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Sharper Iron, hosted by Rev. Timothy Appel, looks at the text of Holy Scripture both in its broad context and its narrow detail, all for the sake of proclaiming Christ crucified and risen for sinners. Two pastors engage with God’s Word to sharpen not only their own faith and knowledge, but the faith and knowledge of all who listen. Sharper Iron is underwritten by Lutheran Church Extension Fund, where your investments help support the work of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit
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show series
In response to Haman’s wicked plot, Mordecai and the people of God throughout Persia mourn and repent, as seen in their outward appearance and actions. Esther, unaware of the plot, attempts to clothe Mordecai properly, but he refuses. As they converse via messengers, Mordecai makes Esther aware of what Haman has decreed against the people of God an…
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When King Ahasuerus elevates Haman above all other Persian officials, Mordecai refuses to bow before Haman, likely due to religious realities. In fury, Haman begins to plot to destroy not only Mordecai but the entire people of God to which Mordecai belongs. At this point, however, Haman’s fury does not overwhelm him. He patiently casts lots to find…
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After a delay due to military campaigns, King Ahasuerus remembers what had happened with Vashti and decides to find a new prized queen. Among those taken into the king’s palace was a young Judean woman, Esther, an orphan who had been raised by her cousin, Mordecai. Mordecai helps Esther navigate a terribly difficult situation. Eventually, Esther is…
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The book of Esther starts with the opulent and extravagant party given by King Ahasuerus of Persia. As the king and his officials feast and drink to excess, Ahasuerus’ beautiful and prized queen, Vashti, refuses her husband’s attempt to objectify her. When the king does not know what to do, his advisors tell him to issue a proclamation putting Vash…
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"For Such a Time As This” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the book of Esther. Although God is never explicitly named in the book of Esther, He remains the One who directs all the events of the book. Happenings that seem coincidence, chance, or luck are truly God at work. He puts Mordecai and Esther in the right places and moments to w…
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After Nehemiah had gone back to the court of King Artaxerxes for a time, he returned to Jerusalem to find God’s people in need of continued instruction and correction. Although they had promised to remain faithful to the LORD by caring for His house, observing the Sabbath, and avoiding intermarriage with idolaters, God’s people had fallen into sin …
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Another list of people who had returned Jerusalem includes information about the roles they fulfilled, especially within the worship life of God’s people. Because the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem was more than a secular construction project, the people of God dedicate the completed work with singing and great joy. Multiple choirs lead the pe…
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Although Jerusalem’s walls had been rebuilt, few people were living in the city itself. The leaders first moved into Jerusalem, and the rest of the people willingly participated in the casting of lots to allow the LORD to determine the rest of the city’s residents. The list of the people who moved into Jerusalem, as well as those who remained in th…
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As the people prepare to renew the covenant with the LORD, they seal their names before Him. The clergy and the laity, the leaders and the people, all join to enter into a curse and an oath to walk in God’s Law given to Moses. In view of their history that led to their exile in the first place, the people particularly make promises concerning inter…
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Having heard the Word of God, the people gathered in Jerusalem join in prayer to the LORD. They bless the LORD’s name for His acts of mercy throughout their history. He showed mercy in making a covenant with Abraham. He showed mercy in delivering Israel from Egypt. He showed mercy by providing for their well-being in the wilderness. Even when Israe…
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With the walls of Jerusalem complete, the people of God now gather to hear the Word of God. Ezra the scribe and many helpers provided that the Word of God be read and proclaimed to the people from early morning until midday. As the people gave their attention to all that God said, Nehemiah and the Levites encouraged the people to rejoice. Not only …
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As Nehemiah prepares to take a census of the people of Judah in preparation for people to move into Jerusalem, he finds the record of those who had returned at the edict of Cyrus almost 100 years ago. Although the list had been recorded previously in Ezra 2, the list is recorded again in this place as a reminder of the faithfulness of previous gene…
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As the construction of the wall of Jerusalem nears completion, opposition against Nehemiah and the people of God grows. Nehemiah wisely recognizes the plots of his enemies and refuses to yield to their threats and intimidation. Even though the enemies of God’s people find allies within Judah, Nehemiah refuses to fall into sin and prays that the LOR…
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Trouble for the people of God never comes only from without; trouble also arises from within. In Nehemiah’s time, even as the wall of Jerusalem was under construction, members of God’s people were oppressing the poor in Israel through the exaction of usury. Nehemiah takes time away from the important building project to deal with this even-more-imp…
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The work on Jerusalem’s walls brings anger and mockery from the opponents of the people of God. Nehemiah and the people of Judah draw strength from God through prayer, and they refuse to stop. Such a faithful response brings about plans for a secret attack by the opposition, and morale in Israel begins to waver. Nehemiah responds with both prayer a…
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After Nehemiah’s inspection of the wall, the people begin to work. The list of workers shows the willingness of God’s people to do the labor needed. Although the areas of expertise of the workers varied, together they recognized the need and participated in the construction of the walls of Jerusalem. Although the various locations of gates and sect…
