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We Talk About Dead People

We Talk About Dead People Podcast

True stories from history as told by a hot pocket enthusiast and an amphetamine-fueled academic from the other side of the river. For interviews and VO services, email
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Brandon Joe Williams, the legal researcher and podcaster who escaped Indiana to become a real boy, joins us for a hilarious romp through the spiritually deceased economic zone called the American Midwest. But that's not all!This conversation covers a lot of ground and the energy is fantastic. Hope you enjoyFind Brandon here -> https://onestupidfuck…
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Turaj Zaim is an activist, podcaster, and essayist. From COVID crazy to the weaponization of identity politics, a lot of us are just over it at this point. Nothing is off limits on this one. This is a spirited, politically incorrect conversation between two podcasters about the state of the world. Recorded March 2023. Find Turaj here ->…
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Introducing The Clown Town Chronicle! A new show by Aaron and friends laughing at the downfall of mainstream news and pop culture as a whole. Join us for a gut-busting new romp through the internet!Soon to be available on all podcast players.Episode 1: https://clowntownchronicle.libsyn.…
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Dylan Kleinschmidt of Yerkes Observatory gives us a virtual tour of a truly amazing corner of Wisconsin's scientific history. The Yerkes Observatory is an old world wonder that was nearly lost to the infamous Walmart parking lots of the Midwestern economic zone, saved only by donors and preservationists alike.Become a part of it here --> https://ye…
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From trucker to self-made media man, Tony Merkel of The Confessionals podcast sweeps in to deliver an inspiring and hilarious interview on his work in the field of paranormal investigations and alternative media. If you're looking for a success story of going rogue the right way, this is it.Tony is an alternative media juggernaut and is the CEO of …
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Aaron, George, and Daniel the Cleaner to tumble dry fresh clips from clown town, giving us a frank look at the state of society, the delusions of retrofuturism, and an army of complete weirdos. This is a new format aside from our standard research and interview structures. Clips listed under support links.Daniel's Stream -->…
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We are joined by James Corbett of The Corbett Report for a fast-paced power hour of facts, research, and explosive discussion on everything from 9/11 to television-based mind control (no joke)James was an amazing guest. We can't wait to have him back!Find him here: Video: 9/…
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In this special episode, we interview an expert on the history of the DuPont family in America. Lucas Clawson of the Hagley Museum was kind enough to join us for a fun romp through the history of the DuPont family and their influence on American society and culture.More of Lucas here --> Jas…
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The boys are back with the sordid tale of the First Industrial Revolution, bringing you the story of a man named Ned Ludd, a walking meme. One of the first and one of the few to rebel against technology and industrialization. But why??? :OUPDATE: This episode may have killed Ted Kaczynski.#tedkaczynski #unabomber #deadTHANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING WTADP…
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In the midst of "It's so over" I found there was, within me, and invincible "We're so back." George returns from his wedding-related hiatus with some funny stories. We discuss what's coming next for WTADP and the cultural transition out of conspiracy theory and into something new.โดย We Talk About Dead People Podcast
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Aaron and George hang out. Do NOT miss this one. We discuss the Germanic translation of the Bible, a letter from the French, Antarctica, the state of the podcast around the fed wedding, and more!THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING WTADP! :DLOCALS: US A COFFEE: www.buyme…
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We finally have an excuse to cover the French Revolution! Not that we needed one. François Fournier-Sarlovèze was a duelist and accomplished soldier during the Napoleonic era. A Jacobin revolutionary, he was a hotheaded fellow who challenged the same man to a duel thirty times - and didn't win a single one. Please enjoy.THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING WTA…
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We are joined by Wayne McRoy of the Alchemical Tech Revolution podcast for an extended romp through history, esoterica, and cybernetics and discuss the connections between alchemy and modern science and how they never actually parted ways. FYI George nearly got murdered by his own microphone for this, please enjoy.Wayne's…
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We are joined by Crrow777 for a frank discussion about history, language, Trumpbucks, and what's to come in this new era. It's a fun-filled ride packed with useful information. More importantly, it's a meaningful and mature conversation about things that matter and the role that critical thinking needs to play in the modern era.We are extremely gra…
