Send us a text On this very funny short Bonus Show, standup comic Mack Dryden shares his story about going to the'll never believe what happens...Hilarious! Look for Mack Dryden's "NEW" Dry Bar Comedy Special... Please Listen, Enjoy, and Share where you can...Thanks!! Support the show Standup Comedy Podcast Free APP on all Apple & Android phones....check it out, podcast, jokes, blogs, and More! For short-form standup comedy sets, listen to: "Comedy Appeteasers" , available on all platforms. New YouTube site: Videos of comics live on stage from back in the day. Please Write a Review: in-depth walk-through for leaving a review. Interested in Standup Comedy? Check out my books on Amazon... "20 Questions Answered about Being a Standup Comic" "Be a Standup Comic...or just look like one"…
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พ็อดคาสท์ Science ดีที่สุดที่เราพบ
พ็อดคาสท์ Science ดีที่สุดที่เราพบ
People's thirst for knowledge and exploring the unknown is responsible for the development of our civilisation. New breakthroughs are announced on a daily basis and new planets are discovered, which might be difficult to follow. Podcasts can help you expand your gray matter and learn new facts, regardless of how busy you are as they are portable, easy to follow from any location, most of them free. Thanks to podcasts, people can fetch the latest science news and be among the first ones to find out about the latest breakthroughs, planets, and the latest research results. In this catalog you can find podcasts which cover all aspects of science, ranging from the tiniest microbes in our bodies to the outer reaches of space. There are podcasts where people can learn more about the mysteries which still puzzle us all, accompanied by people who devote their lives to solving them. Some podcasts cover interviews with the world's top scientists, answers to people's science questions and offer safe science experiments to try at home.
Hai 😊 Dulu aku kuliah jurusan nutrition science. Sekarang pengen berbagai dan belajar lagi tentang nutrition. Yuk belajar bareng. Enjoy~
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Jariku merupakan singkatan dari belaJAR Ilmu huKUm Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash:
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Pendahuluan untuk MK HUKUM BISNIS
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Badan Hukum dan alasan hukum mengapa disamakan dengan manusia di mata hukum
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Bincang-bincang Lintas keilmuan
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Wicara yang dibicarakan tentang aliran-aliran didalam Filsafat Hukum.
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Perikatan karena persetujuan dan Perikatan karena undang-undang.
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Ini pertama kali aku membuat podcast. Masih belajar 😊 harap maklum kalau ada kekurangan. Semoga bermanfaat
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Belajar membuat podcast
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Mari Belajar & Mengajar
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Unsur-unsur PMH
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Brake Time
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Sejarah PMH
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Pengertian PMH, Sejarah PMH
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