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Nehemiah spends three months in prayer and preparation for the LORD gives him an opportunity to present his request to Artaxerxes. When the moment arrives, Nehemiah utters yet another brief prayer and asks Artaxerxes to send him to Jerusalem. God answers Nehemiah’s prayer as Artaxerxes agrees. When Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem, he discreetly inspe…
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Like the book of Ezra, the book of Nehemiah details both the physical restoration of the city of Jerusalem and the spiritual restoration of the faith of God’s people. Nehemiah, the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia, receives word that the city walls of Jerusalem remain in ruins, even many years after the temple had been rebuilt. Recognizing th…
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Ezra’s prayer of confession is taken to heart by the people of Israel. They join with him in confession, evidenced by the request of Shecaniah for Ezra to instruct the people to live from this day forward in repentance. After a night of fasting, Ezra calls all the returned exiles to gather in Jerusalem, and they faithfully come. As they gather in t…
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Soon after Ezra’s arrival, the officials of the returned exiles bring to the faithful scribe an urgent need for spiritual care. They admit to Ezra their faithlessness of intermarriage with the idolaters of the land of Canaan. Ezra’s initial response is mourning and repentance, and that evening he turns to the LORD in prayer. Recognizing God’s undes…
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Ezra lists the heads of households who make the journey to Jerusalem with him. These people are known not only to Ezra, but also to the LORD. The list especially emphasizes the needed workers for service in the temple. Prior to beginning the journey, the people fast in humility for three days in order to rely solely on God for their safe travel. Th…
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The book of Ezra jumps forward in history over fifty years to the time of Ezra himself. During the reign of Artaxerxes of Persia, Ezra the priest goes up from Babylon to Jerusalem, bringing with him many of the workers needed for the services of the temple. Ezra is described as a scribe, one whose heart was set to study, do, and teach the Law of th…
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Due to accurate record keeping in Persian libraries, King Darius of Persia discovers that Cyrus had previously decreed that the temple in Jerusalem be rebuilt. Darius therefore commands that the work be completed without any opposition. Through these pagan rulers and the faithful work of His people, the LORD provided that His temple was finally reb…
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After about ten years of delay in completing the work of rebuilding the temple, the LORD sent Haggai and Zechariah. These prophets urged the people to pick up once again the work of rebuilding the temple. Zerubbabel and Jeshua led the way. Opposition arose once again, but the faithful people of God did not stop their work. Even as they waited for a…
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When the people of Judah began to return from exile, the people of the land approached them in order to ask to participate in the rebuilding of the temple. The people of the land were Samaritans, people living in the former northern kingdom who had intermingled true religion with false religion in the aftermath of the Assyrian conquest. The faithfu…
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During the second festival half of Israel’s church year, the returnees from exile gather in Jerusalem. Led by the faithful priest Jeshua and the faithful layman Zerubbabel, they begin the temple’s reconstruction with the altar, for the sake of beginning anew the sacrifices by which the LORD distributed His forgiveness. The following year, work on t…
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Long lists in the Scriptures may seem unnecessary or uninteresting to modern readers. Yet lists such as the one in this chapter remind us that the LORD works in real history for real people. He knows His people by name, and He is the One who fulfills His promise for them. The initial number of those who returned from exile is rather small, and yet,…
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Cyrus’ foreign policy of allowing conquered peoples to go to their homes was unique in the ancient world, but it was not an accident of history. In fulfillment of what He had spoken through the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, the LORD stirred up Cyrus to make this decree. Cyrus’ decree in 538 BC allowed the people of Judah, who had been exiled in Bab…
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"God Brings His People Home” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. After 70 years in exile, the LORD began to fulfill His promise to bring His people back to the Promised Land. In the years that followed, faithful clergy and dedicated laity worked together to rebuild Jerusalem physically and restore the peopl…
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As the heavenly messenger draws the vision to a conclusion for Daniel, He relates the time of the final judgment and the resurrection of all flesh, both the just and the unjust. The heavenly messenger then instructs Daniel to seal these words until the end. As Daniel continues to look and listen, he does not understand all that he hears. However, t…
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The heavenly messenger relates the vision to Daniel. He briefly describes the reign of the kings of Persia, which will be brought to an end by the kingdom of Greece. Yet Alexander’s rule would be quickly broken and divided among four smaller kingdoms. The heavenly messenger focuses Daniel, especially on two of these kings—those of the south (Egypt)…
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This section introduces the vision that Daniel recounts in chapter 11. After Daniel had mourned and fasted during the time of the Passover, a man clothed in linen comes to Daniel. This man’s appearance is heavenly; He likely is the pre-incarnate Christ. Daniel’s reaction is fitting; he falls down and loses all strength. The touch and the word of th…
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The Day of Pentecost is a highlight within the Church Year, as Christians rejoice that Jesus has kept His promise to send His Holy Spirit. All the signs that accompanied the outpouring of the Spirit in Acts 2 drew the attention of those gathered in Jerusalem for the festival. Many wondered what was happening, and some mocked the disciples. Peter st…
