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show episodes

Gerald Celente - Trends in the News

Gerald Celente

Hosted by Gerald Celente, Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute and Publisher of the Trends Journal. Celente is world renowned as today's #1 Trend Forecaster, with a 40-year track record of identifying, tracking. and forecasting trends. A political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology or conventional wisdom, Celente, whose motto is “think for yourself,” observes and analyzes the current events forming future trends for what they are — not for the way he wants ...
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A war breaks out, a leader emerges, a revolution unfolds. How did it happen, and what are the implications for you? Two award-winning journalists with decades of experience reporting on major world events, Geraldine Doogue and Hamish Macdonald join forces for a fresh conversation about global news and how to make sense of it. Along with expert guests, they take a single topic and examine it with Australian eyes. Challenging, thoughtful and fun, Global Roaming is your user's guide to what the ...
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Mentoring with Geraldine

Geraldine Headley

Mentoring with Geraldine is a bite-sized online practitioner podcast for naturopaths, nutritionists, herbalists and practitioners. With over 27 years in the healthcare industry, Geraldine has unique insights to support you, the practitioner. This podcast responds to the needs of the practicing natural therapist, with interviews, herbal monographs, business support and clinical education discussions each month, you’ll get the variety you need to stay motivated in practice.
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In an ever evolving world faced with limitless traumas Counselor Gerald Mcgee (of Everyday People Individual and Family Counseling Center) presents "Therapy Is Life". A Podcast focused on dealing with issues we live with through the power of therapy. Hopefully shedding the stigma surrounding counseling and shedding light on why its a tool we all can use.
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St Andrews Church Geraldine‘s Podcast

St Andrews Church Geraldine

Missed the Sunday message or want to check out our church’s messages? Welcome to the St Andrew’s Geraldine online podcast. We have all our recent messages and series located here for you to subscribe or select from as we dive into the Word of God together. St Andrew’s is a thriving church in the Geraldine community catering for all ages. Check out our webpage for more as we strive to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Gerald Brooks Leadership Podcast

GOC Media

Gerald Brooks, the founding pastor of Grace Outreach Center in Plano, Texas, is well-known internationally for his passionate heart to mentor other pastors.Pastor Brooks hosts the annual North Texas Leadership Conference in Plano, drawing ministers from all over the nation. He teaches leadership across the country through church growth seminars, including John Maxwell’s Breaking the 500 and 1000 Barrier conferences. Pastor Brooks’ regional roundtables and monthly leadership subscriptions pro ...
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What They Don't Want you to Know About Money. WTDWYTKAM Podcasts from Gerald centred on Personal Financial Planning, Wealth Creation and Career Development. Gerald is an Entrepreneur, Wealth Planning and Global Speaker. Gerald is active in the media and supports financial literacy by contributing as a published author, International Speaker, Entrepreneur, Freelance financial journalist and providing expert commentary with his own TV shows and radio spots. to boo ...
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Ger Ali

Мы создали свой подкаст для людей, которые хотят знать все обо всем. Если вы такой человек-вам у нас понравится. Добро пожаловать!
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De Grote Gwen en Geraldine Show

Gwen van Poorten / Geraldine Kemper / Tonny Media

Gwen van Poorten en Geraldine Kemper kennen elkaar al vanaf hun eerste stappen in de media. Nu hebben ze hun eigen, hoogstpersoonlijke show, waarin ze elkaar nog beter leren kennen. Ze vragen elkaar: hoe gaat het nou echt met je? Ze delen hun vriendschap graag met anderen, door een luisterend oor te bieden aan luisteraars met een prangende roep om advies; of met een gênant verhaal, want vriendinnen delen natuurlijk ook hun hete thee. Daarnaast deelt Geraldine, die momenteel de wereld rondrei ...
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Geraldinos & Arquibaldos

Mário Barbosa

Podcast de opiniões de merda, comentários esdrúxulos e oportunistas! 😱😲😱😲 Aqui vamos dar tapa na cara... Mas com responsabilidade 😅😅😅 Vem comigo sem medo de ser feliz que o pai tá on!!!!
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Barry Humfrey Geraldton Podcast

Barry Humfrey Geraldton

I Barry Humfrey Geraldton is an operations professional with deep experience in the digital space. My strengths include dynamic email and phone communication and customer first approach. I have achieved a 95% csat rating and proactively mobilized team members during a time when morale was challenged and am interested in building leadership skills with an eye to customer success in my next role.
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Gerald Schober Podcast

