Reputation สาธารณะ
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show episodes

(mis)Conduct, Money & Reputation

Lansons Team Farner, Katten

A series by reputation specialist Lansons Team Farner and law firm Katten. Join asset management experts David Masters (Lansons), Neil Robson (Katten) and guests as they dissect the top stories and misconduct cases across the industry, impacting reputation, brand trust and integrity.
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Your Digital Reputation

Roger Christie

The Your Digital Reputation podcast - honest, practical conversations with the leaders getting social media right in the moments that matter most. Hosted by Roger Christie, Managing Director @ Propel. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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BONNE RÉPUTATION. Par Mathieu Bernard

Mathieu Bernard

BONNE RÉPUTATION est un podcast qui explore le Personal Branding. Moi c’est Mathieu, coach en personal branding la journée podcasteur la nuit. Dans chaque épisode j’interview un leader d’opinion qui fait autorité dans son domaine. On passe son image sur le grill, On analyse comment est construite sa marque personnelle, On découvre les secrets de ce qui a fonctionné pour lui, Comment il est passé d’inconnu au bataillon à leader d’opinion, On ressort avec des méthodes pour construire la sienne ...
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Reputation Matters

Chelsea Craig

The Reputation Matters podcast will feature business owners and marketers to talk all about reputation management - the good and the bad. We’ll talk all about the obvious, and not so obvious, strategies people can use to improve the online reputation. We’ll also share examples of businesses that have done a great job of managing their reputation, and some that haven’t, so you can learn more about how and why to keep the reputation of your business in great shape.
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Reputation Capital

Thought Partner Group

We live in the age of reputation. Influencers, gurus, wizards, czars, geeks, mavens, and thought leaders rule the roost. So what about you? We ask difficult questions of hustlers and heros, founders and failers … those who have done it, are doing it, and will get things done. Capitalize on your reputation. Step out of the shadows. Shift the earth on its axis. #YOLO.
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Bad Reputation

Micco Caporale

Bad Reputation tells stories about women in rock. The lost stories. The complicated stories. The good stories. Host Micco Caporale reads the stuff you don’t have time to read and tracks down the people you don’t know how to find so you get stories you’ve been desperate to hear. This podcast mixes history, re-enactments, and interviews to push girls to the front. Get your headphones ready.
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Reputation Management Podcast

Reputation Ace

Reputation is Everything! Reputation Ace are reputation management leaders. Since the dawn of time reputation has been important to us. Great businesses and brands build their reputation by demonstrating excellence. Reputations are built over years, and can be destroyed in minutes. We say character builds reputation. - In this podcast we discuss reputation - and explore and explain concepts of reputation management, image protection, and brand building. We als ...
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Reputation Ignition Podcast

Chris Lollini

Welcome to Reputation Ignition Podcast. We discuss everything you need to know about building an amazing 5-Star reputation online. Learn how to leverage local review sites to grow your local small business easily and organically. Stop living in fear of Yelp, Google, and Facebook. Take control and empower your customers to do the heavy lifting for you. You'll be amazed at the transformation that will take place in your business from implementing these simple but powerful insights into your bu ...
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The Black Nurse Reputation

Shederyl RN

A place for minority nurses to talk about all the things that we cant at work while remaining inspired to keep going. We will talk about all aspects of nursing, the pros and cons, solutions to daily problems and much more. We will remain impeccable. We are proud black nurses and our reputation is GOOD! Now and Forever
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Managing Reputational Risk

Grant Bather

If your business was hit by a crisis, would you know what to do? If you were hacked and your customer data stolen? If a member of the executive team was accused of a serious crime? If a vocal section of your customer base called for a boycott? Would you have plans and procedures in place to deal with these issues? My name is Grant Bather and I help organisations plan and prepare for issues negatively impacting their reputation. Join me in this series of podcasts as I look at the key componen ...
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Here are the digital marketing podcasts including SEO, SMO, PPC, Web Design, and development. Listeners get high-quality tips and tricks from here and they can put them into action to build strategies that will help improve their marketing efforts. Let's connect here:
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Reputation OnRamp

