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Geld. Tech. Zukunft. Anna Planken und David Ahlf packen Themen an, die wirklich relevant sind. Jeden Mittwoch ein neuer Fokus auf Mobilität, Immobilien, Energie und mehr. Aufwendige Recherchen aus den ARD-Wirtschaftsredaktionen – und überraschende Perspektiven. Der Plusminus-Podcast – Wirtschaftswissen, das dich weiterbringt.
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Anna @ NurseStudy.Net

Brief overview of clinical information for nurse. Over 1000 FREE Nursing Disnosis Care Plans Includes pathophysiology and medication information. We offer NCLEX and nursing school testing questions with rationales for nurses and nursing students.Pathophysiology and nursing care plan tutorials.These podcasts are for educational purposes only and not intended for medical advice.
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The Nuremberg Times

The Nuremberg Times

Willkommen bei The Nuremberg Times, der führenden Quelle (laut Spotify in den TOP 25 % der weltweit am meist geteilten Podcasts 2022) für alle Neuigkeiten in und um die schönste Stadt der Welt, Nürnberg. Unser Team aus engagierten Journalistinnen und Journalisten ist bestrebt, Dir die genauesten, aktuellsten und relevantesten Nachrichten und Informationen über Nürnberg zu liefern.
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Blueville Nursery's Podcast

Blueville Nursery

Blueville Nursery's podcast will cover the ins and outs of landscape maintenance, design, and installation in Northeast Kansas. Blueville Nursery has been a full service landscape serving the area for over 60 years! Email us as with questions!
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Good Nurse Bad Nurse

Good Nurse Bad Nurse

A light-hearted, fun podcast hosted by a registered nurse and special guests who take turns telling you two medical-related dark and mysterious ... one uplifting and inspirational. They also discuss current events and hot topics related to nursing and the medical field.
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The Conversing Nurse podcast

Michelle Harris

Are you a nurse curious about the experiences of other nurses? As a Peds/NICU nurse for 36 years, I have only known this specialty, but I am intrigued by the roles of nurse researchers, nurse educators, and nurse entrepreneurs. Through conversations with nurses from various specialties, my aim is to offer you valuable insights into their lives. Additionally, we will delve into important topics such as bullying and burnout that affect the nursing profession.
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The Nurse Shark Academy Show

Baxter Professional Services LLC

The Nurse Shark Academy show highlights nurse business owners and others in the healthcare field who promote entrepreneurship. We interview nurse leaders and encourage them to tell their story. Join us and support these wonderful nurse entrepreneurs and leaders.
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At Nurturers: Autism Center in Noida, we provide specialized care in Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Counselling, and Family Therapy. Our dedicated team of expert therapists is committed to supporting individuals with autism and their families. We strive to enhance communication skills and improve daily functioning, offering personalized therapies tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Visit us to discover how we can help you or your loved one thrive.
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The Neurodivergent Nurse is a podcast hosted by Jami, a nurse who has ADHD. On this podcast she discusses all things ADHD. Her journey with this diagnosis is just beginning as she learns about ADHD and how to navigate life with it. She shares what she has learned and the occasional embarrassing stories along the way.
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Nurse Pathways

Nurse Pathways

Welcome to "Nurse Pathways: A Nursing Student Podcast," where we guide you through the journey of becoming a nurse. Whether you're in your first semester or preparing for the NCLEX, each episode is designed to support and inspire you on your path. We dive into study tips, clinical insights, self-care strategies, and interviews with experienced nurses who once stood where you are now. Join us as we break down the challenges, celebrate the triumphs, and explore all the pathways that lead to a ...
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"Nur noch eine Reihe" ist der Podcast für Strickerinnen und Stricker, die genau wie wir fast jeden Abend immer wieder viel zu spät denken: "Ach, die eine Reihe noch". In diesem Podcast gibt es Inspirationen und Ideen rund um das schönste Hobby der Welt: Wir erzählen euch von unseren Projekten, sprechen mit Designern, Garnherstellern und anderen Strickverrückten.
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Forensic Nurse Files

