Much is made about the creative decisions in ads for the Big Game, but how does all that money, those requisite celebrity cameos, and everything else that goes into these multi-million dollar investments translate into Return on investment? Today we’re going to talk about what the numbers tell us from all those high-profile ads and who the winners and losers of the Advertising Bowl are in 2025. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Nataly Kelly, CMO at Zappi, who unveiled their annual Super Bowl Ad Success report on Monday. We’re here to talk about the approach, the results, and what those results mean for brands that invested a lot of money - and time - into their campaigns. About Nataly Kelly I help companies unlock global growth For more than two decades, I have helped scale businesses across borders, as an executive at B2B SaaS and MarTech companies. I’m Chief Marketing Officer at Zappi, a consumer research platform. I spent nearly 8 years as a Vice President at HubSpot, a multi-billion-dollar public tech company, driving growth on the international side of the business. Having served as an executive at various tech companies, I’ve led teams spanning many functions, including Marketing, Sales, Product, and International Ops. I’m an award-winning marketing leader, a former Fulbright scholar, and an ongoing contributor to Harvard Business Review. I love working with interesting people and removing barriers to access. RESOURCES Zappi website: Connect with Greg on LinkedIn: Listen to The Agile Brand without the ads. Learn more here: Don't miss a thing: get the latest episodes, sign up for our newsletter and more: Check out The Agile Brand Guide website with articles, insights, and Martechipedia, the wiki for marketing technology: The Agile Brand podcast is brought to you by TEKsystems. Learn more here: The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Link—a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.…
It can be challenging to ask questions especially if there's a chance of being rejected, belittled, alienated, or insulted for asking. Luckily, we serve a God who isn't afraid of our questions, and who is always ready to answer them with grace, love, and compassion. To close out the final Chi Alpha of the semester, Bri, TJ, and Cody answer questions submitted by you--the students. They look at how to love people who hurt us, how do we reconcile what the Bible says with what modern science tells us about the earth's age, how can I know if I'm operating in the correct gifting, and is the devil omnipresent?…
We've all experienced the feeling of being offended at one time or another. Whether it was something a professor said, a family member did, a troll commented, or something we read in the Bible--we've felt it. Depending on the level of offense, it can be really difficult to move on from it. This week, Jonathan and Kristi go through John 6. They discuss what the root of offense really is, the types of offense, and how we can work through it in a Biblical way.…
It can be really easy to make a big commitment when conditions are easy; it can also be really easy to break that commitment when we no longer "feel like it." Many of us have agreed to plans with friends or family only to bow out at the last minute when the time arrives to make good on our commitment. Unfortunately, this tends to happen in our relationship with God as well. This week, Bri and Tehya look at Jesus' question "Do you love me?" (Matthew 26:32-35; Luke 22:54-62). They talk about the significance of this conversation between Peter and Jesus, what it means for us, and how we can practically grow in our love for God.…
Who are you? If someone were to ask the people in your life who you are, what would they say? Would they give the same answers? Now think about Jesus. If someone were to ask you who Jesus is, what answer would you give? This week, Cody and Jared take a look at Matthew 16:13-18 where Jesus poses this very question to his disciples: "Who do people say I am? Who do you say I am?" They discuss the importance of truly knowing who Jesus is and how we can take practical steps to know him better.…
Anyone who is alive had to be born, and each of us has a unique story to tell regarding our births. Whether you were born late, early, easily, with a lot of complications, in the morning, through C-section, etc., the basic facts are the same: you were formed in your mother's womb, she gave birth to you, and now you are here. Now that we are adults, we obviously can't undergo that same process again, so what did Jesus mean when he said we had to be born again? Nicodemus asked the same question of Jesus in John 3:3-21: "How can anyone be born again when he is old?" For our special Easter edition of Chi Alpha, TJ goes through the Scripture and breaks down what it means to be born again. The clip shown during this sermon is from The Chosen and can be watched here: The song played during the sermon is "Is He Worthy" by Shane & Shane and the lyric video shown can be watched here:…
Doubts are often treated as something we should hide or be ashamed of, but what if it didn't have to be that way? What if the way we handle our doubts is more important than the doubts themselves? This week, Ally and Nicole sit down to discuss this very idea. "Are you the one?" is a question posed by John the Baptist in Matthew 11. Ally and Nicole take a look at the surrounding Scripture, share a bit about times when they've had doubts, and provide insights into the best way to move forward when faced with them.…
We never really grow out of our curiosity, but we do become more hesitant to voice the questions that stir in our hearts and minds. Luckily, Jesus is completely unafraid of our questions; he even welcomes them. This week, we're switching things up by answering questions submitted by YOU. Ally, Bri, and Jonathan sit down to answer your questions about social media, why there are so many rules to following Jesus, and how to deal with politically extreme family members.…
