Celebration of 40+ years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews, and comedy sets from standup comics... famous, and not so famous. All taped Live on my Comedy stage. The interviews will be with comics, old staff members, and Friends from the world of Comedy. Standup Sets by Dana Carvey, Jay Leno, Tom Dreesen, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry Miller, Mark Schiff, Bobcat Goldthwait, Paula Poundstone, Garry Shandling, Ray Ramano, Cathy Ladman, Willie Tyler & Lester, and MORE. My web site has many pictures, items for sale, and more information www.standupcomedyyourhostandmc.com
Send us a text Sherri is a candidate for the Port Richey City Council to fill an un-expired term until next April. She is a long-time resident of Port Richey.
Send us a text She explains why she is running Fl. Senate District 21, and how her background in labor relations and the Enviroment make her suitable to be elected.
Send us a text Amy brings us up to date on the fight to make abortion rights legal in Florida, and to prevent the State from having the power to determine what a woman may do.