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show episodes

Inner Cosmos with David Eagleman


Neuroscientist and author David Eagleman discusses how our brain interprets the world and what that means for us. Through storytelling, research, interviews, and experiments, David Eagleman tackles wild questions that illuminate new facets of our lives and our realities.
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Cosmonaut Magazine

Cosmopod is the official podcast of Cosmonaut Magazine, a project dedicated to expanding the project of scientific socialism in the 21st Century. In our feed we have a combination of podcast episodes and audio articles from our website.
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COSMO po-russki


Cosmo po-russki – это общественно-правовая медиапрограмма для русскоязычных жителей Германии. Наши новости, репортажи и интервью помогут Вам больше узнать о немецкой жизни и друг о друге. COSMO po-russki – öffentlich-rechtliches Mediaprogramm für Russischsprachige in Deutschland. Nachrichten, Infobeiträge und Interviews für Communitymitglieder, die mehr über deutsches Leben und übereinander erfahren wollen.
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Capire meglio la politica tedesca, vivere in Germania più informati? C’è COSMO italiano: un tema al giorno, approfondito con fatti e prospettive diverse. Il podcast per italiani in Germania e non solo. Die deutsche Politik besser verstehen, in Deutschland leben und top informiert sein? COSMO italiano ist genau was du brauchst: ein Thema pro Tag, aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven vertieft. Der Podcast für die Italiener:innen in Deutschland und nicht nur.
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COSMO bel-arabi


أخبار ألمانيا في سطور من يوم الإثنين الى يوم الجمعة و لقاءات شيقة حول الجالية العربية في ألمانيا يومياً ما عدا السبت والأحد Ihr findet hier von Montag bis Freitag die wichtigsten Nachrichten und Informationen zum Leben in Deutschland. Wir stellen jeden Tag interessante Persönlichkeiten und wichtige Institutionen der arabischen Community vor.
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COSMO po polsku


COSMO po polsku – podcast dla Polaków w Niemczech. Na poważnie i na luzie: informacje, porady, spotkania z ciekawymi ludźmi, miejsce na rozmowy o ważnych dla nas sprawach. Tu jesteś u siebie! COSMO Polnisch – ein Podcast für Polen in Deutschland. Mal ernst, mal locker: Infos, Service, spannende Gäste, ein Ort für alles was uns in Deutschland wichtig ist. Hier bist Du zu Hause!
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Über fünf Millionen Menschen in Deutschland leiden unter Depressionen. Beinahe Jede*r kommt in seinem Leben selbst, im eigenen Umfeld oder durch Popkultur damit in Kontakt. Trotzdem wird wenig über Depression und psychische Gesundheit gesprochen. In "Danke, gut – der Podcast über Pop und Psyche" trifft Miriam Davoudvandi Personen des öffentlichen Lebens, um das zu ändern.
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Saint Seiya Cosmocast


an English language podcast about everything Saint Seiya! we discuss the news on the franchise in the English speaking world, discussions of the franchise, and a breakdown of episodes of the new CGI series, the original 1986 series, and everything in between. You can listen to the show right from our website: follow and participate with us at, on Bluesky at, Join our discord at https://disco ...
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Pop Culture Cosmos

Pop Culture Cosmos

It's our look at the latest news and trends in pop culture with our Discover Pods Awards nominated two weekly shows and bonus programs. One of Podbean's recommendations for Summer Podcasts!
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餐桌小宇宙 Cosmos.

The Cosmos TEAM

兩個斜槓酒學講師講酒聊吃玩餐搭 分享日常中的美酒知識及美食體驗 葡萄酒×日本酒×啤酒 知識輕鬆講|台灣×日本 美食餐廳推薦|餐酒搭配 Firstory ∗ KKBOX ∗ Spotify ∗ Apple Podcast ∗ SoundOn ★ Facebook | 餐桌小宇宙 Cosmos. Instagram | de3cosmos Email | ★ 喝酒邊喝緩衝水,明天起床不宿醉。 未滿18歲請勿飲酒 ∗ 理性飲酒 ∗ 形象至上 ∗ 喝酒不開車 ∗ 開車不喝酒 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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COSMO en español


