RM24018 - The Nightwatch: the commission
Manage episode 443653392 series 3552285
If I say ‘The Night Watch’, most Dutch people can immediately conjure up an image of this famous painting. What’s more – they think about it with not only a sense of admiration, but also national pride. As I said in earlier podcasts of this series, citing the words of sociologist Paul Schnabel: ‘It has become our national icon and the whole world comes to see it.’ His most famous painting holds the most prominent position in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and the literature on nearly all aspects of this enormous painting is extensive and continues to expand. I refer here to just two websites, the website of the Rijksmuseum, www.rijksmuseum.nl http://colmilquetoast.blogspot.nl/2013/05/rembrandts-night-watch.html#WhosWho.
1. Idea, research, author, and narration: Bob Wessels: linkedin.com/in/bobwessels
2. Artwork, editing, production: Jan Wind: linkedin.com/in/janwind-videomaker
3. Artwork based on the bookcover of ‘Rembrandt’s money’ designed by Teun Okkerse: linkedin.com/in/theun-okkerse-516130b
4. Copyright accountability:
Music: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (orchestra) - Thomas Beecham (conductor) The Salomon Symphonies (Volume One) — Capitol Records, 1958. GCR 7127. Copyright Public Domain - Source: Internet Archive - Public Domain
Artwork for this episode:
Source: Rijksmuseum - Rijksstudio
1. Welcome: https://www.rembrandtsmoney.com
1. Blog: https://www.rembrandtsmoney.com/blog/
2. Website: https://www.rembrandtsmoney.com
3. Sources: https://www.rembrandtsmoney.com/sources/
4. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rembrandtsmoney/
For a few years I did extensive research, leading to my book of Rembrandt’s Money. The legal and financial life of an artist-entrepreneur in 17th century Holland. The first edition of the book Rembrandt’s Money, published in autumn 2021. It is nearly sold out. See https://webshop.rembrandthuis.nl/nl/rembrandts-money.htmlOr: https://shop.wolterskluwer.nl/Rembrandt-s-Money-sNPREMBMON/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAu9yqBhBmEiwAHTx5p09qw-mnSxvfLuexD9n-MFLvE_EABhlDHGVEMVes2b2ygNNeyMim-BoCqbgQAvD_BwE
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