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After reading the LORD’s Word concerning the exile from the prophet Jeremiah, Daniel turns to the one true God in prayer. He makes no excuses for the sins of the people, but confesses their idolatry and neglect of His Word. Daniel pleads before the LORD, not because the people are righteous, but because the LORD is righteous, merciful, and faithful…
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Daniel recounts another vision he receives, in which he sees himself in Susa near the Ulai canal. At first, a ram with two horns of different heights charges in multiple directions, and no one can stand against him. Next, a male goat with one horn between his eyes comes with great speed and tramples on the ram. However, the goat’s horn is soon brok…
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The second half of the book of Daniel relates several visions that Daniel received. The first of these, recorded in Daniel 7, includes four beasts that arise out of the sea. These four beasts correspond to four coming kingdoms, just like the four metals that comprised the statue of which Nebuchadnezzar dreamed in Daniel 2. As Daniel’s vision contin…
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As the Persian kingdom begins its dominance over Babylon, Daniel is now an old man. Nonetheless, he is given a distinguished place in the reign of Darius. Out of jealousy toward Daniel, other officials look to oust him by means of his faithfulness to the LORD. They trick Darius into making a law requiring idolatrous prayer, and as they expect, Dani…
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King Belshazzar, co-regent of Babylon at the end of its mighty empire, hosted a party for all his lords in which he used the sacred vessels of the LORD’s temple as wine goblets in honor of idols. The appearance of a human hand, writing on the wall, filled Belshazzar with fear. When none of the wise men of Babylon could interpret the writing, the qu…
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King Nebuchadnezzar issues a decree concerning the way in which the one true God revealed that His dominion is the only everlasting kingdom. Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that troubled him; he saw a mighty tree that grew tall and provided shelter for many animals. Yet a watcher from heaven came down and proclaimed that this tree would be cut down and …
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Perhaps incorrectly inspired by his dream of a statue, Nebuchadnezzar builds an enormous golden statue. He issues a decree that all people must bow down to worship it at the sound of any music. The penalty for disobedience is death in a fiery furnace. Some of the king’s pagan advisors, jealous of the high standing of the Judean exiles Shadrach, Mes…
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Nebuchadnezzar has a troubling dream that he commands his pagan advisors to both tell him and interpret for him. When they admit that they cannot, he is prepared to execute them all. Daniel intercedes on their behalf and prays, along with his three friends, that the LORD will make the matter known. The LORD answers their prayer, and Daniel gives th…
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The book of Daniel begins in 605 BC with the first exiles Nebuchadnezzar took from Judah to Babylon. These initial exiles were from the upper echelons of Judean society, in a Babylonian effort to begin to assimilate the people under their culture and religion. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were four young men brought into the king’s palace…
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"God’s Kingdom Endures Forever” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through the book of Daniel. Although God’s people were exiled in Babylon, the LORD remained the true King. He strengthened His people for faithful confession in the face of idolatry, and through prophetic visions and dreams revealed that He would establish His everlasting Kingdom…
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The prophet Isaiah’s vision is brought to glorious fulfillment as he describes Judgment Day. On that Day, the LORD’s fire will burn against those who have refused His gifts and turned to the foolishness of idolatry. Both idolatry and idolaters will meet their end. In this way, the LORD gives security and peace to His people. As He gathers the natio…
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Isaiah speaks in a riddle: a child is born before the labor pains begin! In this way, He describes the sudden blessing of the LORD upon His people, as He gives children to Mother Zion. This blessing comes through the male Child promised here and earlier in Isaiah and fulfilled in the birth of Jesus in the New Testament. The LORD has brought His peo…
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The LORD confronts His people with the reality that He is the Creator of all things and of the new heavens and new earth. Rather than seeing their worship as something that they must do for Him (for He needs nothing from them), they must come before Him in humility, contrition, and trembling at His Word, which He speaks as His gift to them. Those w…
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Using the same language as He did in Genesis 1, the LORD speaks about His creation of the new heavens and the new earth, which will bring great joy to His people. Here, He will give to them eternal life and fruitful labor, and no enemies will harm them. He will dwell with them to hear their prayers, and all creation will live at peace in the LORD’s…
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In this beautiful hymn written especially for the 2nd Sunday of Easter, John of Damascus proclaims that the rescue that God gave to Israel through the Exodus has been fulfilled in the rescue God has given to us through the resurrection of Jesus. The winter of sin and death has come to an end; new life has risen in Christ. For this reason, the faith…
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The LORD responds to His people’s prayer by reminding them that He was ready for them to seek and find Him in the ways that He had chosen to reveal Himself to them. Even as He spread His hands out to them, they engaged in all kinds of idolatrous practices that made them smoke in His nostrils. To His servants who respond to this rebuke in repentance…
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Isaiah leads the people of Israel in prayer, lament, and confession before the LORD. They call upon the LORD as their Father, asking Him to see them as His children, even though they have strayed. They acknowledge that He has sent them into exile and made them as those who are not called upon His name. Still, they pray that He would tear open the c…
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