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Soteriology 101 w/ Dr. Leighton Flowers

Dr. Leighton Flowers

Discussing the Biblical Doctrine of Salvation. Is Calvinism Correct? How about Arminianism? Or is the answer found somewhere in between? Sit in on our Online University Theology Classroom, Soteriology 101, as we unpack the doctrines of God's Amazing Grace. Other topics to include: Predestination, Election, Depravity, Atonement, Once saved always saved, and much more.
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Kurt, the Tallest Apologist, joins us to talk about why he left Calvinism! To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Newsletter here: www.soteriology101.com/newsletter Is Calvinism all Le…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, narrates a short video explaining how John 10 in no way supports the Calvinistic interpretation. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ …
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Dr. David Allen is back to discuss his latest book titled, "To the Jew First: Two-Part Romans: A Structural Game Changer?" which can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DL4QZVSR?ref_=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_78VWDBEN2VQABTCHW35E&skipTwisterOG=1&bestFormat=true To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers welcomes a student and advocate of the importance of our Old Testament scripture, Amber, of "When Deep Calls Deep," to discuss the significance of reading the Old Testament and the “Hebrew mind” that wrote it along with the flow of the story and patterns in those stories that replicate over and over. These vital stories are imp…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers reads your reviews, both the good and bad ones, so as to reply to some questions, answer some arguments and discuss future plans. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriolog…
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Ferris, from "How to be Christian," responded to my video on the Catholic interpretation of John 6 (seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRuYdMKa9i8&t=2374s) and today I will do my best to respond the the major points of our contention. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this b…
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David Bercot, an author, church historian, and founder of Scroll Publishing, a ministry that distributes material on the subjects of early Christianity and radical Christian discipleship, joins Warren McGrew and Leighton Flowers on today's broadcast to discuss whether or not Calvinism is historic Christianity. Here you can find a list of all David …
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Warren McGrew joins me again to respond to another really bad argument by a rogue Calvinist. We will specifically address the Calvinistic interpretation of Romans 8:7-9 as it relates to the "ordo salutis" (logical order of events in salvation) from the Reformed/Calvinistic perspective, which is based on logic that goes something like this: 1. If yo…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers responds to Ferris, from @howtobeChristian, on his understanding of John 6 as articulated in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trmHaBCR2zo&t=9s To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Sub…
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Dr. Jonathan Williams is back on to discuss his new book titled, "The Edomite Enigma: Esau, His Children, and Romans 9:10-13," which can be found here: https://www.wgsministries.org/enigma To learn more about Dr. Williams, check out his website at: www.wgsministries.org To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers joins the @idolkiller, Warren McGrew, for some ELECTION talk. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Newsletter here: www.soteriology101.com/newsletter Is Calvinis…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers responds to C. Jay (@TheCynicogue) and his recent attempt to confront a Provisionist reading of John 6:44. Seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkqz5Zi_91U As we will see, C. Jay has yet to understand the Provisionist's perspective well enough to actually confront it and thus created a rebuttal which is mostly "much todo …
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Dr. Leighton Flowers plays a clip from a pastor’s Q&A broadcast which demonstrates why Calvinism is impractical, untenable and most importantly unbiblical. To watch the video we will be addressing, go to 2:05.00 on this link: https://www.youtube.com/live/jNKwUpACp-A?si=q5sysCO9bjnfOszk To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go he…
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To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Newsletter here: www.soteriology101.com/newsletter Is Calvinism all Leighton talks about? https://soteriology101.com/2017/09/22/is-calvinism-all-…
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The Biblical Rogues Gallery, hosted by TRINITY RADIO, is walking through Romans and in this episode Dr. Leighton Flowers joins the discussion to tackle Romans 9, specifically the section that seems to suggest God may HATE the unborn baby named Esau. Does He really?!? Join us as we discuss, debate and deliberate the meaning of this controversial tex…
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Dr. John Piper recently was asked the question, "Is it foolish to ride a motorcycle?" And then he proceeded to ask for clarification on whether it is right to take risks given the belief that God micromanages everything anyway. Dr. Leighton Flowers confronts some of the unbiblical assumptions of Calvinism baked into Piper's answers. To hear the ori…
