Institute Podcast

The Fraser of Allander Institute Podcast
Fraser of Allander Institute
The latest on the Scottish and UK economy from a leading independent economic research institute based in the University of Strathclyde.
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Buscamos el empoderamiento femenino platicando sobre todo tipo temas importantes y necesarios de la mujer en la actualidad. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Spretig radio från Förbundet Allt åt alla
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ALLATRA TV è una INTERNET TV di Volontariato Internazionale del Movimento Sociale ALLATRA, i cui partecipanti vivono in tutto il mondo. Storie affascinanti sulla conoscenza di sé stessi, conversazioni sincere sulle cose più importanti per ogni persona, buone notizie, interviste esclusive, programmi educativi, corsi di montaggio video, ecc. Questo e molto altro ancora sul canale educativo, creativo, mondiale è in continuo aggiornamento ALLATRA TV. Per partecipare ai progetti o per esprimere l ...
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Long-term investors have to make sense of a barrage of information, from market movements and geopolitical news to economic developments and personal finance trends. Through conversations with investment professionals from Allan Gray and various expert guests, we aim to give you insight into how we view the world and how this shapes the way we construct our portfolios to deliver long-term returns for our clients. Allan Gray is an authorised financial services provider.
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Medical Spanish. Más allá del Estetoscopio (MÁDE)

Medical Spanish. Más allá del Estetoscopio (MÁDE)
Reniell Xavier Iñiguez, MD
Mas allá del estetoscopio, es un podcast dirigido a médicos en formación sin importar el nivel académico. Funciona ser una ventana a historias reales del residente de medicina interna, Reniell X. Iñiguez, MD. El Dr. Iñiguez, comportara sus vivencias, desafíos y triunfos mientras navega por el complejo mundo médico. Descubrirás cómo "Más Allá del Estetoscopio" pretende desentrañar las narrativas personales y a menudo conmovedoras que dan forma a la medicina moderna. Desde historias de superac ...
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A Piccoli Sorsi - Commento alla Parola del giorno delle Apostole della Vita Interiore

A Piccoli Sorsi - Commento alla Parola del giorno delle Apostole della Vita Interiore
Le Apostole della Vita Interiore
Hai sete? L'acqua che disseta di più è quella che "zampilla per la vita eterna" (Gv 4). Le Apostole della Vita Interiore (AVI) ci offrono nei giorni feriali una riflessione sulla liturgia quotidiana. N.B. La domenica e le festività ci dissetiamo nelle nostre comunità parrocchiali.
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Podden Mot Alla Podds är ett projekt där de två vilsna själarna från Göteborg delar med sig av sina erfarenheter av missbruk, rädslor, tillkortakommanden och blottläggar alla möjliga tabun.Podden är ett verktyg för att hjälpa andra att också krossa stigmat och våga ta steget att bryta farliga livsmönster. Podden är även ett roligt samt allvarsamt projekt där vi leker med koncept såsom fiktion men även killgissningar. Kan innehålla spår av humor och anekdoter,restskatt m.m. Med Jimmy Raussi o ...
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Fabulous Over 40 Hosted by Kara Allan