Alemania no es fácil. Nosotros lo sabemos y por eso cada semana intentamos con la ayuda de expertos y otros migrantes traducir Alemania. Un espacio para migrantes hecho por otros migrantes. Deutschland ist nicht einfach. Wir wissen das, und deshalb versuchen wir jede Woche, Deutschland mit Hilfe von Experten und anderen Migranten zu verstehen.
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JOIN US EVERY DAY FOR A NEW PODCAST, invite your friends to this podcast and go on this journey into the Cosmos with us. Pull up a chair and grab your favorite cup of brew, while we start Unveiling the Mysteries, Secrets, Realms & Dimensions of Yahweh's Cosmos and beyond. Learning to Live our Life out of the Celestial City of Zion as " Light Men/Woman Seated in Christ Yahshua (Jesus). "" I AM ALSO ON SPOTIFY' We are engaging the Seven Spirits of Yahweh' as they are tutors revealing Ancient p ...
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Cosmos & Commerce Podcast

Janis Francis and Michele Cook

Are you thinking of starting a business? Do you have questions or concerns regarding your current business? This is the podcast for you! Janis & Michele bring on local business owners, entrepreneurs, regional elected officials and others to discuss business, leadership, business strategies and more to help all who listen to become more proficient business owners themselves. We look forward to talking with you!!
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Pop Culture Cosmos (Radio Show Edit)

Pop Culture Cosmos

The Pop Culture Cosmos and the PCC Multiverse cover the latest news and trends in pop culture with Josh Pederson and Gerald Glassford giving you the latest info on what's going on in the world of movies, television, video games, sci-fi, comics, e-sports, consumer electronics, sports, anime and so much more! With a wide variety of guests we interview from all around the world sharing their thoughts on pop culture, our shows (Two episodes released weekly) help you keep up to date on what every ...
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The Cosmos Podcast

Cosmos Magazine

Investigating the key intersection of science and the community – the stuff that actually matters to us – and cutting through the half-truths and inaccurate science that floods the digital domain. Find the science of everything at
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Connection to the Cosmos with Dr. Lisa Thompson explores ”out of this world” topics with a wide range of fascinating guests. All things galactic, extra-dimensional, and other worldly will be up for conversation, story telling and exploration. For even more information and new events, please join me on Facebook. ”The truth is inside you.”
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Cosmonaut - production & mixes


