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Salvation is defined as "deliverance, saved from something hurtful or injurous, to make whole, to protect, to heal, etc". This is all provided for by His grace but to make it yours, you believe it is true for you! Php 1:6 I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. {HCSB} E…
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The ONLY New Covenant Reality - In Him
11:22What does it mean to be "in Him"? To BE in Him is the New Covenant REALITY and that Union is the very reality in which we now live, breathe, and have our BEING. As New Covenant believers and children of God, we should never view ourselves outside of this reality. Old Covenant people 'followed' God as He led them. New Covenant people has God dwellin…
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Many of us have already heard the message of judgment and condemnation and some of us have received it as the Gospel. That my friend is no Gospel at all. The Gospel literally means "Good News". There is no good news in judgment and condemnation. Before you can come to a Holy God, there must be a way of peace. A person who believes that he is condem…
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Did you know that we are co-heirs with Christ? Jesus qualified those who believe in Him to be an heir of God. Everything that Jesus obtained by His resurrection is ours. All the blesssing of God, actually the very LIFE of God and everything that comes from that, we now possess. There is an abundance of goodness that never runs out, a never ending s…
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Righteousness is paramount to receiving all of the benefits of God and His will for you. His perfect will for all humanity is Christ and being in Christ and experiencing His BEST. The paradox of receiving His righteousness is that it is probably the hardest thing to do, yet it is so simple as just to 'believe' it! The hardest, because it is the las…
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Do you know that between the fall of Adam and Eve and the cross of Jesus, man has been in the bondage of sin and death? Jesus has delivered us from that sin by becoming sin for us. He never sinned, yet He became our sin so that we could inherit eternal Life. Life is not just going to Heaven when we die, but eternal life begins when you receive Jesu…
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Do you ever find yourself praying for revival? Are you seeking a new 'move' from God to sweep the land? I am hear to tell you that if you have been born again, you have the "REVIVAL" living and breathing in you via the Holy Spirit of God Himself. Instead of seeking revival to 'sweep' the land, we as believers, need to realize that WE ARE THE REVIVA…
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The book of Proverbs is commonly called the "Book of Wisdom'. What is wisdom? Wisdom is the practical application of learned knowledge. You can have much knowledge but for it to do you any good, you must put it to use. Proverbs tells us to seek wisdom above all else; because from it, a successful life is it's outcome. Wisdom tells us how to live a …
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Do you know the greatest roadblock to seeing your destiny is hardness of heart. God is your destiny and you cannot perceive the things and plan of God with a hard heart. Pride only allows you to see things "one way" and that is your way. Hardness is the result of the deceitfulness of sin. Sin callouses the heart and desensitizes the understanding o…
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In Christ there is no debate
10:54Have you noticed that in the "church world" there is much debate. People like to argue about who's right and who's wrong. They are still 'partaking' from the 'tree of knowledge' that cause humanity all the problems in the first place. People love to express their opinion, all to prove they are right and the other is wrong. This is not of God and th…
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There are many promises in the bible but every one of them originate in the Promise of inheritance and that inheritance is Life eternal. Life is also internal, not external. Many of us desire promises to "come" to us by believing they will, but did you know that all of these promises come from within? That's right, everything we seek in the externa…
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Grace is the Divine influence on the heart of man to transform the heart of man by virtue of it's power. The weakness of man is the hardness of his heart! Without the POWER of grace, he is self centered and most everything he does is for the gratification to his "ego". Grace empowers us to live in the abundance of goodness with no ulterior motive c…
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Did you know that the communicating of your faith in Jesus will bring you revelation of the GOOD things that is already deposited in you by the Holy Spirit? The Gospel was never meant to keep to yourself. The joy that you experience by having abundant LIFE will flow out of you to the people you're around. By sharing the LIFE of Jesus through your p…
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Many people feel like they are "defeated" and have no chance in Life. They seem to not have what it takes to overcome the pitfalls of life in this world. The element they may be missing is HOPE. Hope is the confident expectation of a good thing happening. It is difficult to perceive anything good where there is no hope. Christ is our only Hope in L…
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What does it mean to be truly free? The definition for Freedom is "exemption from obligation". Wow, that says a mouthful doesn't it? The truth is that we have been set free from the "obligation" of trying to become something that we could never be in our own strength. This is the free gift of acceptance and righteousness and is ONLY in Christ. When…
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Wouldn't you like to have the ability to conquer your enemies? Sure you would. But did you know that we already have our enemies conquered? Yes, it's true if you are in Christ! Christ has already defeated our enemies at the cross by stripping them of their power. How do we see that manifest as our reality? By receiving Jesus and His free gift of RI…
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