Everyone has a different idea of what makes good food, entertainment, etc., but what does it mean for someone to be called "good?" This week TJ and Ryan take a look at this question found in Mark 10:17-31. They unpack some context and discuss the significance of this interaction between Jesus and the rich young ruler. Reflection Questions: 1) Where do you find yourself stealing credit from God in your ministry, life, and salvation? (ex. Success of life group, your devo time, your personality, your skills, etc.) 2) Where do you feel the most pressure in your life? Do you believe (in your heart, not just your head) that God can relieve that? The video played during the sermon is a pole vaulting fail compilation and can be found here:…
Have you ever found yourself thinking, "Well, if I don't worry about it, who will?" Sometimes it feels like worry is an unavoidable part of life, but when we take a look at Scripture, Jesus has a clear stance on the subject. This week, Johnnie and Bailey take us through Matthew 6:19-34 to find an answer to Jesus' question, "Why do you worry?" They discuss the importance of temporary and eternal treasures and practical steps for dealing with worry in our lives.…
Our past experiences with authority (whether negative or positive) will inevitably influence the way we interact with people in positions of authority. It can also greatly affect our ability to understand and accept Jesus' authority in our lives. This week Jonathan and Alex talk through Mark 11 and what it reveals about Jesus' authority--where it comes from, what it does, and how we can accept it.…
We all have neighbors, but the relationships we have with them can vary...a lot. In some cases, neighbors make really good friends, while in other cases, they tend to only stir up conflict. So what exactly does it mean to "love your neighbor as yourself?" What if your neighbor is a grouch or lives their life completely differently than you do? What if they don't deserve it? This week, we're taking a look at Luke 10:25-37, where Jesus answers the question, "Who is my neighbor?" Bri and Micaela break down the significance of the parable of the Good Samaritan, as well as discuss practical ways we can love those around us.…
We're switching things up with a semester long series called "Q+A with Jesus." Each week, we'll be examining difficult questions found throughout scripture in a conversational style between two people. This week, Ally and Ashleigh kick things off by diving into Mark 4:35-39. A raging storm in the middle of the Sea of Galilee leads to the disciples asking Jesus, "Don't you care if we drown?" In the same way, the storms in our lives can make us wonder if Jesus even cares what's happening, but Ally and Ashleigh remind us that Jesus gets in the boat with us.…
Imagine being surrounded by 10,000 soldiers of an enemy army. You're decked out in your armor. Breastplate, helmet, shoes, belt, and shield are all in place. You reach for your sword only to realize you don't have it. Now what? The enemy is charging, and they are not taking any prisoners. You don't have time to go to the blacksmith, and it's not like anyone brought an extra. Your first thought would probably be something along the lines of "I should have been more prepared." This week, Bri and Jonathan close out the Suit Up series with a discussion over our final piece of armor: the Sword of the Spirit. They share about the defensive + offensive nature of the Sword, how to use it, and how they keep it sharp and at the ready.…
What do motorcyclists, football players, and soldiers have in common? Helmets. They all understand the importance of protecting their heads in the case of a wreck, a head-on collision, or shrapnel. They wear helmets because they know a head injury can be life changing or even life ending. It should be no surprise then that a helmet is included in the Armor of God. Join us for a special edition podcast episode where we will dive into our next piece of armor: the Helmet of Salvation. In this episode, Bri and Jonathan share their personal experiences with the Helmet, as well as discuss its importance, uses, and how to implement it in everyday life.…
We have all put our faith in something or someone at least once. Some of us put our faith in Santa Claus—certain that he would deliver our presents just in time. Some of us put our faith in a friend—believing that they would follow through with their promise. Some of us put our faith in our significant other—trusting that they would remain faithful. Some of us have been burned before. How, then, can we confidently put our faith in God? This week, Jonathan tells us why we can be sure that our faith in God is never misplaced, and he shares with us how we can effectively use it in our day to day lives.…
This world is full of chaos, and we all have felt it at one time or another. Maybe we've thought things like, "If I can just get through this week, then I can relax" or "Once I finish this project I'll feel better." Peace seems to always be just around the corner, just out of reach. It's after this thing or it's hiding out in next week. Pop culture tells us peace is something we can create for ourselves with a little self-care. But what if there was a type of peace that didn't depend on us or our external circumstances? [spoiler alert: there is] This week, Bri sheds some light on what true peace looks like and how we can equip ourselves with it daily. You might want to grab some shoes for this one.…
Each year, people around the world spend hundreds of hours and dollars putting together costumes of their favorite characters for events like Comic-Con. For costume pieces like armor, they typically trade in the traditional heavy metals for lighter materials that allow for better mobility like craft foam. Although the result is an impressive looking costume, it's not something you would want to wear into real battle. The same is true of righteousness—whatever we can scrap together ourselves will never be as good as the real deal. This week, TJ continues the "Suit Up" series by teaching us all of the in's and out's of the Breastplate of Righteousness as well as how to put it on [and keep it on].…
