Associate with those who are HUMBLE!! What exactly is the the lesson to be learned here? Problem behavior isn't normally found residing with those of a contrite personality.
Manage episode 334836860 series 3241840
Is there anything more humbling or humility developing than being HUMBLED repeatedly in less than an hour by the technology you are attempting to use for ministry?
I have restarted the description for this evenings program 3 TIMES only to have either the software glitch on me or to mis-hit a key & delete everything that seemed good at the time!!
Frustrating!!! Anyway, YAH will berachot the humble heart when they ask for DEFECTS & DEMONS to be removed, this is HIS HEART, this is TRANSFORMED Recovery!!
This is Step 7, this is not a One-Off situation, Wise disciples with revisit this Step regularly because we can not fully know, what has attached itself unwittingly to us. It is HERE we ask for identification & removal!!
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