Learn about the differences between Alzheimer's and dementia, and how Alzheimer's disease progresses. We talk about why catching the disease early can make a big difference. Dr. Sharon Cohen and Dr. Yaakov Stern walk us through the stages of Alzheimer's disease, from when there are no symptoms to when memory issues start to show. They explain the stages of Alzheimer’s and how it develops over time. We also hear from Kelly, who explains her personal experiences and concerns about developing Alzheimer’s, and what she does about it. For links to resources and information covered in this series, visit our website at HealthUnmuted.com/resources What did you think of this episode? We’d love to hear from you. Please visit healthunmuted.com/feedback to let us know! Rethinking Alzheimer’s Disease was made possible with support from Eisai Inc. [00:00:00] Introduction [00:03:10] What's the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia? [00:07:04] When does Alzheimer’s begin to develop? [00:09:08] What is Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)? [00:10:36] What is subjective cognitive decline? [00:11:59] What is preclinical Alzheimer's disease? [00:13:13] Why is it important to detect Alzheimer’s disease early? Disclaimer: The content provided in this podcast is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Reliance on any information provided by this podcast or its guests is solely at your own risk. ©2024 Mission Based Media Ltd • April 2024 • AD-M2059…
Explore how to make new choices for better possibilities for you and your world. ♥♥Thank you♥♥ to all my listeners. Please enjoy and comment below. From the author of "SpeedManifesting" and "At the Speed of Beliefs." Filled with pragmatic teaching with stories and analogies to illustrate the concepts shared about the fluidity of beliefs to completely change the lives of people around the world.
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In our relationships we play roles and characters as an automatic way of being. Over time we get comfortable with a programmed triangle of archetypes. By examples around us, by media and movies and by what makes us feel good, we end up playing the Villain, the Victim or the Hero with our families, friends, foes and fondest. Isn't there another choi…
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Are you ready to attract the right relationship? You may think so, but until you have done the work to match your beliefs and vibration with the source of love, you may get sucked into an addictive relationship, especially if your heart is open and willing to give. Setting boundaries may sound heartless, but when you do that first, you are asking f…
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http://speed-manifesting.com When you want to receive bigger, better dreams and an expanded lifestyle, tune into 3 distinct stages so that you can receive better and faster. In today's 30 minute show we highlight the method of manifesting in the broadest sense: each of the 7 steps in the Speed Manifesting(TM) Method fits into these. Get a pen and p…
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https://speed-manifesting.com/books We have no manual for our times. Our greatest need is to be open to new possibilities and transcend old structures of beliefs. "What is true?" - is the greatest individual question and you are about to go on your own philosophical and spiritual ride in this book, exploring how your recurring old thoughts slow dow…
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How to manifest and how you will help turn around our planet, giving a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization, fearlessly and truthfully revealing the darkness on the planet and taking you through the question "How can we choose the light, even though we know the darkness?" http://speedmanifesti…
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"Superstitions and Overwhelm - Don't believe every theory." Ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people. Give a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization. Fearlessly and truthfully revealing the darkness on the planet and takig you through…
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With all the conspiracy theories, how do you know what is truth and what is dis-information or confusion from vocal and emotional friends? Ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people. Giving a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization. Fea…
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Our technologies are built on layers and layers of subsystems, all dependent on each other and electricity. We are digitizing our libraries, but will they be available later when one of those subsystems becomes obsolete through upgrades or changes? Ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our peop…
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Our current Western calendar is out of synch with the flow of the universe, and it has an effect on our subconscious and our organization. This is about trying a different calendar, based on the flow of life, but still logical and bridging between the Christian made Western one. This show series talks about ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it…
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Covered are various ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people. Gives a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization. Fearlessly and truthfully revealing the darkness on the planet and taking you through the question "How can we choose the l…
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Have you ever wanted to go back and change something in your life? There is a way, but it's not using Linear Time. It's about another dimension and how to use it. This show is about ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people. Gives a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new co…
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The power of imagination. Show talks about how Star Trek: Into the Darkness inspired to imagine a new future with anti-grav devices, that are coming soon. Ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people. Gives a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling ci…