Trevor Young

Self-promotion for self-respecting solopreneurs and founders of small but mighty businesses, presented by Trevor Young (aka 'The PR Warrior'). Are you struggling to cut through the noise and convey your message to the marketplace? Build your own media network and tell your stories like a PR pro! We live in a fast-paced, digital-first world cluttered with brands and individuals telling the world how great they are. It's no wonder consumers (B2B and B2C) are so cynical and distrustful. They re ...
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Taylor Talk: The Taylor Swift Podcast | reputation | 1989 | Red | Speak Now | Fearless | Taylor Swift - The Taylor Swift Podcast by: Adam Bromberg, Diane, Steve

Taylor Talk is the biggest, baddest, most AWESOME Taylor Swift Podcast in the world!! Listen as our expert team of hosts, made up of fans like you, take you through the latest Taylor Swift news, tour discussions and more!! Don't miss our discussions on Shake It Off, Blank Space, Style, and all the others off of 1989!! Our song analyses also go deep into some of Taylor Swift's greatest hits including: You Belong With Me, I Knew You Were Trouble, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together and eve ...
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show series
Elles co-dirigent leur agence depuis 15 ans et l’ont fait connaître grâce à un avantage compétitif injuste (Non, ce n’est pas le fait qu’elles soient soeurs jumelles) : Laurie et Sandie sont les co-fondatrices My Marketing Xperience. 15 ans d’existence +350 clients accompagnés Le problème de beaucoup d’entreprises ou agences, c’est qu’il y a souven…
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Send us a text Reputation in financial services is complex, shaped by audience perception and regulatory scrutiny. In this episode, Neil Robson and David Masters dive into the scandals surrounding Crispin Odey and Neil Woodford, exploring how they have not only damaged their personal standings but also raised fundamental questions about trust in th…
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Season six of the Your Digital Reputation podcast launches with an amazing and powerful story. And a slightly new direction - hearing from guests about how they get social media right in the moments that matter most. Robert Hoge - author, strategic communicator, and the former Head of Communications at the Queensland Government's Department of Heal…
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Enjoy this month's release of our formerly exclusive Patreon content. We'll be back next month with a brand new, full-length episode! We can't wait to share it with you, but in the meantime we've got this Little Rep Rewind episode for you!โดย Kimberly Kunkle, Rebecca Salois
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Elle est kiné, elle ne connaissait rien au business, pourtant c'est une entrepreneure incroyable. La preuve. Je vous présente Mathilde Mathieu, masseur kinésithérapeute de profession, depuis 13 ans. En 2023, elle décide de lancer WORKiné avec une mission : lutter contre la sédentarité au travail. Elle prend alors une décision stratégique : communiq…
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Elle est américaine et a créé sa boite en France 🇺🇸🇫🇷. Être étrangère lui a coûté très cher au début. C’est l’histoire d’Elizabeth Doyle. 2009, elle arrive en France. Elle démarre en CDI à Saint Etienne. 2012, son employeur dépose le bilan. Sauf qu’elle découvre qu’ils ne l’ont jamais déclaré. Sans le savoir, elle travaillait “au black” depuis 2 an…
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J'ai eu un électrochoc en échangeant avec elle. Je m'attendais à parler de style vestimentaire. On a parlé de choses bien plus profondes : Affirmer sa singularité Gagner en confiance en soi S'intégrer à son écosystème. Réussir ses moments à enjeux. Gagner un temps fou au quotidien. Envoyer les bons signaux aux clients. Emilie Paüs est coach en imag…
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Comment dompter l’algorithme LinkedIn ? L’applaudimètre Le SSI Tips en vrac Trouver votre ssi : 💌 Ma newsletter pour ne rater aucun tips : 💬 Mon LinkedIn pour me contacter : 🔗 Mon site pour travailler ensemble : https://mathieuber…
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Il y a 4 ans, elle était assistante virtuelle à 16€/heure. Aujourd'hui, elle est CEO d'une agence qui fait plus de 800K€. Maddalena Martini est fondatrice de VAWorld, une agence d’assistantes virtuelles pour CEO et solopreneurs high-ticket (+200 clients satisfaits) Et ce n'est pas ça le plus impressionnant. C'est COMMENT elle le fait : Elle travail…
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Comment ne jamais lâcher son rythme de publications ? 💌 Ma newsletter pour ne rater aucun tips : 💬 Mon LinkedIn pour me contacter : 🔗 Mon site pour travailler ensemble : Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pou…
