February 20. at 18.00 new radioshow start! The world's most famous techno DJ. In the third week of each month DJ Rush provide the real party mood. Február 20 - án 18.00 órai kezdettel új rádióshow indul, a TECHNO világában jól ismert Dj Rush vezetésébe. Minden hónapban jelentkezik a műsor ahol Dj Rush minden harmadik héten mutatja be live parti szettjét. ONLINE ► www.apocalyptofmradio.com FACEBOOK ONLINE ► www.facebook.com/apocalyptofmradio/app_280108305377204 RADIO STREAM ► https://radioboxplayer.net/playerpopup.php?station=apocalyptofmradio WINAMP DOWNLOAD ICON ► DJ RUSH RADIO ► www.apocalyptofmradio.com/#!dj-rush/c1yyh FACEBOOK ► www.facebook.com/Isaiah.Major SOUNDCLOUD ► www.soundcloud.com/knedeep YOUTUBE ► www.youtube.com/isaiahmajorrush TWITTER ► www.twitter.com/IMajorRush BIO Isaiah Major aka Dj Rush (born a Chicago Pioneer) is an amusing and bizarre entertainer; known for his alias Major Rush, Russian Roulette and the Drum Major. In his early life and career Rush finished his degree in Computer Operations, Anger Management and won several first place awards in Art competitions. Leaving all that behind Rush made his way in the Dj business and not limited himself he found his way to Berlin Germany and his career kicked off in high gear. Not only his Dj skills and music selection moved and impressed fans all over the globe, his songs have made such a big impact on the dance scene with songs like “Mutha Fucking Bass”, “Get On Up”, “I Believe” and the list goes on and on. Conquering so many clubs and events across Europe and gaining so much respect, Rush had a chance to host his own tents at Tomorrowland (Belgium), Dance Valley (Netherlands), Summer Spirit (Germany), also presenting his own Electronic Festivals with Manager and Friends at Mystery Wonderland (Germany & Austria). Being such a killing machine, speaker beater, bass cranker, Rush likes to leave his fans and supporters mind and body tingling after each set, wanting more, more, more and more, but keep in mind you don’t always get the typical Hard side of Rush; Rush combines all styles of music he love, from Jazz, Disco, Funk and Soul to make the events more interesting and keeping the people on their toes. Sometimes dressing up frightening to show his alias Russian Roulette; this what make the big man a strong entertainer and not just a Dj. Believing in expression is the key to entertaining and success that’s why Rush’s baby Kne’Deep rec / Kne’Deep Agency (management: Tina) has produce some of the best talent in the electronic scene. Although the scene may be going through a crises, Rush continues to do what he do best and THAT’S ENTERTAIN YOU. ♫ AFM.RADIO ♫ WEB ► www.apocalyptofmradio.com TWITTER ► www.twitter.com/apocalyptofm FACEBOOK ► www.facebook.com/apocalyptofmradio YOUTUBE ► www.youtube.com/apocalyptofmradio SOUNDCLOUD ► www.soundcloud.com/apocalyptofmradio…