Fabulous Over 40 Hosted by Kara Allan
Kara Allan, Personal Stylist and Brand Image Consulant
Welcome to the Fabulous Over 40 Podcast, where we celebrate, elevate, and empower those stepping into their most extraordinary years with style, grace, and unapologetic authenticity. I’m your host, Kara Allan, a Personal Stylist, Confidence Catalyst, and Style Expert, passionate about helping women and men shine at every stage of life. This isn’t just a podcast—it’s a movement. A celebration of reinvention, resilience, and radiance for those in their 40s, 50s, and beyond who are thriving, ev ...
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Un podcast creado por una persona común y corriente donde hablo sobre el crecimiento personal, la resilencia mental, lecciones aprendidas de la vida, historias, motivación, descubrimiento personal, sanación emocional, temas más allá de la vida y las crisis existenciales. Dale like, follow, comparte y habla conmigo. Me gustaría saber de ti!
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O grupo de “Estudos de Obras Selecionadas” (EOS) Manaus realizou o estudo da obra “O Livro dos Espíritos”. Este “podcast” é destinado à divulgação desta atividade. . Obra básica da Doutrina Espírita publicada em 1857. Este estudo iniciou-se em 26/02/2021. . É o primeiro livro da Codificação da Doutrina Espírita. Contém os princípios do Espiritismo sobre a imortalidade da alma, a natureza dos Espíritos e suas relações com os homens, as Leis Morais, a vida presente, a vida futura e o porvir da ...
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Film alla Radio: la trasmissione che vi porta al cinema con le parole. Ti piacciono i film? Ti piace ascoltare le storie? Allora non perderti Film alla Radio, la trasmissione che ti porta al cinema con le parole. Ogni settimana, un team di esperti ti racconta un film in 40 minuti, parlandoti della trama, dei personaggi, del regista, dell’ambientazione, dei costumi e di tutto quello che rende un film un’opera d’arte. Ti faranno vivere le emozioni, le risate, le lacrime, le sorprese e i colpi ...
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Welcome to the Rehan Allahwala podcast, where amazing things happen.
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The new era in America,is called Trump,Trumpism, Donald Trump. Welcome to my Podcast,my name is Gloria Allanah,this is where to listen to the latest,breaking political news ,on Donald Trump and his policies, as the 47th president of the United States of America. My name is Gloria Allanah and on this Podcast, we believe in making America, great again and supporting, Donald Trump and his policies and vision, of making America great again. I am a published,poet and author on Amazon,with 3 books ...
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¡Te doy la bienvenida a ”Más Allá Con Ivelisse”! Soy Ivelisse López, tu apasionada guía en el fascinante viaje de la vida y los negocios. Como Coach de Vida y Negocios, Mentora en Bienes Raíces y Emprendedora apasionada, mi visión trasciende los límites convencionales. Aquí, nos sumergiremos juntos en el terreno donde convergen la vida, los negocios y la realización personal. Mi enfoque como coach se centra en desbloquear tu potencial, cultivar la resiliencia y construir una base sólida para ...
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Welcome to the Allana Ferreira podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Prof. Sanel Ramić Serijal predavanja o Allahovim lijepim imenima
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Audioguida NON UFFICIALE per la visita alla Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano
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Un podcast che tratta quei dischi che osano, dividono e ci fanno chiedere se siano puro genio, disorientamento totale o solo una moda passeggera. Tra curiosità, ricordi personali e discussioni sorprendenti, ogni episodio è un viaggio tra suoni e storie indimenticabili!
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Aprende sobre estilo de vida, belleza, espiritualidad y psicología.
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The Upgrade My Life and Biz Podcast with Dr. Allana Da Graca

The Upgrade My Life and Biz Podcast with Dr. Allana Da Graca
Upgrade My Life and Biz Podcast
Join Dr. Allana Da Graca and upgrade your personal and professional goals. Learn how to leave procrastination, activate your genius and strive with a tribe. Join the drdinspyre tribe today at Dr. Allana wants to help you to do the following: 1. Pivot into the Post Pandemic Economy 2. Learn to Convert Your Fans into Consumers 3. Increase Your Brand Organically 4. Learn Ways to Attend Drdinspyre Live Virtual events SUBSCRIBE: Download the Official Upgr ...
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Impostare la lista della spesa su Alexa, ordinare un pacco e riceverlo il giorno dopo, guardare una serie tv. Sono azioni entrate nel nostro quotidiano e che svolgiamo con naturalezza. Di tutto ciò, però, vediamo solo il risultato. Ma come funzionano alcuni dei servizi che hanno cambiato le nostre vite? È arrivato il momento di aprire le porte dell’universo Amazon, con un racconto itinerante che, attraverso la voce di Matteo Curti, farà emergere un mondo fino a ora inedito. Buon viaggio!
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Aquí brindamos información, análisis y entrevistas sobre las artes, cultura y deportes como te gusta a ti.
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My thoughts on the world through my observation, interpretation and understanding
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Love Allah and His Prophet more than anything and get Jannah as Reward.
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RandomMakingMovies Podcast med Jonsson, Kulan och Jonas. Nya avsnitt varje onsdag och specialavsnitt för publicerade videos en gång i månaden på YouTube. Längre och reklamfria avsnitt hittar ni på vår Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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30 Erzählungen von Edgar Allan Poe, dem Altmeister des Gruselns.
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Allan experiments with podcasting and makes a new episode every other week.
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Devaajille suunnattu podcast pinnan alla tapahtuvasta ohjelmistoteknologian magiasta. Puikoissa Markus Hjort ja Yrjö Kari-Koskinen – rakkaudesta lajiin.
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Podcast by ALLAN DRAX
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Allan Mandindi
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Allan McLennan shares his stories as a birding enthusiast from the Sapphire Coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
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Todos tenemos algo que contar
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A Piccoli Sorsi - Commento alla Parola del giorno delle Apostole della Vita Interiore

- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dal libro del profeta Isaìa + Così dice il Signore: «Se toglierai di mezzo a te l'oppressione, il puntare il dito e il parlare empio, se aprirai il tuo cuore all'affamato, se sazierai l'afflitto di cuore, allora brillerà fra le tenebre la tua luce, la tua …
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Mas Allá Con Ivelisse

MUJER: EL PODER DE TU ESENCIA Y EL LEGADO DE TU VOZ Hoy no vengo a recordarte lo fuerte que eres. Vengo a recordarte lo infinita, valiosa y poderosa que has sido siempre. ¿Cuánto tiempo más vas a silenciar tu grandeza? ¿Qué pasaría si HOY eliges brillar sin disculpas? En este episodio especial de Más Allá con Ivelisse, exploramos juntas el arte de …
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Acquista il mio nuovo libro, “Anche Socrate qualche dubbio ce l'aveva”: Nel 1941 Unione Sovietica e Stati Uniti entrarono in guerra, entrambi trascinati dalle potenze dell'Asse. E fu una mossa che, nel medio periodo, avrebbe portato Germania e Giappone alla rovina. Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker…
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L’Europa approva all’unanimità il piano per il riarmo da 800 miliardi di euro proposto da Ursula Von Der Layen, sull’Ucraina invece ancora incertezze e poi parliamo di Sudan con l’allarme dell’Unicef che denuncia violenze e stupri sistematici sui bambini. E ancora l’iniziativa "Donna fra le Stelle" e il Giubileo dei volontari. Colloquio tra la pres…
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Radio åt alla

Eld och rörelse #158: Lägger PKK ner vapnen? – Intervju med Rojavakommittéerna
1:08:15I detta avsnitt pratar vi med Andreas från Rojavakommittéerna. I media har rapporterats att Öcalan tillåtits göra ett uttalande, där han pratar om att PKK bör överge den väpnade kampen, men vad sas egentligen i uttalandet, och vad innebär det? Vad är Erdogans avsikter bakom detta? Endel kan vi veta, men mycket blir också spekulationer. På slutet pr…
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Vi är i England och spelar in podden, vi pratar om trilogier och Jonsson har kommit på spelet sexig eller psykopat som vi spelar i dagens avsnitt. Längre avsnitt hittar ni på Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Más Allá del Rosa

138 La vida de una religiosa: luchando por las niñas más vulnerables con Ileana Sierra
3:36:52Platiqué con la Madre Ileana Sierra, religiosa y directora de Casa de Jesús. La Madre Ileana nos comparte su historia de vida, cómo decidió ser religiosa, qué sacrificios ha tenido en el camino y el llamado que sintió para entregar su vida a Dios. Ileana nos cuenta sobre la increíble labor que hacen desde esta casa hogar al trabajar con niñas y ado…
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Bentrovati e benvenuti ad un altro appuntamento con la serie Film alla Radio. Siete con Marco Pieroni e Radioincontri inblu Cortona. Vincitore dell'Orso d'oro al Festival di Berlino nel 1994. È tratto dal romanzo autobiografico Proved Innocent di Gerry Conlon, uno dei Guildford Four (tre ragazzi nordirlandesi e una ragazza inglese accusati di aver …
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Shakespeares Hamlet i nytolkning av Elis Monteverde Burrau och Ali Alonzo. Med Adam Pålsson, Shima Niavarani, Mattias Alkberg, Albin Grenholm, Gunilla Röör, Ulf Friberg m.fl. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Premiär måndag den 10 mars.โดย Sveriges Radio
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Medical Spanish. Más allá del Estetoscopio (MÁDE)