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Comment développer votre autorité en 5 déclic ? Le syndrome Hollywood. Le piège de l’expert il vaut mieux être bon sur 1 seul canal que moyen partout. Pas besoin de trouver des thématiques “originales” pour démarrer. Cela ne fait aucune différence. Il vaut mieux parler à son audience AVANT sa cible. BONUS : faire du contenu ne va pas te faire direc…
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In this special end of year episode Kim tells Rebecca she's not allowed to wear Tims (and she probably has a point!), we discuss the etymology of the word podcast, consider the possibility of a drunk episode, share some bloopers that are truly "ginuwine," and share a very big and very important announcement about the future of the podcast!…
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Last episode's conversation with Shirley Chowdhary (episode 50) was a special one. It showed just how much impact your LinkedIn posts can have on the lives of others. How can you tap into that same impact at scale as Shirley did? What ingredients are need to shift your efforts from chasing likes and vanity metrics, to pursuing a more purposeful pat…
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Augmenter son autorité permet d'augmenter ses prix et choisir ses clients. Pourtant, c'est une science mal maîtrisée alors que ses leviers sont accessibles à tous : La preuve sociale (ex : retours client) Les partenariats La plateforme graphique La qualité de l'expérience client Les contenus La taille de l’audience Le taux d'engagement sur les cont…
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Comment arriver à générer des opportunités avec vos contenus LinkedIn ? Penser sa page de profil comme une étape clé d’un parcours Établir une stratégie de contenus pensée "par objectifs", pas seulement par thématiques. Penser Audience avant de penser cible Le piège du TOFUMOFUBOFU 💌 Ma Newsletter complète sur le sujet : https://mathieubernard.subs…
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In this episode, we discuss the topic of female characters in the television show, Supernatural, which ran from 2005-2020. First we look at the premise for the show that Eric Kripke created and was picked up by the WB and introduce a handful of the women who made an appearance on the show. Then we consider the intended fanbase, the television viewe…
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This episode of Your Digital Reputation is one of a kind. It explores one leader's story behind just one hugely impactful post. Host Roger Christie is joined by Shirley Chowdhary, respected Chair, Non-Executive Director and Advisor to a range of organisations. Shirley was recently awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters from the University of Sydney …
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Encore une femme qui mériterait plus de visibilité. En 3 ans, elle a réussi l'impossible. La preuve. Laurine Blandin est une amoureuse de la restauration. En 2021, elle se lance Restaurant Methods avec une mission : aider les restaurateurs à mettre leur resto au service de leur épanouissement perso. C'était pas gagné : Elle se lance seule avec zéro…
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Comment construire sa stratégie éditoriale sur LinkedIn™️ en 1H top chrono ? À la fin, votre stratégie doit ressembler à ça : l’image de ma strat est ici . “Je ne sais pas quoi dire” est une fausse excuse. La vraie difficulté, c’est la régularité. Secret n°1 : toutes les stratégies qui suivent ces 3 axes fonctionnent sur LinkedIn. Secret n°2 : ne p…
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Enjoy this month's release of our formerly exclusive Patreon content. If you want more episodes like this, subscribe to our Patreon at For just $5 a month you can get all of our Little Reps episodes (over 40 episodes!) as well as our Big Reels movie discussion episodes (10 episodes).…
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From his recent conversation with non-executive directors Lisa Chung and Tim Ebbeck (episode 49), it was clear to host Roger Christie that there is an uncertainty and discomfort for directors when posting on LinkedIn. Many avoid it for this reason. But, the good news? They don't have to! In this practical episode, Roger shares five LinkedIn best pr…
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Il a construit la plus grosse chaine youtube Fr sur la séduction (+100 000 abonnés). Puis il l’a abandonné pour repartir de zéro. Aujourd’hui il est l’un des copywriter français le plus demandé par les grandes marques, auteur du Best Seller "Le Guide du Copywriting". Il a même été le community manager de Patrick Bruel pendant 8 ans ! Sélim Niederho…
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Comment faire de LinkedIn un canal d’acquisition clients ? Pourquoi la plupart des gens échouent à trouver des clients sur LinkedIn alors qu’il existe des méthodes claires ? Le secret des entrepreneurs qui font +100 000€ de CA par an grâce à LinkedIn. Penser sa page de profil comme une "étape clé" d'un parcours client. Etablir une stratégie de cont…
