The best podcast for any content creator. Listen in for advice, inspiration and real conversations about what you can do to grow in your space.
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Latest episode of The Broman Podcast
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I take a minute to chat about one of the most important lessons my Mom taught me growing up with her day to day actions in my life. Kindness isn't just a good idea its one of the best strategies you can implement across the board in your life.
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Latest episode of The Broman Podcast
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I realized from all my travels this month that there is a behavior I engage in daily that I haven't highlighted yet, take 5 minutes, listen in, and it can change your life forever. Its time to Learn By Watching.
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Take your time, be patient and put out the best content you can on the daily. Don't take the shortcuts, don't worry about the numbers and growth, focus on the content first!
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I see far to many of you giving up within the first few weeks or months of taking on something new because you felt it wasn't working out. The fatal flaw is that any failure or success for that matter is ALWAYS temporary. There is always a way forward, here is how to find it.
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#AskBroman 58 (Setting Goals, Long Term Thinking)
1:06:54This episode is EVERYTHING! We take some questions from the overnight twitter crowd and we go deep into the issues many of you are struggling with on your platforms and the mindsets preventing you from getting to a place to make a decision! <3
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I share my key thoughts on the value of offering free work, form entry level to the absolute top of the game offering up what you're good at for free will always open doors for you <3
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Take a moment today to ask yourself the most important question you can, then change your life around the answer. <3
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I've been getting lots of messages from folks afraid to "lose" everything if they take a risk and go to a new platform for their content. Here are my thoughts on what is actually happening when you take a chance like this, and why I think you need to take that idea of "losing" out of your mind.
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#AskBroman 52 (Streaming & Goals)
1:08:38Another episode where I cover a lot of ground in a short time. Love these episodes from twitter where I get to rapid fire on your ideas and questions. If you've ever wondered what it takes to get started and take the risk of full time content creation this episode has you covered and then some. Hope you enjoy it :D…
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When you're focused on the grind and things take a turn for the worst or slow down its easy to feel defeated and give up...BUT there are so many other things you can do to increase the reach and value of your content outside of the ONE area you're focusing on!
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In the ever expanding focus of me trying to get you out there to MEET EVERYONE YOU CAN, I take a moment to explain why practically and philosophically its the best thing you can do for your career!
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Don't let the title fool you, this is real and the best long term play you can make to win folks over AND get yourself in the right place mentally DAILY no matter what your profession.
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You don't have to force yourself to go it alone, the best way to go about building anything is to find folks to build it with you. Be a one person operation as long as you can but he second you've got REAL valuable people that wanna join up, hold the door open and get to work <3
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Its time to get out of your own head and standing in judgement of everyone around you and start learning from them and celebrating with them.
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There has been a lot of folks crushing long time records and goals in my social spaces lately. I see the grumpy folks saying "it was handed to them" here's the perspective you need to get started now to get yours :D
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Ask Broman #46 (Network, Patience, Relationships)
36:50This time we grab more questions from twitter! A TON of questions about what to do when getting started, lots of practical examples of what to do to row and to make sure you're doing all ya can...THEN BE PATIENT :D
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Everyone seems to thing goals focus is isolated to one of these two ideas like they are two sides of a coin, in reality they are not. You can pursue both at the same time daily no matter your situation, I share mine from the past as my proof. Where are you at now? Where do you want to be? Let's go get there together!…
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Ask Broman #45 (Free Work, Stress Management, Starting Out)
51:56WE ARE BACK! After an amazing week with GuardianCon we're back on the usual podcast grind, this one starts out a bit hilarious but gets deep into the value of creating opportunity for yourself by investing time in what your passionate about!
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Last one here, the most important, make that opportunity happen for yourself, start now.
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We've come to the end of the first big fundraiser for St. Jude and this thought is hanging over me. I take a massive amount of time during events like this making sure things happen even if its not "my job" to do so. We are all responsible from the bottom to the top for our success and failures, take a moment and evaluate for yourself how you can t…
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Giving is an often overlooked quality in content and business, but its so key to what I do daily and long term it needs to be key to what you do as well. Here is why.
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Everyone of you has likely been scheming and working on stuff your whole life. I was there too, here is to that next grind!
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My thoughts on the question "How did you know you made it?" and "What did you to to make it?" There is so much here, if you've been curious about what makes me who I am, its all in here; and even better, its gonna help you see what that is for you.
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Ask Broman: Episode 44 (Drive, Determination, Opportunity)
49:31This episode is fantastic, we start of will some great follow up talk with someone who has been a guest before then get WAY into what it takes to make it and how the dynamic of streaming has changed over the past five years on Twitch and what other platforms mean to the game.
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Ask Broman: Episode 43 (Growth, Networking, Giving)
1:05:18We cover so much ground in this episode its hard to sum up! If you're a creator getting started there is so much value in this one episode that I'd recommend it over all the others. Please do yourself a favor and take and hour to listen and reorient your goals to get on track to grow.
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Ask Broman: Episode 42 With Hamish Bode (Community)
1:14:41This is easily our best episode to date. We sit down with Hamish Bode and he gives us some amazing insight into the game industry development space. If you're a community manager, developer, content creator or an aspiring member of any of those groups this is hands down a MUST LISTEN moment, tune in and learn something new!…
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#AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! • #AskBroman Episode Five! •…
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