Was she the victim of foul play, an accident, or did she choose to disappear? In this episode of The Vanished, we retrace Diana’s last known movements, strange witness accounts, and the lingering mystery that has never been solved or.. was never meant to be solved.
Love to read, write, travel, help and empower people, and to rejoice in family, friendship and the many splendours that Life has to offer.
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Chemistry, Dentistry, and a Moment of Madness #Podcast - A very personal “call of the wild”#Tracker #Unexpected #Forest #Stunning #Tigress #TigerCubs #SuperMom #Chemistry #Forbidden #Camera #Hypnotized #GoodNews #Safe #Strategy #Danger #Vulnerable #ToolBox #MomentOfMadness #LoveOfGod #Injured #EyeContact #Trust #LifeExperience #Protection #Dentistr…
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🎧Night Terrors #Podcast - Gasping… Heart racing… Is there a message in that ? #MyLife #Healthy #YearsAgo #Remember #Believe #Wondering #Breathless #Past #Hurt #NightTerrors #GoToSleep #Afraid #Dog #Jeans #LateAtNight #Hotline #MotorcycleCops #WomanCop #HitAndRun #Dream #Accident #Condolences #Fortunate #Cousin #Palmistry #StudiedMyPalm #BigDisaster…
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Best Friends, Forever #Podcast - Apparently, there’s someone for everyone. #BestFriendsForever #SmallFlat #Receptionist #Doctor #FierySpirit #Passionate #Laughter #BadBehaviour #Ecology #ThePlanet #BusJourney #Grandchildren #Chemist #Trouble #Provoke #Giggling #Mocking #Grateful #Voice #Rest #HighChair #BestFriend #SweetDreams #BeWellSoon #Unbreaka…
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Being Lally #Podcast - We can all break free of our chains #BeingLally #Nurse #Physical #Mental #Emotional #EverydayChallenges #LivingWithDisability #Crowds #SignedAutographs #Selfies #Applause #RaceCar #Theatre #Frustrating #Chitchat #Expressive #BlackAndWhite #LiveInTheMoment #Confidence #Bouquets #MindOverMatter #Dancing #TimeForLunch #DiamondBr…
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🎧 Slice Of Life Stories #RealLifeHeroes#HeroesAmongUs #EverydayHeroes #UnsungHeroes #ActsOfKindness #HeroStories #InspiringLives #MakingADifference #HumanityFirst #Bravery #SelflessActs #CourageInAction #CommunityHeroes #SavingLives #HeroicDeeds #Resilience #ExtraordinaryPeople #CommunityCare #BeThereForOthers #KindnessMatters #HelpingHands #SelfDi…
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The Commander #Podcast - A dream is a powerful thing.#Commander #Hotel #Uniform #Mustaches #Soldier #Victory #Military #Sergeant #Army #LettersFromHome #SoYoung #Abandoned #Delighted #Hospital #AnsweredPrayers #Grandson #Upbeat #Doctor #Remedy #Village #OldMan #Dignity #Veteran #Wrestler #LivingTheDream #Confession #Real #Grandfather #ParadeGroundM…
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A Man is Dead #Podcast - If you practice you can believe “as many as six impossible things before breakfast” #NurserySchool #OneInAMillion #Playground #Teenagers #Boyfriend #Relationship #Craziness #Impossible #Alice #SixImpossibleThings #Breakfast #OldWomen #Beauty #TooGood #Magic #Butterfly #GoodFriend #AWomanScorned #NextOne #NewCandidate #Fanta…
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The Family Business #Podcast - Follow your Heart or Follow your Family ? #TheFamilyBusiness #FatherAndSon #Doctor #Lawyer #HeartSurgeon #FollowYourDreams #CareerChoice #Achievement #WorkHard #MakeYourOwnPath #Romantic #Confess #Security #Comfort #ExamTime #Hostel #Midnight #Insurance #PerfectTiming #LostCause #ExamHall #Sleeplessness #ProvedRight #…