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In this episode, we talk about the fictional character Miranda Priestly from the novel and film, The Devil Wears Prada. We consider how the other characters saw Miranda, both the good and the bad. Then we look at what audiences thought of Priestly, especially with the release of the film, but also a bit about how those perceptions have changed or a…
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In this episode of Your Digital Reputation, host Roger Christie asks two very special guests two very important questions: why aren't company and NFP directors using LinkedIn - and should they? Roger is joined by Lisa Chung AM (Chair of Australian Unity and a Non-Executive Director and Board Member for A.V. Jennings, the Foundation of the Art Galle…
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Il y a 3 ans, il bossait pour 9€ de l'heure. Aujourd'hui, il refuse des clients à 400€/h. Augustin n'est pas un commercial pas comme les autres. Quand on s'est rencontré début 2023, il était salarié. 23 ans, pas d'audience, pas de crédibilité. Depuis, ce bonhomme ne cesse de nous régaler ! Il s'est lancé sur LinkedIn tout seul malgré sa peur d’être…
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There were five Wednesdays in October so we thought we'd record an extra Movie Rep Big Reels episode to release to the public. If you like this episode and want to hear more like it, you can subscribe to our Patreon for just $5 a month. There you can hear 10 more episodes just like this along with all of our Little Reputations episodes!…
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Comment écrire son storytelling quand on est entrepreneur ou dirigeant ? Comment raconter une histoire de manière captivante en peu de mots ? Pourquoi les histoires sont importantes pour vendre. Pourquoi la plupart des histoires sont chiantes (et échouent leur mission). Comment rendre son histoire personnelle intéressante avec la technique de l’our…
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It's a little known fact that fewer than 2% of LinkedIn users post regularly on the platform - very few feel comfortable sharing their story. In this episode, host Roger Christie explores the art of LinkedIn storytelling, and how every professional's career journey is - in fact - littered with powerful personal stories. Inspired by the story of rec…
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Elle a accompagné +300 dirigeants à s'exprimer avec autorité. Le plus dur, ce n’est pas la prise de parole en public : C'est de réussir les "moments à enjeux" du quotidien : Une annonce compliquée à l'équipe Un passage dans un podcast Une réunion importante Un point avec le board Une interview media Tout se joue dans ces moments clés. Et avoir un c…
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This month's Little Reps release from the vault is someone we covered almost two years ago to the day, in October 2022: Lilly Ledbetter. We decided to release this episode to the public because we recently learned that Ledbetter passed away at age 86 just this past weekend on October 12, 2024. We thought sharing this episode with everyone would be …
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Comment se démarquer sans se travestir grâce au monopole personnel ? Le piège de l’expert. le syndrome Hollywood. Le Monopole personnel de David Beckham Les 3 étapes pour construire son Monopole Personnel. 💌 Ma Newsletter complète sur le sujet : 💬 Mon LinkedIn pour me contacter : https://www.…
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In this episode of Your Digital Reputation, host Roger Christie goes deep on storytelling and how to "stick out like a sore thumb" on LinkedIn with Chuen Chuen Yeo, award-winning author and founder of Acesence Agile Leadership in Singapore. A former maths teacher turned executive coach, Chuen Chuen shares her formula for developing a distinctive vo…
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Send us a text As social media and generational shifts reshape the world of investment and financial advice, asset managers are facing a new and growing challenge: finfluencers. These social media personalities represent both opportunity and risk. Active on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, they can make finance more accessible, but also present…
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+2000 clients B2B attendent la sortie de sa solution. Pourtant, il n'en parle jamais. C'est l'histoire d'un leader hors norme : Lui, c'est Julien Couderc, entrepreneur récidiviste, Cofondateur et CEO de Sowbeez. +18 mois qu'ils préparent le lancement de l'app avec son équipe, mais il ne voulait pas attendre le lancement pour créer un mouvement auto…
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In this episode we cover singer, actress, and reality TV star Jessica Simpson. We look back at everything the media had to say about her over the years including comments about her intelligence, weight, romantic partners, and more. Then we dig into some of the truths behind her behaviors and actions, and the effect that the media and the public can…
