This was recorded in 2020: This clip comes from my podcast titled: The Current State of Vaping You can find it and all my other podcasts on:
I give my answer to the question of whether or not Donald Trump will save the vaping industry if he becomes president. For all of my content go to:
Wondering what happened to all of the VP Live episodes? They are over here now: Please, go over and become a member. Thank you! Kevin
Mega VP Live is coming soon!!! When a crazy person calls into your vaping podcast to talk about teleporting. Drew from Nhaler calls into make it interesting. This was recorded in the spring of 2013.
This song was released in 2013 by Milk. It was the first rap/hip-hop song written about vaping. Milk was a guest on VP Live. You will be able to listen to his interview, as well as many others soon.