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In this episode we are joined by Jason Lindgren of Secrets of Saturn and Crrow777 fame for a RED HOT discussion about the origins of marketing and PR, modern press, censorship, and narrative control. This was an absolute blast to record and we are extremely grateful to Jason for taking the time to talk with us.Show Jason some love here -->https://r…
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Fair warning, this one goes deep. Please remain calm if you realize you're a Westworld robot halfway through.Howdie Mickoski is a consciousness researcher, thinker, speaker, and friend of We Talk About Dead People. He asks the BIG questions. How much of our history is stored in the subconscious? Is death a trap? What is ancestral memory? All these …
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We are joined by another great mind in podcasting - Miguel Conner of Aeon Byte Gnostic Wadio. In this deeply fascinating and excellent interview, Miguel offers his perspective on the history of gnosticism, the phenomenon of NPCs, and more. Don't miss this one!Support Aeon Byte here --> YOU FOR SUPPORTING WTADP! :DPA…
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In this episode, George is crippled by a severe case of heatstroke. In desperation, Aaron invokes the wisdom of the Honorable Philosopher of the Herbetic Order Mark Palmer Steeves of My Family Thinks I'm Crazy podcast. Mark offers his signature plant-based perspective on the world of Skull and Bones and occult history in general. Not only is he a h…
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Aaron and George banter about the podcast, discuss historical consciousness, seagulls, manbabies, and superchats.THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THE SHOW! :DVENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: www.wetalkaboutdeadpeople.comALT MEDIA UNITED: @wetalkaboutdeadpeopleSPOTIFY: open.spotify.c…
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Banking, international finance, conspiracies. It all comes down to Giovanni di Bicci de Medici, the banker with all the answers. George knocked this one out of the park! Say thanks by donating to our venmo tip jar!VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: MEDIA UNITED: @wetalkaboutdea…
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Aaron appears on the perfectly named "My Family Thinks I'm Crazy" podcast with Mark Steeves. Mark is a gifted podcaster, thinker, and herbology advocate seeking the truth about reality. We discuss history, CS Lewis' occult background, mass consciousness, and more in this mind-bending trip of a show.I had a great time! I hope you all show Mark the l…
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Aaron stages an intervention for a fascinating chat with Filip van Houte of the Rants About Humanity podcast! We talk about stupidity and ignorance, what it means to be a fully realized human being, transhumanism, and how to better yourself in a world gone computer crazy.Filip has a lot to offer in his podcast Rants About Humanity - listen here htt…
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New in-depth George series incoming. In the meantime, here is a special episode. E.M. Forster's groundbreaking work on transhumanism and the fate of a technologically advanced consumer society - as read by a history podcaster from Illinois. This was originally a patron-only piece of content, but due to the incoming transhumanist hellscape, I decide…
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In a city run by corruption and garbage, one man had the tenacity to build a pneumatic subway system under the cover of darkness. Aaron and George discuss everything from political corruption and public relations, to historiography and Jungian archetypes.Please keep all appendages inside the giant mail tube!VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: www.patreon…
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Get yourself a billboard guy! Aaron talks with a special guest about podcasting and the future.Ben Orr is a Co-Owner of Steel Pixel Studios and its subsidiaries including The Gallery Art Steel Pixel, Mint Digital Marketing, and New Street Digital Marketing. Through Steel Pixel Studios, Ben produces and works on a multitude of podcasts including The…
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We explore the parallel universe of magick and sorcery with a famous wizard called John Dee who built a giant robotic beetle powered by demons. But that's not all. John Dee was also the original 007, and was accused of spying on the future while pondering the orb.Bonus: Mathemagic - Featuring Donald Duck…
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We interview Peshtigo Fire Museum curator Wendy Kahl to talk about the deadliest fire that time forgot. Everything about the Peshtigo Fire, mysteries and miracles amidst disaster, the Chicago Fire, and more.Show support for Wendy and her mission to preserve this important slice of history! Become a member of the Peshtigo Historical Society - https:…
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The final installment of the epic tale of meme wizard Abraham Lincoln. We talk about the war, public relations and propaganda, and the actual cost of conjuring a legend from the ether. Animatronic Lincoln returns and George almost blows away to Oz. All part of this complete breakfast.VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON:…
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Part two of the story of the only American presidency to cause a civil war! Abraham Lincoln returns with enough moral fiber to improve your digestion for a solid month.We cover the story of the Haitian Revolution, some of the history of the Atlantic Slave Trade, and gaining the moral upper hand to win a war before it begins.VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPAT…