Send us a text ¡Cuidado con el diltiazem! 5 minutos que podrían salvar vidas Instragram: @MADE.podcast.MD Tik Tok: MD. Medical Spanish
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"Deus me livre ser líder!"Já ouviu isso?Eu ouvi recentemente.Se sua equipe enxerga a liderança como sinônimo de estresse, sobrecarga e noites sem dormir, o problema não é a liderança.É o modelo falido que ainda insistem em usar.É a forma que enxergam a sua liderança no dia a dia. Liderança leve não é opcional – é essencial!• Times que trabalham em …
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Közeli Állatok [Tilos Rádió podcast]
![Közeli Állatok [Tilos Rádió podcast] podcast artwork](/static/images/64pixel.png)
2025.03.07 adásnapló
2:00:00adás archívumโดย Tilos Rádió
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Full Show Podcast: 07 March 2025
1:39:55On the Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive Full Show Podcast for Friday, 7 March 2025, Ryan Bridge talks to Winston Peters about NZ First's new members bill to remove 'woke' DEI hires for the public sector. Health Minister Simeon Brown discusses the re-creation of the Health NZ Board - what's next for Lester Levy? The Mayor of Byron Bay Sarah Ndiaye giv…
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Gavin Grey: UK Correspondent on Europe's support for Zelenskyy, US-Ukraine talks in Saudi Arabia, Far-right threat to German government,
US Ukraine talks are headed to Saudi Arabia next week, with President Zelensky saying he hopes it'll be a meaningful meeting. It has been revealed around 20 countries are now interested in joining what's being called a coalition of the willing to help Ukraine. They're largely taken from the Commonwealth and from Europe, spearheaded by the UK and Fr…
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Peter Lewis: Asia Business Correspondent on China's retaliation against Trump and US trade war
How is China feeling amid the trade war coming out of the United States? Tariffs have been on and off under Trump's direction, but when it comes to China they have been consistent. Asia Business Correspondent Peter Lewis talks to Ryan Bridge about what's been happening in China in the aftermath. LISTEN ABOVE. See for privacy…
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Barry Soper: Senior Political Correspondent wraps the political week, discusses Adrian Orr's resignation, Phil Goff loses High Commissioner role, Trump's pause on tariffs
The man at the centre of the economy for eight years has resigned, leaving without notice or explanation. Adrian Orr stepped down from his role as Reserve Bank governor on Wednesday. Senior Political Correspondent Barry Soper says it would be beneficial to hear from Orr. "He's either accepting absolute defeat in what he set out to do, or he's sayin…
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Stephen Jacobi: International Business Forum Executive Director on Trump’s re-pausing of Mexico and Canadian tariffs
U.S President Donald Trump has paused tariffs on Mexico and Canada, again, after first doing so one month ago. The executive actions mean products covered under the USMCA treaty won’t be subject to a tariff until April 2nd. What is the President’s game plan? Executive Director of the International Business Forum Stephen Jacobi talks to Ryan Bridge.…
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Sports Huddle: Champions Trophy final, Fijian Drua travel issues, Super Rugby provincial unions merge, Shama Mohamed comments
Sports Commentator Andrew Gouride and Newstalk ZB Rugby Commentator Paul Allison join Ryan Bridge on the Sports Huddle. Super Rugby is taking a hit after the Fijian team were forced to right in the back of a truck on their arrival in Napier. How bad is this for the tournament? The Champions Trophy is getting underway on Sunday – could the Black Cap…
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

The Fijian Drua have reported several travel issues before their Super Rugby game in Napier last month. A photo showing the rugby team crammed into the back of a truck has circulated online, leading to officials blaming a breakdown in communication as the culprit. FBC Sports Journalist Indra Singh talks to Ryan Bridge about the incident. See omnyst…
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New film Tinā is shaping up to be a Kiwi classic and has already earned more than $1 million. The film ranks third as the biggest opening weekend for a New Zealand film. Director Miki Magasiva talks to Ryan Bridge about the movie and why it's connecting with audiences nationwide. LISTEN ABOVE. See for privacy information.…
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Cyclone Alfred continues to head towards Queensland. Four million people are set to be directly affected according to the latest numbers. Several towns have been evacuated and thousands are without power. Byron Bay Mayor Sarah Ndiaye gives Ryan Bridge an update on the situation. LISTEN ABOVE. See for privacy information.…
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