COSMONAUT One of the first electronic music artists who has been successfully pulling in big crowds all over Eastern Europe and Russia. For over two decades his mission has been to transport the masses to a vivid alternate realm of electronic music. His DJ and production career started in early 90s followed by several releases and a global success of the tracks "Plasma" and "Boctok5" (Transient rec. UK, 1997) secured leading positions in the TOP 10 of the Paul Oakenfold's chart (DJ Mag's #1 ...
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Every Tuesday on the CosmoFactory podcast: Discover the latest innovations along the cosmetics and personal care supply chain. Hear thought-provoking conversations with top beauty industry experts from around the world. Learn about next-level solutions and find inspiration to turn your own ideas into industry-changing innovations. A PRODUCTION OF Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna CosmoFactory is the first podcast from Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna—the most important beauty trade show in the world. D ...
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Podcast de cultura. Una vez por semana, desde París, Axel y Javier comentan lo que leen, ven y escuchan, cruzando disciplinas, jerarquías y fronteras. De Foucault al pochoclo, todo se discute. ¡Cosmopoditas del mundo, uníos!
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Programa radial conducido por Norberto Sica desde Cristal FM Argentina para toda Latinoamérica. "Cosmopolitas" es un programa de dos horas de duración en el que se recorren distintos lugares del planeta.
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show series
Volkswagen ma kłopoty. Łukasz Grajewski prosto z Wolfsburga o ryzyku zamknięcia fabryk i zwolnieniu tysięcy pracowników. Jak kryzys wpłynie na fabryki VW w Polsce? Czy Niemcy boją się ataku Rosji? Przestrzega przed nim sam szef wywiadu a politycy apelują o dialog z Putinem. Kai-Olaf Lang z fundacji Nauka i Polityka tłumaczy, o co chodzi. Na podcast…
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Красота не имеет возраста – это доказала модель Ната Фюббеккер. Как стать востребованной на мировых подиумах, когда тебе далеко за 20? Интервью с Натой слушайте в подкасте.โดย Elena Wosowik
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Storie raccontate di crimini accaduti realmente, il true crime è un genere letterario, televisivo e digitale di grandissimo succcesso, ce ne parla Enzo Savignano. Lo scrittore ed ex magistrato Giancarlo De Cataldo ci spiega perché il true crime piace così tanto e cosa ha a che fare con la natura umana. Abbiamo raggiunto Anna Herbst, regista della s…
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الأغاني الرومنسية جزءٌ من حياتنا العاطفية، تبث لنا الأمل في عالم من الحب المثالي، ولكن في نفس الوقت، تمثل حالة من الهروب من واقع قد يكون قاسيًا. الأغاني تمنح النساء أملًا في الحب والجمال، لكنها لا تقدم حلولًا للمشاكل الحقيقية التي قد يواجهنها في مجتمعاتهن. فبينما تبث الأغاني مشاعر الحب المثالي، يظل الواقع يفرض تحدياته الخاصة, في حلقة اليوم نتحدث عن…
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Problemas con los compañeros de piso, humedades, plagas, cosas que no funcionan o subidas imprevistas de costes. Cómo actuar en el caso de que tu vivienda alemana se convierta en tu mayor problema.โดย Ruben Gomez del Barrio
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Die USA befinden sich in einer Mental-Health-Krise. Immer mehr Menschen erkranken psychisch und das Gesundheitssystem ist marode. Miriam Davoudvandi war in den USA unterwegs und hat mit Menschen aus verschiedenen Bereichen gesprochen, um sich ein Bild über die Psyche der Amerikaner:innen zu machen. Sie spricht mit einem Straßenpsychiater, dem Rappe…
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Bamdad, der Ingo Zamperoni der iranischen Community, trifft auf Regisseur Omid, der für seinen regimekritischen Kurzfilm "Korruption auf Erden" Preise auf internationalen Filmfestivals abräumt. Der eine ist enttäuscht vom fehlenden Zusammenhalt der iranischen Community, der andere hat seit Beginn der Frau-Leben-Freiheit-Bewegung sein iranisches Net…
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Polenpapa, czyli Mateusz Stach, to polsko-niemiecki satyryk i influencer, który podbija TikToka i Instagrama. W humorystyczny sposób łączy dwie kultury, pokazując ich różnice z dystansem i ironią. O kulisach swojej twórczości opowiada w rozmowie z Moniką Sędzierską. Kontakt: Homepage: Facebook:…
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Ever been in a place and think, “Man, I should not be here?” Well, you aren’t alone, and this new episode of Haunted Cosmos is all about it! It may be a deviation from our normal topics, but remember kids: places are not just stuff either. So enjoy these stories of places you can’t go and people that went there anyways! Did you know that supporters…
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Автомобильная промышленность Германии переживает кризис. Премьер-министр Баварии Маркус Зёдер обратился к федеральному правительству с призывом «сохранить приверженность автомобилям», а для этого принять его программу из 10 пунктов. Спасет ли она немецкий автопром? Об этом рассуждает наш автоэксперт.…