Forensic Nurse Files

Forensic Nurse Files is not your typical true crime podcast. It is a biweekly show hosted by three Forensic Nurse Examiners. This show hopes to provide a safe space for survivors of abuse and toxicity to share their stories. In addition, it aims to simultaneously bring awareness and provide education about this growing field by highlighting what we do, the types of crimes we work with, and the victims and suspects we encounter.
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Mommy Labor Nurse

Liesel Teen

Welcome to the Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast, where we firmly believe in the power of education when it comes to giving birth! Tune in each week as we dive into pregnancy-related topics, expert interviews, and a variety of birth stories! As a reminder, anything you hear on this podcast should not be taken as medical advice, please see for more info.
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Let's Talk Nursing

Let's Talk Nursing

Let's Talk Nursing is produced by BJN inform, and provides interviews with nurses where they share their experiences and practical tips that you can apply to your practice. The episodes will cover topics across person-centred care, nurse wellbeing and career development. For more information and resources, go to
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NLN Nursing EDge Unscripted

National League for Nursing

The NLN Nursing EDge Unscripted podcast, brought to you by the National League for Nursing Center for Innovation in Education Excellence, offers episodes on the how-to of innovation and transformation in nursing education. Each conversation embraces the power of innovation to move educators away from the mundane and mediocre to the interesting and exceptional.
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Ingrid Kühne - Nur ma so...

Ingrid Kühne

Tja, es gibt so viel zu sagen, was einfach nur mal so raus muss. Schließlich hört hier zu Hause sowieso keiner zu, deshalb vielleicht überall anders. Hier und da lade ich mir auch mal einen Gast ein und wir analysieren zusammen. Lustig, nachdenklich, verrückt, ehrlich, unverfälscht, direkt... noch mehr Adjektive würden übertrieben wirken. Viel Spaß beim Hören.
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Busfunk Nürnberg - Lebenswege hören

Stefan Meixner, Antenne-Bayern-Moderator und Busfahrer für die VAG Nürnberg über Lebensgeschichten aus Franken, grüne Mobilität, ÖPNV und berufliche Erfüllung

Welchen Weg einschlagen im Leben? Eine Frage, die sich uns an jeder Kreuzung stellt. Mein Name ist Stefan Meixner und ich wollte schon als kleines Kind entweder moderieren oder Bus fahren. Nach 30 Jahren hinterm Mikro habe ich einen Busführerschein gemacht und bei der VAG Nürnberg als Busfahrer angeheuert. Jetzt mache ich beides. Und ich bin unter die Podcaster gegangen. Im Busfunk spreche ich mit meinen Gästen über Nachhaltigkeit, Klimawandel, Mobilität, persönliche Höhen und Tiefen sowie ü ...
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Cannabis Nurse Truths

Dr. Denise Foster

Cannabis Nurse Truths is the voice of reason in a bureaucracy of nonsense. Dr. Denise Foster, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE is a nationally-recognized expert on the medicinal use of cannabis. She teaches doctors, nurses and other educators in its use in modern medicine. We talk about all things cannabis and highlight the research that continues to indicate that cannabis is medicine. New episodes every Wednesday!
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Nursing Insights


The New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing (NJCCN) – the nursing workforce center for NJ – presents the Nursing Insights podcast. Hosted by Stephanie Olaso, a New Jersey registered nurse, the program features conversations with nurses from a wide range of professional and personal backgrounds, each discussing the nature of their profession.
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The Successful Nurse Coaches ™

