A journey visiting and re-visiting ALL of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in chronological order.
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A discussion about The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but also what Spidey represents and how fandom can lead to action. #blacklivesmatterhttps://medium.com/equality-includes-you/what-white-people-can-do-for-racial-justice-f2d18b0e0234Watch me interview Spidey fans https://ew.com/comic-con/2013/07/22/amazing-spider-man-2-cast-comic-con/…
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MAN I loved this movie!โดย My first name is Agent.
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It's bad, y'all.โดย My first name is Agent.
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Is it as good as you remember?โดย My first name is Agent.
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Go web go.โดย My first name is Agent.
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I loved this JK IT'S A FAKE OUT LIKE EVERYTHING IN THE MOVIEโดย My first name is Agent.
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Episode 31 - Avengers Endgame
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A win for feminism, and a win for Marvelโดย My first name is Agent.
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I couldn't have loved this more if I tried.โดย My first name is Agent.
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Season 5 was flawed and boring!!!!โดย My first name is Agent.
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Oh boy I loved this.โดย My first name is Agent.
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I did it!!!โดย My first name is Agent.
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Shuri Foreverโดย My first name is Agent.
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THE FRAMEWORK OMGโดย My first name is Agent.
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Not my Spider-Man.โดย My first name is Agent.
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THE BEST SEASONโดย My first name is Agent.
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An ode to Odin's son.โดย My first name is Agent.
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First time viewing!โดย My first name is Agent.
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Want to see me talk about this movie even more? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFn5A7aRc7c&list=PLrZNeJBBjGtebBz00F69hbqzvE570_pcg&index=8โดย My first name is Agent.
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There's more than one Ant Man??โดย My first name is Agent.
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Through the terrigen mist.โดย My first name is Agent.
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He's fast and she's weird.โดย My first name is Agent.
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We're the Guardians of the Galaxy, bitch.โดย My first name is Agent.
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Re-visiting the first season of one of my favorite shows.โดย My first name is Agent.
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I suffered through Thor: The Dark World, and you should not.โดย My first name is Agent.
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With sprinkled discussion about Cap's sexuality.โดย My first name is Agent.
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Can you dig it?โดย My first name is Agent.
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We made it!โดย My first name is Agent.
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Pay your respects to Phil Coulson. #justiceforbettyrossโดย My first name is Agent.
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The God of Thunder, and of my heart.โดย My first name is Agent.
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Oh boy did I not enjoy this movie. But the one-shots were fun!โดย My first name is Agent.
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I fell in love with Tony Stark.โดย My first name is Agent.
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A little discussion of 18 episodes of Margaret Elizabeth Carter.โดย My first name is Agent.
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Let's talk about Cap.โดย My first name is Agent.
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