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In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. "A little bit of light dispels much darkness". What's in a dream? Although the world seems unsurmountable one needs to apply themselves and forge ahead to overcome and persevere. Even as a viceroy in Egypt.โดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana & Harav Hatomim Shmuel ben Yisroel. Were the righteous children of Yaakov ready to cold bloodily kill their brother? Each Mitzvah we do helps our fellow Jew. We must stay united! Yaakov looked forward to hisโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. Yud Tes Kislev, Rosh Hashana of Chasidus. We must fulfill our potential. Resolution to start learning daily lesson in Tanya. Yaakov's regret not learning from Lavan? Was Dina going out deserving punishment?โดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. The importance of Maariv. The pure connection it has with Hashem. The reason for the order of the Tefilos. Why was Yaakov intervening with the local shepherds? Leaving Eretz Yisroel. Not to mix two Simchosโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana, The test of the generation. The pride Avrohom had being the father of Yitzchok, and Yitzchok being the son of Avrohom. Sometimes a head is better off when its not connected to the body ie. Aisavโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra The life and Legacy lives on with Sara Imainu. The story of the servant of our forefathers. The painstaking effort of a mother educating her child. Prayers for the world, Torah, and for the people.โดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana. Our brethren in the Holy land under siege! Our nation at large worldwide on notice. Every extra Mitzvah is important. Why the third day? What did Sarah see? The greatness of Teshuva over a Tzadik. The Akeidโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. Embark on your journey. We all need to learn the lesson from Hashem's command to our father Avrohom. Although he went "Down" to Egypt it was to fulfill the mission. The history unknown of Avraham Avinuโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana. The three great luminaries Avrohom, Moshe & David, Noach didn't compare to them. "Come into the "Ark" The words of Torah. We may not despair from and the hardships of the world and we need to help othersโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. The uniqueness of Shabbos Beraishis, its effect on the entire year. A Mitzvah for our bretheren in Eretz Yisrael. The sixth day of creation was very good so that we can do Teshuvaโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra, Refuah Shlaima Hentche Rochel bas Brocho Aidel. The saddest moment on the happiest day! The difference between a gift and something we toil over. Seeing the children part ways is so difficult hence one more dโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana. Four types of Jews. We join them all together, so much so that if any given one is missing the set is invalid. The second part of the month connects with the first half. The significance of the number 100.โดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana Rosh Hashana a day of reflection. The day we accept the sovereignty of Hashem through the blasts of the Shofar. Rosh Hashana on Shabbos, no Shofar but yet we achieve the same level from the sanctity Shabbosโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana. "You owe me nothing, and I owe you nothing". Or do we say, "Thank you for all you do and I wish I could understand all the goodness and kindness although it is hidden"? Connection with Nitzavim & Rosh Hashanaโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. The way of accepting and broadening our parameters. When we will arrive in the Holy land, the two opinions we need to apply both in our daily life serving Hashem. The first fruits we offer as a thanks.โดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. The month of Elull. The way we prepare for the next forty days till Yom Kippur. Daas Torah the fifth part of Shulchan Aruch. Choosing a king for the right reason. Man is like the tree in the field roots help.โดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. ELULL! Shabbos Mevorchim. Open & Give repeated twice even 100 times. Over come the Yetzer Hara when he says not to give Tzedaka. Hashem himself consoles the Yidden as he wanted us to ask for him himself.โดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Rochel Chana & Ezra. The 7 weeks between Tisha B'Av and Rosh Hashana. Eating the Manna and yet they starved and were tortured, Shabbos Lights. Education, Which is more important, Learning or teaching? !5 of the month of Av.โดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana. Moshe prays 515 Tefilos. A Jew is never "Alone". Moshe acquired the Luchos so that it was his own and he did not break the Jews property. The letters of the Luchos were like the soul to the human body.โดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana. The third suit, we all merit to see the Third Bais Hamikdash as we merit to hear the daily heavenly voice. Mishneh Torah, did Moshe actually say these words on his own? The power of Teshuvah and forgivenessโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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In Memory of Rosaline bas Ezra & Rochel Chana. Chazak of Chumash Bamidbar. Connecting the beginning and the end of both Parshious, and the Chumash. Although Moshe was disheartened by the request he added another half of a tribe. The three weeks connectโดย Rabbi Yitzchak Hecht
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