God's Gift To Us, #83
Manage episode 350487798 series 2916492
83, 9-3, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (12/22/2022)
Today, 2 Christmas poems from the unpublished manuscript, The Last Notebook and one from God’s Rhyme.
Read the text,
Know what’s next.
Jesus is risen,
Sins forgiven.
We will know,
He will show
The great sorrow
Of tomorrow.
From the grave
He did save.
When fear
Is near,
Then upon us,
It is Jesus
Who gives us rest
Where we are blessed
Through His love
To rise above
The sins of man.
It is He who can,
He has won,
The risen One.
Live today.
Kneel and pray
Then raise your hands.
He understands
This life we live
As He did give
4/23/2020, tcarter
Dear Lord,
As I prepare to share
This holiday with others
May my wish become a prayer
For my sisters and brothers;
That they may find Your care,
That they receive the gift
Of Your grace as you lift
Them to rise above,
Feeling Your love.
My prayer is that we know
It is not the gift of a toy
That brings eternal joy.
It is the gift as we grow,
Having received Your grace
That we share this season,
A reflection in our face
Of the love of Jesus
Who receives us
Tattered, torn
And forlorn.
May others find the joy
And their worth
In the birth
Of this baby Boy.
May your Merry Christmas become Blessed.
May the lights on the tree shine forth.
May your present be His presence.
12/18/19, Tim Carter (135/31)
The next poem is from God Rhymes, page 138.
" In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God and the Word was God. He was
in the beginning with God." John 1:1,2, NKJV
Before the Christmas carols we did sing,
forever before a single church bell did ring,
before we could shout to the world with joy,
was the Word, God's baby boy.
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among
us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the
only begotten Son of the Father." John 1:14, NIV
The Word was born in the flesh, as is man,
dwelling among us, as only God can,
from creator to sacrificial blessing,
born of a woman to cure our distressing.
What would this world be like without His birth,
amid the chaos what would life be worth?
In His saving grace, if we believe,
our sins, our sorrows, He does relieve.
God loved us before we loved Him.
His love is there for each of us,
today, tomorrow and yesterday,
manifest through the God man, Jesus.
"Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take
to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived
in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring
forth a Son, and you shall call his name JESUS,
for He will save His people from their sins."
Matthew 1:20,21, NKJV
We have read His word,
we have heard the story,
songs of joy we have stirred
proclaiming His glory.
Given freely, a gift of freedom
from a world so full of hate and greed,
no longer living in life's serfdom,
now thru His Son we have all we need.
We can sing songs from the mountains high,
we can celebrate His birth on this day,
we can shout joyfully knowing why,
we can speak of Him, knowing what to say.
yes, tis a happy season
an angel, Gabriel
a stable, no room at the inn
shepherds worshiping the Good Shepherd
a star in the sky for three wise men
all, then and now, knowing
joyfully believing
God's gift, His only Son
So on this Christmas day let us pray,
may the songs of the season we are singing
be louder than the church bells ringing.
May our joy prevail past the end of days.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His
only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
Him shall not perish, but have life everlasting."
John 3:16, NKJV
Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good life.
Thank you , Lord.
Happy birthday,
Jesus. (11/25/14)
My view of Christmas over the years. We sent The Wonder of Christmas out as a Christmas Card. The First Gift languished in the computer. One Christmas Days is a continuation of my view of what we/I need to remember during the Christmas season.
We sent this to a few friends and co-workers (a big leap of faith for me).
If time permits, from The Last Notebook
Christmas’ past
Forever last.
Became today.
Forever the same,
Jesus is His name.
We celebrate this season
The birth of the One.
Our worth found in God’s Son.
His birth is the reason
That beyond this season
We continue to praise
The one our God did raise.
Angels did sing,
Church bells ring,
Voices are heard,
It is God’s Word
From the beginning,
Beyond the ending,
Before time,
Now our rhyme.
The world ever sings with joy
Because of this baby boy.
It is Jesus
Who saves us
So we may face
God’s loving grace.
May your Christmas time be blessed
beyond all understanding.
Tim Carter, 12/3/2019
Dear Heavenly Father we come to you in prayer as we end today’s podcast. Dave and I thank You for leading us through the day and into tomorrow. We thank You for all you have led us to and through.
We pray for our listeners and viewers; for their needs, healing and the salvation of those who have not yet accepted the gift of Your grace by faith.
We pray, Lord, for this world in which we live. Father, as Christians lead us to proclaiming the gospel where ever we are. May we do so in a loving way. Lead us to the truth of the days we are living in.
Dear Lord, prepare us and our listeners and viewers for the coming week. We pray that it is You we live for and You who leads us. As we walk with you this week, may it be Your hand clasped around our hand so we may feel the grasp of Your love.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer.
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god rhyme tim carter | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)
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Tim and Dave
"If you give Him the times As you live His word rhymes "
"We are the King’s kids and you’ll never get rid of us because we are His with Jesus."
If you give
Him the times
As you live
His word rhymes
And don’t forget, “We are the Kings kids and you will never get rid of us for we are His with Jesus.”
Living In God’s Rhyme ©2018 by Tim Carter
God Still Rhymes ©2019 by Tim Carter
God’s Rhyme ©2019 by Tim Carter
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