We are here at eTail Palm Springs and seeing and hearing the latest and greatest in e-commerce and retail. Question: Do you need to choose between AI and human recommendations as a customer? Why not have both? After all, don’t each have their strengths? AI in the retail experience is all the rage these days, but today I’m talking with someone from a brand that has been incorporating AI-personalized experiences and shopping combined with expert human recommendations for over 14 years, and continues to innovate today. Today we’re going to talk about how AI-based personalization plus human creativity and input makes an amazing customer experience at Stitch Fix. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Noah Zamansky, Vice President of Product and Client Experience at Stitch Fix. About Noah Zamansky Noah Zamansky serves as the Vice President of Product and Client Experience at Stitch Fix, where he leads cross-functional teams spanning Product, Design, Engineering, Algorithms, and Platform Development. A seasoned leader, Noah has a proven track record of shaping product vision and strategy, designing exceptional user experiences, and spearheading the launch of new business ventures. Before joining Stitch Fix, Noah held the role of Senior Director of Product Management at eBay, overseeing Fashion and Vertical Experiences. Resources Stitch Fix: https://www.stitchfix.com eTail Palm Springs: https://etailwest.wbresearch.com/ Connect with Greg on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregkihlstrom Listen to The Agile Brand without the ads. Learn more here: https://bit.ly/3ymf7hd Don't miss a thing: get the latest episodes, sign up for our newsletter and more: https://www.theagilebrand.show Check out The Agile Brand Guide website with articles, insights, and Martechipedia, the wiki for marketing technology: https://www.agilebrandguide.com The Agile Brand podcast is brought to you by TEKsystems. Learn more here: https://www.teksystems.com/versionnextnow The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Link—a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content. https://www.missinglink.company…
В този епизод се сбъдва мечтата на едно провинциално момче, което просто иска да се срещне със своите идоли - Gay Sunday Podcancer. 11-клас в ГПЧЕ "Ромен Ролан", Петър Пърпов се е насочил към Германия за бъдещето си развитие в полето на денталната медицина. Защо в чубжина и защо дентална медицина, защо псуването облекчава трудните моменти и еволюционният смисъл на Носталгията са само някои от много интересни теми, които разисквахме в 16-тия епизод на подкаста!…
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Исторически епизод за подкаста - имаме гост - Калина Славова! Калина е активна в обществени инициативи (БМЧК Стара Загора). Тя притежава силен характер, пригоден за дебати, който допринесе за най-добрия епизод на подкаста досега!