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Richard Coords, of examiningcalvinism.com, is back with Dr. Leighton Flowers to discuss a recent teaching from a popular pastor named Myron Golden on Romans 9 (seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApkQbtENv5E&t=883s) We discuss the Provisionist interpretation of Romans 9 in contrast to the Calvinistic teaching presented by Pastor Myron. To ge…
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Dr. Flowers is back on Phil Bair's broadcast, The Cross To Bair, talking about Divine Decrees and Determinism. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Newsletter here: www.soteriology10…
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Warren and Leighton discuss their plans to hold each other accountable on their new diet. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Newsletter here: www.soteriology101.com/newsletter Is C…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers continues reviewing Matthew Cserhati's book titled, "A Critique of Provisionism: A Response to Leighton Flowers's 'The Potter's Promise.'" Chapter 1 of Matthew's book is titled, "The Character of God and Man," in which many inconsistencies and faulty arguments prevail, as we will discuss in detail. To see the first rebuttal vid…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers welcomes Richard Coords of examiningcalvinism.com to talk through the 3 most popular proof texts used to defend Calvinism: John 6, Romans 9 and Ephesians 1. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ …
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Dr. Leighton Flowers responds to a book recently published by Matthew Cserhati titled, "A Critique of Provisionism: A Response to Leighton Flowers's 'The Potter's Promise.'" Join us as we demonstrate how Matthew's arguments never get off the ground by surviving even the most basic level of unbiased scrutiny. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers welcomes back Lou Ruggiero to discuss how Acts 10 completely debunks the claims of Reformed Calvinistic theology. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Newsletter…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers welcomes back Bobby Conway, from christianitystillmakessense.com, to talk about his book titled, "Does Christianity Still Make Sense?" You can grab your copy of Bobby's book here: https://a.co/d/9pkqRs8 To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please cl…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers introduces Richard, the Redeemed Zoomer, by walking through one of his videos on Calvinism (seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DptKWFvDsqE) in order to prepare the audience for a discussion LIVE on Trinity Radio immediately following, which can be found HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WKbMxwRo4o To get your copy …
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Dr. Leighton Flowers discusses the recent assassination attempt of Donald Trump by a 20 year old named Thomas Crooks, and the many social media posts claiming Divine intervention with links to Ephesians 6:11, and other questionable theological conclusions--all of which speak to the subject of God's sovereignty! Did God decree all this? If so, why? …
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Dr. Leighton Flowers walks through some recent exchanges on Twitter X after producing a poll which asked... TRUE OR FALSE: "IF CALVINISM IS TRUE, then my unwillingness to adopt Calvinism is just as under the sovereign control of God as the reprobate’s unwillingness to adopt Christianity." An overwhelming majority of Calvinists replied "true" and Dr…
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Dr. Flowers joins Phil Bair on his broadcast "The Cross to Bair" to talk about whether Calvinism teaches another Gospel. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Newsletter here: www.sot…
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Once again, Dr. White has brought yet another critique of Provisionism on a recent Dividing Line broadcast, seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTpU0VN0P-s&t=1885 To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscrib…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers responds to yet another critique brought by Dr. James White on his most recent Dividing Line broadcast, seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v91Xi1MhK7U&t=2216s Join us as we talk about the role of the Holy Spirit in our salvation, as well as James White's continued misunderstanding/misrepresentation of our main points of…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers demonstrates once again why Calvinism, if it's in error, does great damage to the evangelistic and apologetic efforts of Christians by looking at a recent exchange with an Atheistic Granny and a Calvinistic believer. To watch the video we will be responding to, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b709n2YX1Ps&t=3024s Recomm…
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Dr. Flowers first ever simulcast with Idol Killer, Warren McGrew, to discuss #BaalGate and non-elect infants. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Is Calvinism all Leighton talks about? https://soteriology101.com/201…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers plays a video from the Rogue Calvinist, who continues to put out gross misrepresentations of Leighton and Soteriology 101 all the while claiming we are ones doing the misrepresenting. Let's put that accusation to the test. To see the video to which we are responding, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B9pN0ufU8Q To get y…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers responds (with an apology) to a recent review of the debate over John 6:44 with James White put out by Jeff Durbin, the pastor of White's home church, @ApologiaStudios, which can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l2P_vld4vs&t=1319s Flowers also walks through the review to help explain what Jeff and his friends are …