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The Quiet Street #Podcast - and oh! the difference to me. #QuietStreet #OldHouse #Traffic #Busy #Thoroughfare #NewFamily #SpecialNeeds #OldTrees #StreetDogs #Rainbow #Wheelchair #GermanShepherds #Gentlemanly #EveryMorning #EveryEvening #SecretSignal #FirstDay #Radiance #DailyMiracle #Dignity #FoodAndDrink #Message #Music #Sober #SweetFriend #Little…
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Out of the Mouths of Babes #Podcast - Adults just THINK they know more than kids.#OutOfTheMouthsOfBabes #Park #KidsPlaying #Help #Unexpected #NaughtyDog #Puppy #Uncle #Stranger #NotAStranger #Mother #HugTight #CloseShave #PuppyRescue #Thanks #DontTalkToStrangers #GallantGent #Walk #UnexpectedWisdom #ArmyUncle #YoungMan #Saluted #Military #YoungFami…
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Duty Calls #Podcast - Sign up… Show up! #DutyCalls #StrikingCouple #FamilyWedding #YoungCouple #SeniorCouple #WeddingDetails #MotherDaughterChat #Grandmother #FrozenEmbryos #GoodNews #Politics #GrandBabies #Sport #MobileConnectivity #MyBag #CheckedOff #ToiletKit #MedicalKit #LovingFamily #FamilyMembers #Life #SignedUp #StepBack #Salute #OfficialTra…
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Do the Right Thing #Podcast - Some temptations can be indulged… but some must be resisted. #DoTheRightThing #InThePark #UnexpectedGuests #OldFriends #BeautyAndBrains #NoOneInHisLife #Generosity #Goodness #HungryLook #Friendship #Betrayal #MoralDilemma #CupOfTea #WeddingSuit #GoodIntentions #LoveAndLoyalty #Trust #WiseDecisions #Respect #Choices #Li…
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🎧Slice Of Life Stories “Blue House” #Podcast - Loving families seek loving ways to achieve equilibrium.#BlueHouse #Companion #ElderSon #FarmLife #YoungerSon #Computer #TwoBrothers #HouseHold #Married #Lonely #PlayingCards #YoungPeople #FamilyKitty #NoisyGames #Control #MoneyMatters #DreamProject #Contract #Career #ShortVisit #Airport #EmptyHouse #L…
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🎧Slice Of Life Stories “Good Night, Sweet Dreams, God Bless You” #Podcast - A married couple - the events of a night - two perspectives. #Insomnia #Sleepless #BedSide #Awake #Journey #HopesOfSleep #SleepWillCome #FocusOnMyBreath #Snores #Accept #Comfort #Stretch #DifficultToFigure #GoodNight #NightRitual #Voluntary #SleepRoutine #LackOfActivity #Al…
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🎧Slice Of Life Stories “My Bit of Fun” #Podcast - Weaving a tale is a skill, with unexpected rewards. #Career #GlamourDoll #WitAndRepartee #DreamsComeTrue #WeakKneed #GlossyMagazine #LovelyLady #SummerAfternoon #Scar #Stronger #LargeGarden #MangoTree #DreamGirl #RightAndWrong #LostHold #FaceCuts #Emergency #NearMiss #MangoStealing #NarrowEscape #My…
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🎧Slice Of Life Stories “Appeasing The Camera God” #Podcast - Some imperatives simply cannot be denied.#ArtGallery #SmallTownBoy #BigCity #Thrills #Nostalgia #HomeTown #MemoriesOfHome #Centrepiece #NGO #Camera #Cellphone #FestiveMood #OrdinaryPeople #SpecialSkills #Scriptwriter #Producer #Director #CastSelector #KindOfExpert #SnakeHole #BoldGirl #Si…
