Episode 14 - Fruit Kaiju
Manage episode 279927256 series 2839168
Kenta (AKA Weed King) Hangs out with SoCal and the Syndicate for a laid back episode. Kenta shares his experience as a POC fur and person outside of the fandom and tackling other issues regarding police and BIPOCs. Moving on to a breakdown of the week and a few news articles. Than the gang continues on to discuss out of this world topics involving UFOs, alternative dimensions and the whole so on! Than we wrap up show with our Real VS Onion segment!
Lightning Strikes Tree In Broad Daylight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpk6TasZMBU&feature=youtu.be
D.B Cooper Doc - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbUjuwhQPKs
Pilots Report "Man On Jetpack" Flying Near Planes At LAX - https://www.foxla.com/news/fbi-investigating-pilots-report-of-guy-in-jetpack-flying-3000-feet-in-air-near-planes-at-lax
Toddler Gets lifted 30 Feet Into Air By Kite - https://kfiam640.iheart.com/content/2020-08-30-toddler-gets-lifted-30-feet-in-the-air-after-getting-caught-in-kites-tail/?keyid=KFI-AM&sc=editorial&pname=local_social&fbclid=IwAR3ZrJAbCDbDWOJ7bsU4pIfLf52Cnnyaj0fG0yuSFVVzog-B93pHwtAwZ2c
Man Challenges Town Council Over Name Of Boneless Wings - https://youtu.be/CI9_dLPDHkk
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