Laura Minard, Shelby Kurz

The Successful Nurse Coaches is a space for Private Practice Nurse Coaches to learn the skills to generate income and create the successful private practice of their dreams. Laura Minard and Shelby Kurz are both Board Certified Nurse Coaches who are revolutionizing the Nurse Coach Specialty with their innovate and state of the art certification Nurse Life Coach Academy. With every episode, it is their mission to empower you, expand what you think is possible, and connect the greater nurse co ...
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4 Jungs, 1 Verein: Nick, Flo, Khalid & Fa gehen seit den 90ern gemeinsam ins Olympiastadion, mittlerweile nur noch bei Plusgraden. Sie sind vor jedem Spiel voller Optimismus, haben zu allem mindestens eine Meinung und rechnen gerne gnadenlos ab. Hier mischt sich gefährliches Halbwissen mit tiefer Hertha Fachkenntnis. Es wird diskutiert, gelacht und dabei Bier aufgemacht. Zu diesem digitalen Stammtisch laden sie euch gerne jede Woche ein. Ha Ho He!
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The Nurse Researcher Podcast

Dr Andrew Finney

The Nurse Researcher podcast aims to demystify clinical academia, explain what researchers do, their roles, how they got there and what advice they can offer to others looking to bring research into their roles. Series 1 saw us focus on Professors of Nursing, Series 2 focuses on the clinical academic.
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The Nursing Home Abuse Podcast

Rob Schenk

This show examines topics related to the law of nursing home abuse and neglect in the United States. It is hosted by lawyers Rob Schenk and Will Smith of Schenk Smith LLC, a personal injury law firm based in Atlanta, Georgia
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The Nature & Nurture Podcast

Adam Omary

Discussing the interaction between Nature (our biology, genes, evolutionary past, and the laws of our universe) and Nurture (our social environments, culture, history, and upbringings), and how these forces impact our lives. New episodes every week with scientists, authors, and bright minds from a wide array of backgrounds. YouTube:
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Join Beth Schenk, a registered nurse and environmental health nurse champion, as she talks with nurses from around the country who are leading the profession in addressing environmental health issues. Every week you'll be inspired by nurses making changes, big and small, to make our world healthier for everyone.
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Nur Bares ist Wahres!

Luis Pazos

Income Investing mit Dividenden, Optionen und Zinsen - abonniere jetzt meine kostenlosen Finanz-Tipps und ich schenke Dir eine 3-teilige Anleitung, wie Du Deine Rendite optimieren, Dein Risiko reduzieren und 1000 Ausschüttungen pro Jahr einnehmen kannst:: Impressum: Datenschutz:
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Frontline Nursing