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Part one of the tale of the legendary 16th President of these United States, featuring a duel between an Irish manlet and an Angloid slenderman, a rich gnomish wedding, and one very poorly timed infrastructure bill.VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @wetalkaboutdeadpeopleFACEBOOK:…
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One man's land is stolen by a bank, so he steals the bank. It's a poetic tale as old as time.Guest host: Daniel "The Cleaner" StefferudVENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @wetalkaboutdeadpeopleFACEBOOK:…
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The two most notorious ghostbusters in history as told by We Talk About Dead People in the year 2152.Guest host: Daniel "The Cleaner" StefferudVENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @wetalkaboutdeadpeopleFACEBOOK: open.spotify…
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How many times can a man get injured and sent to England? Quite a few it turns out. This time on We Talk About Dead People, we wrap the hilarious and amazing story of Adrian Carton de Wiart - the world's only Belgian Waffleweapon.VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @wetalkaboutdeadpeopleFACEBOOK: www.faceb…
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You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it sure helps. Join me (Aaron C!) for a historical vignette into a labor crisis as examined by two prominent writers from the era and a discussion about working conditions in the modern world.VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @wetalkaboutdeadpeopleFACEBOOK: ww…
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Does myth shape history? How could one man change the story of the world? The answer may surprise you. The long-suffering William Tell episode finally appears to teach us about the importance of myth and truth - all at the same time. Listen for inspiration and courage!VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @w…
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What does a new historical period defined by technology look like? What could we be facing in the coming days of wrath? And what does popular science have to do with joining the Taliban?Find out in this WTADP Interview, where we speak with the lively and positive host of the Our Foundations podcast about the similarities between the Protestant Refo…
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The Cringe Indian Hospital Worker vs Chad Belgian Polo Enjoyer.A warrior denied a worthy fight finds hard lessons and action before the Great War would sweep across Europe.VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @wetalkaboutdeadpeopleFACEBOOK:…
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A short up-periscope ended abruptly by someone yelling about something.VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @wetalkaboutdeadpeopleFACEBOOK:…d12826…
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The World's Fair, Ancient Egypt, and historical resets - connected by esoteric architecture, consciousness, and the weird. WTADP dives deep into the world of alternate history and interrogates the mainstream historical narrative with researcher and writer Howdie Mickoski of Howdie Mickoski Talks. Were the World's Fair events Disney World for the mi…
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A ship designed to sink, a military ride-along with questions of his own, and the black of the abyssal sea. What could go wrong? Jacques Piccard is on deck for glory - or below deck playing chess and making coffee. VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @wetalkaboutdeadpeopleFACEBOOK:…
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When the whole world was alight with activity at the zenith of the scientific age, one aeronaut stood up and said: "Let's do this." This is the story of Auguste Piccard - the first man to touch the face of God.VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @wetalkaboutdeadpeopleFACEBOOK:…
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Another wild tale of adventure and confusion leaps from the tapestry of history! This is the story of the Bloody Baron of the Mongolian wastes, Roman von Ungern-Sternberg - a man who ascended to godhood and became the devil (or did he?) Hear tell of one who faced the Bolsheviks, the Chinese, homeless people, and pretty much everyone else all at onc…
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Why does everything feel miserable all the time? Is this normal? Or is there some kind of nefarious agenda designed to keep you in a state of fear? Turns out there is and it's LITERALLY a tale as old as time.VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @wetalkaboutdeadpeopleFACEBOOK:…
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Can the legendary William Tell episode ever be completed? Will George ever destroy the rats in his head? What the hell is wrong with the press? Answers to these questions and more on this halfisode of WTADP!โดย We Talk About Dead People Podcast
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Neil Eckart of War and Conquest podcast returns to avail us with the story of Nero, the absolute madman who pissed it all away and allegedly shredded lute while Rome burned to the ground.More War and Conquest: WTADP:VENMO TIP JAR: @wtadpPATREON: @wetalkaboutdeadpeo…
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