Many of us have had one of those nightmares. You know the ones. There's an important meeting at work or a presentation for a class, and you show up just to realize you've forgotten something crucial: your clothes. Sometimes it can be hard to shake that sinking feeling of being completely unprepared for something major. What if there were something many of us were forgetting every day that's even more pertinent than our physical clothes? We're starting our new sermon series called "Suit Up," where—for the next few weeks—we will be looking at the importance and usage of the Armor of God. This week, Ally kicks the whole thing off with the foundation of our armor: the Belt of Truth.…
No matter how hard life gets, it never feels quite so bad when we are surrounded by people who will encourage us and help us when they can. Whether it’s a workout buddy, a shoulder to cry on, a free ride while your car is in the shop, life is easier with help. This week, Jonathan shows us a Biblical example of what it means to “Pray the Kingdom” and how to do it. Hint: It has to do with knowing your authority, praying not preying, and walking in victory.…
What is worship? Many of us may immediately think of music or songs. Whether it's singing from a hymnal in your Sunday best, or replaying "Way Maker" for the 500th time in your bedroom, a lot of us probably have experienced this kind of worship. A lot of us may even have mixed feelings about what particular songs or music constitutes real worship, but is that really all worship is? This week, Bri gets right down to the heart of what worship truly is, and it may not be what you thought.…
Many things may come to mind when we think of gratitude, and there are many ways to express it. A "Thank You" card for a distant relative, a care package for a close friend, words of affirmation or appreciation for a significant other—gratitude is an integral part of how we interact with one another. But what if there is more to gratitude than just cards, gifts, or selfcare days? This week, Ally explains the significance and necessity of our next spiritual practice: having an attitude of gratitude.…
Our voices are unique, and bear characteristics that make them distinguishable from any other. With time, we come to recognize the voices of our parents, friends, siblings, co-workers, and maybe even a few celebrities. As we spend more time with someone, we become more familiar with their voice—able to pick it out from a crowd. Why is it then, that God's voice seems so hard to recognize? This week, Jonathan points us toward the best way to become familiar with the voice of God: reading scripture.…
It's thought that the average person speaks about 16,000 words every day. Although it is an interesting factoid, perhaps it is more important to focus on how those words are used. Who are those words aimed at? Are they encouraging? Do they carry concrete facts or personal opinions? Maybe the most important question to ask is "How many of those words do we use to speak to God?" We're starting our new sermon series "HMU: Interacting with an Active God," so for the next few weeks we'll be diving into topics that will help us cultivate a healthy relationship with God. This week, TJ kicks off the series by talking about Personally Transforming Prayer and how to communicate with God.…
It appears the story is coming to a close. There was Creation, and then there was the Fall, and finally the hope of Redemption through Jesus. What more could there be? The story could certainly end here, but the truth is so much better, and so much more wonderful than that. There is more hope. There is always more hope. This week, Bri closes out the series with the full picture of what it means to choose a relationship with Jesus: total restoration.…
Every story reaches a point where things seem hopeless--the ship is sinking, a kingdom is overthrown, a city is burned to the ground. Victory appears to be completely out of reach...until some circumstance changes or someone intervenes. What if this story we're in doesn't end in death and shame? Could there be someone capable of intervening and changing the circumstances? One thing is certain: "The Fall" was just the beginning. This week, Ally shares with us what came after the fall distorted the dance and allowed evil to enter; there is the hope of redemption as the battle for the heart unfolds.…
A change in perspective is something that can be seen across our favorite stories. A little fear took the woods Snow White loved and transformed it into trees grabbing at her from every direction. A change of rhythm, and the original "dance" of creation would never be the same again. What's more, there's something off about this new dance. This week, Jonathan takes us through the decision that changed everything: the entrance of evil.…
Love is everywhere. It permeates the stories we read, watch, and hear. From tragic romances like Romeo + Juliet to idolized, celebrity, couple goals like Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds. From onscreen bromances to your best friend. Regardless of how you feel about it, there's no way to avoid love. But what if all of the love stories we grew up hearing were just the tip of the iceberg? A knock off version of the real deal; a vague and blurry likeness of the very first love story. This week, TJ takes us to the very beginning of the story, where eternal love started it all.…
We love them. Whether it comes from a book, television series, movie, song, or friends and family, we love to hear them and be part of them. We all have our own, and we're part of many others. Stories. We can't seem to get enough. What many of us may not realize is that--in addition to our own--we are all part of a much larger narrative. Even more exciting, we all have a specific role to fill. This week, Bri introduces us to this idea and sets the stage for the next four "episodes" in our first sermon series of the semester.…