Hosted by Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN

Presented by the Florida Center for Nursing, Frontline Nursing is a podcast that recognizes the impact nurses have on our lives and our communities. Throughout the series, FCN Executive Director, Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN, will talk with those on the frontlines of health care to hear about the issues impacting the nursing workforce, insights from their personal journeys, and what inspires them.
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show series
Zwei Nackenklatscher in einer Woche schmerzen das Hertha Herz, daran konnten auch Toni Türsteher und Messias Reese nichts ändern. Warum die vier Hertha Freunde über den Trainer diskutieren, weshalb sie Zeefuik keine Vorwürfe machen und wieso wir besser nicht mehr in Führung gehen sollten, hört ihr in dieser neuen Episode……
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Habt ihr schon eure Wunschliste fertig? Maschenfein Zum Shop und zum Blog Der Maschenfein-Podcast Zu allen Folgen Maschenfein auf Instagram Zum Profil Tindegenser für Damen von Sandnes Zum Strickset Julegrynet von Sandnes Zur Gratis-Anleitung Fritidsgarn Zum Garn Riddari Zum Strickset Léttlopi von Ístex Zum Garn Álafosslopi Ístex Zum Garn Cashmere …
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Weil die Behörden im Land oft nicht richtig funktionieren, gerät vieles andere ins Stocken: dringend benötigte Wohnungen werden nicht gebaut, gesuchte Fachkräfte können nicht anfangen zu arbeiten. Wer ist schuld an der Ämter-Misere? Und wie könnte es besser laufen? In dieser Folge von Plusminus versuchen Anna Planken und David Ahlf den Behörden-Pro…
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Andi Weiss denkt über die Adventszeit nach und erzählt von dem Gott, der uns nicht allein lässt im dunklen Tal. Links Impulsbuch „Nie wieder arbeiten“ CD „Weil immer was geht“ Impulsbuch „Weil immer was geht“ Podcast abonnieren Gerne stellen wir Ihnen unsere Inhalte zur Verfügung. Und würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie unsere Arbeit mit Ihrer Spende …
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Im beschaulichen Mesa, Arizona, verschwindet die elfjährige Mikelle Biggs spurlos vor ihrem Elternhaus. Nur 90 Sekunden trennen Alltag von Albtraum. Zurück bleiben ein verlassenes Fahrrad und verzweifelte Angehörige. Solltet ihr mich unterstützen wollen oder einfach Interesse daran haben den Fall visuell aufbereitet zu sehen, schaut einfach hier vo…
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Mein Gast heute: Annette Esser (Achnes Kasulke)Heute hab ich Damenbesuch bei mir in der Küche. Annette "alias Achnes Kasulke" und ich plaudern über Bügel-BHs, (Meiner ohne Bügel - Artikelnummer: 793032139) über das Phänomen "Wir schenken uns nix" und tatsächlich kaum über Karneval!โดย Ingrid Kühne
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Jan Elvedi gehört seit seinem Wechsel zum FCK zu den absoluten Leistungsträgern in der Abwehr. Warum der Schweizer sich vorstellen kann, noch lange in der Pfalz zu bleiben, verrät er im SWR Sport Podcast "Nur der FCK".
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Income Investing mit Dividenden, Optionen und Zinsen Im Herbst waren wir drei in Asien auf Entdeckungstour. Alex innerhalb Thailands (wo er ohnehin lebt), Lars in seinem Lieblingsland Japan und ich zum Familienbesuch in Südkorea. Mitgebracht haben wir aus jedem Land jeweils zwei unbekannte Aktien. Die Schatzmeister, das sind Alex Fischer, Lars Wrob…
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Let's Talk Nursing with Claire Leader. In this episode, Samina is joined by Claire Leader, Assistant Professor in the department of Nursing and Midwifery at Northumbria University and women's health and wellbeing champion. They discuss the menopause, common symptoms and how this affects nurses in the workplace. Throughout the episode, they explore …
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In this episode, we dive deep into what it takes to build a strong foundation as a new coach—not just in terms of logistics like enrolling in the Nurse Life Coach Academy or hiring a good mentor—but by embodying the energy and vibe of a strong coach. The secret? It’s simple: Be the client you want to be, and you will attract what you need. Througho…
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Georgia and Olivia discuss the old times tale of the 1800's most notorious nurse serial killer Jane toppin. Click this link to comment on this episode! Support the show Become a subscriber to get a shout out in every episode! Follow our Instagram : Email us your nu…
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Dr. Leigh Montejo used Taboo AI to create an engaging, interactive, and effective online learning environment for students. Gaming supports active learning and increases learner engagement. Learn more about Taboo AI in this podcast and Article and how to use it in your course.
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The need for learners to engage in deep learning and develop a spirit of inquiry to lead change requires RN to BSN programs to create new models to prepare learners for new or expanded practice roles. In this podcast with Ms. LaNeigh Harkness, Dr. Ellarene Duis Sanders, and Dr. Patricia Francis-Johnson, you will learn how the faculty reinvigorated …