Gerald Schober

Regelmäßig nehmen interessante Promis aus Sport, Wirtschaft, Politik, Musik oder Unterhaltung bei mir im Auto Platz. Bei der Benchmark "Schober fährt" kommen dabei entscheidende Details ans Tageslicht. Außerdem besuchen mit abwechselnd Persönlichkeiten im Studio von Antenne Salzburg, die in diesem Podcast ihre Plattform finden. Also abonnieren und am Laufenden bleiben!
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Geraldine Quinn

Geraldine Quinn

Rock cabaret singer-songwriter, actor, one-time dancer and long-term klutz Geraldine Quinn. Posts occasional music to Soundcloud, but mostly uses it to host the cabaret podcast 'Bang On The Strillers'.
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Comportamento Geral


Você merece! Tudo vai bem, tudo legal é nesse espírito de Gonzaguinha que surge o Podcast Comportamento Geral. Misturando muita música com as “coisas que acontecem todos os dias”, com uma boa dose de ciências humanas, adicione questões sociojurídicas, e para finalizar uma pitada de humor. Saltear ao fim sugestões e indicações dos convidados! Eis aqui a sua dose para ficar por dentro do comportamento geral!
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Coucou Gérald !

Coucou Gérald !

Coucou Gérald ! Ben alors, qu'est-ce que t'as encore fait comme connerie aujourd'hui ? Le Gérald, c'est une personnalité politique qui a la particularité d'être nul. Le podcast est là pour le leur rappeler, avec humour, et (beaucoup) d'acidité. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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I am Geralyn St. Joseph, a psychic intuitive who helps people reconnect with Spirit. All the services I offer are geared toward helping you achieve a greater awareness of your place in the world and your effect upon it. Services include Spiritual guidance, couple’s guidance, psychic readings, motivational speaking and instruction for better communication in all relationships. RSSVERIFY
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Gerald Everett Jones - Show Host and Author

Gerald Everett Jones

Gerald Everett Jones is a freelance writer who lives in Santa Monica, California. His novels include Bonfire of the Vanderbilts, Choke Hold, Mr. Ballpoint, Christmas Karma, and The Misadventures of Rollo Hemphill (series). He is the host of the GetPublished! Radio show
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show series
No AGU Brasil desta sexta-feira (24): Advocacia-Geral da União recorre contra decisão do TCU sobre o programa Pé-de-Meia; Especialistas falam em regulação não só de conteúdo, mas também econômica das plataformas digitais.
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Hoeveel geld hebben Gwen en Geraldine nou precies verdiend met hun naaktshoots? En zouden ze het weer doen als ze het geld kunnen doneren? Ondertussen maakt Geraldine verschrikkelijk veel mee, waaronder de toiletregels in India. En dat is even wennen. Gwen moest huilen in een pashokje in Parijs toen alles even perfect samenviel. 🎬 Geproduceerd door…
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Geraldine and Hamish ask Donald Trump’s longest serving national security advisor whether there is method to what seems like madness in President Trump’s foreign policy announcements, and they get a message for Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. Guest: Ambassador John Bolton - served as national security adviser under US President Donald T…
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The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times.To access our premium content, subscribe to the Trends Journal: Follow…
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Na entrevista de hoje você vai conferir as principais mudanças que o governo federal quer realizar na área da segurança por meio de uma proposta de emenda constitucional. Um trabalho que conta com análise jurídica dos órgãos de consultoria da advocacia-geral da União, além de todo um debate com instituições de segurança, especialistas e demais ente…
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The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times.To access our premium content, subscribe to the Trends Journal: Follow…
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In this episode, Geraldine interviews Marianne Fernance, founder of Simple Clinic, about the benefits of using systems to streamline a health practice. They discuss how Simple Clinic was created to eliminate the chaos of multiple platforms for things like booking, invoicing, and patient management They also touch on automation, prepayments, the imp…
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Grace for the Grind - God meets us in the daily burdens of life. Dependence in the Desert - Daily prayer for daily needs reflects trust in God’s provision in our Journeys through the wilderness of life. Calm in the Chaos - Trusting in God’s care brings freedom from life’s relentless worries. Phil 4:6-7, 2 Cor 4:8-9 & Mat 6:9-13…
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Gwen neemt even de spotlight want ze ging ultra deluxe in haar eentje uiteten, zo luxe dat zelfs haar Uber Driver er van onder de indruk was. En alsof dat niet genoeg was, huurde ze een dikke vette vintage bak om naar haar conferentie te rijden. Ze leert ons een lesje treat yourself. Geraldine staat bekend om de goeie afters die ze geeft, maar het …
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The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times.To access our premium content, subscribe to the Trends Journal: Follow…
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The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times.To access our premium content, subscribe to the Trends Journal: Follow…
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