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Host Roger Christie explains why leaders are an essential ingredient for employee advocacy on LinkedIn, and three practical steps leaders and their advisers can take to unlock a wide range of benefits. Inspired by the success story of recent guest Dirk Otto, General Manager for Boehringer Ingelheim, (tune in to episode 47 to learn more about Dirk's…
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Elle est devenue une référence sur le marché du coaching (+3500 coachés). Et c'est un vrai problème : EN 7 ans, Clotilde Dusoulier est devenue incontournable. +40 Millions d'écoutes sur son podcast 'Change ma vie' +70K abonnés sur Youtube +90K abonnés Instagram Top 3 des ventes pour son livre 'La méthode change ma vie' Sa stratégie de contenus est …
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Hello everyone! Welcome back to our “Little Reputations Rewind” where we release a back catalog episode of our formerly exclusive “Little Reputations” Patreon content from the vault. These episodes are generally half an hour or so, and in them we discuss women who might not necessarily have a Big Reputation but who we think are cool to learn about,…
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In this episode of Your Digital Reputation, host Roger Christie explores how new CEOs should use LinkedIn, drawing on the experiences of Dirk Otto, General Manager for pharmaceutical and animal health business Boehringer Ingelheim in Australia & New Zealand. Dirk shares his lessons after moving from Spain to Australia, and highlights the importance…
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Elle est devenue la référence 🇫🇷 du Personal Branding. Je vous présente Maud Alavès Après 3 ans, elle est devenue la référence n°1 sur le sujet en France : +83K sur LinkedIn +18 K dans ta newsletter +10M de vues sur mes posts par an +120 entrepreneurs accompagnés Mais son principal tour de force se situe ailleurs selon moi. Elle a fait des choix ra…
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In this episode, we discuss a local (to us!) hero, Sonia Sotomayor, from her time growing up in the Bronx to her years and years of education, and her journey to the Supreme Court. We elaborate on the hurdles and bigotry she had to face while making her way to the highest court in the land and we talk about her views, how they have changed over the…
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Mélissa Osmani a construit une audience professionnelle de 25000 personnes en 2 ans sur LinkedIn. Elle partait de ZÉRO sur ce réseau, et aujourd'hui elle choisit ses clients car elle a trop de demandes. Son tour de force, c'est d'avoir construit de manière intentionnelle un personal branding 100% au service de son business. Il y a du travail, mais …
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Host Roger Christie explores the crucial skill of listening, and how LinkedIn can be an enabler for time-poor leaders. Roger shares his three-step strategy, inspired by the success of recent guest Trina Jones, NSW Rental Commissioner (tune in to episode 46 of the Your Digital Reputation podcast to learn more about her story). As Roger explains: "Li…
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Elle n'aimait pas son image et préférait se cacher. Depuis qu'elle a osé se montrer, son business à explosé. Juliette Cadot a été Freelance pour le même client pendant 3 ans. Elle ne communiquait pas, elle était invisible. 700 abonnés LinkedIn. Quand sa mission client s'est arrêté, Pas le choix, elle est reparti de zéro, Avec un problème sur son im…
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Ou comment Devenir une référence dans la finance à 27 ans. À 27 ans, il est passé d'inconnu au bataillon à leader d'opinion sur son marché en 18 mois. Sans être expert en marketing. Son parcours est une masterclass pour indépendants : Mi-2022, Charles-Elias Farah est encore en cabinet de conseil, au bord du burn-out. Il décide alors de se lancer se…
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In this episode of Your Digital Reputation, host Roger Christie explores how LinkedIn can be used to drive positive change with guest Trina Jones, NSW Rental Commissioner. They discuss the vital role LinkedIn plays in bringing key learnings and insights into the palm of your hand at scale. With her extensive experience in housing affordability and …
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En ouvrant trop vite son 2ème restau, il a failli couler sa boîte. Mais c'est grâce à cet échec qu'il a réussi les 8 suivants. En 2015, Julien Gantheret et Jean-Philippe Selle ouvrent le premier Gallika - ‘À la grecque’. C'est un succès immédiat. En 2024, Gallika c'est 9 restaurants, +100 employés. Pourtant, tout aurait pu s'arrêter dès le 2ème res…
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In this episode, We discuss Lizzo and her early introduction into the world of music as well as her rise in the industry. Then we cover the release of the single that really brought her to the forefront of everyone’s attention and how the media reacted to her music and her image. Next we explore the controversies surrounding Lizzo from accusations …
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