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Dr. Leighton Flowers responds to the most recent Dividing Line broadcast by James White, who critiques the Provisionist view of Romans 5, Federal Headship, and human intuition, followed by some other things. JOIN US LIVE! To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPORT this broadcast please click…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers welcomes one of his theological heroes of the faith, Dr. Malcolm Yarnell, to discuss his new book titled, "Theology for Every Person." To order a copy of Dr. Yarnell's new book, click here: https://a.co/d/3xz4wp5 To hear Dr. Yarnell preach on Romans 9, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOUkUeWSogc Malcolm Yarnell serves …
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Dr. Leighton Flowers reviews the reviewer, Nate of The Wise Disciple, who offered what he thinks is an objective critique of the recent debate over John 6:44 with James White. Join us and judge for yourself if Nate is as objective as he thinks he is. To get your copy of Dr. Flowers new book, Drawn By Jesus, go here: https://a.co/d/6s767Ey To SUPPOR…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers responds to yet another video put out by James White bringing charges against Provisionism. Despite the fact that Dr. Flowers is merely answering the arguments and conspiracy theories White is repeatedly propagating on social media, White has the audacity to accuse Flowers of being the one doing "damage control" or being "obses…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers welcomes a Biblical scholar to talk about errors that he believes both Dr. Flowers and Dr. White made in their debate over John 6. Dr. Joel Korytko was a Calvinist for over 10 years, graduated with a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD equivalent) from Oxford, and now is an Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Northwest Seminary…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers walks through the major points of contention in the debate with James White over whether or not Jesus taught the Calvinistic doctrine of Unconditional Election in John 6:44. Was the question about infants who die relevant to the topic of debate? What are the "talking points" that White is attempting to promote in order to refra…
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James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries and Leighton Flowers of Soteriology 101 will take a hyper-focused look at John's Gospel and exactly what it means when Jesus says, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them." This was a formal, moderated debate. Thank you to our host, @firstlutheranhouston6033 TIMESTAMPS: (00:00): Intr…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers makes some predictions about tonight's debate with Dr. James White over: "Does John 6:44 Teach Unconditional Election." He also walks through some of the major points of contention and issues that viewers should be aware of prior to watching the debate. To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/su…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers plays a clips from a recent broadcast from Doxalogic Podcast, where a group defended Calvinism's view of Compatibilism without really saying anything that distinguishes Calvinism from the rest of Christianity, and while seeming to dismiss logical coherence as important when coming to one's interpretation of scripture. Watch the…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers goes over some recent exchanges with Calvinists over the idiomatic use of the word "dead" in scripture along with how Deut 30 relates to Paul's teaching in Romans 10. To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Newsletter here: www.soteriology101.com/newslet…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers answers soteriological questions sent in by listeners and engages with your comments and questions LIVE! To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Newsletter here: www.soteriology101.com/newsletter Is Calvinism all Leighton talks about? https://soteriology…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers welcomes Jason Breda, from Living Christian, to discuss his journey away from Calvinism after a decade of believing TULIP soteriology. To learn more about Jason, go here: https://www.youtube.com/@LivingChristian To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Ne…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers responds to a recent video put out by Dr. John Piper, of Desiring God Ministries, which can be seen here: https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/if-god-desires-all-to-be-saved-why-arent-they If God expresses a desire for all to be saved, why aren't they? Does God fail to get what He desires? To SUPPORT this broadcast, please cl…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers welcomes back Warren McGrew to theology geek out on 2 Thess 2:10 as it relates to a recent comment made by Dr. James White on Twitter. To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Newsletter here: www.soteriology101.com/newsletter Is Calvinism all Leighton ta…
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Join a LIVE round table discussion over Provisionism, Calvinism, Arminianism and all matters related to our Soteriology! Submit related questions into the side chat on YouTube and we will do our best to engage. To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the Soteriology 101 Newsletter here: www.sot…
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Dr. Leighton Flowers plays a recent clip from the Dividing Line broadcast by Dr. James White in which he critiques Dr. Frank Turek's teachings on Soteriology. You can watch the original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtPC1moEK30&t=5571s To SUPPORT this broadcast, please click here: https://soteriology101.com/support/ Subscribe to the S…
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