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Send us a text Erika Browning is one of the most interesting guests I've had to date. She has a diverse educational background, earning degrees in Spanish, Biology, and Nursing. And the diversity doesn't stop there. Her nursing experience ranges from working in the emergency room to the ICU, from being a travel nurse to a sexual assault nurse exami…
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A diverse nursing faculty is critical to recruiting, educating, and supporting a diverse nursing workforce. Dr. Kumhee Ro and Dr. Joshua Villarreal present their BOLD Framework, which was derived from a series of qualitative semistructured interviews from nursing Faculty of Color (FOC). The BOLD framework begins with an assessment of the institutio…
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Love Frontline Nursing? Let us know Featured guest Christine Vega-Perez, RN, MSN, CHC, talks with FCN Executive Director Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN, about starting small, learning from mistakes, and the importance of sleep. Christine Vega-Perez is a Decision Making & Accountability Life Coach. She is also an RN and has worked in the health care sett…
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*Hi guys! Liesel here. I wanted to let you know that the Mommy Labor Nurse podcast as you know it is currently getting a HUGE facelift! In the meantime, please enjoy this re-air of a fan favorite episode!! And stay tuned to my instagram for updates on when the new and improved Mommy Labor Nurse podcast will be back with all new episodes!* ****** Th…
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The holiday season is here, and while it’s a time for joy and giving, it can also feel like a minefield for those of us with ADHD. From impulsive spending and decision paralysis to falling for flashy marketing tactics, holiday shopping can bring a unique set of challenges. In this episode, we’ll explore why ADHD makes holiday shopping harder and sh…
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They wake before the sun, hearts heavy but strong, Dreams of healing lives keep pushing them along. Through late-night tears and endless books, They hold on tight, to the hope it took. They’ve seen the mountains, they’ve felt the rain, They’ve walked through fire, they’ve borne the pain. But deep inside, they hear the call, They’ll rise again, they…
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Nurse educators (including those holding Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) or Master’s degrees) are not automatically cleared from fiduciary and professional obligations regarding fair and transparent testing even if the institution withholds access to exam results or rationales. Here's why they retain accountability and potential liability under re…
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This time on Code WACK! What questionable justifications did a major insurance company give to repeatedly deny coverage to treat a baby’s brain tumor? What would have been the financial impact on the family if they had to pay for their baby's treatment out-of-pocket? What specific health policies could we implement to avoid situations like this? To…
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Trigger Warning: This episode contains themes of mental health crises and suicide ideations. Listener discretion is advised. On this episode of Good Nurse Bad Nurse, Tina and Mark discuss the tragic case of Nicole Linton, a travel nurse who caused a horrific car crash. Eight cars were involved and numerous lives were lost. For our "Good Nurse" stor…
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Visit for more FREENursing Diagnosis, Care Plans, Study Guides. Download my Audiobook Version for FREE If you love listening to audiobooks on-the-go, you can download the audiobook version of our NCLEX Prep book for FREE (Regularly $19.95) just by signing up for a FREE 30-day audible trial! Get this book for FREE when you sign up for…
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Enjoy the vent session, ramblings, rants, ruminations, thoughts, and endless ideas of a 27 year old who is trying to navigate the confusion of life. ----- Checklist ----- Instagram: Patreon: Tik tok: General Website Link:…
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Who's really responsible when a nursing home fails its residents? The complex corporate structures behind many nursing homes often obscure liability, making it difficult to pinpoint who is to blame for neglect and abuse. This can leave families frustrated and victims without justice. In this week’s episode, nursing home abuse lawyer Rob Schenk welc…
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In this episode of the Successful Nurse Coach podcast, Laura explores the theme of overcoming the desire to be liked. She discusses the evolutionary roots of this desire, its impact on personal and professional growth, and shares personal stories that illustrate how past experiences shape our self-perception. Laura emphasizes the importance of auth…
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Send us a text Welcome to Ginny Connon’s Nurturing - a workplace reset in your busy day! Journal, move or just enjoy some stillness as you listen to my words and a fun theme of music. Visit my YouTube Channel for some sunshine and water visuals along to this podcast! My Live, Love and LAUGH Tour gives you the opportunity to connect with me and ente…
