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Travels with Delaney: The Podcast

Travels with Delaney, LLC.

RV life is a great way to get outside and explore the world. We try to share what we have learned in our 17 years of experience so that you can enjoy your RV and live life to the fullest. You can learn more about us and check out our YouTube Channel at
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show series
Spring is officially here which means so is severe weather. In this episode, we discuss how we deal with severe weather when we are in our RV. This includes apps we use and strategies we take. Save 20% on your Harvest Host membership HERE *as an affiliate, we may earn from qualifying purchases Mattress Insider:…
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We de-winterized our RV and water was pouring out from our on demand water heater. Find out what happened and how we fixed it in this weeks episode. Save 20% on your Harvest Host membership HERE *as an affiliate, we may earn from qualifying purchases Mattress Insider: AMAZO…
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Save 20% on your Harvest Host membership HERE *as an affiliate, we may earn from qualifying purchases Mattress Insider: AMAZON SHOP: **as an Amazon Associate, we may earn from purchases RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: https://www.rvd…
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In this episode, we discuss our search for our next home which we hope will be a tiny home. We discuss some of the builders we are looking at for a tiny home and what we want in our tiny home. Save 20% on your Harvest Host membership HERE *as an affiliate, we may earn from qualifying purchases Mattress Insider:…
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In this episode, we discuss the Harvest Host membership program. Most people know Harvest Host for its overnight stays at wineries but today's program is so much more than just wineries. Save 20% on your Harvest Host membership HERE *as an affiliate, we may earn from qualifying purchases Mattress Insider:…
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In this episode, we discuss how and why we sleep great in our RV. From white noise to a quality mattress, there are many things you can do to make your RV a true home away from home at night. Mattress Insider: AMAZON SHOP: **as…
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In this episode, we discuss the pro's and con's of small rv's versus large rv's. We have owned everything from a 13' teardrop trailer to a 35' 5th wheel and most everything in between. They both have things we love and some things we don't love. AMAZON SHOP: **as an Amazon Associate, we may earn from p…
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In this episode, we discuss how we de-winterize our RV to get it ready for camping season. It's a bigger process than just running water through the fresh water lines. AMAZON SHOP: **as an Amazon Associate, we may earn from purchases RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE:…
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In this episode, we discuss 5 awesome accessories for your RV to consider in 2025. Haloview Rearview Camera: Blu Tech Water Hoses: Epoch Batteries: GasStop Propane Valve: Coffee Maker: Cordless Vac: https://amzn.…
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In this episode, we discuss how things are getting real...really fast. We have accepted an offer on our house and will be moving into our RV full-time in a couple of months. AMAZON SHOP: **as an Amazon Associate, we may earn from purchases RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE:…
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In this episode, we discuss how hard it is to get warranty work done on your RV. We are going through it ourselves as we try to get some warranty work done our our 2024 Alliance Avenue 29RL 5th wheel. AMAZON SHOP: **as an Amazon Associate, we may earn from purchases RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: https://ww…
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In this episode, we talk about where 2024 has gone, how we closed out the year and how we are preparing for a very big 2025. AMAZON SHOP: **as an Amazon Associate, we may earn from purchases RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save…
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In this episode, we talk a walk down Christmas memory lane. We discuss our Christmas past and family traditions. We wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! AMAZON SHOP: **as an Amazon Associate, we may earn from purchases RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: https://www.rvdesti…
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In this episode, we discuss propane safety in your RV and how GasStop could save your life if you use it correctly. GasStop: Save 10% when you use code: TWD10 RV Small Talk Podcast: AMAZON SHOP: **as…
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In this episode, we set down with our friends Jim and Abe to talk about how life changes can impact they way we use our RV's. And as always when we set down with these two, there's plenty of talk about Walt Disney World as well. AMAZON SHOP: **as an Amazon Associate, we may earn from purchases RV DESTI…
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In this episode, we discuss what our typical long travel days are like in our RV and how we prepare for them. AMAZON SHOP: **as an Amazon Associate, we may earn from purchases Cranberry Salad Recipe: RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: https://www.rvdestinationsma…
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In this episode, we discuss how we have enjoyed many traditional holidays in our RV including Thanksgiving and Christmas. AMAZON SHOP: **as an Amazon Associate, we may earn from purchases Cranberry Salad Recipe: RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: https://www.rvde…
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In this episode, we discuss our likes and dislikes about our 2024 Alliance Avenue 29RL RV We also share the issues we’ve had with it after the first 6 months of ownership AMAZON SHOP: **as an Amazon Associate, we may earn from purchases RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE:…
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In this episode, we discuss RV tires and how to protect your RV, yourself and others around you when traveling in your RV. We will discuss what to look for and how to monitor them during travel. Epoch Batteries: RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 t…
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In this episode, we discuss how an RV and Tiny Home are alike and yet different. And we discuss what we would want in a tiny home if we decide to transition to one from an RV in a few years. Epoch Batteries: RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to sa…
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In this episode, we discuss some of our scariest moments with our RV to celebrate the halloween season. Its all in good fun but all of the stories are true. Epoch Batteries: RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of their subscri…
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In this episode, we discuss how we are going to winterize our RV this year. Epoch Batteries: RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of their subscriptions Check out our YouTube Channel: …
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In this episode, we look back on our 2024 Travels with Delaney Homecoming Campout held at Happy Acres Campground in Angola, Indiana. Epoch Batteries: RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of their subscriptions Check out our You…
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In this episode, we discuss our brand new Epoch lithium batteries that are forever going to change our winter camping experience. We installed 2 of the Epoch 300 amp hour batteries in our 2024 Alliance Avenue 29RL 5th wheel. The game changing feature for us is the fact they have built in heaters and low temperature shutoffs built in which means we …
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In this episode, we discuss some of the most unlevel sites we have been on over our 19 years of RV life. And please remember, there is no need to drop a bunch of F Bombs on campground staff when they are trying to help you find level. RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20…