The Government is reinstating the board of Health New Zealand, only eight months after it was scrapped. Lester Levy was appointed as commissioner and replaced the board last year. What does the new model look like? Health Minister Simeon Brown said the recruitment process has begun for a new board and talks to Ryan Bridge about the change. LISTEN A…
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Barry Soper: Senior Political Correspondent on Health NZ, Peters DEI changes, Labour reshuffle, Justin Trudeau address
Health Minister Simeon Brown is making major changes by bringing back the board of Health New Zealand. It comes as an audit of the public health agency found financial difficulties and "significant concerns." Senior Political Correspondent Barry Soper tells Ryan Bridge one of those concerns was senior management not having a meeting for two years. …
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Dan Mitchinson: US Correspondent on Trump’s pause on Mexico-Canada tariffs, revaluation of Elon Musk's role in the Government
Cracks are showing in the relationship between US President Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Trump gathered his cabinet to distinguish what power Musk has. The President's new guidance says that DOGE will play an advisory role and that's it. US Correspondent Dan Mitchinson talks to Ryan Bridge about the change, and Trump's pause on Mexico-Canada tariffs…
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Can the Black Caps beat India on Sunday night to with the ICC Champions Trophy? The teams will come up against each other in Dubai at 10pm NZ time. The final follows a record-breaking victory against South Africa in the semi-final of the tournament. LISTEN ABOVE. See for privacy information.…
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A Piccoli Sorsi - Commento alla Parola del giorno delle Apostole della Vita Interiore

- Premere il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno - + Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo + In quel tempo, si avvicinarono a Gesù i discepoli di Giovanni e gli dissero: «Perché noi e i farisei digiuniamo molte volte, mentre i tuoi discepoli non digiunano?». E Gesù disse loro: «Possono forse gli invitati a nozze essere in lutto finché lo sposo è …
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The AllAnal Podcast

The ALLAnal Podcast - Hurry Up, Tomorrow
1:01:37In this episode, I do a deep dive analysis of the final album by The Weeknd, Hurry Up Tomorrowโดย Sebastian Star
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Il governo di Gaza, controllato da Hamas, ha espresso il suo sostegno alla formazione di un comitato composto da figure "competenti e indipendenti" per gestire la Striscia di Gaza dopo la guerra. Ma quale è la situazione sul campo? E cosa può fare la cooperazione internazionale? Puoi parleremo di Europa, di come rafforzare l’unità degli stati membr…
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Meal deals have been a staple across UK retailers - and some outlets are offering consumers a new lunchtime option. Companies like Asda, Sainsbury's and Tesco are offering up salads, sandwiches, wraps, pasta and more - and non-alcoholic beer has entered the mix. UK correspondent Enda Brady says this has been met with mixed reactions, with many labe…
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Equity markets across the world have taken a dive - and one expert has explained the sudden drop. Donald Trump's tariff threat and collective concerns about the administration's new Department of Government Efficiency have sparked aversion among experts. Sam Dickie from Fisher Funds explains further. LISTEN ABOVE See for pri…
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New Zealand’s red meat sector is on track for a strong rebound, with export returns and overall profitability expected to rise. According to Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s mid-season update, strong global demand is expected to boost results for the sector. The Country's Jamie Mackay explains further. LISTEN ABOVE See for privacy …
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Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive

Good news for Kiwi motorists - they can look forward to lower fuel prices in the next few days. The price of oil is at its lowest level in more than three years as fears about lower global growth combine with Opec plans to boost production. NZ Herald business editor at large Liam Dann explains further. LISTEN ABOVE See for p…
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Tonight on The Huddle, Kiwiblog's David Farrar and former Labour minister Stuart Nash joined in on a discussion about the following issues of the day - and more! Foreign Minister Winston Peters made the decision to sack Phil Goff as High Commissioner to the UK after he questioned President Donald Trump's understanding of history. Was this the right…
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