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🎧Slice Of Life Stories “Who was that?” #Podcast - Does anyone know for sure what a blessing really looks like. #Stress #Fear #Anxiety #ModernScience #TinyBaby #Outside #CatFight #Dogs #Doctor #Antiseptic #Vulnerable #Sleeping #Breathing #PowerfulForce #Strangers #Relaxed #NothingToDo #DontWorry #InHeavensName #Peaceful #Excitement #HappyOrSad #Mira…
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Slice Of Life Stories #FamilyStories#FamilyTales #RelativeRecollections #GenerationsPodcast #ForwardFarewells #FamilyFarewells #MovingOnTogether #SharedGoodbyes #HeartfeltTransitions #TogetherApartPod #FarewellTales #FamilyBridges #PastPauseFutureForward #FamilyBreakthroughs #GenerationalShifts #NewBeginnings #FamilyEvolution #TransitionalTales #Fo…
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Slice Of Life Stories #FriendshipStories #Friends #Friendship #Friendsforever #Bestfriends #BFF #Squad #SquadGoals #MyPerson #BlessedWithFriends #FriendshipGoals #PartnerInCrime #GratefulForThem #ThroughThickandThin #AlwaysThereForMe #MakingMemories #MyChosenFamily #FriendsByChoice #LoveyouFriends #CollegeFriends #ChildhoodFriends #FriendGoals #New…
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#GrandmaTales #WisdomFromGrandma #FamilyLegends #StorytimeWithGrandma #CherishedMemories #GrandmaSays #HeartwarmingTales #GenerationalWisdom #NostalgicNarratives #GrandmaLove #LegacyStories #GrandmaChronicles #TimelessTales #FamilyTraditions #GrandmaWisdom #PodcastStories #ListenOnline #AudioAdventures #StorytellingPodcast #PodcastListening #Narrat…
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🎧 Slice Of Life Stories #LoveStories#podcast #love #audiofiction #relationships #foreverlove #happilyeverafter #podcastlove #podcastplaylist #together #lovestory #lacedress #beyondthegrave #soulmates #widow #afterlife #foreverlove #companionship #mykindofgirl #overcomingobstacles #deafness #signlanguage #communication #nevergiveup #firstsight #drea…
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🎧Slice Of Life Stories “How I Became A Nerd” #Podcast - A mischievous child, a wise mother, and a lesson learnt forever. #TwinSister #School #ClapHands #ReadingAndWriting #HappySundays #RunFree #SmellOfDeliciousness #CakeAndIceCream #SundayActivities #PapaStories #SundayForever #StayHome #OneMorePlease #SpecialTreats #EnjoyMyDayOff #DollsAndSoldier…
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🎧Slice Of Life Stories “X for Excellency” #Podcast - Between friends, nothing matters except FRIENDSHIP. #XforExcellency #EmailSummary #Shock #OutOfCuriosity #Lonely #Service #AdmiredHim #ManOfInfiniteVariety #ThirstForLife #Interview #MatterOfPrinciple #DinnerInvitation #TimelessValues #Kindness #Wisdom #Rockstar #MyColleagues #Royalty #ExchangeOf…
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🎧Slice Of Life Stories “Learn from the Master” #Podcast - One can learn new skills anytime. One just needs the motivation. #LearnFromTheMaster #TooMuchWater #TakeAChance #Embarrassing #FloodWater #HalfwayHome #NeedTheLoo #DealWithIt #StageOfPanic #MentalBattle #OutOfTheBlue #SuperEfficient #FlatOwner #StuckInTraffic #UnexpectedCompany #DontBeSilly …
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🎧Slice Of Life Stories “A Parrot of Privilege” #Podcast - The value of a relationship is not merely in its longevity but in its sincerity. #AParrotOfPrivilege #OldHaveli #Restoration #PetParrot #FrenchChiffon #PushBoundaries #PersonalQuestion #StringOfPearls #RoyalFamily #StainedGlass #VillageLife #SpecialOccasions #LastYearOfSchool #AlwaysWelcome …
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