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In this episode, we discuss our plans to change out the window coverings in our 2024 Alliance Avenue 29RL from the standard RV roller shades and window boxes to curtains in order to make our RV feel more like a home. RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of th…
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In this episode, we discuss what it will cost us to live "debt free" in our RV. Our projected budget shocked us and may shock you too! RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of their subscriptions Check out our YouTube Channel:…
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In this episode, we discuss our favorite fall RV trips to video Fall Foliage and we also come to a clear consensus on our absolute favorite place to view foliage in the fall. RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of their subscriptions Check out our YouTube Ch…
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In this episode, we discuss campground cancellation policies and what they mean. We will look at several campgrounds and try to understand my campgrounds have cancellation policies. RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of their subscriptions Check out our You…
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In this episode, we look at campsite rates in our local area and discuss why campsites have become more expensive over the past few years. RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of their subscriptions Check out our YouTube Channel:…
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In this episode, we discuss how we are staying connected to the internet in our RV. We have to have good internet as we run two small businesses from the RV. Find out what we use to do that. RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of their subscriptions Check ou…
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In this episode, we discuss our upcoming transition from living in a 1400 square foot home into under 400 square feet in our Alliance Avenue 29RL 5th wheel. RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of their subscriptions Check out our YouTube Channel: https://www…
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In this episode, we discuss the how important campground activities are when choosing a campground to stay at. RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of their subscriptions Check out our YouTube Channel: Follow us on I…
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In this episode, we discuss our recent stay at Margaritaville RV Resort in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Was it worth the hyper and the money? Find out in this week's episode. RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of their subscriptions Check out our YouTube Channe…
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In this episode, we discuss how poor quality RV's not only leave owners frustrated but the consequences of ruined vacations, lost reservation fees and more. We have had our summer trip planned for months with Patrick's Aunt and Uncle yet they were unable to make it do to another issue with their brand new Coachman 5th wheel. Find out what happened …
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In this episode, we discuss what makes a good campground so great. We look at the fundamental building blocks for all campgrounds. We even find the similarity between large resorts like Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort and small campgrounds like Happy Acres and Forest Ridge. RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE:…
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In this episode, we discuss campground site lock fees. What are they and are they worth the money? It's been a hot topic recently on social media. Many campers see it as a money grab by campgrounds but there's actually more to it and you may be shocked to learn that campground owners are not thrilled about them either. Find out all about it in this…
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In this episode, we discuss 3 features that came on our new 2024 Alliance Avenue 29RL 5th wheel that we honestly thought we a bit gimmicky. Do we love them or do we still think they are overhyped? Find out in this episode. King's Campers: Ask for Shelby at King's Campers RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: https://www.rvdestinat…
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In this episode, we discuss whey we traded in our 2023 Alliance Avenue 22ML for a 2024 Alliance Avenue 29RL after just 1 year of ownership. We purchased our new RV at King's Campers in Wausau, Wisconsin. King's Campers: Ask for Shelby at King's Campers RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE:…
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In this episode, we set down with our friends, Randy and Caly Behymer, from RV Destinations Magazine to talk about some of their favorite destinations and their newest edition of the Top Destinations Special Edition. RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: USE CODE: TRAVELDELANEY20 to save 20% off of any of th…
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In this episode, we discuss 5 reasons we pay over $200 per night at camp at Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort in Orlando, Florida. Check out our YouTube Channel: Follow us on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK: @travelswithdelaney Checkout our website: RV DESTINATIONS MAGAZINE: https:/…
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In this episode, we discuss how we deal with severe weather when we are in our RV. Discussion includes apps that we have used for years on our smart phones that help keep us alert and aware. Dodging Tornadoes In Iowa Video: Check out our YouTube Channel: Fol…
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In this episode, we discuss the RV membership, Harvest Host. We have been members since 2018 and absolutely love. We get questions all the time from people who want to know what it is and how it works. So we decided to try to answer some of those questions in this episode. Check out our YouTube Channel: Fo…
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In this episode, we discuss what we believe to be common sense campground etiquette yet when we did a YouTube video on this same subject a few years ago, we took quite beating from viewers. We can't wait to hear what you think! WATCH THE VIDEO ON ETIQUETTE FROM 2018: Check out our YouTube Channel:…
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In this episode, we discuss needs vs wants for RV owners. What do you have to have to go camping? We share our thoughts on it based on our 19 years of RV ownership Check out our YouTube Channel: Follow us on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK: @travelswithdelaney Checkout our website:…
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In this episode, we discuss Bug-ee's, those mega fuel stations that are popping up all over the United States. What are they all about and are they worth stopping at with your RV? Check out our YouTube Channel: Follow us on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK: @travelswithdelaney Checkout our website: https://www.trave…
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In this episode, we discuss how we safely leave Truman and Bess, our King Charles Spaniels, alone in the RV while we go out exploring. We will be sharing our tips and tricks that have worked well for us over the years. Check out our YouTube Channel: Follow us on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK: @travelswithdelaney …
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In this episode, we discuss the total cost of RV ownership. Many people think once you purchase an RV, the spending is over. Sadly, there are many more expenses that go along with that RV and we are talking about them all. Ultimate Cloth SAVE 15% with Code TWD15 Check out our YouTube Channel:…
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In this episode, we discuss which RV memberships we have and which ones we don't. Ultimate Cloth SAVE 15% with Code TWD15 Check out our YouTube Channel: Follow us on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK: @travelswithdelaney Checkout our website: RV DES…
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