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Petra Reski vive in Italia da oltre trent'anni e lavora come scrittrice e giornalista investigativa per diverse testate tedesche. A partire dai primi anni'90 Reski ha condotto inchieste e reportage sulla mafia in Italia e sulla sua diffusione in Germania. Nel suo nuovo libro "All'italiana! Wie ich versuchte, Italienerin zu werden" descrive il suo r…
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Wellness is top of mind for consumers today. And some are turning to essential oils and cosmetic aromatherapy to find beauty benefits, emotional benefits, physical health benefits, and more. This week on the CosmoFactory podcast, we consider the skincare benefits of aromatherapy, how the practice is linked to Traditional Korean Medicine, and why es…
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Jennifer Jurkofsky is a Registered Psychotherapist, Certified Canadian Counsellor, Psychotherapeutic Energy Healer, and Intuitive Life Coach. Jennifer is the founder of My Holistic Self Counselling, Becoming the Passenger Consciousness, and Perpetual Wonderment Ministries. She is a speaker, author, and teacher, internationally recognized for her wo…
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The village of Pang Pang is like many in Vanuatu. A dozen or so traditional houses, covered in native natangura palm leaves lay nestled between tall coconut palms and mango trees. Led for the first time by Indigenous archaeologists, a dig team at Pang Pang is tapping into the Pacific’s ancient past. Prianka Srinivasan was there to witness something…
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I colossi del settore automobilistico, chimico e tecnologico tedesco sono in crisi e si preparano a licenziare migliaia di lavoratori, ce ne parla Agnese Franceschini. Abbiamo raggiunto Nicola Catapano, sindacalista e operaio della Volkswagen, dove oggi i lavoratori hanno incrociato le braccia. Francesco Nicodemo ci parla invece della crisi alla Fo…
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Лене Баклановой удается соединить в своих работах наивность задумки с серьезностью воплощения. Как создавался такой стиль? Об этом Лена рассказывает в интервью. А еще ей нравится преподавать: в своей берлинской мастерской Slow Nord Bird Лена Бакланова с удовольствием проводит праздники и мастер-классы, на которых лепят и дети, и взрослые.…
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"Jesteś kimś wyjątkowym". Takie słowa potrafią być początkiem nowego życia. W tym odcinku Monika Sędzierska i Adam Gusowski oddają głos bohaterom walczącym o godność i lepsze jutro dla osób w kryzysie bezdomności. To streetworkerzy, pracownicy socjalni, lekarze i wolontariusze, którzy wierzą, że każdy zasługuje na drugą szansę. Kontakt: cosmopopols…
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Does our sense of self emerge from our brain's skill at lumping things into unchanging categories? What can we learn watching a caterpillar brain transition to a butterfly brain? Can we think of a memory as a pattern that stays alive and has its own life? Does an ant colony have a sense of self? Join Eagleman and biologist Michael Levin at Tufts – …
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Josh and Gerald return to recap the HUGE history-breaking Thanksgiving Day Weekend with Moana 2, Wicked, and Gladiator 2 bringing them into the theaters. Why was Moana 2's start so much more than expected, and did the other two films find Turkey Day/Black Friday success as well? Plus Josh reviews Gladiator II (light spoilers), and with VR units goi…
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Josh and Gerald return to recap the HUGE history-breaking Thanksgiving Day Weekend with Moana 2, Wicked, and Gladiator 2 bringing them into the theaters. Why was Moana 2's start so much more than expected, and did the other two films find Turkey Day/Black Friday success as well? Plus Josh reviews Gladiator II (light spoilers), and with VR units goi…
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John Orlando And Gerald Glassford are back in the ring as they talk about the fallout from AEW's Full Gear, preview the WWE's Survivor Series, and reminisce about wrestling on Thanksgiving and the glory days of the Japanese promotions on the heels of The Queen Of Villians appearing on Netflix. We are going up to the top rope and leaping off with ou…
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John Orlando And Gerald Glassford are back in the ring as they talk about the fallout from AEW's Full Gear, preview the WWE's Survivor Series, and reminisce about wrestling on Thanksgiving and the glory days of the Japanese promotions on the heels of The Queen Of Villians appearing on Netflix. We are going up to the top rope and leaping off with ou…
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Il voto di fiducia su Scholz si avvicina, ma il Bundestag continua il suo lavoro: quali leggi o riforme avviate dalla coalizione semaforo possono andare in porto con l'opposizione o con gli ex-alleati liberali? Ce ne parla Cristina Giordano. Intanto è bufera sull'FDP di Lindner per un documento dai termini inaccettabili che pianificava nei dettagli…