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In einer friedlichen Kleinstadt in Texas wird die beliebte Fitnesstrainerin Missy Bevers brutal ermordet aufgefunden. Die einzige Spur: mysteriöse Überwachungsaufnahmen eines Eindringlings in Polizeiuniform. Während die Ermittler im Dunkeln tappen, brodeln Gerüchte und Verdächtigungen in der Gemeinde. Wer ist der rätselhafte Mörder und was war sein…
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When taking the NCLEX, a key testing strategy is to identify and eliminate answer choices that essentially say the same thing; if multiple options convey a similar meaning, none of them are likely to be the correct answer, allowing you to narrow down your choices and focus on the most distinct option. Key points about this strategy: Look for synony…
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SimNurseNZ Interviews Dr. Carl Horsley Season 2. Episode 6 Episode Summary: In this episode of the SimNurseNZ Podcast, Erin, Alison and Marie had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Carl Horsley, a seasoned ICU specialist at Middlemore Hospital in New Zealand. Carl is an Intensivist working at Middlemore Hospital in New Zealand with a background in …
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Episode Notes: Visit the NPIAP website: If you wish to hear a particular pressure injury topic or expert, please emailโดย UNMC CNE CON
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In this episode of NLN Nursing Edge Unscripted, Dr. Steven Palazzo hosts a discussion with Dr. Anne Krouse and Dr. Karen Morin about their newly developed instrument designed to assess nurse educators' self-perception of leadership competency. As co-authors of the study, Dr. Krouse and Dr. Morin share insights into the instrument's development and …
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Today we meet nurse Connie who worked in cardiac health, SICU and step down. Her journey unfolds in different areas of nursing and she she adjusts when she prepares to bring a new life into the world!โดย Nurse Becca
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Visit for more FREENursing Diagnosis, Care Plans, Study Guides. Download my Audiobook Version for FREE If you love listening to audiobooks on-the-go, you can download the audiobook version of our NCLEX Prep book for FREE (Regularly $19.95) just by signing up for a FREE 30-day audible trial! Get this book for FREE when you sign up for…
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Send us a text I jumped at the opportunity to talk to my guest this week, Sallie Jessie. Sallie is an incredible person with a unique perspective! First, she has a niche job: she is a mobile wound care clinic nurse and I loved hearing all about that. She is also a blogger. When she became a wife and mother, she identified a gap in resources for nur…
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Hi guys! Liesel here. I wanted to let you know that the Mommy Labor Nurse podcast as you know it is currently getting a HUGE facelift! In the meantime, please enjoy this re-air of a fan favorite episode!! And stay tuned to my instagram for updates on when the new and improved Mommy Labor Nurse podcast will be back with all new episodes!* ****** Hap…
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Several years ago, a medical case appeared that took the scientific and medical community by storm. A patient appeared for surgery who reported never feeling anxiety, depression, or pain, despite numerous injuries and surgeries for which she required treatment. As scientists analyzed her genetic profile, they discovered something amazing - Joanne C…
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"Schweine schlachten" trifft es ganz gut. Nach wochenlangen Liebesbekundungen werden Opfer beim "Pig Butchering" irgendwann unvorsichtig. Sie investieren an Kryptobörsen. Am Ende ist das Geld einfach weg. Aber man kann sich wehren. Wie, darum geht es in dieser Folge des Plusminus Podcasts mit Anna Planken und David Ahlf.Klingt nach „Enkeltrick 2.0“…
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Asking for help can feel impossible when you have ADHD. In this episode, we explore why it’s so hard to reach out, from fear of judgment to decision paralysis, and how these barriers hold us back. Plus, I’ll share practical strategies to make asking for help a little easier—because you don’t have to do it all alone.…
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Wenn ein Reese von null auf ready ist und wir sogar mal ein Eckballtor erzielen, öffnet Hertha das erste Türchen am Aufstiegs-Adventskalender. Warum Fíelo schon hätte letztes Jahr da sein sollen und wieso wir auch im Pokal eine Runde weiterkommen, hört ihr in dieser neuen Episode…โดย Nick Sawatzki
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Georgia and Olivia discuss the horrific murder of 22 year old nursing student Laken Riley while she was taking her morning run. Is it any wonder why women are so scared to even venture outside these days let alone interact with men. Click this link to comment on this episode! Support the show Become a subscriber to get a shout out in every episode!…
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Visit for more FREENursing Diagnosis, Care Plans, Study Guides. Download my Audiobook Version for FREE If you love listening to audiobooks on-the-go, you can download the audiobook version of our NCLEX Prep book for FREE (Regularly $19.95) just by signing up for a FREE 30-day audible trial! Get this book for FREE when you sign up for…
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