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(apoligies for poor quality audio on this show, but it will be worth tolerating it!) In 2013 in San Francisco, news began surfacing about some secretive containers being built. It was an intriguing mystery: workers, Coast Guard and inspectors forced to sign non-disclosure agreements, for what? An Ark? By Google? But you wouldn't believe the name of…
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Magical Beliefs. If you had a Magic Wand, what would you create? From book "At the Speed of Beliefs." Explores different topics about beliefs.โดย speedmanifesting
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Show about learning your values and living by them as principles. Your values determine who you are and they may be used against you until you choose them consciously. Sometimes you have to choose between your values, and that's when your hierarchy of values is important. Exploring topics from book "At the SPEED of Beliefs."…
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http://speedmanifesting-book.com Questioning the oddities of our beliefs, this show covers situations that bring fear sometimes and courage others. Exploring topics from book "At the SPEED of BELIEFS ."โดย speedmanifesting
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There comes a time when you realize you are choosing Who You Are. Beyond that point, it becomes a conscious series of choices to drop parts of the old personality and build your character. What's a good basis of building? If you are not your personality, who are you now?โดย speedmanifesting
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Beliefs around your identity will create and allow, or reject your dream life. Show covering why you watch someone else in your life get what you asked for.โดย speedmanifesting
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The path from Doubt to Certainty has several stages.โดย speedmanifesting
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Have you ever heard someone say something that you knew wasn't true, but they said it like it was "the way life is"? Words solidify our beliefs until we create a maze we cannot seem to escape. Recognize beliefs in yourself and others as you listen to conversations.โดย speedmanifesting
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Once you find the area or belief to change, resistance comes up. Find out easy ways to change beliefs and how you can side-step with a belief until it expands into something that serves you, rather than holds you back. Buy SPEED Manifesting(TM) at http://speed-manifesting.comโดย speedmanifesting
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"Delays Equal Layers" Your 3 Degrees of Beliefs cause the slowdown of manifesting your dreams and goals. By understanding which types of beliefs add the most time to the gap, you can work on adjusting or releasing the beliefs that cause the most delay and switch into lightspeed. Buy SPEED Manifesting(TM) at https://speed-manifesting.com…
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"Three Degrees of Beliefs" How you form beliefs from incidental conclusions into realities. Experience, Observation or Generational Why beliefs Lie to you. Why the 3rd Degree is the most dangerous for our times. https://speed-manifesting.comโดย speedmanifesting
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How do you find and release the blocks and barriers to money? Your beliefs hold the key. They are hidden within the roles and responsibilities you have subconsciously assigned to money. When you become aware first, then you have choice. How to explore releasing and reforming the beliefs hidden or held firm, until you say "go!" https://speed-manifes…
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There is another world operating: at the core it's neither spiritual nor physical. It is the energetic power of agreement with money manifesting and it has become used and convoluted into a closed system of slavery. This show explores the real trading of money to grow with currency; how to contribute while receiving, how to command more while rulin…
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It's never too late. You are never too old to begin again. This show gives the first 3 steps with the foundation secrets to renew your life. Be ready to let go. Then hang onto your jiggly bits as your life speeds into a new gear. http://speedmanifesting.comโดย speedmanifesting
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Enjoy a quick show talking about an important Pivot Point story in life briefly with a "before story." This story offers encouragement and gives you the key to receiving what you have asked for. SPEED Manifesting inspiration. This is the Law of Attraction in overdrive!! Learn basic SPEED Manifesting free: www.speedmanifesting.com…
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Doing your best sometimes means just showing up and responding to what life is offering. Doing your best means acknowledging that you are accepting yourself and still here, still moving, so the job is yet to be complete. Doing your best means allowing life to play itself out right now, so that you can receive more. Learn basic SPEED Manifesting fre…
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Getting into the energy of Receiving is not reaching out and Getting. There is a subtle difference that makes ALL the difference. Explores true Receiving. ========================== Talk to Lori about your Manifesting! Sunday afternoons, Lori's new show to talk about manifesting from your perspective! Dial in to ask questions, get clarification, te…
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Once you make decisions about what you want, things begin to happen quickly. It may not feel like it when you are focused on the end result, so in The Waiting Space it's time to let go of the end vision; let go, process emotions and, observe yourself and others. ======================================== Learn basic SPEED Manifesting free: www.speedm…
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Today's theme is on Decisions, and how to make them. Using future-based vision and coming from a positive space within, making hard decisions becomes clear. Learn basic SPEED Manifesting free: www.speedmanifesting.comโดย speedmanifesting
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Learn basic SPEED Manifesting free: www.speedmanifesting.comโดย speedmanifesting
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