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As our world becomes increasingly focused on materialism, a void of enchantment has been left behind, often filled by haphazard spiritual pursuits. Many remain unaware of the potential dangers they may encounter in these paths. In this episode, we discuss the rise of technology and the return to enchantment and spiritual beliefs, which could help h…
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Co Angela Merkel w autobiografii "Wolność" pisze o Polsce, Ukrainie, Rosji i Putinie? Czy jest samokrytyczna? Dlaczego upadek niemieckiego rządu jest szansą na polski pomnik w Berlinie? Mówi pomysłodawca Florian Mausbach. Zaglądamy też na polski jarmark bożonarodzeniowy Sternenmarkt do Poczdamu. Na podcast zaprasza Tomasz Kycia. Kontakt: cosmopopol…
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Più xenofobia e antisemitismo in Germania, insoddisfazione per la democrazia e desiderio di una guida forte nel Paese, rivela uno studio. E chi ha posizioni razziste ora vota soprattutto AfD e BSW. Ma l'AfD va vietata in quanto antidemocratica? Lo sostengono i 113 deputati che hanno presentato una mozione al Bundestag, ci aggiorna Cristina Giordano…
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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ OFFICIAL DISCORD: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠ OFFICIAL TWITTER: ⁠⁠ OFFICIAL BLUESKY: ⁠⁠ A filler episode where we discuss filler episodes? impossible! we got that, our usual news talk, and a Holiday gift …
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6 декабря состоится премьера техно-балета «Одиссей» в постановке Александра Абдукаримова и Аршака Галумяна. Пройдет она в пространстве Kraftwerk, известном поклонникам техно-музыки по всему миру. В этом году техно-сцена Берлина была влючена в список нематериального культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО.โดย Elena Wosowik
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Śpią „na szczurowni”, chodzą „na kubki” i zarabiają „na fantach”. Uważają, że dla „bezdomniaka” najlepsze są Niemcy, gdzie mogą korzystać z bogatej pomocy socjalnej i są traktowani humanitarnie. W drugim odcinku cyklu Monika Sędzierska i Adam Gusowski pokazują życie Polaków na ulicach Berlina. KONTAKT: STRONA: http://www…
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This show was meant to be about lunar standstills, yet that's not quite what happened. It often happens with Brett and I. Lots of Gemini between us. What ended up being discussed were the three main zodiacs, some astronomy, and a hint of the lunar standstill. We will treat this one as part 1; part 2 will cover what we originally set out to explore.…
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Le offerte legate al Black Friday e alle Black Weeks sono innumervoli in questi giorni, sia nei negozi che online: con il sociologo Massimo Cerulo parliamo dell'origine di questo fenomeno nato negli USA e del perché si è così diffuso anche in Europa. Per contrastare le conseguenze anche ambientali del Black Friday è nato il "Kauf-nix-Tag" (Buy noth…
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In this episode, Mike discusses Einstein’s greatest blunder. Take a shot and join us! *Always Drink Responsibly* Follow Us! Twitter: @drinkingcosmos Instagram: @cosmoswithcosmos Credits: Eric Skiff - Resistor Anthems Stars Background Vid Credit - Josu Relax https…
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В этом году они должны принести торговле около 6 миллиардов евро. «Черная неделя», «Черная пятница» и «Киберпонедельник» манят низкими ценами, но не обходится и без мошенничества. На что следует обратить внимание, совершая крупные покупки?โดย Elena Wosowik
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Dove si vive meglio in Germania? E quanto siamo soddisfatti in generale? Lo rivela l'Atlante della felicità pubblicato ogni anno, il "Glücksatlas". E quanto contano le condizioni di lavoro, che occupa gran parte della nostra vita? Ne parliamo con lo psicologo del lavoro di Lipsia Hannes Zacher. Diamo poi uno sguardo all'Italia: sono gli stessi fatt…
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The ethical commercialization of non-timber products can help preserve standing forests and biodiversity; support local workers; and bring sought-after benefits to cosmetic product formulations. This week on the CosmoFactory podcast, we’re learning about wild-harvesting of Illipe butter and other butters, oils, and sugars with skincare, hair care, …
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① 鄒記食舖 介紹:主理人背景 / 謎之訂位方式 / 菜式與特色 ② 菜色分享:薺菜春卷 / 黃豆醬燒元蹄 / 煙燻白鯧 / 剁椒霸王豬腳 / 金沙螃蟹 / 酸豇豆肉末拌麵 / 蔥油牛舌 / 芋頭牛奶西米露 ③ 美美推薦飲料搭配 ✎ 現行菜單依店家為準,可能與本節目分享不同 【鄒記食舖】 ☑︎ 台灣台北市松山區復興北路313巷43號 更多餐搭宇宙,來聽餐桌小宇宙! #有人揪必去 #排除萬難 #能吃到是緣份 宇宙接線生:美美&蘭斯&咪編 ★ Facebook | 餐桌小宇宙 Cosmos. Instagram | de3cosmos Email | 支持餐桌小宇宙~小額贊助!賞杯酒交朋友!呼搭啦! 理性飲酒 ∗ 形象至上 ∗ 未滿18歲禁止飲酒 ∗ 酒後…
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